Mass Hate Crime Murders in Charleston, SC

No matter what path you walk, there is a basic truth that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control are the 9 spiritual fruits, the evidence seen in how we live – indeed, why we live.   Last night in Charleston, South Carolina, people gathered in the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church for prayer. Nine of them were murdered. ABC reports that at least one is in the hospital wounded.

May their spilled blood produce the fruits of righteous judgment and spring forth trees of love.


Rev. Pinckney

Reported early is that among the victims is Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney, who was also a Democratic State Senator. Rev. Pinckney was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1996 at the age of 23. In 2000, at the age of 27, he was elected to the State Senate. He was one of the youngest persons and the youngest African-American in South Carolina to be elected to the State Legislature. His committee assignments included Senate Finance, Banking and Insurance, Transportation, Medical Affairs and Corrections and Penology. He and his wife Jennifer have two children.

Police say the suspect is a clean-shaven white man in his 20s, with a slender build. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt, blue jeans and boots.

Police Chief Gregory Mullen said in a statement that the shooting is being investigated as a hate crime.

“This is the most unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy,” Mayor Joe Riley Jr. said early Thursday, saying the gunman had to be a “hate-filled person.”



Posted on 06/18/2015, in Emmanuel 9, Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 156 Comments.

  1. WTF? Is this the 60’s again?
    RIP *sigh*


  2. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


    • Jueseppi, thanks for the reblog, dear friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mr. Militant Negro

        I am ready to leave AmeriKKKlan right now.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Hawaii has been calling my name for a long time, but that is still the U.S. At least the natives are respected and run most things there. I no longer feel safe and free on the mainland.

          Liked by 4 people

          • When I did my Reiki and Hawaiian healing training it was all done in Hawaii. It’s awesome. And I am ready to go back myself..

            Liked by 1 person

          • Shyloh,
            We MUST take a trip to Hawaii together.
            Hula dance

            Liked by 1 person

          • Two sides to a story

            So distressing! I’m also fed up on this country’s obsession with violence. We have plenty of home-grown terrorism and should attend to our own disease first.

            Liked by 4 people

          • Hey Two sides! I’m wondering — when some people exercise their constitutional rights to deprive others of their constitutional rights and indeed, of life itself, what do we do?

            Liked by 1 person

          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Xena, I have been thinking of you all day after you commented

            ” I no longer feel safe and free on the mainland.”

            I breaks my heart so deeply to know the impact this has had on you. I ache for you and wish I could give you a real hug. But, here is a cyber one for you:

            (((((Hug))))) with tears and supportive caring.

            Liked by 1 person

        • I keep telling my wife Mexico is not that far from us and at the rate its going I want our younger generation to have a future. The recent trend with the Michael Dunns, George Zimmermans, Darren Wilsons and Michael Slagers America has made it clear that if you’re a person of color America believes they have the right to kill you for being a person of color.

          It’s going to be really interesting to learn more about this kid, what empowered him to think he could pull this off? what inspired him? what sort of ideology did he have?

          Liked by 5 people

  3. Liked by 1 person

  4. Clean shaven, as in skinhead?

    These poor people.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Disgusting.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. The people in the church didn’t stand a chance. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. They have photos of the murderer.


  8. May the all rest in peace. This senseless violence needs to stop!!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Xena, I totally understand. Puerto Rico calls me …. But, like Hawaii, still US. No better than here. I know, I feel a desire to flee!

    Liked by 2 people

    • scrodriguez

      My mother is from San Juan and yes that too would be an option but I believe its going to soon become an official state may as well be considered one already as the Navy has basically stole the Island IMO

      Liked by 2 people

      • scrodriguez …. I’m not sure that may happen anytime soon, become a state. Have you heard about this book: “War on All Puerto Ricans”? It’s been the #1 seller in Amazon for the last 3 months. It’s a very good, researched, documented book about PR’s independence movement. Strongly recommend it. I’m reading for the 2nd time.

        Liked by 2 people

        • scrodriguez

          I will pick that one up I do recall in the 90s somehow Navy Missiles ended up in apartment complexes ect… and nobody was being held accountable

          Liked by 1 person

          • Many “accidents” happened while the navy trained. The “drop that filled the cup” was when a private security guard was killed by a missiles while working & this started a mass protest, one of the many. This one eventually was the one that got the navy out.
            May I ask, your mom is from SJ. Where’s your dad from?
            I always wondered because of your name. Xena mentioned and posted about your “situation” and I knew the name was Spanish.
            Since you are half PR, you will find this book interesting & maybe unsettling.
            I was born & raised in PR, grew up very “Americanized”. Move to FL in ’99.
            Took me all this time to really learn this part of the history of PR. This isn’t taught in school.
            I’m looking forward to your thoughts when you ready it.
            There’s a blog called “War on All Puerto Ricans”, if you are interested.
            Seems we may have a connection.

