Ted Wafer Trial – August 4, 2014

After Friday and the weekend, the trial of Ted Wafer reconvenes today at 9 a.m.  Yahtzeebutterfly and others have done a fantastic job following available information on Twitter.  That has been our only option since the judge ordered no live stream the afternoon of the first day of trial.

WXYZ-TV Detroit generally releases a video recapping the day, which I shall post here as soon as it is available.

On another note, Michael Dunn has a pretrial hearing today on the retrial of 1st degree murder charges for killing Jordan Davis.   If you hear anything about it before I do, feel free to post it in comments.

Because it’s so tiring following the Wafer trial via Twitter, I personally hope that the defense rests today and Tuesday, the jury will begin their work deliberating.  Actually, I don’t see much that the defense has left to present.

Justice for Renisha!


I didn’t read any tweets about Wafer being cross-examined by the prosecution, but WXYZ-TV reports in their recap video that cross-examination did happen and will continue in the morning.



Jury selection is scheduled to begin on September 22 for Dunn’s retrial.

Posted on 08/04/2014, in Cases, Renisha McBride and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 194 Comments.

  1. yahtzeebutterfly

    Court reconvenes at 9:00 a.m. this morning.
Here are Twitter sites reporting the trial proceedings:


  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    awaiting beginning of court in Wafer trial. Defense firearms expert expected to continue his testimony. defense plans to call 3-4 witnesses

    we still don’t know if Theodore Wafer will take the stand in his own defense. Defense attys not commenting on that so far


  3. yahtzeebutterfly

    court in session for wafer trial


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    asst wayco danielle hagaman-clark not continuing on trial because of”maternity leave: she is expected to have her baby today or tuesday


  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    motion filed to have a daubert hrg in middle of trial for defense firearms expert david balash..jurors will leave out for it. def atty objec


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Reliability basis of opinions of WIT Balash.

      def atty cheryl carpenter says the issue over the qual of their experts covered in motion hrg in june

      jury will be excused for an hour for daubery hrg

      judge telling them she has to attend to others matters (the daubert hrg) and asks them to come back at 10:30 a.m.
      jury leaves


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Here is some info that explains what a Daubert hearing is:


        Standard used by a trial judge to make a preliminary assessment of whether an expert’s scientific testimony is based on reasoning or methodology that is scientifically valid and can properly be applied to the facts at issue.

        Under this standard, the factors that may be considered in determining whether the methodology is valid are: (1) whether the theory or technique in question can be and has been tested; (2) whether it has been subjected to peer review and publication; (3) its known or potential error rate; (4) the existence and maintenance of standards controlling its operation; and (5) whether it has attracted widespread acceptance within a relevant scientific community. See Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993). The Daubert standard is the test currently used in the federal courts and some state courts. In the federal courts, it replaced the Frye standard.

        “Daubert Hearing on Expert and Scientific Evidence”



  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Daubert hearing begins in Wafer trial. David Balash taking the witness stand

    Balash is talking about his knowledge about “stippling”on McBride’s face..he’s said there is a lack of it..the waddingmaterial from shotgun.

    which would indicate a close range shooting..judge asking him his basis for opinion. he tells her he’s done test shot on Wafer’s gun

    idabwellsinstiture tweets:

    Daubert Hearing in session; Judge asks WIT Balash the basis of his opinion that #RenishaMcBride was shot from distance of 2 feet or less

    WIT says basis of opinion is based on multitude of factors

    Judge asking if basis of opinion is textbook, field tests, etc.

    Mandi Wright@DetroitMandi

    Retired MSP David Balash answers Judge Hathaway’s questions.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      judge asking defense firearms expert what standards he used to arrive at his conclusion that mcbride shot at close range 2 ft or less

      WIT says he has done test shot on Wafer’s gun to arrive at this conclusion

      Judge asking how WIT arrived at conclusion that screen insert was dislodged when #TedWafer shot through it


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      judge asking defense firearms expert what standards he used to arrive at his conclusion that mcbride shot at close range 2 ft or less

      Balash tells judge that he measured the screen door area to determine trajectory of the GSW:Screen door not there at time

      said he did testing with/paper targets only at police department

      judge asking why not repeated tests.Balash says not necess. judge calls attys to sidebar

      WIT opinion is that shotgun barrel was approx one inch or less from screen when discharged.

