Ferguson PD Caught Lying Again – Michael Brown’s Autopsy Condemns Officer Wilson (VIDEO)

This is very informative. Thank you.

The Fifth Column

This is huge.  I wonder if the MSM will report this with as much fervor as they reported the Ferguson PD’s side?

Addicting Info

If you listened to the media reports this past week, it would appear that evidence had come forward to exonerate Officer Darren Wilson in the death of teen Michael Brown in August. It began when the St. Louis Dispatch ran an article titled “Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand, marijuana in system” and quickly propagated throughout the net. If you read it, or the articles based on it, the impression was that the coroner who handled the autopsy had found that Michael Brown had attempted to grab Officer Wilson’s gun, and in so doing the officer was justified in the use of force which resulted in Michael’s death. They even included quotes from a forensics expert, Dr, Judy…

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Posted on 10/27/2014, in Cases, Cops Gone Wild, Michael Brown - Ferguson and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 88 Comments.

  1. I would like to think that those who automatically assume Wilson was justified in shooting Michael would want to know the facts presented in this article. I would like to think…..


    • Mindyme,
      HA! Wilson’s supporters are those saying, “Let’s wait on all the facts” while also saying, “Wilson had the right to use self-defense against a felon-thug.” Attorney Natalie Jackson tweeted a profound truth, which is, no matter if Michael’s blood was found on the gun, they need his fingerprints on the gun to prove that he touched it in a manner demonstrating that he was trying to remove it from Wilson’s control.


  2. yahtzeebutterfly


    At the Wilson’s police cruiser, Michael Brown had simply pushed the “already drawn sidearm up and out-of-the-way – a defensive move.”


    • this matches Johnsons account 100%, that wilson drew his gun made a threat to shoot twice then shot…..


      • Bill, yes it does. But, the person leaking information wants us to believe that wounded and running Michael, would certainly turn around and rush Wilson head first; head on, when other than the shot to the top of Michael’s head, his other wounds are on his right side, indicating that Michael was turning to face towards Wilson as Wilson continued to fire bullets.


  3. butterflydreamer2

    It looks as though that leaked information made to look like it supports Officer Wilsons story may have just backfired.


    • Butterflydreamer,
      Evil has a way of revealing its hypocrisy, double-standards, and ignorance, but it only works on those who lack common sense and strength to stand on what they know is true. Our first level of common sense tells us that Wilson’s purported story ends at the vehicle — but that is not where he killed Michael. That is where Wilson intended to kill Michael, but he failed and Michael ran.

      Wilson’s purported story is absence of his reason for pursuing Michael.


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    I am gathering all my positive thinking together and am sending strong energy that the Grand Jury WILL charge Ofc. Darren Wilson.


    • Wilson’s supporters posture the grand jury as having authority to decide the case, rather than finding probable cause. Of course too, the way that a grand jury leans is based on how the prosecutor presents evidence. Is the prosecutor presenting evidence to the grand jury to decide the case, or presenting it to find probable cause? If to decide the case, then the grand jury has gone beyond the scope of its duty.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        I am praying that justice will prevail.

        Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
        ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

        Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.
        ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

        Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
        ~Martin Luther King, Jr.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          deray mckesson @deray · 58m
          Why protest? Because to allow 1 #Ferguson is to enable countless others.


  5. They make more questions with every lie they tell. As I recall, Wilson has not stated he went that far from his SUV and there is no way the shells ejected forward like this would be. No…..if the the shells came to rest where the cones are, Wilson would be shooting from about where Mikes head is lying to account for the ones on the left and 12 feet off to the right for the one by itself. Wilson by his own account was 95 feet to the right looking at the scene.


    • Hey Racer!
      Those magic shell casings that eject forward and sideways of the target are something, aren’t they? (snark)


      • I’m thinking if someone breaks into my palace and I need to save one of my loved ones, I’ll turn 90 degrees walk about 70 feet away and make sure the spent casings blind the bastard. With a little practice I’m sure I can hit him in the eye from 92 feet, while standing at an SUV, no less.


        • LOL@Racer. So now we know — Darren Wilson needs to change his story to say that he was the one running away and shot over his shoulder, blinded by the excruciating pain in his eye with blood running into it, with his trigger finger slippery from wiping blood off his neck from scratches, while trying to hold up his pants after Michael ripped his belt away trying to get to his holstered gun. Yeah — that’s the story.


