Lake Mary Chief of Police Has Concerns About Zimmerman

NBC News reports that  Steve Bracknell, Police Chief of Lake Mary, Florida, has concerns about George Zimmerman being able to legally have guns.  “I’m a small-town police chief. If I had the authority to revoke his firearm license, I would certainly sit down and consider that,” Steve Bracknell, the chief of police in Lake Mary, said during a telephone interview with NBC News.

George with police“Does anyone else except me see a pattern?” Bracknell continued. “The word firearm keeps popping up.”

It certainly does.

After the verdict of not guilty, all evidence was retained by the Department of Justice who is conducting investigation into whether George Zimmerman violated Trayvon Martin’s civil rights.  That evidence includes the gun that Zimmerman used to kill unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, and the holster.  However, Zimmerman’s conceal carry license was restored to him.

The first we heard about Zimmerman and the word “firearm” after the verdict of not guilty, was from The Buckeye Firearms Foundation in Ohio.  They raised more than $12,000 for Zimmerman to purchase a gun and for other security.

Shortly thereafter, we hear that Zimmerman was stopped for speeding in Forney, TX and told the cop that he had a gun in the glove compartment.

Subsequently, Shellie Zimmerman entered a plea of guilty for perjury, serving one year of probation, fines, and 100 hours of community service.  According to conditions of probation, she cannot have neither be around guns.   Shellie later filed for divorce, and moved out of the home she shared with George.

Shellie w Kelly

Attorney Kelly Sims with Shellie Zimmerman in court.

According to Kelly Sims, Shellie Zimmerman’s attorney, on Monday, September 9, 2012, Shellie went to that house to recover some property and discovered a box for a shoulder holster.  George was known to carry his gun on his hip, but this alerted Shellie that he was now carrying on his shoulder.  When George appeared at the house unexpected, his shirt was partially unbuttoned from the top, which Sims says is unusual for George.  When things became heated, George reached into his shirt as though he was going to pull a gun.

It reminds me of what Zimmerman said about Trayvon putting his hand in his waistband.  George knows what threatening or intimidating motions are, and he was captured on camera making such a motion.

Chief Bracknell has stated that there were guns in George Zimmerman’s truck, but “We did not have the authority to search his truck. “

What can law enforcement possibly do in this situation?    Even if a gun was found on Zimmerman, without actual proof that he threatened to use it, the police would not have been able to make an arrest.  Lake Mary police have actual proof in the video that captured Zimmerman putting his hand into his shirt, while taking an offensive stance just before opening Shellie’s iPad and then throwing it to the ground.  In the video, Wesley, George’s friend and bodyguard, is seen placing his hand on George’s shoulder as though to calm him down. However, George did not actually show the gun, and by the time that police arrived, he had apparently ditched it in his truck, knowing that the police had no authority to search it.

With George Zimmerman knowing the law, including self-defense law, and how to set up the perfect story and situation so he is not arrested, law enforcement have their hands tied.

Although attorney Mark O’Mara showed up on the scene Monday, his office later stated that they are not representing George Zimmerman on this matter, neither the divorce.

In the meantime, because of her probation, Shellie cannot have a gun to defend herself.

Posted on 09/13/2013, in George and Shellie Zimmerman, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 72 Comments.

  1. I hate GZ


  2. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


  3. He has good reason to be concerned.


  4. I’m really disgusted with the sidestepping in regards to Zimmerman having the ability to manipulate the system. If Shellie felt threatened, which she stated, why did the police not have the authority to search for the vehicle? Florida must have some effed-up laws to not have the authority to search or secure what may very well be a crime scene, especially in responding to a domestic violence call😤😤

    Xena, is it known whether the house actually belongs to the murderer? Did they purchase the home with the blood money and put the home in Shellie’s fathers name?


    • @He Ran. The house is owned by Shellie’s parents. From the records, it appears that they purchased it around 1998 as income property. Based on things reported in the media recently, it also appears that George and Shellie moved in around January of this year.

      Florida law enforcement is in a pickle with conceal carry licenses. It now makes threats with a gun legal, as long as the gun is not shown and/or used.


  5. I would think that, at this point, Police Chief Bracknell could ask the State’s gun licensing department to subpoena gz psychologist’s files to see if there is anything in his record that would disqualify gz from possessing a license to carry a gun.

