George Zimmerman Won’t Be Charged In Wine-Bottle Incident

George Zimmerman’s girlfriend has recanted.

 “While it is clear that the officers had probable cause to arrest Mr. Zimmerman which was affirmed by the circuit court judge at initial appearances, the subsequent recantation by the victim of her initial statement along with new documents provided by the victim and her attorney precludes my office from proceeding further,” State Attorney Phil Archer said.”

Zimmerman, 31, was arrested earlier this month and charged with aggravated assault and domestic violence with a weapon.   Previously, Zimmerman was arrested on domestic violence charges involving another woman, and in that case, his girl friend recanted her story.

Zimmerman appears to connect himself with women who are too afraid to proceed on charges.


Here’s the body cam video of Zimmerman’s girlfriend, Brittany Brunelle, reporting what happened with Zimmerman.

Oddly enough, Jackie and I were discussing in the comment section how Zimmerman might use blackmail to control his victims.  Listen to Brittany and see that is exactly what he threatened to do to her unless she did what he wanted.


Posted on 01/30/2015, in George and Shellie Zimmerman and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 83 Comments.

  1. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Either that or he is paying them off.


    • I like your answer Jackie.. such are those in Power able to do..

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie,
      When I first saw Zimmerman on Hannity’s program, and considering his past experience in the courts, I discerned that he has a blackmailer’s characteristic. That generally goes along with the character of being an abuser.

      What they do is try to get close to persons, find out whatever they can about their personal life, and if they can, also involve them in something that is not correct. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s illegal, but that it can be painted in a bad light. Then, when they want to control that the person will not give to them, they use what they know about the person as a threat. It becomes the proverbial, “If you tell this about me, I’m going to tell that about you.”

      Even if there is nothing, they make it up and incorporate the truth with lies putting their victim on the defense.

      As one example, when the cops were called about the situation involving Shellie, George alleged that she was the violent person. Shellie was on probation and could not afford to defend herself against George’s lies and maybe be found in violation of probation.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

        I had not thought of that but you are correct, they would zip their lip in certain circumstances, even if they were in the right.

        No matter how Zimmerman’s latest arrest goes, I still say it is only a matter of time before he kills someone. And I can already imagine his family and friends helping get him off.

        God, what a sick world we live in. 😦


      • He specifically chooses these women, who have ‘dirt’ so they can’t tell on him for fear of their own dirty laundry being aired.


        • Mindyme,
          And it might be something very innocent that he paints or threatens to paint in an ugly manner. I had a friend once who met a man and in general conversation, she mentioned owing federal taxes. Several months passed by and he asked her to loan him money. When she refused, he threatened to call the IRS and report her. What he didn’t know is that she was making monthly payments on the taxes. He thought that he heard something to use against her later. That was the end of their relationship.


      • I think you hit on something there Xena. Look at the last 3, Shellie had the threat of jail, Sam had the sex tape, and now this one….she said that he threatened to call a boyfriend of hers on the video.

        I noticed that this is also the 3rd time an ex has said he threatened to commit suicide. The first one was the ex-fiancée, then Sam, and now this one.

        He has a pattern of picking vulnerable women, he gets their secrets or gets something over them and then uses it to control them. Remember how he sent Sam’s daughter a screen shot of their sex tape and told her to ask mommy about it?

        This will only work for so long with him, he may end up with someone just as mental as him or finally find a woman who has a strong support system to stand up to him.


        • Towerflower,
          I hope that before any harm is done to anyone else, that he is sentenced to a long prison term in a federal prison.

          The man is not mentally healthy, and that was long before Feb. 26, 2012. No mature, responsible, innocent person leaves the police station in the wee hours of the morning and move out of their residence. He had all those neighbors who he was concerned about their safety, but didn’t bother to say good-bye and tell them why he was moving. Was he hoping that they would still call him if they saw suspicious activity in that gated community?


      • “I discerned that he has a blackmailer’s characteristic. That generally goes along with the character of being an abuser.”

        Yep and if anyone can remember the cousin’s interview w/police. She described him to a tee; aggressive/confrontational/conniving/manipulative and prejudice. She also said that everyone who knows him is afraid of him and the only way that she would come out publicly is if another would.