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Graphic Video Released In 2012 Police Shooting Of Michigan Man Milton Hall
    Posted: 10/27/2014 6:29 pm EDT


    I am not able to comment on this right now.


    • yahtzeebutterfly


    • peni4yothot

      I am stunned and feelings of powerless, anger and fear. What pisses me off the most; DOJ didn’t do a damn thing about it.
      What kind of policies/laws do we have in this country which gives LE the right to outright take our lives because we have an episode or the color of our skin?

      How is it a shooter that killed two LE in Sacramento is taken in handcuffs or a shooter which terrorized an evening showing in Aurora taken in handcuffs? I don’t get it.

      I am literally baffled.


      • Peni,
        I’ve spoken with DOJ personnel over the years, and can tell you that since 2008, I have heard attitude in the voices of some of the gatekeepers, (even in DC). The moment they hear the word “race” they become cocky, offensive, and uncaring. Just because America has a Department of Justice does not mean that all of its personnel believe in equal justice for all.


        • Xena, so glad you’ve shared that w/us. I’ve always thought since Trayvon Martin; who the heck do they have investigating/interviewing people. They sure don’t sound like the “Gene Hackman’s” from Mississippi Burning really making a true effort to get to the truth.
          I have no trust/faith in our DOJ on down.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Peni and Xena, It’s just so overwhelming.


        • It is overwhelming Yahtzee, hope you’re alright and hang in there.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Thanks, Peni.

          I just need to “refuel.”

          I have been reminding myself that voices joined together for the good ARE powerful.


        • That’s why we’re here, along with 300 others, and over 100 Twitter followers, and over 100 Youtube channel followers — because we’re overwhelmed by injustices and want equal justice for all.

          There was a voice in the 1960’s Civil Rights movement, and President Johnson said, Don’t worry. We’re make laws to protect constitutional rights and establish programs giving equal opportunity.

          Then they hired people to prosecute those violating constitutional rights who reported to Whites in head positions who reported to a White President. They appointed federal judges to decide cases on issues of violations of civil rights. But see, they thought that Blacks became too “free.” One ran for and was elected President.

          The “rebellion” was not televised.

          Even our federal judicial system is rebelling against everyone who they assumed voted for Obama. I read a case decision not long ago where a man claimed sexual harassment by a male supervisor. The federal district court judge dismissed the case on the basis that the sexually harassed employee failed to prove that he was sexually harassed because of his gender. (sigh)


  7. kindheart101

    Again……crap, untruths, blaming the victim, and most of all………a Grand Jury, Sworn to Secrecy, that spewed vomit like a cheap drunk after an all nighter!

    I watched this show Friday, and I was as disgusted as I am now.

    Arrest this criminal Wilson! Arrest this murderer Wilson!



  8. · https://twitter.com/ShaunKing/status/526909639158689792/photo/1


    Shaun King ‏@ShaunKing · 4h4 hours ago
    This is the best panoramic photo of Mike Brown’s murder just MINUTED after it happened. Over 100+ away from the SUV


    hope this link will work. I am unfamiliar with new updates on computer.


    • Peni,
      This is how to do it. I went to Shaun King’s Twitter timeline. Next to the tweet is the time it was posted. Click there. That opens another window with just that tweet. Go to the address bar/URL in your browser and copy it. Then, paste the URL in the comment box. The tweet then embeds in the comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wow, I needed this; thx.

        You must’ve known I am like the lady on insurance commercial. Pasting pictures on her living room wall. LMBO


        • Peni,
          Hold on now. I’m from that generation who put pictures on literal walls in the living room. LOL! There were montage picture frames, and I still have some.

          With Word Press, we learn as we go along and by doing. Word Press uses a link system so embeds refer back to the URL/link. Word Press also gives options to blog administrators for allowing embeds in comments, and not all blog administrators allow them. In other words, if you go to another Word Press blog and embeds don’t work, it might not be due to anything you did — the administrator hasn’t approved that option.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Xena,

            Oh, good to know about Word Press.

            ” I’m from that generation who put pictures on literal walls in the living room. LOL!”

            Me too. (shhhhhh) 🙂


    • Oh, Peni, by the way, feel free to experiment. I always find time to come around to edit. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lol, I was forced to the 8.1 version (barely functioned windows8) and believe I, you and me; WHEW 🙂

        As you can tell, I gave up that evening. Thx for your patience and I trust that if you view your blog site and see a bunch of post which makes no sense; that’s me learning all these bells/whistles.


