Addendum – Was George Zimmerman’s Neighborhood Watch A Cover-Up?


The reason for this addendum is because I was criticized on another blog for suggesting George Zimmerman’s ability to influence others to do his dirty work without proof.

Originally, a comment posted by George Zimmerman (GZ) on his MySpace page was presented to support his boastfulness in having others do his dirty work and going to jail without spilling the beans on him.  However, we have recent documented, audio, and video evidence.  I apologize for omitting the obvious.  GZ communicated actions to his wife that led to her perjuring herself to the court for GZ’s benefit to be granted a low bond.

Just like GZ said on his MySpace page about getting his “boy,” to handle a “…lil somethin” do a year in jail and keep his mouth shut so GZ doesn’t get his “… ass pinched …” he did the same to, and expected the same from his wife, Shellie Zimmerman.  At his bond hearing as Shellie Zimmerman was cross-examined, George sat, not only like a “potted palm” but in a threatening posture, weighing every word spoken by Shellie.  Were the wheels in his brain turning, contemplating Shellie’s punishment if she told the truth?

ORIGINAL ARTICLE  ——————————————————————————————————-

Another theory, but based on George Zimmerman’s (GZ) blatant lies and deception, he is a study that requires connecting the dots.

At about 40:06 of his interview with Investigator Serino, GZ states something that gives me reason to believe that his Neighborhood Watch (NW) activities were a cover-up for a burglary ring.  George Zimmerman states that he has a cousin in prison who wrote him saying that he got off many times as a juvenile.  Had he had someone to tell him differently, he might not have been in prison.  Because of this, GZ decided to mentor youths.   It is also the reason he gave for wanting to be a judge.

This is BULL!    If we consider what GZ said with being a judge, it sounds as though he would be willing to deal out harsher punishment than the law allows.  Certainly, as his cousin, GZ would know what his cousin did as a juvenile; and how he progressed to committing crime as an adult to end up in prison.

I am unfamiliar with the Florida judicial system of selecting judges, but where I’m from, judges are assigned to courts by the Chief Judge of the Circuit.  Most newly elected judges are appointed to small claims cases.   A judge hearing family court matters this year, can be appointed to hear traffic cases next year.  So what would give GZ the impression, if he ever became a judge, that he could choose to preside solely over juvenile cases?

In his Hannity interview, GZ mentioned mentoring on Sunday evenings before he and Shellie went on their Sunday evening grocery-shopping run.  One thing we know is that GZ could not be a tutor because he failed some of his community college classes and received low grades in others.  So, what does he mean by “mentoring”?  A mentor is someone that spends his or her time and expertise to guide the development of another person. GZ’s history of failing at business, unemployment, financial problems, arrests, and failing classes, tells us that he had no expertise, knowledge, or story of how to succeed to share as a mentor.

None of the juveniles that GZ mentored, neither their parents, have come forth to support GZ’s claims.  It is my impression that GZ was not mentoring but rather, recruiting.  He was recruiting Black male teens to commit burglaries in The Retreat at Twin Lakes.  He knew, by what his cousin said, that juveniles are generally slapped on the wrist, not serving the same consequences as adults who commit burglaries.

Additionally, let’s not forget that O’Mara’s verified GZ’s MySpace page where he wrote;

“… I can hit my boy up to handle a lil somethin with my sister and he’s at my house with his boys on bikes before i hang up with her! They do a year and dont ever open thier mouth to get my ass pinched…”

George Zimmerman likes having others do his dirty work.   He is not ethically opposed to having others serve jail time for doing wrong for his benefit.  He associates with, or at least in the past associated with, guys who had no fear of going to jail.

When his cousin wrote the letter is unknown.  What we do know is that GZ independently organized a Neighbor Watch in Retreat of Twin Lakes around August 2011.  The President of the HOA was unaware of this until residents called him asking about a man coming to their homes with a clipboard.  Being security of Neighbor Watch (NW) in gated communities is a good cover-up to commit crime.  Many homeowners trust them.  They tell them when they are going to be away from home, for instance, on vacation.   They tell them whether or not they lock their doors; what time they leave for work and in some cases, what they recently purchased that they don’t want stolen.

After GZ organized NW, there were purported burglaries in that community thereafter and GZ observed nothing!  He called in other things – open garage door; loitering; a server at his graduation party expecting to be paid; a little boy playing in the street – but no observations of potential burglars – until February 2, 2012.

That 2/2/12 call was for a person in front of or by Frank Taaffe’s house.  Taaffe would later praise GZ for thwarting a possible burglary.  The person was arrested about 2 weeks thereafter.

In spite of that arrest, GZ would use that incident to justify why Trayvon Martin appeared suspicious, and he alleged that Trayvon was standing in front of that same house.

It is my belief that the person arrested for attempted burglary of Frank Taaffes’ house was well-known to GZ, and GZ threw him under the bus.   After doing so, GZ had to CYA so that person would not spill the beans that GZ is the fencer of stolen goods. What better way of doing it than to capture a strange teen and then claim a case of mistaken identity?