    GZ has been acting erratic since the verdict and we know he has rage issues. Why not make an effort to find out if this is because of psychological reasons?


    • @Yahtzee. Hmmm. Now you have me wanting to research Florida law for reasons to revoke or suspend conceal carry license. (Note to self: new project.)


  6. There is at least one error in the chief’s story. He could have searched the Honda that the Fogdoit was driving. It at this stage is still community property and Shel-lie could and should have given permission to search the vehicle. Shel-lie has at this point filed for divorce, however the Fogdoit has not as yet responded to the petition and Shel-lie still has full access to any and all community property that they own jointly. In addition, if I read the financial statement that Shel-lie furnished correctly the struck was bought in her name and she is on the note and responsible for the payments so again she has/had the right to allow a search…


    • @Crazy1946. Excellent points. I wonder if gender biased played a role in the police decisions? Ya know, like what a husband has is his and everything else in the marriage is “ours”?


  7. Poleeease,
    Couldn’t the judge have said no guns, even though he was acquitted?
    Couldn’t someone have had that right to see that he doesn’t get a permit.
    Their hands are tied????
    What crap!!!


  8. Just a passing thought, how many of you caught that when the altercation took place and after the smashing of the I-Pad, when the police first requested to see the video taken on the home system, the Fogdoit refused and demanded they get a search warrant. If I understood it correctly, only after MOM came and talked to him, did he allow the SMPD access to the video. There is still a video of what happened that is probably available, if the SMPD really wanted to see what took place (but they actually don’t) and that is the one that the Fogdoit was taking during the activity…. Wonder why they did not request to see that? They could have seized the phone as part of the evidence at a crime scene, but for some unknown reason they did not do so. Does anyone else see the continuing pattern of non justice as applied to this individual? And yes, there is at least one person that would love to have the Fogdoit as a neighbor, that being me. I would even be willing to take him fishing, and hunting with me…. 😉


    • @Crazy1946. More excellent points! On the video, it appears that Shellie’s dad is filming or taking photos with his cell phone.

      And yes, there is at least one person that would love to have the Fogdoit as a neighbor, that being me. I would even be willing to take him fishing, and hunting with me….



      • Xena, He likes to talk about coon’s so I might even be willing to take him coon hunting, it’s a good night time sport, but coon’s have been known to be rather dangerous at times…..


    • ha !


  9. ChrisNY~Laurie

    @rzimmermanjr: THIS –> Is unacceptable, unprofessional, wildly inappropriate. Left a message for the chief, waiting to hear back

    Jr is upset with Police Chief of Lake Mary. Too funny! Now if it was Trayvon or a black person the chief was talking about, Jr would be happily agreeing.


    • @ChrisNY. Thanks for that link. Junior wants authority he doesn’t have. He’s too mean-spirited for the Chief of Police to give him the time of day.

      And yes, he has a double-standard.

      The police have a duty to be concerned about people walking around with a license to carry a gun, who have demonstrated manipulating the law to their advantage to walk free.

      Had Junior’s brother stayed in the truck with the Hulk and blonde until Shellie pulled off, none of this would have happened. Wait —- haven’t we heard before that George should have stayed in his truck?


      • What’s wrong, Jr doesn’t want to have a discussion about why a white man who was aquitted for murdering a black teen, who has been stopped twice for speeding, who has been been served with divorce papers, who knew of the arrangement for his wife to pick up her belongings, who asked her to let him know when she was done, who then shows up unannounced, threatens his wife and father, distroys his wifes ipad, should be able to carry gun.

        Remember Jr, a picture paints a thousand words.


      • ChrisNY~Laurie

        Jr. is out of control on his twitter. Lol. He tweets like he is important, a political figure or something. The only people who tweet to him are racist, Trayvon defenders or gay men. Until he started crushing on Anderson Cooper. Lol Jr kept adding AC in his tweets and finally AC tweeted this…

        @andersoncooper: @rzimmermanjr dude, this is what you tweet about? Seriously? I wish you well in whatever it is you actually do

        Lmao. 😂


  10. What do they say about something coming home to roost? Yeah well, it is coming home to roost apparently. So when he kills someone else, law enforcement and others have only themselves to blame.