            Liked by 2 people

          • I will be ordering it soon, thanks for the recommendation I just finished a book called El Cinco De Mayo An American Tradition. very good book my father is From Sinaloa Mex.The book that I just finished wow, amazing history regarding Mexico during the times when President Lincolon freed the slaves.

            How Mexico was dealing with war on three different fronts the Spanish the french and the confederacy who was assisting the US in pushing the border south in hopes to get new slaves out of the deal because Lincolon just freed the Slaves that were stolen from Africa highly recommend that book as its a good read on US and Mexican history allot I did not know

            So being the book you recommend is PR history would love to read that as well but it seems to me the more truth I learn about this nations history the more upset I get learning just how violent and cold blooded the founding fathers of this Nation really were.


          • Dear friend … that’s the problem about looking back into history!! Your book sound interesting! Think I will order it.

            You said it perfectly .. the more I learn about this nation’s history, the more upset I get too. I would also like to find books detailing the relationship of Guam & the Philippines and the USA.
            Cuba, PR, Guam & the Philippines were bounties of the Spanish American war of 1898 …. I think something similar must have happened. Also Hawaii …..
            Seems to me the US is not what I was taught it is … sad! 😦

            On another note, a book I would NEVER buy is A. Coulter’s “Adios America” … from a post I read, it’s full of hate against Hispanics. Full of lies … and along the lines of Limbaugh’s thoughts.

            Thanks for your recommendation. Have a great day. Nice talking to you!! Peace … hugs!!

            Liked by 1 person

          • scrodriguez

            it can all be tied back to British Imperialism it isnt just Mexico Puerto Rico Guam and Hawaii we have bases all over the world in nations that do not want us to be there and there is a reason for that control the land control the resources and if you control that you control the masses.

            Nice discussing this with you if you get a chance to read that book let me know or if you want my copy ill send it to you


          • It is very nice chatting with you. Agree … it’s all about control and land grab. As I read the PR book, I couldn’t help thinking that what I was reading was exactly what is going on in the Middle East .. that’s why they are there … oil/land grab!!

            I don’t remember right now but PR is an island 100/34 miles. And they had thee most number of bases these. The Navy had the largest on in the world near Vieques …. it was called Roosevelt Roads. All are closed now.
            I was going to order the book but if you’d sent it, that’d be awesome. TY!!!



          • This is the link to the PR blog ….

            Liked by 1 person

      • The navy stole Vieques, a little island in the north east. The USA stole Puerto Rico as a whole! Still doing it …

        Liked by 2 people

        • scrodriguez


          Liked by 1 person

          • The island is quite small. The Navy took over 2/3 of it. People have always lived there. They had to put up with all the explosions, live ammo. The environment … sea and land … has been damaged and there are many incidences of people developing all kinds of cancer.
            The fact that the Navy left, hasn’t solved the problem. It’s all so sad …

            Please, let me know when you read the book.

            Liked by 3 people

  10. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Hate crimes …. historical. Lessons never learned!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. yahtzeebutterfly


  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    The hate and racism today in America has put the country into a state of dire emergency.

    My heart is reaching out to the loved ones of the church members who were horrifically massacred by the evil, racist terrorist.

    I mourned with and hold close in spirit the Black community across the U.S. and all that they are experiencing within their very being as they react emotionally to the implications of this evil act.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. yahtzeebutterfly

    LE has identified the killer:

    Information (with license plate #) here:


  14. He goes into a black church and says: “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” But I bet FOX News will not call him a thug or a terrorist.

    This has me so distraught!!!

    Liked by 6 people

  15. yahtzeebutterfly

    Dylan Roof now in custody.

    President Obama to speak to nation at 11:45.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. He’s been caught!!!

    Roof was arrested in March on drug charges, and faced a trespassing offense in April. AND I BET FOX STILL WON’T CALL HIM A “THUG!”