        • Oh-oh, there’s a version 8.1? Believe it or not, I still use my XP desktop for many things. I HATE OFFICE 7. Windows 7 is on my laptop, and someone told me about a week ago that it’s possible to still get computers with Windows 7 because consumers have massively complained about Windows 8.

          I don’t know why Bill Gates won’t stop trying to re-invent the wheel.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes it is an 8.1 now. My laptop I got for Christmas one year and barely learned the how too’s of Windows8. It really is extra steps. I was given an option for awhile to accept the 8.1 update then finally one day, no option. It does seem better, but……complicated. My son isn’t a fan of it either. Some days like the other night, I felt like tossing it through the window, literally. 🙂


  9. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    An article by Frank Serpico explaining police violence. In a nutshell, there are no consequences for cops who kill.



    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Ofc. seems to have called for back-up which led to a successful capture and arrest of the suspect.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        (I listened to the video again and think the Ofc. probably should have called in the license plate of the suspect and asked for back-up immediately instead of pursuing car on his own.)


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    Craig Cheatham @CheathamKMOV · 1h
    #Ferguson Muni Ct. All 17 employees-judge, prosecutors, cops, clerks-are white. 90% of defendants are black.


    • Small towns are like that. People are hired on the patronage, nepotism, and friendship system. It happens where I live. The Manager of Human Resources for Winnebago County was promoted to Director although she had no college degree. She is so unqualified that she took the policies of another company and presented them to the County Board because she couldn’t write them on her own. (She apparently doesn’t know about meta data either.)

      The President of the County Board arranged for his sister to have a job with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, who also arranged for his step-daughter to get a job in his Department. Everyone seems to be related somehow and although the County has a policy that forbids Nepotism, it’s as good as a blank piece of paper.

      What upsets me the most however, is how they advertise for open positions knowing all the time who they are going to hire or promote. It gives people false hope and wastes their time and resources.


  11. Arresting officers are suppose to appear at probable cause hearings, trials, etc. Well, 6 criminal cases have now been dismissed because Darren Wilson is enjoying his paid vacation, and failing to appear in court.



  12. butterflydreamer2

    Officer Darren Wilson Is Missing His Court Dates

    ” Wilson will not be penalized for this act, say Magee, adding “We don’t get people in trouble for not showing up for court.”

    Really? That’s news to me. I think you mean Police Officers don’t get in trouble for not showing up in court, citizens get arrested. Officer Wilson had no problem showing up to court to testify for himself in front of the Grand Jury. Why would he want to show up, he already received a commendation, and is still being paid.



  13. O/T. John Goodman, the super-duper rich guy who drove into a car while drunk, pushing it into water drowning the occupant, has been found guilty on all counts in his retrial.



  14. CNN is reporting that the Ferguson Chief of Police will resign by next week, said to part of the reforming of the police department. The St. Louis COP will take over.


    • crustyolemothman

      Xena, The termination of Wilson is probably the most likely part of the rumor that will come to pass soon. The city will terminate Wilson, but not for the reasons that most will agree with, because of the expense of keeping him on the payroll for an extended period of time is very expensive, the city will terminate him and place him on disability because of a diagnosis of PSTD caused by this incident not because of guilt or innocence of the allegations, but as a means of saving money…
      Will the police chief be terminated, yes, but again not for the reasons that you think, he will resign after ensuring he will begin drawing a pension, again this will look to some like a victory, but it isn’t, it is simply a slight of hand to make you think you won…
      If one would take a step back and look at the evolving results of the protests, you might be a bit concerned about the future of the movement. This non violent/violent protest has all but guaranteed that the GOP/TP/NRA will take control of not only our Federal Government but far too many State and Local Government offices as well. Can anyone actually believe that we can make any true progress in race relations once the racist fox is in charge of guarding the chicken coop? My fear is that while they will let us think that we have won this battle, they are simply leading us to slaughter… If anyone is foolish enough to think that the allegedly conservative group that will take control of this county will be willing to allow equality for black or poor whites or any other minority group in this nation, then I have an ocean front lot for sale in the middle of Kansas you might be interested in…


      • crustyolemothman

        I was going to post this link with my words above but in a senior moment, forgot….


