This Photo Is Raising Questions About How Police Are Treating White Bikers After A Mass Murder

The Fifth Column


Today, a massive gunfight between rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas left at least 9 people dead and 18 injured. “In 34 years of law enforcement, this is the worst crime scene, the most violent crime scene I have ever been involved in,” Waco Police Sargent Patrick Swanton said.

The police have not named the gangs involved, but images taken after the massacre appear to show members of the Bandidos and the Cossacks, among other gangs, who have a history of violent confrontations in the area. The gang members reportedlyopened fire on the police when they arrived at the scene.

Many of the individuals involved appear to be white, including some with white supremacist tattoos and patches. One image, in particular, is raising question about whether the suspects would be treated differently if they were minorities:

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Posted on 05/18/2015, in Cases, Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 48 Comments.

  1. I mentioned that in the previous post – I didn’t post the picture because I don’t know how to here, but I have it posted on my Facebook and I posted what the picture said, which was:

    “Also OT – 9 people died in a mass shootout between skinhead gangs. No mass arrests, no teargas, no national guard calling anyone thugs.

    9 people died in a shootout between rival skinhead gangs in Waco, Texas today and gang members spent the afternoon chilling with police officers and texting. And Fredde Gray was killed because he “made eye contact”.”

    And I got totally shot down. But yes, it isn’t even that I THINK they would have been treated differently if they were minorities – I mean look at it – they WERE.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rachael, I was just going over earlier posts. There seems to be a misunderstanding that there is a “comparison” between LE’s behavior in Waco as opposed to what we’ve seen at protests. I hadn’t thought about that, other than what the bikers did placed innocent civilians at risk, including staff in the restaurant.

      Of course, LE in Waco would behave differently because they know with the biker gangs, they are dealing with men who think nothing of being vindictive, and who do carry and use knives and guns. They treat them with kid gloves because they know they are organized and will kill, as opposed to unarmed civilians.

      Liked by 1 person

      • yahtzeebutterfly

        “They treat them with kid gloves because they know they are organized and will kill, as opposed to unarmed civilians.”




        • peni4yothot

          Many are former Marines according to undercover agent who infiltrated these clubs. “They aren’t stupid” one former agent states.

          When they ride, you move out of their way.


  2. scrodriguez

    Whats disturbing here is the fact that they allow them to sit down and wait to be cuffed notice they have cell phones in their hands? I mean they could be deleting evidence from their phones while they wait to get transported.

    I just do not get how we need a militarized force when it comes to un armed protestors yet when there is a 5 gang shoot out that ends in nearly 200 arrest that militarized force doesnt even show up

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Among the unanswered questions is who fired the fatal shots that killed nine. Along with the bikers, police also fired when the melee erupted inside the Twin Peaks restaurant and spilled onto an outdoor patio and then the parking lot.

    The first shots were fired inside the restaurant, Swanton said. “We had wounded inside, we had people stabbed and we had people beaten,” he told reporters.


  4. Now the biker gangs have given orders to shoot anyone in uniform. This is not good.


    • “This is what happens when outlaws have guns.”

      Whaaaaaaattt ?? I thought if everyone was armed, everyone would be safe, at least that’s what those good old boys over at the NRA, and right wing hate central said.

      What am I missing here ?? Ohhhhhh, my bad……that was said on “Mental Masturbation Monday” or was it “Stupidity Sunday” ?? no matter, they’re full of shit.

      This is what happens when guns come into play. Thank God no innocent bystanders were killed………….well, that’s ‘cuz the cops didn’t respond that fast. See…..if they did, well, the body count would be far greater…………but that’s just me.

      As far as those bikers sitting around on cell phones and just enjoying the afternoon, let me guess…………not enough cuffs, so they’re “on their best behavior”


      • Hey Racer,
        Keep in mind that “This is what happens when outlaws have guns” was the response to encourage John Doe citizen to get a gun. A chicken in every pot turned into a gun in every house, car, purse, and slung over the shoulder.


    • yikes!


    • yahtzeebutterfly



  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    RT @tca__: Privilege: permission to be on your phone, unhandcuffed, after going on a killing spree. (Word.)— Ava DuVernay (@AVAETC) May 18, 2015


    • “Privilege: permission to be on your phone, unhandcuffed, after going on a killing spree”

      that pretty much says it all.


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 18, 2015
    100 guns recovered from white supremacists who killed 9 people. Chilling. — Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 18, 2015
    note the nazi/ white supremacist “SS” ink & patch on 2 of the bikers in #waco

    Shaun King @Shaun King
    This man refused to get on sidewalk.