      Judge asking if WIT tested the theory through an actual screen door through a muzzle; WIT says test was done with
      paper targets at Dearborn Heights Police Department shooting range

      WIT says screen door not present when test conducted

      judge asking why not repeated tests.Balash says not necess. judge calls attys to sidebar


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      def atty asks Balash about how he proccesses entire crime scene

      Balash says he’s served as an expert witness in trials “dozens of times.” judge asks him about his opinion of the crime scene investigation

      Balash says he would have protected suspected footprints on Wafer home’s AC unit in back of house

      says also he would have lifted fingerprints that night and on side and back doors



      • yahtzeebutterfly

        asst wayne co. pros. pat muscat asking balash about 2007 Dearborn case he testified in. muscat asks about poss. misidentification of item

        zipper for a bullet.

        PROS asks question re Dearborn case and a misidentification of a bullet hole in front of a jury. Witness is excused.

        Balash off stand now. Muscat talks now says he concern. about a couple of areas of testimony..
        says it’s extremely dangerous to allow Balash to comment in some areas and on credibility of other witnesses

        def. atty. cheryl carpenter amended her motion to allow Balash to talk about “woven patterns” on door


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        asst wayne co. pros. pat muscat asking balash about 2007 Dearborn case he testified in. muscat asks about poss. misidentification of item

        zipper for a bullet.

        PROS asks question re Dearborn case and a misidentification of a bullet hole in front of a jury. Witness is excused.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Balash off stand now. Muscat talks now says he concern. about a couple of areas of testimony..
          says it’s extremely dangerous to allow Balash to comment in some areas and on credibility of other witnesses

          def. atty. cheryl carpenter amended her motion to allow Balash to talk about “woven patterns” on door
          def atty asks judge to allow Balash to talk about how the crime was handled..


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      def atty tells judge “your gatekeeper role is very, very narrow” during Daubert hrg to determine what area expert can testify to

      Judge says WIT has offered improper testimony in terms of opinion on what other officers were thinking;
      DEF offers that judge’s rule is that of gatekeeper; testimony should be allowed in evidence for jury to decide its weight

      udge says it is “extremely dangerous” to allow WIT to comment in some areas and on credibility of other witnesses


  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    Balash back on stand..he can’t opine about woven pattern regarding screen door as well


  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    “As Michael Dunn’s Sept. 22 trial approaches in death of teen Jordan Davis, both sides meet in court”
    By Larry Hannan Mon, Aug 4, 2014 @ 9:23 am


    Michael David Dunn was in court for less than a minute Monday during his latest pretrial hearing.

    Dunn, 47, is scheduled to go on trial Sept. 22 for a second time on a first-degree murder charge in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis. He opened fire on Davis and his friends during a dispute over loud music at a gas station while Dunn was in town for his son’s wedding.

    Prosecutors and defense attorneys had no issues to bring up during Monday’s hearing. Defense attorney Waffa Hanania told Circuit Judge Russell Healey the exchange of public materials with the prosecution was ongoing and their might be issues for the judge to deal with during the next hearing on Aug. 25.


  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    Lunch break; back at 1:30


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      I don’t think David Balash has been a helpful Defense witness.

      1. Upon question by the prosecution, Balash had to admit he injured himself when firing Wafer’s gun. Because of this I feel the jury will question just how good a gun expert Balash is.

      2. Prosecution stated that state police don’t conduct these kinds of tests (referring to Balash’s tests)

      3.Question by the prosecution, Balash said he didn’t use any measurements when he did the shotgun testing of Wafer shotgun.

      4.In reponse to “rapid-fire line of questioning” from prosecutor, Balash admited that he doesn’t have key details on chain of events in Wafer shooting.

