What I learned from the Easter Bunny…

This made my heart smile.

My Good Time Stories


Photo Credit: Ethan Hickerson via CC Flickr Photo Credit: Ethan Hickerson via CC Flickr

Throughout my life, I have been blessed to listen to many inspiring, motivational, and heartwarming speakers. I have met a lot of famous people and rubbed elbows with the “rich and famous.” But of all the people that I have ever met and listened to, none of them were more inspirational  than one of the most well known entities of all-time…that’s right…the Easter Bunny,

It is my hope that these great words of wisdom will touch your heart as much as they do mine 🙂


What I learned from the Easter Bunny……

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.

There’s no such thing as too much candy.

All work and no play can make you a basket case.

A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.

Everyone is entitled to a bad…

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Posted on 04/20/2014, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. Ha! I love Coach Muller’s creativity. I never could have thought up such fun lessons based on the Easter bunny! 🙂


  2. This is very cute……but I was told The Easter Bunny was a tall tail……at least that’s what Santa told me. I’m more confused than ever now.


  3. Wishing all of you a bright, sunny week!


  4. Good morning butterflies!

    Rose and Butterfly Good Morning


  5. Lyrid meteor shower peaks tonight: How to watch online”


    The annual Lyrid meteor shower peaks tonight, and you can watch it live online, right here.

    Beginning at 5 p.m. PDT, the astronomy website Slooh.com will live-stream video of the shower from one of its telescopes in North America.

    Each year in mid-April our planet passes through a trail of dust and debris left in the wake of comet Thatcher — a long period comet that makes a complete orbit around the sun once every 415 years.

    As the Earth moves through Thatcher’s debris stream, tiny bits of dust slam into our atmosphere at about 110,000 mph, creating streaks of light that shoot across the night sky.
    The Lyrid meteor shower is not the brightest or the biggest of the annual meteor showers, but it is one of the oldest known meteor showers. Astronomers in ancient China first recorded this shower in 687 BC — 2,700 years ago.

    The Lyrids are also known for leaving dust trains behind them as they streak across the sky. These luminous trains can be visible for several seconds.

    On an average year the Lyrid meteor shower delivers 15 to 20 meteors per hour according to NASA, but occasionally the Earth passes through an extra dense clump of the comet’s dust and the number of meteors goes up. Back in 1982, for example, astronomers counted 90 meteors per hour during a Lyrid shower.

    Lyrid meteors are generally about as bright as the stars in the Big Dipper. They appear to emanate from the constellation Lyra (the harp), which lies near the bright star Vega.
    Be forewarned that 2014 is not an optimal year to see the Lyrid meteor shower. The waning moon is more than half full, and its light will drown many of the Lyrid meteor showers. But, if you’d like to try anyway, head to the darkest sky you can find and look up anytime between midnight and dawn. That’s when the meteors are expected to be the best.

    Happy sky watching!

    Here is the link for watching online:


  6. AP:
    Crews blocked off a sinkhole that opened up between two homes in a sprawling Florida retirement community over the weekend. (April 21)


  7. This action by depraved racists is disgusting and evil.

    “Virginia white supremacists sneak Easter eggs filled with racist notes into kids’ celebration”
    Monday, April 21, 2014



  8. Margate Shell Grotto

    from Wikipedia:
    “The Shell Grotto is an ornate subterranean passageway in Margate, Kent.

    Almost all the surface area of the walls and roof is covered in mosaics created entirely of seashells, totalling about 2,000 square feet (190 square meters) of mosaic, or 4.6 million shells. It was discovered in 1835 but its age remains unknown.”


    • Yahtzee,
      You probably know how much I love music. Last night as I was feeling bad, I turned on the television and caught a documentary on PBS. It was absolutely fabulous, covering everything from Native American spirituality to race relations, to stereotypes, and other things, all centered around one man in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Here’s a trailer I found on Youtube.


  9. Women’s Honoring Song:

    “Anagehya- women of all the Nations – you are the strength, you are the force, you are the healing of the Nations.”


  10. ” Clever crow tries to trick man out of a frying pan”


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