Michael Dunn Sentenced to Life Without Parole

Loud Music Killing

Michael Dunn

The man who was found guilty on three counts of attempted 2nd degree murder, firing a missile, and 1st degree murder, for killing 17-year old, unarmed Jordan Davis, has been sentenced.

Michael Dunn will spend the rest of his life in prison without parole,  plus 105 years.

Dunn gave a half-ass apology, stating;

“I want the Davis family to know I truly regret what happened. I’m sorry for their loss,” If I could roll back time and do things differently, I would.  I was in fear for my life and I did what I thought I had to do. Still, I am mortified I took a life, whether it was justified or not.”

As soon as a video of the sentencing hearing is available, I’ll update here.

R.I.P. Jordan

jordan Davis 2

Beginning of Hearing With Dunn’s Apology And Impact Statements (Partial)




Posted on 10/17/2014, in Cases, Conceal Carry & SYG, Jordan Davis, Trial Videos and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 147 Comments.

  1. Like

  2. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    I felt the earth move…. it is a miracle…. JUSTICE at last. ❤


    • Hey Jackie! I applaud the jury for acknowledging and believing all of the evidence, and reaching the proper verdict. I applaud Judge Healey for saying, in so many words, that Dunn can’t interpret the law to make it mean what he wants.

      Yes, Justice at last!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Dunn’s sentencing on the 3 counts of 2nd degree attempted murder is 30 years for each count to run consecutively — 90 years. He got 15 years for firing a gun into an occupied vehicle. That is to run concurrently with the 90 years. The life sentence for 1st degree murder is without parole.

    90 years
    15 years


  4. “Mr. Dunn, your life is effectively over,” he said.

    Healey said there was a huge misunderstanding about the “stand your ground” law in the case. He said there is nothing wrong with retreating or de-escalating a situation.

    “Mr. Dunn, this tragedy should have and could have been prevented,” Healey said.

    Before the victim impact statements, Healey denied a motion for a new trial for Dunn.



  5. Xena,Thank You. “As soon as a video of the sentencing hearing is available, I’ll update here”

    As you know the most important day of the trial ,oddly video and audio were mishandled
    for unknown reasons.

    What kind of techs are working there that they can not fixed the problem for the whole
    sentencing phase #SHAME .

    Me thinks ,it was an intentional act to spoil “Justice was Served”


    • Hey Joseph! Funny thing is that all 3 of the channels live streaming were having problems, and one of the videos that Croaker Queen was able to capture has someone in the court typing. It sounds like they were typing at the microphone.

      Anyway, just updated with 2 videos.


  6. There was a disruption just before Healey sentenced Done… I missed it..someone was removed from the courtroom..


    • It was and older man who said he wanted to make an “oral motion.” As the bailiff was leading him out, he started saying that they were violating law.


      • that is so strange, I wonder who he was and what the heck he meant?


        • He’s probably some sovereign citizen who has no clue that he lacked standing to get involved in the case.


        • I could tell by his “violating law” statement that he no doubt believes that Dunn was innocent and that certain men of certain color are suppose to have rights to kill certain others as long as they claim that they were in fear of their life.


        • Fogen’s dad……..had to be.


          • 🙂


          • Pamela! It makes me sick, those comments! UGH!


          • @racerrodig: Hi racerrodig and all of the members on the board! ::WAVING:: Finally justice for a black male who was so coldly and cruelly murdered! Fogen should be there right next to his sorry ass! He is not the least bit sorry, and on AOL the racists cowards are out in full force complaining that they should not have had their music up so loud and just trying to justify this shooting. It is so sad that this young man will never have children or attend college because this man was so full of hate and he probably thought he would get away with it just like Fogen did!


  7. Oh dang it! Ignore that! ^^^^^


  8. Jordan’s family and John Phillips outside the courthouse after sentencing.


    • Do you know who the lady is with the long curly hair, in the sleeveless shirt?


      • omg, I have got to breathe, it’s Ron Davis’ wife isn’t it?


        • I’m not sure. Right now, I can’t get over seeing people in sleeveless garments when we’re wearing winter coats already. 🙂


          • butterflydreamer2

            Did you say winter coats? What the heck is that? Todays high 91…… LOL


          • Yeah butterflydreamer, and boots and gloves and hats and scarfs, and by December, thermal underwear. 🙂

            Winter Clothing


          • roderick2012

            Xena:I can’t get over seeing people in sleeveless garments when we’re wearing winter coats already.

            Sorry about that, Xena.

            But remember the official hurricane season doesn’t end until November 30th.

            So it’s a trade-off.