      5. Under cross by the prosecutor, Balash stated that he saw no evidence of prying or tool marks at Wafer’s home that would indicate an attempt break-in.


  10. Yahtzeebutterfly,
    Wow! Did I get the months confused or what? Just noticed I put July in the title instead of August. I’ve now corrected it.

    Right now I’m catching up and really thank you for keeping us informed.

    I wonder what the defense is trying to prove, or disprove, with this morning’s witness? It seems like such a waste of the jury’s time.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      We need to find an audio link:

      Here is a tweet from Oralander:
      We’re going to hear audio in case. Pros wants to know why. Sidebar now


  11. butterflydreamer2


    Thanks again for all you do.

    Off topic, when you have a chance, her is an article I think you might be interested in regarding teaching our youth about racism.

    Help! My White Husband Came With a Racist Teenage Stepdaughter



  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    Corporal Krot of Dearborn Heights police next witness. We’re gonna hear his audio at scene about stepping in evidence

    Audio hard to hear

    jury back in..judge polling them about any media exposure to case

    corporal Krot coming to stand

    it’s sgt. krot..he responded to Wafer home around 4:43 a.m.

    Krot says he stepped on porch to see if McBride “had any signs of life …I felt her pulse …I said i may have stepped on some of the blood

    Krot: i was tryng not to but yes I did step on some blood,..it was a pretty horrific scene

    krot says he stepped on blood near the grass

    Mandi Wright @DetroitMandi
    Dearborn Heights Sgt. Krot testifies


  13. What good is a 5 minute break? By the time all the jurors are out of the room, it’s time for them to return.


  14. yahtzeebutterfly

    Here it is!!!

    Thedore Wafer takes the stand..says he’s nervous


    • yahtzeebutterfly


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Wafer speaking low..wears grey suit coat..shirt and tie..holding his hands together

      says he has new job at airport doing field maintenance..he now works with computers

      sidebar as pros objects to wafer career ques


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Somewhere there is a station broadcasting the audio of this.

      Can someone find it for me?


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      wafer says he’s never been maried and has no children.

      pros objects to line of questions..judge allowing another one


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        wafer said he ” had hoped” to be married w/children by now. dad dead..mom living..younger sis/older bro


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        wafer lived at his home since 1994..always lived alone..no security system at the home..says he cldn’t afford one


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        the home has three doors but he comes and go in side door…cause it’s easy access..he doesn’t really have a lot of company..

        Wafer says he locks his front door and screen door/nd backdoor.the main entry(side door) is locked.doesn’t useporch liteexcept for halloween


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        says front part of home not very lit if he doesn’t use porch light. there is public lighting nearby.

        Wafer says crime in his neighborhood. finds liquor, bottles, drug paraphenelia, on property. “weekends are the worst”


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        says a neighbor pulled gun out on 3 guys who came to threaten him..another neighbor home broke into.wafer says he’s “hi and by”type neighbor

        wafer says neighborhodd “definitely changed” and is changing. “renters coming in more” foreclosures, stores closing.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Now I am catching up with this person’s tweets:

        DEF is asking about air conditioning unit; who installed it how long has he ever stepped on it;

        what about to clean windows & gutters; he says never. DEF now asking about crime in neighborhood. WIT says neighbors talk 2

        one another about crime in the neighborhood, finds syringes, “baggies” on lawn. WIT says weekends are the worst.

        WIT calls weekend “Garbage Detail”. Says neighbor of his had to hold off 3 individuals w/ his handgun

        WIT says neighbor found 3 individuals in front of home using drugs, asked them 2 leave, they left and came back.

        DEF asks what kind of neighbor he is. WIT says quiet, doesn’t get into other peoples’ business.

        DEF asks if WIT thinks neighborhood is changing, has changed. He says definitely. Foreclosures, more renters, etc.