    In a picture on his Facebook page, he is wearing a jacket with the emblems of apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe. Another photograph being circulated by Roof’s friends depicts the suspect posing in front of a car with front license plate reading “Confederate States of America.” AND I BET FOX STILL WON’T CALL HIM A TERRORIST OR SAY IT IS A HATE CRIME

    Liked by 5 people

  17. Call him what he is…a thug, a criminal, terrorist, hate crime murderer.

    Liked by 7 people

  18. Turns out on March 16th 2015 Dylann Roof was arrested for felony drug possession the case is still pending as discovery just took place one month ago.
    So how is it possible this young man was allowed to get his hands on a gun when he was arrested for drug possession? again the system has failed the American public

    Liked by 5 people

    • His father bought it for him for his 21st birthday.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Rachael is correct…the father bought it for him…one of the loop holes in the system, you can gift a gun.


      • scrodriguez

        But can you gift a gun to a person who was facing felony charges at the time?


        • Actually it takes a conviction not just an arrest…..remember innocent until proven guilty….although it wouldn’t be a bad idea to include arrests to prevent a sale until outcome of a trial.

          But if the racist, terrorist had been 19 and his father bought him a gun, most states allow a gifting to an underage person.

          They are now saying the father gave him money for his b-day and the racist, terrorist bought it legally on his own. He wasn’t in the system because he had not been convicted of a felony. But there is an issue about drugs and whether or not he answered the questions correctly or lied. A drug addict can’t buy a gun but who knows unless you are in the system to find it in a check….so a person lies and no one knows.


  19. kindheart101

    Almost every church in Charleston opened their doors for everyone to come together in mourning, faith and prayer. When I arrived at my church it was so full I had to park on the street. I stood in line for close to an hour waiting to light a candle for the 9 precious lives ripped from their loved ones, murdered because of the color of their skin. Though I knew only a few people there, we were all of one mind, heart, body and soul. There is going to be a massive gathering at the College of Charleston campus tomorrow night, which myself and several friends are going to attend.

    It just seems with every passing day this crazy world is becoming more hate filled than the last.

    Tears……many tears

    Liked by 5 people

  20. And of course, FOX thinks the answer is MORE guns.

    Thank goodness for President Obama: “Once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.”

    “This Type Of Mass Violence Does Not Happen In Other Advanced Countries”

    Liked by 7 people

  21. Why would you give your racist, mentally unstable son a gun for his birthday?

    “FOX News has already begun spinning this story as an “attack on Christianity” instead of using this opportunity for a productive discussion about race and gun proliferation in our nation- as they do every single time one of these horrible incidents occurs. The right-wing propaganda machine perpetrates subliminal racism twenty four hours a day, but refuse to take any responsibility for these terrible deaths. America has a race problem, and we need to recognize that. It’s an abhorrent discrepancy that this shooter was taken alive after killing nine, while Tamir Rice was shot on sight for playing in a public park.”

    Liked by 4 people

  22. This is before his arrest was confirmed, but it’s informative about his background.


    • We also see the governor has the confederate flag flying at capital building. it’s almost unbelievable that any government property is allowed to post that pos!
      we are taxpayers, this is OUR country & that capital building is OURS!
      It has to be taken OFF & the governor needs to be kicked out of office for being so obviously un-American!

      its against the law in Germany to display the Nazi flag as it should be here.

      Liked by 6 people

  23. This …
    Someone shot into a church in Memphis during choir practice.

    How many more copycats are there going to be?

    Liked by 3 people

  24. Someone has opened a Facebook page titled Justice for Dylann Roof. It has the same justification wording as the Justice for Ted Wafer page, and we know who opened that one. Mr. Stalker sees no problem promoting racial hatred and celebrating the killing of minorities.

    Liked by 3 people


    Trying something out today. Those who access Word Press through a phone app are given the option to like comments. If you don’t access Word Press through a phone app, you don’t have that opportunity unless the blog has turned on “likes” for comments.

    So, today let’s try out the “like” for all comments. If you want it to stay, please post a comment letting me know.

    Liked by 7 people

  26. I like the “like” option cuz it lets me show appreciation for comments even when i have nothing to add or, to say “i agree” w/o having to waste a whole response just to say “i agree”

    Liked by 4 people

    • Shannon, you’re the person who educated me on the phone app. Thank you. Several people had asked about it because they receive notification that their comment was “liked” and I had no clue how it was being done. Since there is no option to “dislike” for the cyberextortionists to use for their advantage, I think it’s workable.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. I would add the photos of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to this. They murdered 13 people and injured 21. The debate about gun control was then; 1999. It continues today as more innocent people are ambushed and killed by hateful nuts.