            But it was 70 here yesterday morning so we’re getting an early taste of fall.


        • If that’s his wife, he knows how to pick the glamorous ones.


          • She’s a doll! Our weather here today started at 55 degrees, now we’re almost to 80… you need to come visit!


          • HA! 80 degrees?!?! I’ve already rearranged my closet so that my summer clothes are in the back. Actually, I don’t know what I would do living in a climate that’s warm year round; unless it was Hawaii. LOL! Right now, the leaves and the bushes are turning orange and red. The squirrels are busy gathering nuts, and two toads are making their winter home in my basement window-well.


          • I know right! 80 ! We never put away our summer clothes. A friend once said, we really only have 2 seasons here, summer and January… Our winter wardrobes consist of wearing socks with our flip flops, ha!

            It would be nice to live in a place that had all 4 seasons as I know Autumn can be so beautiful in many parts of the country. But y’all can have that snow!!


          • MIndyme,

            I know right! 80 !

            The thermostat on my furnace is on 72. But then, I generally keep the same temp for the central air too.

            But y’all can have that snow!!

            LOL. Unless there are blizzard conditions, it is usually warmer when it snows. Now, driving when its snowing can be a work of art. I survived the Bilandic winter. Because the streets were not plowed, regular size cars made ruts, but then, I was driving a Chevette, (having traded in my Toyota) so I drove with one side of the car in a rut, and the other side on the snow hump. 🙂



  9. kindheart101

    I was a little upset that I had an appointment early this morning, and knew I would miss the sentencing. I guess I didn’t realize how (hooked) I am, and how much I rely on the up-to-date information we all share.

    I left my computer on so I could check here instantly, when I got home, to see any posted updates.

    My friend thought I had gone nuts when I unlocked the door, threw the keys on the table, tripping over my cats, to get to my computer.

    And there it was: New Post “Michael Dunn Sentenced to Life Without Parole”

    YES! YES! YES!

    Oh Happy day………..You are DONE DUNN!

    I’ll bbl to watch the videos, right after we have lunch, and I try to convince my friend I haven’t gone crazy.

    Justice for Jordan!


    • Kindheart, tell your friend that I said you’re crazy — crazy for justice and equality. Enjoy your lunch. See ya later.


    • YAY!!


    • I must say, I love your new gravatar kh

      And another gone and another one gone….another one bites the dust……..

      Duuhnnnn, Duuhhnnn, Duuhhnnn, another one bites the dust.

      And I’m praying Wilson is up next. There is no possibility this goes unprosecuted.

      Liked by 1 person

      • kindheart101

        Thank you Racer.

        And your choice of a song is perfect!

        I must say I’m still giddy thinking about him being introduced to his new lifetime playmates today. Heh Heh Heh I wonder how many of his new best buddies will adore his whiny, pity me voice……….I was only tying to protect myself from that “thug music” disrespectful teen. Oh, that should go over real big! LOL Or how many of them will ask permission to pick over his food plate before they give him what’s left over? Ha!

        8 ball, right pocket……….Dunn, sunk….

        Now bring on Screwball Wilson………….


        • Yep, that “thug music” will…….wait….I can’t actually find that genre music anywhere.

          Must be a racist low life term….

          I’m sure take about 3 bites at dinner when one of friends stares him down and says “You’re finished with that……….right?” as he slowly pulls the tray away from Duuhhhnn.


  10. Glory!


  11. Two sides to a story

    Done! Sad he continues to lie about fearing for his life. If that were true, he would have called police, as the victims did. He knows damn well he had a deadly temper tantrum..


  12. chuquestaquenumber1

    The correct outcome. If racism is to be ended,the 1st way to start is correct applications of laws. Michael Dunn thought he wouldn’t be convicted of any of these crimes. He could only think that because racism/white supremacy left so many examples of white not being punished for killing blacks. This also sends a blow to those who only believe in self defense for whites only,even when there clearly is no self defense. While there are countless examples of unjust killings to be determined ,it has been good to see these examples.

    Ted Wafer given life in prison for killing Renisha McBride. 17 yr starting point not strong enough,at least he didn’t get away with murder.

    Detective Joseph Walker acquittal of killing Joseph Harvey.The issue was the racial double standard that even a black police officer was subjected to. I repeat Walker did what LEOs do all the time,shoot unarmed people and say I did it because I felt threatened .I had no choice. Harvey was a racist multiple arrest having criminal,known violent person and said to Walker F– you N——. Ill kill you f—-g n—–. Yet wasn’t demonized like Trayvon,Renisha,Mike Brown,Jordan Davis and so many black people.