        DEF asks about “Copper Canyon” area; police officers who live in a particular area; copper refers to badges

        Residency law, had to live in city to work in city. Wafer says he felt safe. Struck down in late 90s, lots of for sale signs

        DEF asked why he didn’t move; WIT says he likes his neighborhood. Didn’t want to move. WIT says he bought shotgun in 2008; #RenishaMcBride

        WIT says he wasn’t getting any younger, thought it was time to get some security he could afford. Heard it

        was a good self defense weapon, the shotgun, also saw articles in some magazines

        WIT says he modified shotgun to have the pistol grip; purchased interchangeably; pistol grip allowed more maneuverability

        DEF asks what kind of shells came w/ the shotgun; WIT says no shells came with it; cashier asks him what kind he wants;

        WIT says birdshot; a few years later he switched to buckshot; was in a store looking at kayaks and bought it


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          DEF asks if WIT keeps his gun loaded; WIT says no. WIT says gun was loaded a Sept/Oct, 2013; WIT says neighbor incident

          w/ the 3 individuals, and later their cars being paintballer, thought he was being targeted, led him to load weapon

          DEF asks if safety was on; WIT says it was. DEF asks if WIT told police he didn’t know gun was loaded; WIT affirms he did


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            wafer says pistol grip came w/gun and that it is more manueravble inside his 1,100 sq. foot home

            wafer talks about his home. he has glass block in back room, he’s says he’s update, glass block for security and that “it looks good too”

            Wafer says he bought buck shot for his shotgun a yr after buying it when he went shopping for a Kayak. he bought case for gun too

            Wafer says he does not keep his gun loaded

            Wafer says he loaded the gun over a month before the shooting. says after the neig.incident and his and neigh. cars gettingpaintballed.


            DEF asks when WIT knew it was loaded; WIT says when it fired.

            DEF asking him about Nov. 2, 2013. WIT says he worked 7 to 3 pm; stopped by McDonald’s to bring a bite back home; cleaned


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          up, ate and went to neighborhood pub; stayed there until around 7. Says he had three beers; says police did not ask

          about alcohol consumption; WIT says he does not keep liquor in home; did not consume anymore alcohol after 7 pm; did not

          wafer holds head back and starts talking about Nov. 2 shooting. hours leading up to it

          says he went to neigh. pub around 7 p.m. Nov. 1 ..had about 3 beers

          wafer says went home, ate sub, went to sleep around 10:30 p.m…got up to use bathroom around Midnight

          says he has no land line..has “older model” cell phone.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          about alcohol consumption; WIT says he does not keep liquor in home; did not consume anymore alcohol after 7 pm; did not have any illegal drugs. went to back tv room, fell asleep in recliner; tv usually on when he does that; says doesn’t always

          sleep thru night; got up around 12:30 or so, changed into sleep/comfortable clothes, brush teeth, etc. WIT does not have a ….has an older model cell phone. usually charges it near the recliner; charger was in the wall when he went to bed;

          WIT says he does not remember where cell phone was, but usually kept in charger. DEF asks why he didn’t call 911 before
          firing his weapon; says he looked; seemed like forever; but did find it in his jeans in the bathroom; usually keeps phone
          in front pocket; says DEF misspoke in opening statement; no one keeps cell phone in back pocket; DEF asks if WIT wishes he

          Mandi Wright @DetroitMandi
          TheodoreWafer talks about the night leading up to shooting of Renisha McBride


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Wafer: “I can’t remember the cell phone period.” why not call cell phone: Wafer: “I cldn’t find my cell phone.” found after he fired shot

            wafer says cell phone was in front pocket of jeans in bathroom. not normally where he keeps..

            Wafer:hear this noice..loud banging..im in my recliner..i lay there for a minute..starts up again at the front door..that got me up.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            could have found his phone. DEF asks about the morning of Nov. 2, Says he here’s loud knocking banging. Gets louder

            WIT says he turns of TV, feels for phone but only finds charger. WIT crawls out of recliner to go to turn off lights;

            WIT says window in front, banging louder than doors. WIT says floor is vibrating

            PHOTO on witness stand:


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Wafer:I don’t know who’s out there. you can hear the window…something;s slapping the window. the floor is vibrating

            wafer says he sees a figures jumps from the porch and goes to right. then he hears 4-5 hits to the door. “each time it’s getting more violent

