Encouragement For Our Dear Friend

Today, I was going to blog about the officer indicted for killing Akai Gurley.  Months ago, I started a project to report on employment cases filed in federal courts.  I was going to spend some time on that today.

That has now changed.

A dear friend and supporter of this blog needs lifting up. Butterflydreamer2 has shared what is happening with her medically. Right now, nothing else matters. She is close to us in spirit and mind, and I want the best for her.

Like caterpillars going through transformation, she is cocooned in a situation. We cannot let her feel that she is alone. We can’t go through the struggle for her, but we can be with her every step of the way. She has endured and broken free from the cocoons that face us in life, and she has gathered strength in her wings. We look forward that she does that again.

Someone once said, ““Just when the caterpillar thought “I am incapable of moving, it became a butterfly.”




About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 02/10/2015, in Potpourri and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 53 Comments.

  1. We are a collective family whether we’ve been here since day 1 or if you have comfortably meshed with the rest along our way. Everyone here is so precious and dedicated to the cause in our own way.

    Butterflydreamer2 you are loved and cherished. Keep us all in your pocket as you go through your journey and allow us to hold your hand and heart figuratively as you do.


  2. Two sides to a story

    Have courage, Butterflydreamer2!


  3. Butterflydreamer you are a member of this family. You will be in our thoughts and prayers during your trying times.


  4. Butterflydreamer2, I know nothing is stronger than LOVE.
    You have so much around you that whatever it is that WILL
    bring you through.
    We love you, as my granddaughter says in thousands of circles! : )
    Take care and know that you are loved!


  5. butterflydreamer2

    Thank You All,

    You all warm my soul.

    Xena, banana baby food sounds good to me, lol……..Someone in the hospital gave me a chocolate ensure, and it was pretty good.


    • Butterflydreamer,
      If I were physically close to you, I would bring over banana baby food, chocolate ensure, and PJs. We would have a pajama party and make toasts with our Ensure.
      Big Hug smiley face


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    I am right there with you, Butterflydreamer, lifting you up am imparting bright supportive energy to you.

    I am thankful for our friendship…it means so much to me.

    Love you, Sister! 🙂


  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    Knowing your love for the ocean, Butterflydreamer, this video is for you: 🙂


  8. roderick2012

    Blessings and healing to Butterflydreamer2.


  9. chuquestaquenumber1

    Full Recovery. Here’s my long distance dedication.Sorry Casey.


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    May your morning be sunshiny bright today, Butterflydreamer! 🙂

    I woke up thinking about you, said a prayer for you, and now am reaching out to you with a big caring hug.

    When you smile, I am smiling with you; when you experience a difficult or tearful moment, I am by your side in spirit, understanding and lifting you up.


  11. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    It’s hard to hold onto hope when it wiggles so but I will do as you say. 🙂 ❤


    • Hey Jackie! Faith, hope and love. They are learning experiences that come with walking their path. Sometimes they wiggle, sometimes people try to steal them from us, but it is always worth the struggle Hold on. 🙂 (Hugs)

      Liked by 1 person

  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    Hi Butterflydreamer…just checking in on you tonight. 🙂

    If I were a guardian angel I would watch over you tonight
    Gathering magical stars to fill your spirit and make your heart bright
    Finding your favorite notes to make smiling melodies of delight
    And whispering gentle and soul-glowing words that shine a beautiful light.


  13. yahtzeebutterfly

    Bright thoughts and good wishes heading your way from me tonight, Butterflydreamer!


  14. yahtzeebutterfly
  15. butterflydreamer2

    And I think of you all as I sit on the beach, and watch to beautiful sunsets. We will be going home tomorrow and I will have Mr Dreamer download the pics and I will forward them on to Xena so if she would choose one or a couple to post. Luv you all.


  16. butterflydreamer2

    And so as I am sitting at the beach this morning,Brother Daniel and Brother Michael, come serenade me with their guitars. They look like the long haired hippies from the 70’s, the kind I would have gone for. LOL. They both said a prayer for me and the mr., said I am not going anywhere.


  17. yahtzeebutterfly

    Touched with the gift of the sea now…always within you now
    Its steadfast ocean waves providing you with their rhythm
    Its sun warmed breezes gently flowing though your being
    Its sand softening your daily steps.

    Sleep well, dear Butterflydreamer.

    Hey, Butterflydreamer ….wake up for a minute 🙂

    Maybe we should all paint our fingernails with butterfly motifs. Look at all of the possibilities at this link:

    Of course, this one would be too difficult for me to do:


  18. butterflydreamer2


    I love the nails!!!!!!

    BTW, there is a little delay on the pics, Mr Dreamer left is phone at the motel, and of course he has the best pics. They were suppose to fed-ex it yesterday, so hopefully we will get later today.


  19. yahtzeebutterfly

    Good Morning, Butterflydreamer!

    I am sending you bright healing light and a hug this morning! 🙂



  20. butterflydreamer2

    Xena, did the pics come to you? Thanks……


    • Hey Hey! Yes! The pics have arrived. I am going to post them in a separate article to give them justice. Here’s hoping that you’re feeling fine in spirit, mind and body.

      Big Hug smiley face


  21. yahtzeebutterfly

    I continue to send prayers and positive energy your way, Butterflydreamer.

    Plus a big hug!


  22. yahtzeebutterfly

    I say a prayer for you each day, dear Butterflydreamer.

    I am here for you….just a keystroke away.


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