    Condolences and praises for the family of Jordan Davis.


    • As proud as I am of my city, for the way this case/Dunn was handled, no bond, the water arch the fire department made for the plane to fly through that carried Jordan’s body home, this case (further) divided those who knew he had committed 1st degree murder and those who believed Dunn had the ‘right’ to kill Jordan, for having ‘sassed’ him for not obeying his command to turn the music down.


    • You’re right. There is a double-standard. Black parents have had to stand against the worst racial bigots and their defamation while also grieving. When the killer is not arrested, that is added stress to their plate.

      What America is also witnessing is that it is possible to get a jury of 12 people together who see their jobs as applying the facts to the law, rather than racial biases towards the parties.


  13. Ron Davis speaks. The video is not on youtube but it can be viewed by clicking on the tweet.


  14. yahtzeebutterfly

    Well, I just returned home and like Kindheart I came right here to the computer to find out what occurred in court.

    I just finished reading all of your comments everybody.

    Rest in peace, Jordan. You have received justice.


    • kindheart101

      Yahtzee! It’s a Grand Day isn’t it?

      My friend just left after having lunch and a wonderful afternoon together, so I’m back on also.

      Question? Why the heck do we even own a TV? There should be a Blackbutterfly7 channel offered on cable for the price I pay for it. (And here we can chat, give our opinions, and find out all the latest scoop in half the time of flipping channels) 🙂


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        What a lovely afternoon you’ve had, kindheart. Lunch days with friends are the best!

        I had my hair cut today…beautiful drive…and then went to a health food store to pick up Milk Thistle and Burdock Root.

        You a SOooo right about TV. I get all my news on internet now (and, yes, much faster) and I watch Youtube movies and DVD movies on my computer…much better fare than anything offered on cable!

        We are so fortunate that our dear Xena has create this fabulous gathering space for us to chat and exchange ideas in such a pleasant atmosphere. (Love you, Xena)

        Kindheart, I so appreciated yesterday your reporting of the points made on C-span . And, I appreciate the news links and points of view of everyone here.


        • kindheart101

          I agree on all points Yahtzee.

          My friend picked me up early this morning to take me to the diagnostic center. It was my yearly MRI appointment, and it takes what seems like forever. I don’t know if you’ve ever had one Yahtzee, but the first time the table moved into the chamber, I freaked out! LOL (I don’t like being closed in) I am always so happy to leave afterwards.

          I’ve never been overweight, and I’ve always tried to eat well and be active. Once I was unable to move as much as I had in the past, I started putting on weight, so I really monitor everything I eat, and I have kept it off. 🙂

          Until today……LOL

          I indulge in a few, what I call, celebration meals a few times a year. Ha! Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Birthdays. The rest of the year I am pretty much lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts and a lot of water. (I hardly ever eat sweets)

          Today I was going to make a grilled chicken, mixed salad, with a side of avocado for lunch. And I had strawberries with fresh whipped cream for dessert. NOPE!!!!!!!

          Once I read the verdict I declared it a Celebration, and we went out on a HUNT for gobs of Junk Food!

          Our lunch consisted of: Two double patty, thick, mile high burgers, with extra bacon and cheese. Two large orders of onion rings, and a large order of spicy fries. (With a soft serve cone we could inhale on our way to the grocery store) Once there we had to decide between the bakery, three layer, triple chocolate cake, or the fresh strawberries I had planned on having? Well, we decided they would go wonderfully together!

          Yup. Today was a Celebration! Dunn is behind bars for life!

          (Now can somebody please call a crane to get me into the next room?)


        • “……and then went to a health food store to pick up Milk Thistle and Burdock Root.”

          “…Burdock Root” ?? Soooooooo I guess you won’t be having some celebratory ribs ‘n chicken ????

          “Milk Thistle”? yeeeeeeeee.

          You know I’m just “funin’ ya”


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            I just picked them up to have on hand to cleanse liver and blood should Ebola spread to my area.

            My gut feeling is that the U.S. will get things under control even though they had a lousy start at that hospital in Texas.

            “Milk Thistle”? yeeeeeeeee.

            🙂 Whistle while you thistle, dadada da da da da.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            I just looked at these warnings @ milk thistle in relation to other medications being taken:



          • That’s because Milk Thistle Extract is going to cleanse those medications out of the liver. Essentially, whatever is not natural to the body, it will get rid of, which is why too, if people eat food with artificial additives, Milk Thistle Extract detoxes those additives out of the liver.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            ah…I get it now.