  11. Sybrina Fulton to testify next Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, about the impact of “Stand Your Ground” laws.


  12. kindheart101

    I love it!

    Now we not only have the Chief of Police admitting he sees a pattern concerning Zimmernuts behavior: “George knows what threatening or intimidating motions are, and he was captured on camera making such a motion,” but he is openly disclosing it to the public.

    ” Lake Mary police have actual proof in the video that captured Zimmerman putting his hand into his shirt, while taking an offensive stance just before opening Shellie’s iPad and then throwing it to the ground. In the video, Wesley, George’s friend and bodyguard, is seen placing his hand on George’s shoulder as though to calm him down.”

    Shelly said: ” When things became heated, George reached into his shirt as though he was going to pull a gun.”

    Chief Bracknell has stated: “there were guns in George Zimmerman’s truck.” “However, George did not actually show the gun, and by the time that police arrived, he had apparently ditched it in his truck, knowing that the police had no authority to search it.”

    You just keep telling yourself you’ve out smarted everyone Z. Tick Tock……….Just a little more rope, and you’ll have plenty enough to hang yourself and we’ll be DONE with you! 🙂


    • ((((((((((Kindheart101))))))))))

      Did you see the following?


      • kindheart101

        I had seen parts of this on the news Xena, but your video puts it all in proper perspective. We all know it’s just a matter of time before the “Big Boys” get their wish, and Z is sent to the “Big House.” 🙂


        • @kindheart101.

          We all know it’s just a matter of time before the “Big Boys” get their wish, and Z is sent to the “Big House.” 🙂

          That’s right. Zimmerman should also keep in mind that people are afraid of him, and Florida is a conceal carry state in which he is not the only gun owner. The next person he confronts may not give him opportunity to live to tell lies about what happened.


    • kindheart,
      Didn’t george walk over to the truck when the police arrived.
      It looks too far away on the tape, but could someone tell when he walked over there, if he threw the gun in there at that time?
      It was during the time that the police were saying get out/away from the truck.


      • kindheart101

        @ Lolypop. Considering Z was on the street when the police filmed stopping him, I don’t know if he was coming or going from the truck. The blonde he had with him was real quick to say they had “g.u.n.s” in the truck though.


        • I know!
          On the video below this one shows him away from the truck and walking back over to it.
          This is the only one that I could find.
          The others had him already backing up, not much of it.
          He’s almost invisable like in front of the truck, but he does walk back over to it in the beginning!


          • kindheart101

            He sure does! Good catch Lolypop! He didn’t appear to be getting in to leave either. And why did he walk around to the front of truck, out of sight? Did he have to remove a holster?


          • @Lolypop

            According to the police report, the guy outside the truck was Wesley (Wes), GZ’s friend/bodyguard. They ordered him away from the truck. And yes, when he walked away, it could have been to hide the shoulder holster.

            They then ordered Zimmerman to put his hands out of the car and get out. When I first saw the video, I too thought that was George outside the truck and I wondered why they let him walk away. It was not until I read the police report that it made sense.

            This was the best video I could find that shows that.


          • Yes, there IS someone standing in the middle of the road, he walks over to the truck and then in front up the driveway. About the time he is in front of the truck George get’s out and slams the door, they yell for the man to get back out there, he didn’t.
            Xena, it was the bodyguard?
            He didn’t look that huge though did he? I put it on full screen and could make it out a little better.
            They are yelling get that man back out there.
            This is the first time I realized George was STILL in the truck.
            He had plenty of time and if I were the police I still wouldn’t have trusted that he didn’t have a gun.


          • @Lolypop.

            This is the first time I realized George was STILL in the truck.
            He had plenty of time and if I were the police I still wouldn’t have trusted that he didn’t have a gun.

            Yeah — because of the distance from where the dash cam was and GZ’s truck, it’s hard to identify who is standing at the truck. Had I not read police report, I would not have known it was Wesley.

            George is the type of person who will piss on your leg and tell the police it was raining.


          • AND even though we saw the sun and no rain right before our very eyes, the police will tell us they can’t argue with what the zimmerman says. lol


          • @Lolypop.

