Humanitarian Award



This award was created by IDEALISTIC REBEL.

Mandela4After 27 years of imprisonment, Nelson Mandela became the first Black South African elected president of South Africa.  As president, he created a new constitution that gave Blacks equal rights and sought justice for the abused. By expanding economic, education, healthcare and land reform, Nelson rescued the South African people from poverty, disease and civil war.

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and has received over 250 other awards for his contributions to South African politics and for his influence on other oppressed societies.

Blackbutterfly7 was presented with this award by Dr. Rex (Horty), who wrote upon presenting it:

“The responsibilities that go with this award are to continue showing your Love for the Human Family encompassing all without regards for differences.”

Horty, it’s an honor and I promise not to let you down.

The Rules:

Will Rogers1. To be eligible for this award, a blogger must blog about the importance of One World, One Family of Mankind, and One Love.

2. Recipients should Nominate 5 people who have demonstrated through their writing a love of the Human Family that encompasses all without regard for differences.
3. Give credit and thanks to the person who passes the award to you.

I hereby present the Humanitarian Award in Remembrance of Nelson Mandela to:

Kindness Blog

Mixed American Life

Idealistic Rebel


Praying For One Day

Posted on 12/23/2013, in Awards and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Awesome!!! Love it Xena!! Great job!!! Well earned and even more well deserved!!


    • Hey Horty! Did some catching up today. Thanks so much for presenting me with the award. You are precious.

      Glitter Peace Sign


      • Glad you got it done!!! Congrats …. looks great!!
        Well deserved, my dear.

        Happy holidays!! Merry Xmas to you and yours!!
        Hugs ..


  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Honor were honor is due!!!


  3. Jueseppi B.

    Congratulations. #HoodiesStillUp4Trayvon


  4. prayingforoneday

    WHAT A SUPERB AWARD…Thank you Xena


  5. prayingforoneday