    Liked by 3 people

  28. kindheart101

    OHHHHHHHHHHH…………(Clapping hands) I like the Like! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  29. Off-topic.

    This morning, prosecutors added a charge to Matthew Apperson. Previously charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count of aggravated battery for shooting into George Zimmerman’s truck, Apperson is now charged with attempted second-degree murder. I can’t wait for Zimmerman, the only witness, to testify.

    Liked by 2 people

    • that’s bullshit! APPERSON IS AN AMERICAN HERO how dare they even inconvenience him with these ridiculous accusations!?

      I’m starting a gofundme for his defense, he doesn’t need to actually pay an attorney himself for trying to protect himself from George Zimmerman, a violent child murderer, molester, woman attacker when they try to get rid of him, thief, liar & angry little midget who took his gun muscles & stalked & threatened him.

      Liked by 6 people

    • BTW right after you posted that GeorgeZimmerman started trending on twitter. but before they cld even numerate the tweets he stopped trending LMAOOOOOOOOOO

      Liked by 1 person

  30. CNN reported that Roof was banned from a mall for exhibiting “disturbing” behavior. When he went back a year later he was arrested for trespassing and the drug found on him is used to treat drug addiction.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I can’t believe how many news sources are debating on whether or not this is a hate crime or not, smh. Photos of him wearing flags of apartheid countries, front plate of his car showed support of confederate states and he specifically said he was there to kill blacks, HELLO….if that isn’t a hate crime I don’t know what is.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Towerflower, I think that’s called denial. A former FBI profiler was on Rev. Sharpton’s program and she talked about “mental illness.” Mental illness does not cause hatred, neither does it make those with mental illness murderers. I wish they would stop trying to categorize murderers as mentally ill but use another standard for those who commit other crimes.

      Liked by 3 people

      • chuquestaquenumber1

        Mental illness is used as an excuse to excuse and humanize white criminals. Christopher Dorner said racism and hits to the head from football made him mentally ill. Was mental illness given by media people as an excuse for his crimes. Or Omar Thornton, Lovelle Mixon, Zale Thompson,Jiverly Wing.


  32. out of respect for this board and its users i will limit my comment about gun control to this…..we have a right to life, IF we cant buy a weapon to defend that life when needed then we have NO right to “life”………there are some very bad people among us and i want to be able to defend my home and family when needed…….i offer no threat to any person other than the one trying to enter my home and do harm.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bill, thank you for your respectful heart. I believe that people make up a Body, and each part does what it does for the good of the Body. The heart doesn’t do what the liver does, and the arms don’t do what the neck does, the skin has its own responsibilities as does hair have reasons for growing on toes, underarms, etc.

      I would be a part of the body that requires skin for protection, unless it’s to protect someone else. Then I cannot honestly say what I wouldn’t do.

      i offer no threat to any person other than the one trying to enter my home and do harm.

      That’s the right attitude.

      Liked by 2 people

  33. He had been planning this for some time – for like 6 months. He wanted to start a civil war.

    Liked by 3 people

    • “Seriously? Roof gets a gun for his birthday, and tells his friends and neighbors in the trailer park where he lived that he plans to “kill a bunch of people,” and nobody calls the police? Oh, they just thought he was joking. The 21-year-old suspected gunman told his trailer park friends last week that he wanted to kill people at a local college (apparently, he changed his mind and killed people at a black church instead) — but no one took him seriously because of his deadpan sense of humor, his neighbor Christon Scriven told the New York Daily News.”

      Liked by 3 people

      • kindheart101

        The local news also interviewed a classmate of his from the 9th grade. He said Roof was always strange, even then, and used racist slurs and name calling.

        I went to pick up a few groceries earlier, and there are groups of people everywhere you look. Outside, standing in the aisles, at their cars, talking, hugging, crying. The churches are overflowing with people unable to control their disbelief and anger over this premeditated massacre. The news is reporting they expect a large gathering in their memory at the C of C campus tomorrow. I pray it will be loving, calm and peaceful.

        Liked by 3 people

    • roderick2012

      Yeah his friend really needs to keep his mouth shut or he may be charged as an accessory before the fact.


  34. chuquestaquenumber1

    Dallas police station,Now this act of terrorism. Yet we’re told There’s no rise in active shootings.