      • Kindheart and Yahtzee, bless your hearts, but you give me too much credit. Blackbutterfly7 would not be a place for the latest scoop if not for the participation of yourself and others. A body is made up of various parts all doing their thing for the life of the body, and I am grateful and humbled that you’ve honored me by choosing this blog.


        • yahtzeebutterfly


          It is wonderful to participate and share with each other.


        • kindheart101

          This is a Community that reaches far beyond our gravatar being displayed. They are displayed, month after month, and for many of us, year after year.

          You have brought us together Xena, and we stay because of the quality, and the Community respect we have for you, and each other.

          I see the time of your posts, and I, as I’m sure many others, know the hours you invest here.



          • Kindheart, I LOVE YOUR GRAVATAR!!!

            The time of my posts? That’s usually when I’ve taken a nap in the evening, or gone to bed early and the dog wakes me up to go potty around 3 a.m. 🙂

            I am so humbled by your kind words. It’s not anything that I can explain. I just looked at the number of referrals for this page. 37 posted to Facebook; 9 tweeted it out; and 23 “likes.” That’s a special blessing for more than several reasons. One reason is that for over a year, the cyber-extortionists attempted to mock this blog as “dead,” and said that there were only 4 people here and they were all my sock puppets. Even DP, the main cyber-extortionist, called it a “rag blog.” So, people really have shown them that they are liars — and we keep marching on.


          • kindheart101

            Thank you Xena, I fell in love with this picture as soon as I saw it. 🙂

            I remember in 2012 when you spread your wings and opened this blog. I, along with others, was posting on HP, but still felt the need to stop by and read your powerful message. I honestly think all the trouble you had with those (scum), was because they couldn’t get the better of you. You stayed strong, as more and more stood by your side. Their lies and intimidation did nothing but draw more people to the voice of justice that this blog is all about.

            And another thing I like is reading the other people’s blogs that post here also. This is one creative, dedicated group of people.

            ****And I know the middle of the night thing. I have three cats that all sleep with me, which means at any given moment, one will flop on my head, chase my foot, or fight over a pillow. But it’s all good, and gives me a chance to read middle of the night posts before anyone else. LOL


          • Kindheart,

            And another thing I like is reading the other people’s blogs that post here also. This is one creative, dedicated group of people.

            It is a fantastic group of bloggers in the Word Press community.

            About the “scum,” you are so right. What they intended for evil was used for good. What they don’t understand is that I did not come to the blogs around July 2012 for the purpose of debating them. I came to advocate justice for Trayvon and share that power and experience with others of like-mind. Love is eternal and it our root.

            I love the symbolism in the movie Avatar with the roots of the trees all being connected, and the people able to access love throughout the ages of their history through the branches of the tree. Those who sought to destroy the people were going to destroy that tree so the people would lose their knowledge and faith. But, the tree itself called out the life around it to protect it from destruction. Because love never fails.


          • kindheart101

            Funny you brought up Avatar Xena. I went and watched it in the cinema, then purchased it because it moved me so much. I never seem to tire of watching it, but how could one tire of the beauty of the connection, and love of all life?


  15. Here’s a shorter version of impact statements beginning with Jordan’s stepmom


  16. More grand jury leaks in the Darren Wilson case.

    The officer, Darren Wilson, has told the authorities that during the scuffle, Mr. Brown reached for the gun. It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The first bullet struck Mr. Brown in the arm; the second bullet missed.

    The forensics tests showed Mr. Brown’s blood on the gun, as well as on the interior door panel and on Officer Wilson’s uniform. Officer Wilson told the authorities that Mr. Brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck.

    Attorney Benjamin Crump told the NYT that no matter what happened in the vehicle, Michael ran.

    Well, isn’t Darren WIlson the new George Zimmerman. Zimmerman said that he moved his head off the concrete, but he shot and killed Trayvon for slamming his head on the concrete. Now, Wilson shot Michael after Michael ran, but because of what purportedly happened in the vehicle.


    • Only 3 groups of people believe what Wilson has said.

      1) Racists
      B) Racist Gun NutZZ
      3) Racist Gun NutZZ with a double digit IQ

      As to 3, I’m being very generous

      Lets face reality, he went almost 2 months before any story was locked in. Let look at the police report, ya know, the one required by law even for a minor incident.

      Whoooops, my bad again…..no report required when it comes to shooting black teens I guess.

      How on God’s green earth does Mike get hold of a gun admittedly on Wilson’s right hip ?
      And no matter what, Wilson never lost control of the gun and he fired every shot. What kind of bull shit do they think they can pass off. Not to mention that hands up thing.