            AND even though we saw the sun and no rain right before our very eyes, the police will tell us they can’t argue with what the zimmerman says. lol

            Right! And because George said it, LE fails to take evidence or if they do, they put it in a plastic bag rather than a paper bag so the defense can argue that rain turned to urine.


    • KINDHEART! You’re BACK! 🙂   🙂   🙂   🙂  



      • kindheart101

        You are too sweet Cielo. I haven’t been home for several days, but I am trying to read and post when I can.

        It’s good to see you. 🙂


  13. At the beginning of this video, he walks over to the truck before turning around.


    • kindheart101

      Thank you Lolypop. I had only seen a few clips of that video on the news, and they were all in the middle of the street when they made him kneel down. It sure looks like he had plenty enough time to throw a gun in the truck, and, when he walked around to the front of the truck……out of sight, he could have removed the shoulder holster and put that in the truck also before he started backing up.


      • I know kindheart. I was looking for the one that started back at the truck, I knew that I had seen it and most of the videos weren’t showing the whole thing.
        Xena found one. I have faith that IF I saw something and I can’t find it again, XENA WILL!!! : )


  14. Xena,
    Did he toss the holster in the yard while arguing with Shellie and the do something again at the truck. He sure took his time. If he got rid of the gun, he may have thrown it in then. You think?
    HOWEVER to the WISE policeman the GUN was absolutely an issue.


    • @Lolypop. George was in his truck for several minutes before the cops arrived. He could have taken the holster off and left it in the truck.

      Guns are George’s friends. Be damn with anything that actually breathes.


      • You’re right. I didn’t realize it. I put it on full screen and could see him get out, AS he got out the friend walked in front AND did not pay attention to officers.
        George didn’t get out when they first ordered him to and the man didn’t obey any orders, period!


  15. ChrisNY~Laurie

    Seeing George on that surveillance tape with Shellie’s iPad makes me think of the empty 7 eleven bag. Sure makes me think that George was demanding to know what was in the bag and grabbed it from Trayvon causing the drink and skittles to fall out. We all know that George put them in the front pocket of Trayvons hoodie, that is why his blood was found on the skittles and Trayvons inner sweatshirt.
    Its another pattern…he grabbed the cell phone from his ex-fiancé, he grabbed Shellie’s iPad….HE grabbed Trayvon’s bag.

    Man, I wish that Trayvon had the chance to really beat the $hit out if him. I am not a violent person, but I look forward to the day George threatens the wrong person and is put in his place. I hope it’s caught on video so we can all watch.


    • @ChrisNY. You make a good point about the Arizona drink getting out of the bag and into Trayvon’s hoodie pocket. I have another theory about how GZ’s blood got on the bottom hem of Trayvon’s underneath sweatshirt. It is based on GZ having those head wounds before the evening that he killed Trayvon. That is based on the DNA finding of blood on GZ’s jacket that was not his own, neither Trayvon’s. In short, GZ was in a physical fight the Friday or Saturday before he killed Trayvon.

      GZ already had blood on his hand when he approached Trayvon, and he got it on Trayvon’s sweatshirt as he went for Trayvon’s phone. Hopefully tomorrow, I’ll have the article posted about that.


  16. Anyone can see Zimmerman is a bully. The information Shellie has shared is not just by accident. Every since he gotten off with murder, his demeanor has shown its true colors. Question is, why did Shellie wait so long?


  17. My problem is this> “Even if a gun was found on Zimmerman, without actual proof that he threatened to use it, the police would not have been able to make an arrest”

    Proof doesn’t have to be chicken George admitting it. can’t proof can be Shellie’s 911 call? proof can be the actual gun! and of course the video.
    the problem I see are the lies chicken g says.