        Regardless of his guilt or innocence in the murder of Mike Brown, the stress of the incident and the associated stress related to his existence in the period after the killing and leading up to this point in time would most likely qualify him for disability as provided by the rules we all have to follow, but I must add this will only happen if their is a “NO Bill from the GJ”….


      • Mothman,
        Two points. It happened in Rockford, IL with Stan North and Oda Poole. After they shot Mark Anthony Barmore 3 times in the back, killing him in a church day care center in front of children and staff, North went on disability. Poole was found psychologically unable to continue, was terminated, sued for his job back, and was placed on administrative leave pending results of independent psych examination.


        If anyone is foolish enough to think that the allegedly conservative group that will take control of this county will be willing to allow equality for black or poor whites or any other minority group in this nation, then I have an ocean front lot for sale in the middle of Kansas you might be interested in…

        A project that I’m working on is to show decisions out of the federal courts in employment discrimination cases. Once the judges set requirements to prove race discrimination, they applied the same requirements to prove religious, gender, national origin, homosexual, and age discrimination. In essence, unless there is an “adverse employment action,” employers prevail even if the employee is harassed without mercy on an hourly basis.

        Disability discrimination is a bit easier to prove, but the employee is met with pretty much proving that they badgered the employer to adhere to the law while the employer played being a licensed medical professional to determine whether or not they believed that the employee’s physician was correct in finding disability.

        Before employees can even get before the court with these matters, they must find a lawyer who does not require retainer and costs that can be as much as $5K or more.

        So you’re right — control has been taken over in this country so that all minorities and poor Whites are deprived of equality. Thus far, it appears that those federal judges who have made up requirements making it as humanely difficult as possible to prove employment discrimination, were appointed under the George W. Bush administration.


  15. yahtzeebutterfly

    Penthouse Sidebar @drfessel · 1h
    @deray I think the grand jury is going to indict Wilson. I think all the leaks and rumors of removal and firings are to influence trial.

    deray mckesson @deray · 1h
    This morning, for the first time, I thought there might be a slim chance DW actually gets indicted. #Ferguson

    deray mckesson retweeted
    TC @tchopstl · 52m
    @nubian_1 @deray A theory being floated is the Jackson rumor was floated to smoke out a mole in County. Interesting thought.

    deray mckesson @deray · 1h
    And I definitely think the police will provoke protestors. Remember, we initially were shot and tear for just grieving. #Ferguson


  16. yahtzeebutterfly

    deray mckesson retweeted
    TC @tchopstl
    This was from a town hall meeting at @HarrisStowe on 8/26. We have to keep pushing Metro on this, too. #KajiemePowell


  17. yahtzeebutterfly

    this shit will have your questioning life. you have to remind yourself that your mama’s civil rights movement didn’t end.

    you have to remind yourself that entrenched in this movement is 400 years of damages.

    you have to remind yourself that to feel discouraged is normal. we are raging against the machine. but be discourage not.

    it is our duty to fight for our freedom…
    let’s get free.

    brittany. retweeted
    Brown’s murder opened my eyes to privilege and changed how I see the current Black struggle. Now a commited ally.


  18. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Holder supports ‘wholesale change’ in Ferguson police department”


    Attorney General Eric Holder called the need for “wholesale change” in the Ferguson, Missouri, police department as being “pretty clear” and “appropriate.” His comments on Wednesday came in light of revelations from local and federal officials that a plan is in the works to shakeup the police department, including a possible resignation of Chief Thomas Jackson and potential dismantling the department.

    “I think it’s pretty clear that the need for wholesale change in that department is appropriate. Exactly what the form of that change will be, I think, we’ll wait until we complete our inquiry,” Holder said in an interview with Jonathan Capehart during the Washington Ideas Forum on Wednesday.


  19. yahtzeebutterfly

    WED OCT 29, 2014 AT 12:06 PM PDT
    “Earliest police report from Ferguson is released and conflicts with Darren Wilson’s testimony leaks”
    by ShaunKing



  20. yahtzeebutterfly

    deray mckesson @deray
    The #FergusonFireside National Conference Call with Protestors is TONIGHT, Oct. 29th at 8pmCST. Learn more at


  21. yahtzeebutterfly

    Petitions, demonstrations, voting, tweeting, blogging, civil right lawsuits, educating our young, joining hands, honest conversations, reaching out with others at interracial meetings…….

    These are but a few of the ways we can bring about change.

    Any other suggestions?