Another reason for GZ’s motivation the night of 2/26/12 is because GZ had failed and not obtained his college degree.  Chances are that he realized he could not pass those required courses.  There is something in his school records that questions whether he was approved for a student loan.  GZ could kill two birds with one stone. The first would be to keep his mentored person off his ass, and the second would be to earn some brownie points to gain recognition and better employment.   He could outdo the cops by not letting “them” get away. It was imperative that GZ restrain and retain an unsuspecting person that met or closely met the physical description of the person arrested for the 2/2/12 incident.

In his non-emergency call to 911, GZ said “They always get away” before he said “He’s running.”  “They always get away” was a scripted statement.  First, it conveyed that GZ disapproved of the police not arriving soon enough.  Secondly, it conveys a plan to give him a reason to retain and restrain.   Only Trayvon Martin ran, and that is when GZ went off script.

When Trayvon ran, did GZ refer to him as a funking ”goon” or “coon’ or “punk”?  The “oon” sound is clear.  If he said “goon” he would have no reason to lie about it because of the local gang calling themselves goons.   Trayvon ran, and that motivated GZ to say “funking poons.”  Trust me on this.  The FBI and others were listening for a “c” before “oon,” but it is a “p.”   Poon is a slang term for wimp.  It is short for “poontang.”  It’s the same as calling someone a pussy.  A poon would be someone not wanting to go to jail for GZ; thus, the relationship between the mentored person GZ threw under the bus, and the pussy now running away from him.  GZ wanted to confront, restrain and retain but the suspicious person was a pussy — a fucking poon — for running away.

Based on the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office “Count of Incidence Reports for The Retreat at Twin Lakes” from 3/15/10 – 3/14/12, there were 7 burglaries.   That’s 3.5 burglaries per year.  If there was a surge after NW as formed, that leads to the reasonable conclusion that GZ might have been involved in organizing that burglary ring.

GZ’s supporters argue that since the killing of Trayvon Martin, burglaries have stopped at The Retreat of Twin Lakes.  Certainly they have.  The fencer of stolen goods is in a safe-house with a GPS ankle bracelet tracking his every move.  There is more ….

On 2/27/12, GZ visited his personal physician to get a note to return to work.  While he was waiting to be interviewed on 2/29/12, GZ stated that he was going to Lake Mary for the weekend.  The first Associated Press Story about the killing of Trayvon Martin was released March 8, 2012.   For some reason however, GZ found it necessary to abandon his job and home the weekend after he killed Trayvon Martin.   It is my sincere belief that not being able to give the police another person to blame for the 2/2/12 attempted burglary of Taaffe’s house, GZ  immediately went into hiding because he feared the member of his burglary ring that he threw under the bus.  There is more ….

There are things we do not know – may never know, but something motivated GZ the evening of Feb. 26, 2012 beyond seeing a person walking in the rain.   I don’t know how burglars operate, but it seems logical to me that anyone planning to break into a house would not plan on doing that on a Sunday evening, alone, without transportation on a rainy night for a get-a-way.

Had he not killed Trayvon, GZ’s scheme still would have failed because Trayvon had only been in that area several days before he was killed.   It is also my strong impression that GZ killed Trayvon because Trayvon was crying for help.  His cries got the attention of residents.  During his Hannity interview, GZ says that he was afraid because he did not want the cops showing up finding him standing there with a gun.  We only need to consider the true chronological order for when GZ feared being found standing with a gun in his hand.

About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 09/05/2012, in Justice For Trayvon, Trayvon Martin and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I hate this bastard more every day…..But that’s just me……..


    • The more we see and learn about Zimmermeth, the more he is unlikeable. My curiosity was peeked about him and his past when learning the careers of his parents, while he was 28 yrs old and had not completed a 2 yr college. Neither had he joined the military which would delay going to college. Why would he postpone college for that long when he already had problems with employment and money? It just seemed odd. Now we know — George Zimmerman was a gangbanger.


  2. I hate to admit this but I do too racerrodig, every time I see his face I hate him. I don’t want to. It just makes me so mad that he murdered this kid for his own sick reasons and to this day tries to justify that murder with his badly thought out lies.

    Xena! This man had serious problems long before this night, you’re right.


  3. just had to comment, the story in the Orlando Sentinel Now, following court today, on the comment boards, it usually turns my stomach, but there are 2 posters there today, that are cracking me up, justakid and hanging out, I swear they must be a professional stand up team.. they are hilarious..

    boy is Zimmermeth gaining weight, his head seems the same size though..reminds me of a cartoon I cannot think of the name of now…


    • Do you have a link for the article? If so, you can post it here.

      Zimmermeth must be on some type of meds that bloat him up one week, and unbloat him the next. It also increases his hair growth from week to week.
