Michael Dunn Murder Trial

(You will be able to find all articles about Jordan Davis and the Michael Dunn murder trial under the menu heading “Justice For Jordan Davis”.)


Michael Dunn is charged with 1 count of first degree murder in the shooting death of Jordan Davis, and with 3 counts of attempted murder of the driver and passengers that were in the vehicle along with Jordan.

The jury in the Michael Dunn trial has been selected.  The jury consists of 12 individuals and four alternates.  The 16 people are six men and 10 women.  According to a tweet by Michael Skolnick, the jury make-up is;


5 White

3 Black women

1 Asian woman

1 of Indian descent


5 White men

1 Latino man

Jurors were sequestered tonight and will be sequestered for the duration of the trial.

Opening arguments are scheduled to begin in the morning, Thursday, February 6, 2014.  One source reported 9 a.m. and another source reported 10 a.m.  I will try to verify the exact time.

News4jax and Wild About Trial should have live streams.  I will keep my eyes open for direct live stream links and post them in the comment section.

blue butterflies

Let me apologize in advance, because I will not be available to monitor the entire trial and comments because my son is taking me to dinner for my birthday.  


Thanks to croakerqueen123 for the videos.

Day 1 – Part 1 – Opening Statements

Day 1 – Part 2

Day 1 – Part 3

Day 1 – Part 4

A huge thank you to croakerqueen123 for the videos



About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 02/05/2014, in Jordan Davis and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 83 Comments.

  1. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thanks for all your work on this.


  3. Thanks Xena!

    Happy Birthday, in advance!!


  4. Needless to say…Happy Birthday !!

    Soooooooo Dunn didn’t get what he wanted after all……….an all white jury. I’m hoping this jury gets it right despite anything Corey does that is “incompetent” to give Dunn his “get out of jail” card.


  5. Two sides to a story

    Have a wonderful birthday, Xena.

    And may Dunn have a ticket to karmic justice.


  6. To all the birthday wishers

    Kiss and Thank You


  7. Happy Birthday, enjoy the day!


  8. SORRY OT…..I;m posting this every place I can! STOP THE FIGHT PETITION!! http://www.Newsone.com
    A woman named Janet Dickerson started it,I signed it & it had 36,768…..we need 100 as you know!


  9. oooooh, i just realized that i now have ‘chrome cast’ and should theoretically be able to stream this onto the TV in my room, if i can figure out how to make the thing work. wish i had thought of taking this for a test drive before now … will let y’all know. the device costs $35 bucks and seems like a spiffy concept to be able to stream from any device that supports the chrome browser onto your TV … we shall see


  10. GZ’s father is on a rant against all the “lies” about his son over at the treestump, on the open thread.

    Saying that he wasn’t armed with his encounter with Shellie–even though both MOM and Samantha said he was.

    That the media lied when it said he got $100K for a painting–the media reported what the final bid was and Z never stated he got less even though many of us think that the high bidder was a fake one.

    That the media said in his encounter with Samantha that he used the same pistol used to kill Trayvon and they searched for the handgun when he repeatedly told them the justice department had it–funny everything I read said he used a shotgun to threaten Samantha.

    And that GZ is involved in a boxing fight–seems like your son is giving interviews to these places and tweeting about it.

    What a delusion family. He blames the media for the feelings towards G and his family–You only need to look no further than the actions of your sons and yourself when you continually post nonsense.


  11. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/trayvon-martin/os-george-zimmerman-nbc-libel-hearing-20140206,0,5873735.story

    SANFORD – Orlando lawyer Mark O’Mara today took another step away from his most famous client, George Zimmerman, by bowing out of a libel suit against NBCUniversal Media.

    O’Mara was co-counsel for Zimmerman when the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer sued the network broadcaster just over a year ago, accusing it of falsely portraying him as racist in five reports.

    At the time, Zimmerman had admitted killing Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old, but had not been arrested, and the investigation was a major national story.

    A few weeks later Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder, but a Seminole County jury acquitted him last year.

    His libel suit has sat dormant for 11 months. Both sides agreed last February that they’d do nothing until Zimmerman’s criminal case was closed.

    Although his criminal trial is over, the case is still technically open. That’s because O’Mara and co-counsel Don West asked Circuit Judge Debra Nelson to impose sanctions against prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda, accusing him of hiding evidence and creating delays.

    Nelson presides over Zimmerman’s libel case as well. She called today’s hearing, saying she’d received a letter from Zimmerman’s main libel lawyer, James Beasley Jr. of Philadelphia, saying there were no pending matters in the criminal case, so it was time to move forward.

    O’Mara did not appear in court today, but a lawyer from his firm, Lorna Truett, took part by phone.

    The judge asked her if her firm was withdrawing its motion for sanctions, and she said she was unsure.

    Based on that, the judge ruled the libel case cannot move forward.

    The one piece of business the judge was able to accomplish today was to remove O’Mara, at his request, as one of Zimmerman’s libel lawyers.

    O’Mara began distancing himself from Zimmerman a few months after his acquittal, announcing that he would not represent the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer following two separate domestic violence complaints.


    • towerflower,

      The judge asked her if her firm was withdrawing its motion for sanctions, and she said she was unsure.

      Based on that, the judge ruled the libel case cannot move forward.