            WIT says he looks out window and see a figure leaving porch going to side of house; cannot tell male female black white
            WIT says noise is escalating, each time getting louder. WIT’s voice getting quieter


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          WIT says he was in kitchen looking for glasses, looking for cell phone. At sink, 10 feet from side door


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Mandi Wright @DetroitMandi · 12s
            #TheodoreWafer says he can’t find his cell phone.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            wafer:”after the second side door i waited for a few seconds in the kitchen in the middle of the kitchen. im back up against the sink”

            ‘Wafer:”The side door starts getting attacked, it is worse .. I cld feel the doors vibrating. Windows rattling.’

            Wafer: “I’m frozen. I’m frozen in the kitchen. I stop. I wait.” Wafer says he looks outside thru doors’ peep holes not windows

            Wafer hands still clenched together..he says he keeps basaeball bat in home and he’s clenching it “hard”..showing now

            wafer: “front door starts up again. it’s intense. it’s metal hitting the door.”

            Wafer: “I know I had to get my gun” says baseball bat “wasn’t going to get it.”

            Wafer says he didn’t check it to see if it was loaded..says noise started up again “I’m frozen there. I don’t know what to do.”

            Describes banging on side door as “attack”, floor vibrating, windows rattling

            WIT says he looked out peep hole, didn’t want to look out windows to give away his position; didn’t want to open blinds

            WIT says noise stops while he is in kitchen. He waits. Says he was scared, heart was racing, says he grabs baseball bat

            near side door in kitchen, grabbed that and held it. DEF asks how hard is he clinching bat. He says “hard.”

            He says banging starts up again at front door. He drops bat, says he knew he had to get his gun He though someone was
            coming through door. Went to bedroom, closet, to get shotgun. Did not know it was loaded; says he is frozen, cannot move


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            WIT says he had to investigate this, didn’t want to cower, be a victim in his house, so he went to front door. Says there is

            no place in home where he can stand & train gun on front door. Says he looks out peep hole & its cracked he can’t look out

            WIT says no one outside his home is saying anything, says he never said anything; DEF says he did not say anything because
            he didn;t want anyone to know his location in the house, whey didn’t call out and say he had a gun, etc. Says he goes to

            front door, opens door with right hand, gun is in left hand, down by his side; notices screen is down, dropped. not
            supposed to be like this. Says this is trouble, this is not good. Says he opens door all the way, person comes quickly

            “it stops. everytime it’s stop “i think it’s over.”, says wafer. i was going to investigate. i didn’t want to cower in my house. >>

            “I didn’t want to be a victim,” wafer continues..he says he looks out peephole..”it’s distorted..it’s cracked like two diff images.”

            wafer: “nobody’s saying anything. someone wants to gain entry.” didn’t want to yell out, he says..”i didn’t want anyoneto know my location..

            Wafer says he looked out first and opened the door just a couple of inches. he opened door w/right hand. gun in left “this is trouble..”


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            from side, WIT says he raises gun and shoots.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            WIT couldn’t tell who person was; person falls backward. Not until person is down does he look to begin to see who

            who it is. puts gun down and goes to find gun. DEF asks if he has ever killed anyone. WIT says noe. DEF asks if he thinks

            about #RenishaMcBride or her family. WIT says “everyday. that young girl had her whole life ahead of her.”

            “this is not good. the person come out from the right of my house so fast and I raised the gun and shot. (person) fell back in slow motion”

            wafer says the person was dark complexioned, shorter stature, “i saw boots that maybe a woman..female wld wear”..he then put gun down..

            and then tried to find my phone..wafer says he then found the phone

            def atty: you think about this a lot: Wafer (breathing hard) yes..”so devastating” this poor girl .she had her whole life in front of her..”

            “i took that from her.”, wafer says crying..still holding his hands together..says it happened “too fast….too fast.”

            a female juror cries into a Kleenex during Wafer testimony about McBride


          • So, the defense is going for manslaughter.

