Mews: Cat Behaviours Explained – infographic

This is so neat. Thanks for sharing it.

Okay Kindheart and all other cat lovers, this is for you.


Posted on 11/03/2014, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 51 Comments.

  1. kindheart101

    ROFL! Will someone explain this to my cats please? All they know is when they meow, I obey. LOL


  2. chuquestaquenumber1

    Cats are cool. VOTE.VOTE VOTE. I vote because jurors come from voter rolls. This is one way people who want justice can try to achieve it.


    • Chuquest, interesting that you mention about jurors coming from voter rolls. My late husband was summoned for jury duty 3 times in one year, and several times otherwise. Not once have I been summoned for jury duty.


  3. chuquestaquenumber1

    ALso congratulations on another well deserved award,Xena.


    • Good morning chuquest. I owe it to you for helping to open my eyes. As a little girl, I wanted to dance ballet but didn’t think that being kept on my toes would happen another way. 🙂 You are an inspiration and a member of what makes Blackbutterfly7 deserving of awards. Thank you.


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    Good morning 🙂

    Love this article! Thanks for re-blogging it, Xena.


  5. These are great!


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Great video!

      Thanks, Lady.

      Liked by 1 person

    • kindheart101

      Awesome Lady!

      Reminds of my children when they were small, at Christmas. They would throw the toy aside and play with the box. LOL

      Much like now. If I want a few hours of piece, all I have to do is put a few boxes on the floor, and my cats will entertain themselves for hours.

      Liked by 1 person

      • kindheart

        Christmas at my house back in the day… My Mom used to say she was going to stop buying the grand-kids presents and just wrap empty boxes!

        Liked by 1 person

        • kindheart101

          Ha! I know that feeling…….

          I used to torment my children something horrible Lady2sooth. I always loved playing tricks on them, or coming up with a special surprise.

          My youngest loved Care Bears! I can’t tell you how many days, and hours, I stood in line to get that One New Care Bear……for her birthday, or Christmas. And when a new one came out, I was right back in line again, and calling every store, middle of the summer, to make certain it was under the tree for Christmas. (I could probably still name most of them. LOL)

          I even painted a large mural on her bedroom wall of Care Bears, sliding down a rainbow, when she was 4.

          I’ll never forget wrapping one of her gifts in about 10 different boxes. LOL Box after box was opened, only to find another box………at which point she got so frustrated, she threw it aside and moved on to a different present.

          Lesson learned: She had, and has always had a very short attention span.

          And: Multi Boxed gifts are hysterical for the giver, as long as you can duck quickly. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • I always wanted to do the box in box thing but with 5 kids (one birthday on Christmas day) it was just too much.

            Liked by 1 person

          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Lady and Kindheart,

            I have enjoyed reading your conversation here 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • kindheart101

            We do all have a good time Yahtzee. 🙂 But how could it be any other way with all of the wonderful people here?

            I am still laughing at all the funny pictures that were posted. LOL


          • kindheart101


            It’s been a really long day for me, as I was out standing in line to vote at 6:30 this morning. I don’t mind telling you I am very disappointed in not only the turn out in SC, (which was very low) but also those that seem to have retained their seats. 😦

            But, before I turn in, I would like to tell you how much I admire you.

            I follow your blog, and I am reading each and every word you are writing about every soul taken unjustly. Every single one of these victims had a RIGHT to be known, and loved, and have a voice………….

            And it is you Lady, through your blog, that is giving them that voice!

            Thank you for that. Thank you very much.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Yes, Kindheart,

            We do all have a good time Yahtzee. 🙂 But how could it be any other way with all of the wonderful people here?


          • kindheart101

            That is too cute Yahtzee!


          • I love that photo of the 3 cats!. That is precious.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    AP Oddities @AP_Oddities · 4h 4 hours ago
    Los Angeles Zoo sees first baby hippo in 26 years, a surprise because mom was on birth control: #odd


  7. yesss! super-cool… ❤ my Lucky-Loulou has loved it… 🙂 cheers, Mélanie – catlover 🙂

    “I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours…”(Cheshire Cat)


  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    I just saw this burst out laughing:


  9. That about covers it all, I think. 😀


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    Just saw this today 🙂


    • kindheart101

      OH Lord……….LOL Hahaha

      That’s my house daily! Cat fights for food, toys and treats……….LOL

      Thank you for the laugh Yahtzee. 🙂


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