        How many people refuse to press charges? Lets see, the cousin, Shellie/ her dad, Samantha, the guy encountered road rage and now Brittany. Did I leave anyone out?


        • Some years ago I saw a psychologist on television that addressed while those sexually abused as children do not disclose until they are older. She said that abusers have a way of making the victims feel they are part of it; allowed, or willfully kept it hidden because they enjoyed it.

          When I heard Zimmerman’s cousin say that he told her if anyone asked what they were doing, for her to say, “laying down”, I placed 100% credibility in her story. Abusers always instruct their victims to do the talking; make the defense. That then gives abusers opportunity to say that the victim lied because they were a willful participant.

          That type of characteristic is further supported by his family coming out to the media giving Zimmerman’s story even before his arrest. He requires that others give his defense; then they are part of the lie. That type of characteristic believes in, and uses mudslinging. In other words, George can now call his dad, brother, Osterman and Joe Oliver liars if they call him a liar, because they repeated his lying version of events when he killed Trayvon.


          • peni4yothot

            Xena, his supporters doxed the cousin too. Picture of her at work and her home number/address on twitter/fb.
            Everything she said about him, his actions are proving her right.
            I wouldn’t be a bit surprise that he took advantage of Brittany while she was drinking with him. I think he gave her his painting (boy likes girl gesture), while drinking together as she said; all inhibitions/judgment leaves. He’s ticked as all because she didn’t follow his script of romance. I want my toys back now.

            West claims it’s complicated, no it’s simple. He manipulates/connives and when it backfires, he looses it.
            Trayvon didn’t follow fogens script, he got ticked and murdered that kid.
            You are right, all his family/friends have done is mask his symptoms by lying for him. It will come back to bite them all.


          • Peni,
            That right! I remember on the CTH that they posted doxed info about the cousin. They did that to everyone, including FB photos and info on who they thought was “DeeDee.” That’s one of their forms of terrorism.

            I wouldn’t be a bit surprise that he took advantage of Brittany while she was drinking with him.

            Absolutely, which is probably why he threw the wine bottle — he had plans and she spoiled them when he couldn’t get her drunk.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! don’t these idiots realize their case cld actually protect someone else from something far worse???!!!
    I understand their humiliation from the world knowing they were stupid & gross enough to touch that POS who murdered a little kid, but do they have to be so self-centered & dumb too?? can’t they do something for the betterment of mankind in general?? they’d be heroes if they’d just follow thru & allow GZ to be charged w/domestic violence so he can’t carry guns for a couple of years!!


  3. Since we’re discussing the child killer George Zimmerman here, I just ran across this old video about the strange absence of certain DNA & mysterious presence of someone else’s DNA & the guy in the white T-shirt on top of Trayvon when he was murdered.
    just thought I’d drop it off to refresh our memory of exactly how inept the investigation was,incase anyone isn’t annoyed enough today.


    • Shannon,
      Thanks for the reminder and video. There was also DNA on Zimmerman’s jacket that was not identified as his nor Trayvon’s, and the tech only tested for DNA where there was blood found. In other words, someone else’s blood, besides Zimmerman’s and Trayvon’s, was on Zimmerman’s jacket. He was in a fight, but it was not with Trayvon.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s not as if this should be a shock. I’m with shannon however on my verbal expression. It is only a matter of time before he messes with someone who takes him out , or takes him down…….maybe in another order, but it’s gonna happen.

    No question about it, he’s the Evil Knievel of stupidity. One more stupid stunt after the next. Eventually you get some bones broken………Yep, he may be giggling and all that now, be he’ll be crying one day.