            I can’t wait until cross-examination.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            about this a lot. WIT says ” yes..”so devastating” this poor girl .she had her whole life in front of her.”


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            wafer crying as he talks about being feeling “panic …confusion” that night

            “i took that from her.” DEF asks how fast did all this happen. WIT says “too fast … too fast.”


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            #TedWafer cries on the witness stand as he recounts shooting #RenishaMcBride.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            def atty wafer asking why feeling mad: he says “this is happening to me…why did this happened ….i don’t get this…”

            def atty asks open door/” wafer: “i thought they were gong to come through..i didn’t want to cower.i didn’t want to be a vic in my own house


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            DEF asks WIT why did he open his front door. WIT says he “thought they were going to come thru. didn’t want to cower

            didn’t want to be a victim in his own home.” DEF asks why he went 2 door w/ shotgun if he thought it was unloaded. WIT says


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            wafer says it was a reflex to pull the trigger and the person stepped about a foot in front of him. came fromleft. wafer looks at home pics.

            but says from right..his left

            Wafer says last threat at side door


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            didn’t want to be a victim in his own home.” DEF asks why he went 2 door w/ shotgun if he thought it was unloaded. WIT says

            was “pretty menacing,” thought it would scare whoever it was off. Says he pulled trigger “purely reflex action”

            DEF asks WIT why he was feeling mad; WIT said why “this is happening to me…why did this happened ….i don’t get this…”

            Mandi Wright @DetroitMandi
            #TheodoreWafer attorney hands him photos of his home.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            DEF hands photos of WIT’s home to WIT, asks him to show jury where person/figure came from; he says from the right/his left

            DEF asks WIT if the sound of banging she recreated in opening statements was accurate. WIT says no, louder.

            DEF ask WIT what he meant by “accident” to police; WIT says “i can’t explain it, i went to sleep that night, i didn’t ”

            says he doesn’t “see how I could do that” to def attyrequest to recreate what he heard

            def atty asks what he meant by term accident: wafer: ” i can’t explain it..i went to sleep that night.i didn’t expect i’d havetofight4mylife

            says he pulled tigger “to protect me myself to save myself itwas them or me..’


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            “didn’t expect i’d have to fight for my life.” WIT says he pulled trigger “to protect me … ”

            “to save myself. it was them or me.”


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            5 min break.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      prosecutor athina siringas begins cross exam of wafer


  15. HE’S TAKING THE STAND? I really hope that we get video of that later.


  16. Detroit Free Press is reporting in real time, but there is no audio.


  17. Now we get into his mind. He said his neighborhood changed.


  18. yahtzeebutterfly

    5 min break.


  19. yahtzeebutterfly

    My last two posts need moderation so I am going to continue down here.


  20. yahtzeebutterfly

    I have waited until now to go on an errand which I must do.

    Maybe one of you can continue posting for me.


    • Yahtzeebutterfly,
      It’s okay. Thanks for your time and work. I’m divided between several things right now but will try to update/recap as time allows.


  21. Court has recessed for the day.


  22. yahtzeebutterfly

    as the questioning continues the police conversation with wafer turns to conversation about him Kayaking

    the police questioning lasting more than 40 minutes..

    The officer interviewing Wafer tells him about the steps of the investigation..

    in the tape the Sgt.(Gurka) who is heading the inves. comes into interview room where Wafer is

    Wafer said he got “a little paranoid” when he got paintballer..

    Police tell Wafer they are going to review all the evidence and the prosecutor’s office will also look at the case.

    Wafer: “So is it okay for me to take the screen off my house now” as he leaves from police interview Nov. 2

    jurors breaking for the day..Wafer stepping done from witness stand

    court resumes tommorrow at 9 a.m.

    in tape police asking Wafer if there “was any reason” mcbride would have been in his house. he keeps telling them no.

    police asks Wafer if he ever called for prostitutes since he’s single and he says no

    Wafer: “No sir..i do not frequent prostitutes.” they also ask if he is attracted to female and he says “yes sir.”