      Oh, my bad…………just like Trayvon’s SuperBadBlackTeenX-RayVisionandSuper HumanStrength…………..not to mention Jordan Davis’s “…he’s a black teen with other black teens so they must be armed to the teeth”……….yeah !! that’s the ticket !!


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Ofc. DW should have written an initial report. His not doing that and then later testifying after witness statements and forensics, etc. were completed, allowed him to tailor his statements.

        It is like being allowed to place a bet after the roulette wheel has stopped or being allowed to see every poker hand at the table before bidding.

        Anyway, the fact of the matter, according to the witnesses, is that Michael Brown was surrendering with his hands up when shot multiple times.


        • No explanation what happen outside the patrol vehicle. None.

          Good example Yahtzee, roulette number already picked.

          CNN ticker-tape news stated that there are no Civil Rights violations, not sure if I saw that correctly.

          Is anyone else hearing/reading that info?


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            “No explanation what happen outside the patrol vehicle. None.”

            LLMPapa “How Many Witnesses Will It Take?”


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Here is how I meant to post:


          • Exactly, yet Wilson has zero explanation of why he shot a fleeing unarmed teen using “universal surrender”.

            ….And they continue to be secretive regarding these spokespersons. Where’s the transparency?


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            “….And they continue to be secretive regarding these spokespersons.”

            Yes, Peni, we have no idea who these leaky false-its are!


          • I see the leaks as propaganda. They want the people of Ferguson to react in violence so that the people, rather than Darren Wilson, become the bad guy.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            I agree with you, Xena!


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Excerpt from the article link which Xena posted:

      ” Officer Wilson told the authorities that Mr. Brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck.

      I say that if Michael Brown had scatted Darren Wilson, we would have heard about the Medical Examiner finding Darren Wilson’s blood/DNA under Michael Brown’s fingernails.

      These leakers had better give up. Remember when they tried to say initially that Darren Wilson had a fractured eye socket?? They dropped that one when it was pointed out that no way would Wilson have been able to look down after the shooting because a fractured eye socket would have caused excruciating pain.


      • yahtzeebutterfly


        “scatted ” should have been “scratched”


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Also, Michael Brown’s hand would have been swollen if he had punched Darren Wilson. No swelling mentioned by the Medical Examiner.


      • Annie Cabani

        I say that if Michael Brown had scratched Darren Wilson, we would have heard about the Medical Examiner finding Darren Wilson’s blood/DNA under Michael Brown’s fingernails.

        Ahhhhhh … but that would happen only in a normal or transparent case.


  17. ladystclaire

    “Anyone who cries out for JUSTICE, is a wailer!”

    The Hon ROBERT Nesta Marley OM

    We are still trying to get justice, for Trayvon as well as for Mike Mike Brown.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Hi Ladystclaire,

      Here is a link to an outstanding letter:

      deray mckesson @deray · 1h
      The latest open letter captures the spirit of the movement. “Your calm is built in our terror.” Read.
      #Ferguson http://bit.ly/FergOpenLetterAHS

      Here is the opening of the letter:

      An Open Letter From Ferguson Protestors and Allies (10.17.14)
      Permission is granted to reprint.

      We are living an American Horror Story.

      The unlawful slaughter of black bodies by the hands of power has continued day after day, year after year, century after century, life by precious life, since before the first chain was slipped around black wrists.

      Black youth, brimming with untapped potential, but seen as worthless and unimportant. Black activists, stalwart in pursuit of liberation, but perceived as perpetual threats to order and comfort. Black men, truly and earnestly clinging to our dignity, written off as the ravenous, insatiable black savage. Black women, always unflinchingly running toward our freedom, dismissed as bitter and angry after long denial and suffering.


    • ladystclaire,
      The Honorable Bob Marley — you just choose my music for today. 🙂 He and I share the same birthday too.


  18. Thankful that the jury and Judge Healey got it right. The Davis family and friends will mourn forever over their Son and friend, while Dunn knowing that and knowing he cut a young
    boy’s life way too short sits smuggly like he really doesn’t give a damn.

    Hopefully Dunn and others like him will learn that it doesn’t pay to hate and IF you do you shouldn’t have a gun.
    They need to learn tolerance and respect others. If not, plain and simple we don’t want that person to have a gun.

    Just like the judge said, It was Dunn that caused the death of Jordan Davis and nearly murdered 3 of his friends and others in the area.
    Shame on his ass!
    Oh, BTW, does anyone know if they allow music in prison?


    • Lolypop, LOL @ music in prison.

      Maybe we should send him a CD player and some “thug music” CD’s for Christmas.