      Thanks for the news!! So, Zimmerman has to poop or get off the pot, uh? I remember O’Mara saying that it was up to Zimmerman to decide whether or not to move on it.

      I tend to think that the sanction hearing is connected with the Kruibos (sp?) lawsuit because it was probably O’Mara’s hope to boot-strap off that. However, an amended complaint was just filed in that case, which is the same as starting over with Corey given time to answer the amended complaint and request dismissal or immunity.


  12. Judge of Dunn Case addressing jury LIVE now:



  13. Profiles of jury members:


  14. State (Angela Corey) calls first witness.


  15. I’m watching live now on http://www.actionnewsjax.com/content/jordandavis/default.aspx. I missed opening arguments.


  16. Second witness: contractor doing work in Deerward


  17. Going to take a nap now.


  18. 1:36 CST, the court is taking recess.

    I’m going to catch up on things.


  19. Just updated above with videos of opening statements and trial before recess.


  20. towerflower

    Xena, you remember correctly. It was in an OS article from 1-20-13:

    Q: Will you move forward with a motion for sanctions against the state?

    A: It’s pending. It’s actually more George’s decision than mine. He’ll let me know if he wants that done. I think he probably spent enough time in a criminal courtroom in
    Seminole County.


    • towerflower,
      Thanks for the confirmation and reference.


    • “….I think he probably spent enough time in a criminal courtroom in
      Seminole County.”

      Nooooo Sireeeeee Bob ! He has not spent enough time in any jail…..that’s the problem here Mr. O’ Moron….


  21. Like

  22. I have to get ready for my birthday dinner night out, but when I return I will see if videos have been posted for the rest of today’s trial and embed them.


    • roderick2012

      Enjoy your birthday dinner, Warrior Princess.

      BTW do you still want me to do that favor for you?

      If so tell me when you plan to send it so I will look for it because I get a lot of spam.


      • I’M READY!! Just waiting on my son now who should be here shortly. YAY!!

        Thanks for the offer roderick. I’ll send it on Saturday.


  23. I am going to take a wild guess & say it MUST be your BIRTHDAY!! Well Happy Birthday to one of the Most SPECIAL people that I have never met! There is a special place in heaven for you my Dear!! I really feel blessed that you came into my life.


  24. Like



    • Gotta love the part where it says that Nelson refused to proceed with the defamation case until the criminal case is CLOSED.

      C’mon MOM and West: Make your “sanctions” cases, or STFU about them and close the criminal case! Surely you know by now that your “witness named Mr. Green” ain’t gonna be showing up any time soon!

      Let’s move on, boys.


      • groans,
        Oops. Sorry. You said a bad acronym that sent your comment to the bad room. I found it and you are now free. 🙂


  26. All right 🙂 Time for the evening portion celebrating your birthday, Xena!


    • Yahtzee,
      Oh Yeah!



      • Happy, happy Birthday! 🙂


        • Yahtzee, thank you dear friend. Now I’m going into a melachony mode because tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of my husband’s death. He hung on for my birthday in 2009 and then found his peace to transition. What a man!


          • I know you can feel what my heart is feeling for you right now, dear Xena.

            I know you can feel the deeply caring embrace I am giving you right now.

            Please know that I am sending that special love that you need right now.

            This is for you as you are spiritually connecting with your husband tonight:


          • from song:

            One day we will all meet in Heaven, and we will fly like that butterfly.


  27. Like

  28. Leland Brunson, Jordan’s friend who was in car with Jordan, is now on the stand.



  29. Good afternoon caterpillars, moths and butterflies!!

    I’m going to open another page for day 2 of Dunn’s trial.


  30. shirley hodge

    i am so sorry for this young man family. the man that did the shooting was outraged and a racist. the city of florida needs to give one of the white catergories the electric chair for killing our black kids then maybe they will stop perhaps they should hang them like they did our black peoples in slavery maybe then they will wake up and smell all coffees. all I can say is leave blacks alone this is 2014 not 1800’s wake up in florida all over the united states stop this nonsense. it is an outrage. stop being so racist. my mom raised me in Mississippi she raised us very well in Mississippi she taught us how to love one another no matter what color they are white purple blue green pink red must I go on. it sound like that Dunn guy was not raised properly. once again I am so sorry for the family of Jordan Davis. so sorry.


    • Shirley,
      I feel your pain. Personally, I believe that killing is evil and returning evil for evil does not stop evil. Did you see the movie “Monster Ball”? There’s a scene where the Sheriff played by Billy Bob Thorton decided to get on with his life with his new Black girlfriend in whom his bigoted dad had insulted. He placed his dad in a nursing home and it just so happened that his dad’s roommate was a Black man. That’s the way to deal with racial bigots.


  31. shirley hodge

    give Michael Dunn the electric chair for what he did to this young man I have two grandsons his age and Michael Dunn deprive this young man his life give him life or the electric chair something he deserve. I follow this case on Nancy grace she is just great with wanting justice for all. so do I give the Davis family the justice they deserve. their son was gunned down by a racist which is an outrage I am praying that they find Michael Dunn guilty as charged.


    • Shirley,
      Welcome to Blackbutterfly7.

      Although Florida does have the death penalty, it’s not a death penalty case. In agreement with you for justice for Jordan, here’s hoping that jury sees the facts and evidence clearly and finds Dunn guilty as charged.


  32. Xena, fascinating post.