    Wafer tells police it sounded like someone was jiggling the screen door/ the security door on the side trying to get into the house

    Wafer: “I wish i could afford the security where you could just turn on the cameras and see what’s going on..”

    2nd part of interview begins to play

    Sgt. Gurka joins the interview in progress. Wafer exp paintball incident when he loaded shotgun

    Police interview tape ends. Court adjourned for today. Back at it @ 9 a.m.

    PROS wants it on record interview was played in its entirety except for redacted portions per the DEF.

    DEF wanted personal contact info that may have been mentioned to be taken out.


  23. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Wafer on porch shooting: ‘I didn’t want to be a victim in my own house’ “



  24. yahtzeebutterfly

    Okay…this has video of Wafer on the stand:

    “VIDEO: Theodore Wafer recounts night he shot and killed Renisha McBride on his porch”



  25. Just want to thank Yahtzee for posting info on Dunn pre-trial today. Very much appreciate it.


  26. crustyolemothman

    yahtzee, once again I wish to thank you greatly for your hard work on this case… I had to be gone all day today and unfortunately will be tomorrow as well dealing with my attorney about an important matter. Did you catch the mad statement? Did you catch the drinking statement? This man did not murder because of race, he murdered because he was drunk and angry about being awaken from his sleep. He did not care who it was, he was going to kill them for disturbing his sleep and the nonsense about the baseball bat and the fear is IMO simply a lie to try to cover up his anger. I wonder if he had time to change clothes before he called 911?


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Yes, I didn’t understand why he was mad??

      Yeah, and he had 3 beers (?) he said.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        I just reread his police interview….he said he went to the closet and his gun was hanging up there and then tell the police that at that point “now I was mad.”

        You know…you are RIGHT, crustyolemothman!

        Guns and anger = big, dangerous problem!!!

        I hope that the prosecution emphasizes his anger statement in their closing!


        • crustyolemothman

          yahtzee, If you recall his former girl friend said he was violent when drinking, and they had actually had an altercation where the police were involved, if my memory is correct, the drinking is the reason for the anger TW is what many of us call a mean drunk. As I have said before, Mz. McBride was just the unlucky person on his porch, it could have been anyone, race was not the issue, it all had to do with anger his domain had be messed with and he was not going to allow that to happen…


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            NO, really?

            I did not know that or had forgotten that!


          • crustyolemothman

            I’ve got a copy of the article here somewhere, now if I can just find it in this mess… I hate it when I can’t find something. Now if I was organized like you, I would just reach over and pick it up… But I’m not… Grrrr…


          • butterflydreamer2

            I agree with you crusty.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Found it:



            the woman did say the killer was a heavy drinker with a bad temper. In fact their relationship ended so sourly they actually wound up in court, fighting a stalking case.

            The woman who does not want to be named, met the suspect while working in a factory in Detroit in the mid-nineties.

            Speaking exclusively to the MailOnline, she said: ‘We went out for a few months, but we had some major problems because he really liked to drink. I was no angel, but I thought he drank far too much and It was a problem for him.

            ‘We split up because of his drinking and one evening he came over to try to reconcile, but we ended up having a physical fight. It was just pushing and shoving and the police weren’t called, but it was pretty unpleasant and left me with bruises on my arms. I saw a very nasty side to him.


          • crustyolemothman

            Thank you, I still had not found the link. My memory must have been wacky, I thought the article had stated the police were involved in the physical fight. However, as I said this man is a mean drunk with a violent temper, and he vented that temper on a young lady on that rainy cold morning with a shotgun blast to the face…


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Wafer complained about his neighborhood.

          From the following, he seems to have had no way to move out. Was anger stirring within him about this?

          Wafer obtained the house he lives in, a corner lot in a residential enclave just north of the Detroit city limits, through family when a relative died, she said. He has lived there since 1994.

          “I think he was the one in the family who had the least resources and so they arranged for him to take the house,” she said. “I can’t say for sure, but he may have been the baby of the family.”


  27. yahtzeebutterfly

    So…Wafer decided to put his baseball bat down and pick up an unloaded gun.