    Jeff Gauvin @JeffersonObama · yesterday
    No plastic hog tied suspects, no tear gas, no paddy wagons, no beatings. …OH WAIT…white bad guys

    Shaun King @ShaunKing – yesterday
    Did the police use pepper spray or tear gas on the bikers Waco today?
    Did they injure anyone during any arrests?

    Shaun King @ShaunKing – yesterday
    Will the National Guard be sent to Waco?
    Will they have a curfew there tonight?

    Shaun King @ShaunKing · yesterday
    How many dead men from the biker gangs in Waco had absentee fathers? What are the backgrounds of their parents? Not hearing these questions


  7. reality check… is fact people were thrown to the ground and some pepper sprayed for violating a curfew(that wasnt legal since no state of emergency existed at that time) in baltimore and in ferguson repeatedly not for curfew but for not MOVING(until the court ruled that was illegal)…..

    Liked by 1 person

  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    White privilege is knowing that if you are a White male motorcyclist in this country, you will not automatically be criminally profiled and negatively stereotyped by LE just because there happens to be a large number of dangerous, criminal bikers like the Waco bunch. Neither will you automatically be stopped and frisked by LE.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Let me take a wild, I mean really wild stab in the dark here. The guys with the Hispanic names would be members of the “Banditos” and the guys with the other names…..oh, and the girl named “Sandra” would be members of “The Cossacks” Anyone……? Anyone…..?

    Oh, and the Nazi SS symbols and tattoos give it away as well.

    My opinion……..put ’em all in a cage and sell tickets………..the winner gets life with no parole.

    There’s a simple solution to everything. Fogen………can be the ref.


    • Linda Andersen

      OMG! That’s too funny, racer! Maybe he can earn enough dough to pay Don West’s fee. Unless, of course, West is doing it pro-bono.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      “There’s a simple solution to everything. Fogen………can be the ref.”

      Racer, you mean gz would not want the role of “wanna-be-cop” when it involves these criminal biker gangs?


      • Well………..Fogen was supposed to do a “Celebrity” wrestling match 2 years ago. Since nobody wants to touch him, he can be the “lucky one” to tell a biker he committed a foul. Picture this scene…..6 bad to the bone bikers dukking it out in a death match and Fogen tells one of them he’s doing something against the rules.



    • Fogen………can be the ref.

      HA! They would mess him up first so he can’t interfere.


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    This post is possibly my favorite post #TwinPeaksShooting— Ygidi (@GoldenGhyftes) May 19, 2015


  11. crustyolemothman

    Will this be the next source of biker violence? History has shown this event to be pretty violent and crime filled… The comments about the violence that occurs during this event should be pretty interesting to read and compare to the events that took place in Waco.


    • Sounds like the “precautions” are ways to generate revenue by ticketing anything on wheels.


    • yahtzeebutterfly


      I question why you brought up Black Bike Week.

      What occurred in 2014 at Black Bike Week (15 miles from the event) was a “tea party” compared to what occurred at Waco with known criminal biker gangs.

      Here is info on the Bandidos and Cossacks who were involved in the horror in Waco:

      But to law enforcement officials, groups like the Bandidos and the Cossacks amount to crime syndicates that are prone to violent clashes over territory and real and perceived slights. In recent years, the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security added the Bandidos — along with the Hells Angels, the Outlaws and the Mongols — to a list of known criminal organizations that also includes the Mafia, the Chinese Triads and the Japanese syndicate Yakuza.

      The Bandidos are one of the few major biker gangs in the world. According to the Department of Justice, it has up to 2,500 members in 14 countries, with about 900 belonging to 93 chapters in the United States. Members of the Bandidos, whose motto is “we are the people our parents warned us about,” have been arrested in several states on drug, weapons and racketeering charges and have been involved in deadly feuds around the world.”

      You can go to Wikipedia at this link to find out about Black Bike Week:

      During the 2014 Atlantic Beach Bikefest, three people were killed and one wounded in shootings at the Bermuda Sands Motel in Myrtle Beach about 15 miles from the rally.

      Police said that normally during the rally they see motorcycle crashes and minor offenses but that violence was unusual.

      It would be worth your time to read the whole Wikipedia article.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        I want to emphasize that my term “tea party” was only to be used as a comparison to Waco. (I don’t consider any shooting or killing lightly.)