      Something that is on my mind — I wonder if Dunn felt empowered that Friday after Thanksgiving because 8 months previously, Zimmerman killed Trayvon, avoided arrest for over a month, and brought out mean-spirited, bigoted racists on the internet. Maybe Dunn sincerely believed that he too could use a self-defense claim and rally gun supporters and bigots to advocate for him??

      Well, I watched this from the beginning, in Nov. 2012, and can say that the bigots who rallied around Zimmerman showed little interest to knowing nothing of the case until I and Leatherman reported on it after the verdict in Zimmerman’s case. Then, they didn’t rally in support of Dunn but attacked attorney John Phillips instead (as if Phillips was the prosecutor).


      • Xena,
        He has plenty of time to learn to really love it!!! : )
        He sounds just like GZ.
        GZ and MD are just alike. SAD!

        Reminds me of a joke,

        2 guys couldn’t get a parking spot at the ball game, so they rented a camel.
        When the game was over they went to get out and go home on their camel, but noticed there were several people that had done the same thing.
        All of the camels looked alike.
        So they started looking for theirs.
        One went around looking for their camel, raising their tails up, the other one ask what he was doing and he said he remembered that someone said look at those to assholes on that camel. : )

        Sorry, I just had to do it. : )
        Like Flip Wilson, remember?? : )


        • Lolpop,
          LOL @ camel joke. That is so, so funny.

          Since you bring up GZ, I’m wondering if Darren Wilson would prefer the rest of his life to be like GZ’s or Dunn’s? Which is the greatest prison? One where you get 3 hots and a cot, or the one where you live off others and don’t know from one day to the next where you’re going to sleep?


          • I’m glad you liked it. : )
            Add Wilson to the ah list!
            Plus all of the cops that were wearing the idiot bracelet claiming to be the
            idiot. What they are saying wearing them is that they are just like him.
            They need to be off of the force.
            Well, we need more camels, don’t we?

            I’m sure Wilson will be like GZ, but will be like most cops that are like him
            and they get off. There’s no justice when it comes to the officer that would just as soon kill you rather than protect you.

            Did you see Michael Browns Mother on the Steve Harvey show?
            Steve Harvey even shed tears. It is so sad.
            I hope so much for DW to get life in prison. It has got to stop somewhere.


  19.  deray mckesson retweeted

    Charles Jaco @charlesjaco1 · 2h 2 hours ago

    All leakers have a purpose. @nytimes leakers from DOJ. Signalling no Fed. civil rts. charges for Darren Wilson? http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/18/justice/michael-brown-darren-wilson-account/index.html?sr=tw101814BrownBlood10aStoryGalLink


    • Annie Cabani

      From that CNN story:

      Wilson told investigators he was trying to leave his car when Brown shoved him back in, the Times reported Friday night.

      Once in, Brown pinned him in his car and tried to get his gun, which made him fear for his safety, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed government officials familiar with the federal civil rights case.

      Gimme a break, puuullleeeeaase! That just does not make ANY sense!

      WHY, oh WHY, would someone push a cop back into his cop car, if he wanted to get hold of the cop’s gun. And THEN try to get the cop’s gun by “pinning” the cop inside the cop’s own car — which PRESUMABLY has both a gas pedal and a steering wheel — and reaching through the driver’s window and across the cop himself to get a gun that’s [*we haven’t heard otherwise*] holstered on the cop’s right hip??!!

      (And every cop holster I’ve ever seen has a leather SNAP over the top, making any such an attempt even more futile and bizarre.)


      Can’t CNN and the Times smell bullsh!t when they hear it .. and call it out??

      Liked by 1 person

      • peni4yothot


        He’s had every opportunity to hear the witnesses and has tailored his story to fit. He still hasn’t explained why he shot an unarmed person surrendering.


        • kindheart101

          Absolutely Peni!

          I have NEVER heard of a police officer, ever, not being required to file a report immediately after having any sort of a confrontation, much less killing a person?!?

          If it smells like s***, lies like s***, and disappears in the sewer system like s***……………..I say pump the lines, and make that s*** stand trial!

          Liked by 1 person

          • peni4yothot

            Hi friend, awhile back I thought I’d hollowed at cha! Good seeing you.

            “I have NEVER heard of a police officer, ever, not being required to file a report immediately after having any sort of a confrontation, much less killing a person?!?”

            Me either Kind. Bet the police union advised him not to file a report. Federals need/ought to make it mandatory or an immediate termination.