    Even though he dates “adult” women, do they think they’ll achieve some sort of “iconic” status say like…………Eva Braun?? They all know he’s………

    A) Stupid
    B) A Killer
    C) Not exactly “Drop Dead Gorgeous”
    D) A killer
    E) Unemployed
    F) Beats on Women
    G) Stupid
    H) A Publicity Hound
    I) A Pathological Liar
    J) A Racist
    K) Assaults Cops
    L) Destroys others personal property
    M) A Killer
    N) Stupid
    O) Manipulative
    P) A Pathological Liar
    Q) Has a bad assortment of “friends”
    R) Beats on Women
    S) Is a Thief
    T) A Gun Nut
    U) A Killer
    V) A Racist
    W) A Forger / Plagiarizer
    X) A Publicity Hound
    Y) A Retarded Family
    Z) (insert the non – redeeming personal trait of your choice)

    Did I say he’s a Stupid Manipulative Killer???



    Just updated the article with the link to the dash cam video of Zimmerman’s girlfriend when she talked to the police.


  6. So he walks again… Interesting that even she called him a psychopath..


  7. Could he possibly threaten to harm them or their family? Something like, I killed and got away with it, I’ll do it again?!?! Just thinking.


    • Shyloh, of course he can do that, but I think there is more. Death would be the end for his victims, so I think what he does is uses something that threatens to ruin their lives causing suffering so that they wish they were dead.


  8. Two sides to a story

    Disappointing, but not surprising, since the charges weren’t made at the scene or even on the same day as the incident. We all know the Zimmerator will eventuallly do something with lasting legal consequences because he’s been practicing like a fiend all along.


    • Hey Two sides! I remember Dr. Turi predicting that Zimmerman’s involvement with drugs will eventually come to light. One day he’ll be high while playing with his guns and BOOM!


      • I believe that’s why he jumped out of his truck and approached the officers when he was caught behind the motorcycle/gun shop, he was doing something in that truck…


        • Yep, and probably why he doesn’t open the door when LE goes to the house. He has to hide things — doesn’t want to flush away his money.


          • I wonder how many times he’s done that, flushed his goods, not knowing if the police were coming in.


          • At least twice. He no doubt moved in the wee hours of the morning after killing Trayvon because he didn’t want the cops coming into his townhouse for that same reason.


  9. crustyolemothman

    Well, Georgie “the sissy” Zimmerman is allowed to walk free once again. Does anyone else wonder how many more “get out of jail free cards” he has left? Most thugs like him would have already been locked away for a long time, but it looks like his time has not yet arrived.


  10. 16 minutes of Zimmerman in the patrol car when he was arrested on 1/9/2015. The boy is acting really nervous. They had to use 2 pairs of handcuffs on his wide-body.


  11. yahtzeebutterfly

    O/T –Clive Bundy’s son arrested:

    “Ryan Bundy arrested after allegedly brawling with deputies in the courthouse”


  12. In the late 70’s when my daughter was a newborn up to 3 years old, when I finally got away her father would not only beat me senseless, but when I tried to tell what was happening to me he’d threaten roll her new RV down the hill into the church, drown her animals, he took a shot gun to my brothers wedding at the Police Academy of all places and to burn my my Mom’s house down in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. “They’ll all die and it’ll be your fault and you’ll live forever knowing you’re the person who killed them”, I could go on and on with the threats aimed at me and mine. He broke into my house and cut me with an X-act box cutter, broke every single one of my ribs by kicking me with steel toe boots. The police believed him when he told them I invited him for dinner and tried to knife him. I never told my family. My mother died 71/2 years ago without ever knowing. People like him and GZ always get away with things with their lies but hopefully someday, as Celie from Color Purcle told Mr. “The jail you planned for me is the one you’re gonna rot in.”


  13. Don’t know what I did but a whole bunch or words in the middle of the above paragraph didn’t get included. I’m gonna try again.

    In the late 70’s when my daughter was a newborn up to 3 years old, her father would not only beat me senseless, but when I tried to tell what was happening he’d threaten roll my Mom’s new RV down the hill into the church, drown her animals, he took a shot gun to my brother’s wedding at the Police Academy of all places and threatened to burn my my Mom’s house down in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. “They’ll all die and it’ll be your fault and you’ll live forever know you’re the person who killed them”. I could go on and on with the threats aimed at me and mine. He broke into my house and cut me with an X-act box cutter, broke every single one of my ribs by kicking me with steel toe boots. The police believed him when he told them I invited him for dinner and tried to knife him. I never told my family. My mother died 71/2 years ago without ever knowing. People like him and GZ always get away with things with their lies but hopefully someday, as Celie from Color Purple told Mr. “The jail you planned for me is the one you’re gonna rot in.”