        And, don’t forget that the biker gangs not only shot 9 dead but fought each other with knives, chains and clubs injuring 18 and then turned on the police!


        • Yahtzee, current reports is that officers shot and killed 4 of the bikers because those bikers shot at the officers who were in the restaurant. It appears that the other 5 bikers were shot in the parking lot by rival gang members, and one died at the hospital.

          By the way, I understood what you meant by “tea party.” It reminded me of a line in the movie Avatar where the character compared bows and arrows to war machines.


    • Mothman, surprise me and respond to comments in response to your own.

      The comments about the violence that occurs during this event should be pretty interesting to read and compare to the events that took place in Waco.

      If that event should turn out violent, then you can return and do a comparison.


      • crustyolemothman

        Xena, The reason that I often do not respond to comments in response to my words are because quite frequently they are not true questions IMO, but instead seem to be made in a manner that begs for a response from me that would not be seen as one that would support the person making the comments view point However, I will say that it continues to be my position that equality for all people is (or should be) the goal of all people in this nation. When it comes to criminal acts, the race of the criminal should not be a determining factor in deciding if the person has done wrong. It does disturb me that some people that condemned the law enforcement community when they acted against blacks now praise the same law enforcement community when they act against whites. Again in my opinion, the police (and we as citizens) need to demand equality for all people and not just a select group. I refuse to fall into the trap of allowing anyone a grace period when committing a criminal act based solely on the color of their skin or their racial heritage. If my comments offend anyone, then rest assured that is not my intent, as that would not be beneficial for anyone, myself included.


        • Mothman, I know that you have said previously that you are often misunderstood. By your comment, I think I now understand why. You come from a position of questioning and wanting answers to your questions. That’s a pretty high position to place yourself in, and it’s also a position of assumption because at times, your questions are like, for example, if an astronaut landed on the moon, would the green cheese cause mold on their protective gear.

          So, someone tells you that the moon is not made of green cheese, and you feel that they have not fairly answered your question. It’s my impression that is what has happened now.

          However, I will say that it continues to be my position that equality for all people is (or should be) the goal of all people in this nation.

          As you know, that is what this blog supports. You may or may not know, but the White Supremacists, sovereign citizen cyberextortionists, falsely accuse Blackbutterfly7 of being a “black blog” and me a “black racist.” Your comment sounds very cunningly like that of the extortionists in effort to give them support. Please understand, I don’t expect for everyone to always read every article posted, but neither do I expect for people to make or infer false accusations mischaracterizing this blog and its intent.

          Side note: I reblogged the article. Personally, I would not have stated a race in the title, but I respect the freedom of other bloggers to do.

          When it comes to criminal acts, the race of the criminal should not be a determining factor in deciding if the person has done wrong.

          Do you remember when we reported on David Castellani? We made no mention of his race. The video clearly showed an intoxicated young man who was rushed, taken down by cops, handcuffed, and then, the canine cop was allowed to chew off half of his head. You criticized David and made excuses for the cops, completely disregarding whether the cops intentionally used excessive force.

          I bring that up because your most recent comment is contrary to what you have done in the past.

          Do you get the impression that we focus on crime? Yes, we report crimes such as cyberharassment and crimes committed by those in positions of public trust. We report on injury and death caused by guns, particularly when the victim is a child or elderly, and also when there are claims of self-defense. I don’t care what race the victims or perpetrators happen to be — death does not discriminate. At the same time, we cannot close our eyes when people take the lives of others and blatantly lie about Neither can we close our eyes to how the justice system is operated by people who are imperfect and are subject to making decisions based on their own biases.

          It does disturb me that some people that condemned the law enforcement community when they acted against blacks now praise the same law enforcement community when they act against whites.

          What I read are people amazed that in the midst of hundreds with guns and knives, and with 8 dead bodies, one dying, and numerous others wounded, that law enforcement would let “suspects” sit casually, and unrestrained. All of what we hear about LE separating suspects, making them lie face-down on the ground, etc., apparently was not done in Waco.


          • crustyolemothman


            “As you know, that is what this blog supports. You may or may not know, but the White Supremacists, sovereign citizen cyberextortionists, falsely accuse Blackbutterfly7 of being a “black blog” and me a “black racist.” Your comment sounds very cunningly like that of the extortionists in effort to give them support.”