            I think the whole system wreaks of dung. Oh…. you said that already. 🙂


          • kindheart101

            (((Hugs))) Peni

            Honestly, I do think it is mandatory that a report is required to be filed with their superior. I see all of this as being nothing more than “smoke and mirrors.” It’s a delay. Even Zimmerman was brought in instantly and had to give a statement of what HE said occurred. (And he is only a crazy wanna be cop!)

            Now, SirWilsonShit murdered Mike Brown, hung around, in the street, by his body, and just drove away? No report, no de-briefing, chatting with others officers in the street, and 2 months later the “Grand Jury” leaks what he now conveniently says happened?

            You can’t make up witnesses caught on video. You can’t make up the fact that NOT ONE officer has ever been indicted in that area when it came to a shooting, resulting in death. You can’t make up the FACT……..that this Grand Jury is corrupt, if ONLY for leaking so-called information they were SWORN not to disclose!

            Liked by 1 person

          • GM Kind, we’re on the same page. They played the shuffle game as to why no report exist.
            IIRC, STL county took over the investigation and was supposedly to have interviewed Wilson.
            (yea right) then “they thought” it was handled through FPD. (uh huh)
            What strikes me is no one is held accountable, not even the feds are doing jack kabuki about it. If we live in a country that no one has the power to admonish LE, we’re in deep dooky.
            I think they have the power but politics has overruled everything down to what we eat.

            The Grand Jury is a joke. It’s a charade to distract as far as I’m concerned. I’d be awfully surprised if they indict Wilson. These unnamed spokesperson surely speaks loud/clear; dirty pool.

            (((Hugs back to ya)))


      • Think about this. If Mike did reach for Wilson’s gun, highly unlikely, he’d have the seat backrest in the way. When seated a holster points the gun barrel forward and the breech to the rear.

        This physics of this tale rival Fogen claiming Trayvon saw a pistol he himself demonstrated was behind him.


  20. Finally Jordan’s parents can find some peace and closure knowing that their son’s killer will be held accountable for his actions. Dunn’s “apology” was empty and just another attempt to justify his actions and shows that he still isn’t sorry.


    • Towerflower, Dunn’s apology was nothing more than a regurgitation of his defense. Judge Healey was right-on when saying (my paraphrase) that Dunn had options. His first option was to keep his mouth shut and if the music aggravated him that much, to move his car. It must also devastate Dunn to know that he is also serving 60 years for attempting to murder Tommie, who his defense tried painting as a criminal violating probation.

      Notice, Dunn had no apology for those he is convicted of attempting to kill. Those young men will spend the rest of their lives with the experience of hearing and seeing Jordan dying, with bullets shot by Dunn flying within an inch of their heads.


      • Annie Cabani

        Notice, Dunn had no apology for those he is convicted of attempting to kill.

        Exactly! I DID notice that .. like, aren’t you forgetting a few things Dunnster? But, really, what non-apology, passive language could he come up with to address those guys? Something like:

        I’m sorry for “what you experienced” that night and that “you nearly lost your lives” during “what happened” that night.

        That passive, non-apology language doesn’t fool ANYBODY when it’s addressed to your attempted murder victims, as opposed to the survivors of your murder victim.


        • Annie, I believe he was trying to kill them all.
          Why did he get out of the car and still shoot at the boys leaving?


          • Annie Cabani

            I agree, Lolypop.


          • I think the judge believed it too, don’t you?
            How could you not?
            The ah got out and kept shooting as they were leaving.
            He’s a shame to the universe.


          • Dunn gave us a glimpse into what he was thinking when still shooting after the SUV pulled off. It was hidden in what he said about leaving the scene because he wanted to talk to his LE buddy to give his story. He said that he didn’t want to be in a situation where there were 4 stories against his one. Well, he knew by the news that he killed one, so he must have been alluding to their being another witness. He figured he could lie his way out of things if there was only one witness so yes, he wanted to kill all 4.


          • He sure did and the more he talked, the more he showed what he was all about.
            During the trial, his testimony and his so called apology. He’s exactly like GZ except GZ got off, walked right out of that court room a free man. He says he fears for his life?? Is he kidding me and frankly I hope he does for the rest of his life.
            He fears for his life, Dunn feared for his life???? BS!!
            I wish that they did.
            Then they would have known how frightened Trayvon was, Jordan and his close friends.
            NOW that’s what real fear is and they have no idea.
            The very fact of him trying to get to his friend, WHAT? Didn’t he know there were witnesses all around that gas station. I’m surprised the cops didn’t follow him right there.
            Here if they even think you may be driving a stolen car, there’s at least a dozen cop cars following them.
            I’m thankful the one with that kind of hate is in prison for the rest of his life and hopefully they get GZ off of the streets.
            It’s just a matter of time.
            Wilson, same! He is a threat to all in Fergason’s lives.


