State Dept. Employee Charged With Cyberstalking, Hacking and Extortion

Michael C. Ford thought he was sophisticated in how he terrorized young women on the internet. His methods however, resulted in federal charges of interstate threats, fraud in connection with computers, wire fraud, and cyberstalking.

Some of us are familiar with the threats, being on the receiving end. They are threats that unless you do what the perpetrator wants, that they will post your personal information on the internet. Many times, that is combined with claiming to have some type of “public document” and misrepresenting it so they can demean and mock.

Michael C. Ford

Michael C. Ford

Michael C. Ford however, did not use “public documents” as a threat against his victims. He hacked into protected accounts on the internet and obtained sexual photos of his victims. The 17 page warrant is an interesting read.

Ford used various Google email addresses to make contact with a woman, reported to be 18-years old, letting her know that he had obtained some sexually compromising photos of her, and that he also knew her real name and address. He demanded that she take videos of other girls undressing and/or nude, and send them to him or he would release the photos to her family and friends, and post them on the internet along with her personal information.

Meanwhile in Chicago, a FBI agent was investigating the same situation with the exception that the perpetrator wanted the victim’s current home address and her parents’ personal information. Ford threatened to send photos of the victim to her parents and a list of friends, and even gave the victim the names and email addresses of her friends. Ford then emailed the victim’s parents and asked them for information about their daughter. The victim is a daughter to a well-known executive of a large multinational national company headquartered in Chicago.

In April 2015, a FBI agent, who was assisting the Henderson Kentucky police department, reached out to the Diplomatic Security Service. All they knew at that time was that the suspect was operating through an IP address assigned to the U.S. State Department. Investigators determined that Ford worked at the U.S. Embassy in London. Investigators found a list on Ford’s workplace computer of 250 email addresses, many of which are to sorority members. Investigators believe that the two victims they currently know about are only a fraction of Ford’s victims.

Before moving to London, Ford resided in the state of Georgia, and had visited there and was leaving last week when authorities apprehended him at Atlanta’s airport as he prepared to board a flight back to London. Ford was with his wife and son.

A criminal background check revealed that Michael Ford had been arrested for peeping-tom offenses.

Investigators went further. They obtained records from UK law enforcement agents regarding an email, stalking, and harassment complaint that they received in 2013. UK law enforcement traced the email message to the residence of a Michael Ford.

After he was apprehended by authorities, Ford gave a 3 hour confession.  His defense?  He couldn’t help nor stop himself.

Senior Trial Attorney Mona Sedky of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, flew in from Washington D.C. to oppose bond for Ford at a hearing Thursday in federal court in Atlanta. Magistrate E. Clayton Scofield set Ford’s bond at $50,000 and ordered, if Ford makes bond, to be on house arrest, and prohibited from having any computers or internet access in his house, including cars in the garage.

Ford is scheduled to have a preliminary hearing in U.S. District Court in Atlanta on June 1.

Click here for more on this story.

About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 05/22/2015, in Cyber Abuse and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 29 Comments.

  1. “Sedky said one of the email accounts employed by Ford to deliver the explicit photos to the victims was named “LookatwhatIhave666.”

    *shivers* very creepy


    • Sick people in this world on the internet I honestly think there needs to be more regulation


      • A local yokel sent this to me in a PM through FB: (her name is Samantha)

        Her: “You like posting people’s personal info on Facebook? Good then I’ll post yours every where”


        “Do what ya gotta do. I didn’t post anything personal. Everything I post is PUBLIC information that is accessible to anyone. My life is an open book. I personally could give a fuck what you post or where you post it, just know that there is forever proof that you threatened to do this, in your message to me. Dumbass.” (‘scuse the french)


        “Proof proof proof I don’t give two shits, dumbass

        “Luckily I’m smarter than Facebook and its “privacy settings” Im sure porn sites will love to contact you.”
        And to be honest, yes, when folks dis our local youth for their criminal records, I post the dissers criminal record, because those who dis the loudest always have skeletons in their closets as well.

        A very simple google search turned up this young lady has connections with a faith based equestrian center.

        The last communique we had was my response to her

        “are you representing Canopy when you threaten to post false information and direct porn site viewers to contact me?”

        I haven’t heard from her since. 🙂

        2015 is the year the hoods are coming off.

        Liked by 1 person

        • yahtzeebutterfly


          YOU GO, GIRL!

          Great job!


          • The self righteousness of those fools is sickening to me. I’ve had some rather interesting threats in my PMs to say the least.

            One fella complained in a comment thread about how a child ‘must have been raised’. A very simple search showed HIS own kid had 2 DV ‘assaults with a deadly weapon’ against a pregnant woman among several other arrests.

            I reported Samantha’s threat to FB. I never heard anything back from FB either.

            These idiots don’t scare me.


      • We can work on getting legislation to make the offenses felonies. It will take work and time, and we need others who are not victims, but know what the harassment has done to us, or who are afraid of the harassment themselves, to also contact legislatures.

        Then, it’s on to state prosecutors running for election or re-election. When they begin to campaign, we have to make sure they address cyberharassment and why they are not prosecuting offenders.


    • My Stalker freak didn’t have nude photos of me. But he was good at photoshop. That’s where he used the pics for his game he created just for others to view and play of me, called. “The Girlfriend” But that wasn’t true. It’s terrible what these people do. And to young children. UGH!!!


    • Oh Mindyme, you should see some of the fake handles and email handles used in comments submitted to this blog. As I posted to Shannon the other day, I placed the “f” word in the blacklist queue for that reason.

      Some years ago, they used the handles of others along with vile words for user names, causing Leatherman to blacklist the user names, not realizing that in doing so, he was blocking out all of his participants whose handles were included in harassers’ handles. That’s how sophisticated they are. It was intended to cause him to do just what he did so there were no comments on his blog for hours. So, you either give them freedom to commit verbal vandalism, or give up your right to be free from abuse.


  2. scrodriguez

    its good to see that this stuff is starting to be taken seriously, though the laws are still behind the times. and of course conducting this kind of investigation I imagine is time consuming.
    So the judge ordered him to stay off the internet, thats the question I have can a judge legally do that? I mean how would they know if he was using internet or not?


    • Good question. He shouldn’t have been let out on bail.

      Liked by 1 person

    • He used the internet to send and receive emails, and he used it as a weapon and as the means to follow-up on his threats. The internet is his means and his weapon. That judge is keen. It’s like suspending a driver’s license when a person has used a vehicle more than once to harm others, and threatens to harm many more.


  3. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  4. Two sides to a story

    Wonder what skeletons this sorry azz has in his closet.


    • Hey Two sides! Looks like he was living a double life. What hasn’t been reported was what, if anything, that UK law enforcement did about his stalking emails previously. Maybe because he is a U.S. citizen??? Don’t know.


  5. OT: Cleveland Brelo Verdict, acquitted in shooting of two unarmed people. 137 shots fired into their car.


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