            It is statements like that which causes me to not respond many times. At no time have I ever considered you personally or this blog as being “a black racist” forum or anything of the sort. On most issues I support you and the other people here completely, but as I have stated before, there are some issues that we disagree on, but not to the point that I feel the need to be disrespectful to you or anyone else on this blog.
            I remember well the discussion about the beating of the young man in New Jersey, and I remember my comments that he, due to his actions was partly responsible for the response of the police. My position has not changed on that. I wish that I had listened to my inner self and just not posted about this topic, however I did and I am the one that is responsible for my words, and the way that they are accepted…


          • Mothman,

            It is statements like that which causes me to not respond many times.

            Why? Is this not the first time that I’ve questioned your intentions?

            At no time have I ever considered you personally or this blog as being “a black racist” forum or anything of the sort.

            There appears to be an inference and it’s happened more than once, and generally occurs with your comment that does not add to the discussion, but changes it. Given, this thread is about the bikers in Waco, so I suppose that the subject of bikers anywhere is appropriated. But you Mothman, presented a link about Black bikers and your comment disagreed with the content of the link. Understand, I don’t support violence nor destruction, whether committed by bikers, college students at a pumpkin festival, or sports fans when their team win or loses.

            I remember well the discussion about the beating of the young man in New Jersey, and I remember my comments that he, due to his actions was partly responsible for the response of the police. My position has not changed on that.

            You have a right to your position, and that was the first discussion you joined in here where you failed to see the position of others. This is not to rehash that discussion, but while the video had no audio, you judged the young man as saying something that caused numerous cops to rush and take him down, while others saw that he was not resisting, but was beaten, kicked, and after being handcuffed, had half of his head bitten off by a German Shepherd dog.

            Mothman, I sincerely think at times that you have participated or read elsewhere and come here with the arguments of opposers because they have impressed you. That’s fine as long as you are prepared to receive opposing views.


          • crustyolemothman


            ” that was the first discussion you joined in here where you failed to see the position of others. This is not to rehash that discussion, but while the video had no audio, you judged the young man as saying something that caused numerous cops to rush and take him down, while others saw that he was not resisting, but was beaten, kicked, and after being handcuffed, had half of his head bitten off by a German Shepherd dog.”

            If you recall, I at several points in that discussion attempted to withdraw from the discussion because my opinion was not well received, but was asked by you to continue. Was it that I failed to see the position of others, or could it have been the other way around? In that discussion there was no need on my part to be right in my opinion, because it was just that, an opinion be it right or wrong I felt no compelling need to be right. I felt at the time, and expressed that concern, that at some point my thoughts and opinions would be found offensive by some people.

            “Mothman, I sincerely think at times that you have participated or read elsewhere and come here with the arguments of opposers because they have impressed you.”

            I do not participate in any blogs on any topic that would directly or indirectly involve any attempt to discredit you or this blog. I do not need anyone to tell me what to think much less pay attention to those that could be considered “opposers” of the basic intent and goals of you or this blog. While I on occasion do not agree with the comments of some people here, I do attempt to be respectful and very frequently simply chose not to participate in the discussion when my comments would be not well received.

            My reason for bringing up the “black bike week”, was to point out the different way that the local authorities approached the possible problem of violence when dealing with similar groups. You realized after reading the link that I intentionally provided (there were quite a few more that failed to outline the solutions the city had chosen) and that was not to directly deal with the threat of violence but instead use that threat as a means of revenue for the city. Will that curtail the violence that is predicted to happen? As far as the number of deaths that occur there versus the incident in Waco, does the number of victims or the race of the criminals truly matter? IMO, even one death is too many, and I think as a society we need to work harder to reduce crime of all kinds and not limit the reduction to only ones that directly affect us.

            I do want to thank you for being open and honest with me in regards to how you receive my words and thoughts. While it does disappoint me that you feel the way you do, I do respect your opinion.


          • Mothman, I want you to be comfortable here, but I also want to myself and others to be so as well. Thanks for your understanding.


  12. Hat tip to Mindyme.


    • You know how you see or read something, and you know something isn’t right although you can’t put your finger on it right then? Well, remember all those times when people were shot by LE, and their dead or dying bodies were handcuffed? It was said that is standard procedure. Jessica Hernandez and Walter Scott are 2 that I immediately think about.

      But in Waco, there dead, dying, and wounded bodies all over the place, while potentially violent bikers are relaxing, using their cell phones.

      I feel a video coming on. 🙂


  13. Waco’s presser. He gives a recap of everything.


  14. Linda Andersen

    Xena–fortunately, not ALL is rotten in Denmark. This article was on AO:

    Sorry, I don’t know how to isolate the article from all of the other crap on the web page.


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