  21. I say as Richard Prior would say… If he dies and come back, he has to go back to jail. He don’t pass go and he don’t collect $200.00


    • cfbostonbrian,
      Reincarnation would not be a good thing for Dunn, uh? LOL!


      • “Reincarnation would not be a good thing for Dunn, uh? LOL!”

        Sure it would……then he could serve the other 105 years…..!!

        Oh, ……you mean bad for Duuhhnnnn……….


  22. peni4yothot

    deray mckesson ‏@deray · 3h3 hours ago
    Okay, I just saw that there was looting at Lacoste. Not only does whiteness win the story, they get better stuff. #pumpkinfest

    The difference between Ferguson and Keen, NH.
    Ferguson = looting
    Keene = chaotic

    but white privilege doesn’t exist, eh?


  23. peni4yothot

    hope this link works. (Charlie brown in pumpkin patch)


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      David @TheZOMB · 56m 56 minutes ago
      More video of the huge bottle and can fight between students during the Riot at Keene for #Pumpkinfest


      Liked by 1 person

      • yahtzeebutterfly


        • What school event is this……..beer bottle toss for distance ????

          I can see some redneck who’s failing basket weaving saying……..

          “…..hell Billy Bob, you ‘n Jimbo git ’bout 150 feet over yonder ‘n start chuckin’ some beer bottles…..’n lets see how fer they go.

          “….HELL yes, man just make sure you drink the beer first”

          “Well shit man, who don’t know that……why would I waste a perfectly good beer !!…….like a beer did somein wrong to me !!”

          (Sound of 35 idiots laughing)

          “….now, you all stay back ‘n video tape this shit so’s we can laugh about it in 10 years”

          (@5:45 watch the idiot in the white T shirt and dark hoodie pick up a can and hit the kid in the plaid shirt and backpack square in the back of the head from a mere 6 feet away. I’m guessing he’s the one with this GPA)

          Yep……………sure looks like a “Festival Crowd” to me.

          I’m thinking the littering fines will add up to, say about……….what the hell am I thinking.

          Things you won’t hear from any of these assholes……………

          “Okay boys, we had enough fun…..lets get the brooms out and clean it all up”

          “Hey I know…….lets pick it all up before the cops get here……and make it quick”

          “Well, we are responsible college students, what were we thinking ? You guys get all the trash bags you can find and you guys…….you….on the porch, get some brooms. Lets make sure nobody drives sown the street, you know, what with all the broken glass and all, and we don’t want anybody getting a flat tire because of a harmless prank now”

          “Hey……………….put that Toyota down……………NOW !!”

          “As student body President I’m asking for everyone’s cooperation now. Lets get organized and, well, we can’t leave a bad impression for those who follow us. We’re the future of this great country……and besides, we have a curfew here”


        • peni4yothot

          Guns drawn on a citizen, big major difference.


          • I’ll take “How many loaded fully automatic weapons pointed at a black man with his hands raised” for $5,000.00 Alex.

            That’s just plain pathetic. The only thugs seem to be wearing badges & guns and the real pussies wear black gloves.

            Pardon my French.

            Liked by 1 person

          • peni4yothot

            That’s just plain pathetic. The only thugs seem to be wearing badges & guns and the real pussies wear black gloves.

            Racer, they’re the biggest gang bangers that exist.


          • To your 6:51 post………..in a word. Yeeeeeeeep !!

            Liked by 1 person

      • peni4yothot

        How ridiculous.


      • peni4yothot

        deray mckesson retweeted

        Shaun King @ShaunKing · 53m 53 minutes ago

        Hey friends. I hope you’ll read, study, and share my latest. “Is it legal to shoot & kill a surrendered unarmed man?” http://bit.ly/1t0boeB


  24. How the DOJ plans to reform police departments. There’s also an excellent video on the page.



  25. yahtzeebutterfly

    Molly @mollyrosestl · 2h 2 hours ago
    So police “sensed” there might be an assault and made an arrest based on that?! Wtf? Wow. Just wow. #Ferguson #STL


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Molly @mollyrosestl · 6m 6 minutes ago
      At #Ferguson PD. @SenatorNasheed is here. Kneeling in the street.

      Molly @mollyrosestl · 1m 1 minute ago
      . @stlcountypd lieutenant Cox admits they are illegally filming protesters. They plan to enforce noise ordinance. Cmon yall. #Ferguson


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      SenatorNasheed is being arrested.


  26. yahtzeebutterfly

    great photo in this tweet:


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