    Liked by 5 people

  35. Liked by 3 people

  36. yahtzeebutterfly

    Many have joined their hands and their hearts today
    Many have knelt together in prayer
    Many have shed their tears and love for each other
    Many have listened, comforted, and supported each other

    Friends and strangers, young and old with hearts struck by grief and mourning
    Love and anger
    Anguished shock and fright
    Chills and heartbreak
    Empathy and compassion

    New bondings
    New friendships

    For so many with caring, sensitive hearts
    A new community is being given birth

    Liked by 3 people

  37. I am just sickened by this. What would inspire this “dad” to buy a gun of any kind for a kid this mentally disturbed. He’s just as guilty as far as I’m concerned.

    Prayers and thoughts………….

    Liked by 4 people

  38. scrodriguez

    So I decided to flip the news to Fox just to see the spin they are putting on this tragic event and yes they are spinning it. Lets get all the facts 1st lets make sure this is the shooter lets find out if this really was racially motivated, then they had this African American Pastor on their network flat out state this was an attack on our faith…..

    SMFH, even when the witnesses and the mans family and friends say he had issues with race Fox has the nerve to suggest otherwise.

    Liked by 3 people

    • By Fox’s logic, school shootings are an attack on education; shopping mall shootings are an attack on merchandise. No. They are targets with multiple people present and less chance that any of them are armed. They are targets on the most vulnerable, and less suspecting.

      The only time that I watched Fox after 2008 was when Zimmerman was on Hannity’s program. My television is allergic to Fox News.

      Liked by 1 person

    • kindheart101

      It takes an awful lot for me to turn my back on anyone, or anything, but I swore I would NEVER turn on Faux News again after they trashed Trayvon.

      I could lose my satellite, my computer could blow up, my radio fry, my car get towed, and my phone break……………..but I would never tune in to that disgusting channel even to find out the time of day.

      Liked by 3 people

  39. Hat tip to Jueseppi. Woman who spotted Dylann. “God used us as vessels”

    Liked by 2 people

  40. kindheart101

    I belong to a wonderful activist group for civil rights that generate petitions and delivers them to the House, Congress and Senate, as well as all local chapters of government.

    They have started a petition to have the Confederate Flag removed from all government establishments. In less than 24 hours we already have close to 40,000 signatures. You can sign this petition without joining, and you do not have to give your full name. (Some people only give initials, and the state in which they live.)

    This is very important to me as I do not see this flag as anything other than being disgraceful and racist. In my opinion it should never be raised on any flag pole, much less over any government building!

    If you would like to sign this petition, please go to Scroll down and you will see where you can sign the petition, on the left.

    Thank you

    Liked by 4 people

    • I just got that in my email – and signed it. thank you!

      Liked by 2 people

    • already found it & signed it last night I believe. even a republican is bringing a bill to get rid of it now.
      I’m so glad the media keeps bringing this up. I can’t believe that thing was allowed to be put up. all in w.chris haze did talked to several ppl today about that ‘flag’ it was interesting, the story of how & why those bigots put it up there in the 1st place.

      Liked by 1 person

  41. I just watched Dylann Roof’s bond hearing. The judge did not have jurisdiction to set bond for the 9 charges of murder, but did set bond on the weapon charge. It is set at $1million dollars.

    CNN is currently discussing the judge’s opening comment, where he addressed that Roof’s family is also victim. If I, or anyone else, should find the video online, let’s post it in comments.

    Liked by 2 people

  42. This came up on my Facebook last night – Charles Cotton of the NRA – OMG there are no words to describe how vile he is.


    • There was a time when churches were sacred ground. The answer to people using guns to take the lives of other humans is not more guns — it’s gun control. As reported by the news media today, Dylann purchased his gun after he was charged with a felony, but before he went to trial on that charge. Since there has not been a trial and hence, no conviction, his name did not come up on the database.

      Dylann’s actions have now given others charged with a felony the method knowledge on how to circumvent what we currently have in place for gun control.

      Liked by 1 person

  43. His court appearance.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. dont want to inject politics but what on earth was hillary talking about blaming Trump for this insane person murdering others?


    • Bill,
      WHAT? LOL! I don’t stay up-to-date in politics, but your comment grabbed my attention.


      • in a speech hillary said the shooting was Trumps fault.


        • Bill, I wonder if it’s because of the statement that Roof gave about Blacks taking over this country, and Trump’s promotion that Obama is not a “national born citizen”? Talk like that is used by White Supremacists to support their ideologies. I’ll see if I can find Hillary’s speech.