    this is such bullshit, who cares what chicken g ever says? he’s not credible. he’s a known liar. and just because a stupid bunch of bitches decided to excuse him for Trayvon’s murder doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. in the REAL WORLD he’s a cold blooded, lying ( a poor liar at that ), disgusting murderer, and everyone knows it. so I don’t believe ppl are even talking about this as if they need some super, special amazing evidence to have arrested him on Monday! Just because he has a ccw permit does not mean he can threaten ppl outside the presence of the police! that pos even had a knife on him and used it a threatening way by cutting up someone else’s property – AFTER he snatched it out of someone’s hands while he was armed with a gun AND knife! the agg assault stat. says it’s a threat to the victim if the criminal has the apparent ability to do something that would cause fear to the victims! the helper says he saw chicken g hit the father. the 500lb friend lied for chicken g by saying his elbow hit the father. and chicken g’s usual lie that the other guy attacked him and he fell back was unbelievable. so he was lying. he even said he snatched the ipad because shellie was hitting him was an obvious lie because his 500lb friend never mentioned that at all and that means that’s a lie too.

    if he’s lying he’s guilty, just like his stupid lies about Trayvon, NONE of his lies should have been considered by anyone, especially the stupid SPD!


    • Lol I literally could not believe he used that same story AGAIN about someone attacking him and him falling directly on his back, he’s even fatter now than he was when he murdered trayvon, it would take alot for little ol Mr Dean to knock Georges fat behind down! He’s just a lying pos.


    • @Shannon. I’m so happy to read your comment because I am unfamiliar with Florida law. The Chief’s statement appears to say that as long as the person has a conceal carry license, they cannot make an arrest unless the person shows the gun. Again, I’m unfamiliar with Florida law, but it seems to me that Kelly Sims was correct when presenting that Shellie knows GZ ALWAYS carries a gun. Just putting his hand in the vicinity of it while angry is reason enough to feel threatened.

      So, if I understand you correctly, GZ committed aggravated assault. What I do know is that when I watch the video, I see an angry man who had to be calmed down by a 400 lb Hulk.


      • Why didn’t the police (after george had not pay any attention to their orders) hancuff him and tell him to had the gun over? They knew he had a gun, Shellie also said he had a gun, so at this point the police and everyone else was in jeopardy so take the gun.
        They sure don’t have any problem getting us regular citizens to pay attention to their orders.
        At this point the police chief’s hands weren’t tied, do you think?
        But, since he did have guns, Shellie’s and others including the cops lives were at risk, what were/are they waiting for?


        • @Lolypop.

          Why didn’t the police (after george had not pay any attention to their orders) hancuff him and tell him to had the gun over?

          Because in Florida, as long as the person has a license to conceal carry, the cops cannot take their gun unless they have used it.

          But, since he did have guns, Shellie’s and others including the cops lives were at risk, what were/are they waiting for?

          For George Zimmerman to make a smut film, where he identifies himself on camera including his age, social security and driver’s license number, and swears that the voice on the film is “absolutely” his voice, and admits to filming how he is taking the life of another human. Then he will throw the body to alligators off camera, and argue that unless the cops produce the dead body, that he didn’t kill anyone. Then his supporters will use an acronym for people against smut porn and call it an “agenda.”


          • Xena,
            So true. I love you. You’re so funny!
            But that IS the truth!!
            Some crazy people in this world.


          • @Lolypop. When States legislate conceal carry law, and people with guns silence the only other witness, they present problems for LE to make arrests, especially when there are conflicting statements by witnesses.

            Here, we have Wes and Zimmerman’s MySpace page where he says his friends will handle things for him, do a year, and not “pinch” him. Not only will Wes lie for George, he will also take blame for George to keep George from being arrested.

            So, Wes told police that he accidentally elbowed Shellie’s dad in the nose when separating him and George. He then stood by why George took Shellie’s iPad and as we see from the video tape, stood by while George destroyed that iPad and threw it to the ground. That is someone who stands by as a threat to others, not to protect George from harm, but to allow George to threaten and harm others and/or their property.

            George Zimmerman has set things up so that he is “invincible.”


    • Shannon:
      “My problem is this> “Even if a gun was found on Zimmerman, without actual proof that he threatened to use it, the police would not have been able to make an arrest”

      Shannon, you are right, that IS a big problem, for sure!


  18. Xena,
    In the very top picture, there’s george, a guy pointing at something and a taller man behind him.
    Do you know who that is?
    Is he with the police or george’s friend?


    • @Lolypop. I originally thought it to be someone with the police department, but I think they would be required to wear their shirts tucked in. Doubt it’s a friend of George — he only had the Hulk and Sam the blonde with him until O’Mara arrived.