    • kindheart101


      Pray that every single soul is acknowledged as being an equal, has a purpose on earth, and that no other person has a right to judge.

      Pray that their lies will be exposed when they commit a crime.

      Pray that because someone wears a badge, they never feel the right to take the law into their own hands.

      Pray that all of us, as a nation, can come together and love, and help each other.

      Pray we learn from the past………which means we must look back now in order to have any chance to change the future.

      And vote! Vote in those representatives that stand for honesty and justice. All we can try to do is make a change for the better.

      (((Hugs))) Yahtzee 🙂


      • yahtzeebutterfly


        Beautiful, kindheart. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          HUGS ❤


        • kindheart101

          We are of one mind, and like in spirit. Every time I open this blog, you are a treasure to behold.

          You supply so much information that I would never have. I thank you for that, along with the others that supply links and information also,

          Thank you for this blog Xena. 🙂


          • Thank you for being a part of this blog. I am grateful to everyone who participates. Yahtzee keeps things up-dated and I’m very grateful to her for doing that.


          • kindheart101

            You have a wonderful and dedicated following indeed Xena. We follow you because this is not just a blog, it’s a discussion area. We all have a voice. We all care. We are all heard. Information abounds.

            I know you don’t like praise, but you indeed deserve credit. Credit for giving all of us a place to vent, and get the latest, up to date information.

            🙂 No reply necessary!!!!!!!!!!!

            Thank you


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Yes, Kindheart

          We are as you say of one mind, and like in spirit.

          I appreciate your wonderful heart and all that you do.

          We are indeed fortunate that we can gather here on Xena’s blog where such a caring community is present.

          Xena, thank you for making this possible.


  22. yahtzeebutterfly

    Oh,oh…guess what I just did?

    You know, that bag for tomorrow just was sitting there.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      p.s. It was yummy 🙂


    • Well……like I always say, You can never have enough Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. It’s a good thing we live on a country road and don’t get any Trick or Treater’s or I’d be broke…………….and that’s just from what I’d eat.


      • kindheart101

        LOL! Have a sweet tooth do ya Racer?

        I don’t normally buy sweets or candy, so I’m always shocked when Halloween and Christmas roll around, and how much a bag of candy costs!

        I gave out 8 large bags of candy, from 7:00 – 10:00, at a cost of a little over $60.00.

        SMH! I love seeing the children, and their costumes, but I’m thankful it only comes once a year!


        • butterflydreamer2

          If you’re buying it to satisfy your own sweet tooth, which none of us do or want to admit, the best time to buy candy is the day after the holiday. You will usually get 50% to 75% off, and the longer it sits on the shelve, the more discount you will get. The good stuff is the first to go, so get it while you can.


          • kindheart101

            That is great advice for those who buy it Butterflydreamer!

            Even growing up, I never had a sweet tooth. Sometimes I will crave a piece of pie, or a bowl of ice cream, but I have never been a candy person.

            Wow! Halloween breaks the budget, big time! I am always shocked at the cost of a bag of candy. Too bad I can’t buy it and save it for next year huh? (But then I would be known as the little old lady that passes out rotten, stale candy) LOL


          • butterflydreamer2


            I’m not much of a candy person either, not to much on cake or cookies either. Pie and ice cream, now we’re talking. I think my favorite is bread pudding, warm with a little soft serve ice cream.

            For Halloween I get those gift bags from the dollar store. They have pumpkins or witches ect. Then I put in a snack size chocolate, a lollypop, and some small candies like smarties, tootsie rolls, ect. I curl some ribbon around the top. The kids eyes get big when they see that, you’d think they hit the lotto. LOL. I wasn’t sure how many kids we’d have since we now live in a gated community with not a whole lot of kids. The houses are not real close together, everyone has a 1/2 acre. A lot of walking and many people leave for the summer cause it’s too hot, and some haven’t quite made it home for the winter. Anyway, I made about 30 bags thinking we wouldn’t have too many, wrong, they were gone in about 10 min, I made another 30 more. I think we ended up with about 75 kids.

            Liked by 1 person

  23. yahtzeebutterfly

    Benjamin Crump, Esq. retweeted
    Anderson Cooper 360° @AC360 · 5h
    “It’s an emotional rollercoaster. The [grand jury] leaks are troubling” to #MichaelBrown parents, @attorneycrump says


  24. yahtzeebutterfly

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