          On the political side, I won’t vote for Hillary in the primary. I will not forget how she generated the misrepresentations regarding Rev. Wright and other controversies during the 2008 primary, that Sarah Palin then used against Obama during the presidential campaign. If she does win the primary however, I will be compelled to vote for her rather than the Republican candidate.


  45. kindheart101

    Oh Lord, my stomach is churning. After talking with friends almost all night long, and now watching the bail hearing this afternoon, I want to just crawl in a hole and never be involved in the world again.

    I cringed when I heard the Judges’ opening statement. These are all forgiving, God loving families, so how in the world did he feel he had the RIGHT to subject them to saying the Roof family deserves forgiveness too? How inappropriate is that????? At a bond hearing, less than 48 hours after their loved ones were brutally, racially, massacred, and with the murderer of their beloved family members listening!

    Ugggghhhh………I am leaving here within an hour to get downtown before the roads are closed. Calhoun and George are going to be closed at 5:00, and I’m sure the traffic will be immense. I worked downtown for several years, and I have many dear friends there who reside within blocks of Mother Emanuel, AME. I will be staying with a friend, and attending the services for the victims tonight at 6:00, at the C of C Arena on Calhoun Street.

    ( I have been to this church many times, when working downtown on Sunday, and have always been welcomed with open arms. This family of God loving people saw NO threat for me to walk in and worship when I was downtown. I never had one person question the color of my skin, much less my whiteness. Just like they “Welcomed” Roof to their bible study. They saw NO COLOR……they only saw the love of God.)

    I just want to let all of you know how close I feel to all of you. I read, I listen, I feel, I understand. I am taking all of you with me tonight, not only in my heart, but in prayer. I am taking 9 white roses for the God loving Victims………..and 9 red roses for the Forgiving, God loving families that have NO HATE in their heart.

    I will stay downtown tonight, and maybe tomorrow also. I will not be online for a few days.

    Bless you all. Many many Hugs…….

    Liked by 3 people

    • Kindheart,

      I cringed when I heard the Judges’ opening statement. These are all forgiving, God loving families, so how in the world did he feel he had the RIGHT to subject them to saying the Roof family deserves forgiveness too? How inappropriate is that?????

      I kept waiting to see if he would express the purpose of that statement, for example, to discourage threats and harm upon Dylann’s family. If that was the judge’s intent, he could have expressed it clearly rather than representing the murderer’s family as a “victim.”

      Enjoy your stay in downtown Charleston. I wish that I were there with you. You have the heart to uplift and that spirit is needed. Please give the people our love.

      Liked by 2 people

      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Yes, Xena is right, Kindheart, you do have a loving, uplifting spirit that touches people around you. God bless you.

        I, too, wish I were there with you.


  46. Here is the Magistrate Judge’s opening comment that many find was inappropriate.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah that was pretty shocking. pretty disrespectful at a time like this. obnoxious.
      but did you hear what he said to a defendant about the 4 kinds of ppl in the world like 12yrs ago & was reprimanded?
      i got a mini history lesson about that state today & its not pretty.

      Liked by 2 people

      • kindheart101

        This Magistrate was talked about quite a bit last night Shannoninmiami, and mostly for the comment you just sighted. How crude for anyone to categorize people in groups, but for a Judge to do so in my eyes is criminal. A Judge is supposed to break down barriers, not erect them! I also heard he was reprimanded for showing favoritism to another Judge.

        Liked by 2 people

  47. yahtzeebutterfly

    Here is the full hearing including judge’s initial statement. (from CroakerQueen)


  48. yahtzeebutterfly

    In their photos I can see the love, caring and compassion of these nine beautiful individuals who gave so much to their community through their outreach. May God always embrace their souls forever with His Peace and His Love and also watch over their loved ones

    L to R (top row) Ethel Lance, Tywanza Sanders, Cynthia Hurd
    (Middle row ) DePayne Middleton Doctor, Rev. Clementa Pinckney, Susie Jackson
    (Botton row) Myra Thompson, Rev. Daniel Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton

    Liked by 2 people

    • The woman who spotted Dylann and is reason why he was captured??? I saw the Holy Spirit all over her as she gave credit to God for being where she was, when she was.

      Liked by 1 person

      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Praise God!