    Does that make sense to you??


    • crustyolemothman

      Just as much as laying down the shotgun next to an open door and leaving to allegedly go locate a cell phone… Yeah sure, anyone that was fearful and thought there were several attackers would do that, right, Of course they would…


  28. yahtzeebutterfly

    marie osborne @marieosbornewwj · 3h
    #TheodoreWafer Pros asks Wafer why he was not emotional after the shooting while being questioned by police ‘There was no jury there right?’


  29. I just updated the article with today’s video from WXYZ-TV and a link to today’s pretrial hearing in the Michael Dunn retrial.


  30. mothman — i do believe you are on to something. he was angry, that is the only reason he would be foolish enough to open his front door and not wait (as agonizing as it is) for someone to break through. as long as that door remains closed and locked, he is safe, even if he is very much afraid. anger makes as all do foolish things.

    when i experienced the practically the same circumstances, i was fortunate that my husband was at home (he usually worked nights) and that i did have 911 on the phone. i understand the absolute fear he was experiencing, i did too. i understand the desperate desire to just make it all stop. i understand grabbing one’s gun, if available. i did. the difference is, although i was very much afraid, i did not give in to either panic or anger. it helped to have the 911 operator telling me constantly ‘do not open the door’ because there is definitely a weird instinct that made me want to do that — it is very hard to explain to anyone who has not experienced it. the husband and i had no idea what was going on, if any other people were involved (he checked the perimeter of the house, from the inside with shovel in hand). bottom line though is we did not panic.

    we learned that would be invader was drunk, only after the cops arrived, had him in cuffs and on the ground. i would have hated to have shot had he broken our door, i’m surprised our flimsy door/lock withstood his bulk, but i would have and not missed. we were also clear with this guy … ‘we are calling the cops” and even showed him the .38 through the door window, cocked it in front of him even while telling him what we were doing. we also turned on all the outside lights. when i compare our actions to wafer’s, i can identify so many errors. most importantly, him saying he did not think the gun was loaded. first rule of gun safety is to check whether or not the gun in your hand is loaded or not. this is either the action of a complete idiot who should never have access to a firearm or it is a lie. i cannot discern which, but for his actions, i hope that he is imprisoned and denied the ability to own a firearm for the remainder of his life.

    i will go out on a limb here and say that i do not perceive wafer as a racist; that i do not think there was racial animosity involved in this shooting. unlike zimmertwit, he was not out patrolling specifically for young black men, this problem showed up on his door. i do think that his words on the stand described manslaughter to a T — so he has basically admitted to such under oath. i look forward to more cross examination as i do believe that he was coached by his attorneys and his story was embellished. this will come out.


    • PS — i think we all know what the phrase “three beers” really means. i know i do 😉


      • Faux,
        People say “three beers” they leave out that it was three 40 ounces. 🙂


        • or it could refer to 4-6 pints of newcastle, which is how i used the phrase in the days of my misspent youth 😉

          either way, i cannot imagine anyone buying that line.


        • MurphysSpork

          Those types I insist on skating the “hokey pokey”, singing the “chicken dance”, stumbling the “limbo” for a laugh, then getting them to crash in the comfy spare bedroom where they wake up to eggs and bacon. I never see them again for some reason.


          • the last time i had someone get totally wasted in front of me, it was a slightly older male cousin. i had to help him to bed, put a cold cloth on his head and if he were not sleeping in my mom’s spare room, i swear i would have given him a colander to vomit in. i have a pretty low tolerance for such things these days.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Excellent post, faux.

      I am glad you safely survived that night!


      • thanks yahtzee. i don’t think it was *my* survival that was ever in question, given the circumstances. i am, however, grateful that i will not have that on my conscience as long as i live, that i did the right thing, and that my pregnant behind was not hauled off to the pokey for any reason.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Oh my gosh, you were pregnant at the time?? Whew!

          Yes, it is good to have a peaceful conscience. You were very wise and clear headed in the midst of very difficult emotions! I commend you and your inspiring example, faux!


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