  19. Hi Xena….I’m sorry but the Lake Mary police chief saying he has CONCERNS about GZ carrying a gun just doesn’t cut it for me.In my eyes they just keep giving him one pass after the other.They can see that he STILL has ANGER ISSUES BIG TIME.There is enough for them to get him for destroying marital property.This FOOL did all of this in from of all of these people not even thinking who all could or would be taping him b/c he goes into his rages & can’t control himself.
    I tried to write this so called chief to tell him that I convinced my Son,Daughter in law & Grandchild to not step foot in Florida for vacation to Disney b/c of GZ & their coddling of him.I’m sure he could give a shit less,but they required to leave your name,add,email add,phone # ,etc & I thought HELL NO!! As CORRUPT & CRAZY as this police dept is,they would just hand over my info to GZ & his buddies!!
    I think I may have figured out WHY he was in Texas last month.Yesterday on our local CBS news,there was a story about a NEW TEXAS MADE MACHINE GUN that they are having a problem getting the public & a lot of gun stores to accept it.Maybe they thought ole trigger happy George could help them!Now this happens.I feel like if Florida doesn’t find a way to disarm this IDIOT,something ELSE TRAGIC is going to happen.I mean that with all my heart.
    You are doing a great job of keeping us updated on what is unfolding from this IDIOT.Thank You


    • @Marilyn C.

      Now this happens.I feel like if Florida doesn’t find a way to disarm this IDIOT,something ELSE TRAGIC is going to happen.

      Shellie should have Baker Acted him when she had the chance. That might yet happen, not by Shellie, but someone else. It might be O’Mara because I’m pretty sure that George has not left him alone. If George can’t control and get what he wants, he will become violent.


  20. Hey Marilyn! : )
    YES, I agree!
    That has got to be total BS.
    george must own Florida.

    The Floria police are amazing! They yelled get out of the car until george got
    out of the car SEVERAL times. They told the friend to get back out there. He didn’t.

    They arrested a young lady for DUI, put her in the back seat of her car, asked her to get out again. They slammed her head down on the car, then the cement street, then back in the car where they continued to beat or whatever they were doing. She’s had 2 surgeries already.

    Thing is, she weighed 130 lbs. george and friend, between them 700 lbs.



    September 18, 2013

    On Wednesday, Lake Mary police spokesman Zach Hudson said his agency appeared to be on the verge of pushing the domestic-violence investigation forward. It has found “an agency” that will try to salvage video of the dispute recorded by Shellie Zimmerman on an iPad.


    • @Yahtzee.

      It has found “an agency” that will try to salvage video of the dispute recorded by Shellie Zimmerman on an iPad.

      That’s good to hear, because George was all too angry and destructive to want that iPad to work.


  22. Phyllis Latney

    Can it be that GZ and shellie had a little tussle and she scratched him up like at the tip of the nose and used something household to hit or fight him off her before leaving for her dads . The cuts and scratches just don’t match what he says. Now going to the incident at the house they rented, SPD say they didn’t have the authority to search the vehicle, he was involved in a domestic dispute and was in the vehicle that becomes a part of what they are able to search. They knew the gun was there but used that as and excuse to allow GZ to get out of it. Then look at the SCSO they took or had enough latitude to arrest based on their observation and evidence, same should have been done when SZ called.


    • @Phyllis Latney. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7. Thanks for your comments.

      Now that Samantha has said that she saw Shellie hit George on the head with her Ipad, anything is possible for how he got those boo-boo’s that he claimed were caused by Trayvon. Looking at the wounds, it was evident to me that they were not fresh, (they already had scalps around them). I considered that they may have been caused at Kokopelli’s Gym, and whatever was the event surrounding that is what led to the argument resulting in Shellie leaving and staying with her dad that Saturday before Trayvon was killed. (She was all too quick to move out yet get back with George when they moved in with the Osterman’s.) IOWs, something happened that made her afraid to live there, and it wasn’t George and Trayvon wasn’t in the picture yet.

      The Lake Mary Police Dept., IMHO, isn’t worth the salt that goes in their bread. George is captured on video taking an aggressive stance and destroying the iPad. His story of Shellie hitting his back with it might justify his taking it from her, but it doesn’t justify destroying it. He should have been charged with tampering with evidence.