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        That reminds me, Xena. I was moved by you “lead-in” to your article above:

        “No matter what path you walk, there is a basic truth that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control are the 9 spiritual fruits, the evidence seen in how we live – indeed, why we live.”

        and also:

        “May their spilled blood produce the fruits of righteous judgment and spring forth trees of love.”


        • Thanks for your kind words, Yahtzee. I am familiar with the AME domination. They are rooted in the belief that God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in them.

          Liked by 1 person

      • I saw her interview last night….she was running late for work but had seen the news story. She said she first recognized the dark sedan so she got curious and sped up to see the driver and saw the bowl cut head. She backed off and called her boss who called 911. She was afraid of being spotted so she got off on her exit for work but had a feeling that she needed to go back and she u-turned and finally caught up again. All along she relayed to her boss who talked to 911. She knew everything was going to be okay when she saw flashing lights of the cops. She believes she was guided to go back and continue to follow him.


  49. yahtzeebutterfly

    Church service – In loving memory

    Win McNamee/Getty


  50. Some things have been corrected today and released.

    First the father did not buy him the gun, the uncle was wrong about that, the father gave him cash and the racist terrorist legally bought it with his b-day money.

    When the video was first released 3 people called in the correct ID, one was a friend and the other two were relatives of the thug, namely his father and uncle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I wonder how difficult it was for his relatives to make that call….I only say this because how often do we see family members defend their criminal children….like the Z’s. Where did the thug learn his hatred? Close to home? Or through “friends”?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Towerflower,
        I’m chuckling because it’s pretty easy to make that call when a family member has been identified as the person committing mass murder. The phrase “hate-crime” too, means you turn coat and throw the person under the bus rather than sit for hours being interrogated by the feds.

        Liked by 3 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Towerflower, thanks for this important update.

      Liked by 1 person

    • LMAO I see you!

      I watched TV news all day. & i saw someone today telling them to start calling him a thug, etc. but media won’t do it. obviously not fox news.
      but you know even the liberal media is perfectly content calling him a kid & talking about where’d he learn this sort of thing. barely if ever, mentioning his criminal record. going on about him not being in school even tho he’s 21 not 17.etc. that he musta been influenced by ‘something’ or some group.
      basically just flabbergasted that this ‘young boy’ could do this. of course there’s gotta be mental issue cuz he was an introvert, cut off from society, even tho he has friends & family..

      the truth is we even call this guy a kid, even tho he is the perfect definition of a criminal POS thug. but he’s also a kid thug not cuz of any minor criminal record that I know of, but because he’s a cold blooded murderer & he’s only 21. he’s a young thug based on what he did not because he’s white or black.

      the racist losers have to denigrate an actual victim by bullshitting & twisting reality so they can disguise their low self esteem & a pathetic need to feel superior to someone.

      we call Trayvon an innocent child or kid because he was innocent & he was even younger than a 21yo kid.
      we can do this because we are intellectually honest.

      Liked by 2 people

      • yahtzeebutterfly


        This was a evil, racist ADULT who juiced himself up on all the racist hate and ideology of the White Supremacists teachings he could find.

        Liked by 2 people

    • kindheart101

      Yes Rachael, it is.

      And even after everything he said, and posing with a gun, and brutally murdering 9 God loving people……………………………look at the Facebook advertisement at the end of the page.

      brought to you by Young Conservatives

      Winner announced 4th of July

      Email Address
      Zip code

      Enter to win.



  51. yahtzeebutterfly


    Amazing that you wrote in your article:

    May their spilled blood produce the fruits of righteous judgment and spring forth trees of love.

    because, it turns out that the Charleston AME bible study that night was about how the seed is received by those who hear the Word. (Parable of the Sower) The Bible passage was Mark 4 (16-20) :

    16 And these in like manner are the ones sown upon rocky ground, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; 17 and they have no root in themselves, but endure for a while; then, when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately they fall away. 18 And others are the ones sown among thorns; they are those who hear the word, 19 but the cares of the world, and the delight in riches, and the desire for other things, enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. 20 But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.”

    I discovered their Bible study topic from this article:


    He steps into the Bible study session and its dozen attendees, including much of the church’s clergy……..

    Saying little else, Roof asks who the minister is. When told that Pinckney, 41, is the church’s head pastor, Roof sits near him at a round table. 

    The group invites the guest to join their study of Mark 4: verses 16 to 20. “Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away.”


  52. yahtzeebutterfly

    Each one a caring, compassionate community leader:


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