    • Lady,
      Sorry to hear what you endured. You’re a survivor. You’ve described some of the techniques used by abusers to terrorize and harm their victims, and how they turn things around to be the victim’s fault.

      Thanks for the reminder of “The Color Purple.”

      Liked by 1 person

    • It’s difficult for those who have never experienced living with a violent prone control freak to understand what it’s like. I’m glad you’re here to tell your story!

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    • Wow…….but in the end, you’re the one who stands head and shoulders above those abusers. I have a brother like that, maybe not quite as bad, but a lying abuser none the less. His wife would mysteriously miss almost all family get together s and I suspected something, but when they got divorced, things started to come out.

      When she’d had enough and left, he threatened to hurt her bad or kill her if she hired a divorce attorney and did a settlement themselves and needless to say, he rarely made a child support payment, bad mouthed everyone……………the usual.

      When my wife and I would visit, we’d see a hole in the sheet rock walls and the “I’ Wuv U” painted next to it or “I’m Sorry”

      I feel for ya, but like I said, you’re the better, and they’ll get theirs one day.

      Liked by 1 person


    I just embedded the dash cam video in the article above.


  15. @Xena, Mindyme & Racerrodig, Thank you for your comments and support… I haven’t seen the man in 34 years but the physical abuse has left me with severe daily pain and several surgeries. The emotional abuse and the long lasting effects of how I deal with people, including myself are even more debilitating at times. However, I believe in Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good” and because of what I went through (and survived) I’ve been given insight into others’ pains and difficulties.

    I wonder what these women see in GZ which masks the public evidence of his Pathological Parasitic Narcissistic Detached Callas Egomaniac Aura or how they could even become attracted to his fat ugly exterior in the first place. I do believe, once they do see this King of Hell they’re too frightened of what he’ll do, not just to them but to their love ones to follow through with having him convicted. GZ’s reach from jail can be just as devastating as if if he doing the deeds himself.


    • I can’t agree more on what would any woman see in him after what he did to his wife!!

      He prompted her to lie under oath for him then didn’t even show up to support her in court. I can still see those pictures from his trial of her with those looks. He probably threatened her to make her lie, although at the time she seemed no better than him. At least she rolled on his story about dinner that night and stated the truth about her being at her dad’s………making his entire posse look like the fools they truly are.

      I mean, Samantha is a fairly pretty young woman, don’t know about the latest flame(out) but as my dad used to say “…….what the %#@& were you thinking!!!”

      Even in my post teen years, my mom & dad would chime in on what they thought of a girlfriend. Even when I was divorced !!! and 33 years old !!!

      Maybe it’s just me…………………….Naaaahhhhhhhhh !!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lady,
      Most abusers wait until their victim is in a position of co-dependency. It takes having resources and the support of others to find safety and solution. When I think about Shellie Zimmerman, I think that is exactly what George did to her in their marriage. She was working and a licensed cosmetologist when they married. They lived with her mom. When they moved out of her mom’s house and rented the townhouse, she stopped working.

      Then, George instructed her on transferring and hiding the donated money, and she seemed to understand the “code” they used with no difficulty.

      Not only did he make Shellie co-dependent on him, but he engaged her in helping him hide donated money, and she lied to the court about it. In other words, he created blackmail material.

      There are times also that I think Shellie put $10K in a safe deposit box hoping to use it as her get-a-way money. She made have lied to the court hoping to take more of the money for herself to get away from George.

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  16. This is not to offend anyone, but what else is new…


    • DITTO…I was not surprised about this outcome but he cannot be Teflon man forever. Anyone who would go out with GZ, by definition needs therapy. He is playing a losing game and one day, he’ll get the surprise of his life and it will not be pretty. It is only a matter of when?


  17. Who’s next?


    • Ton Men Gu, welcome to Blackbutterfly7. Zimmerman has established a pattern of getting arrested, and then not required to face the consequences for his actions. Maybe his sad life is the consequence.


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