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GOP Maine House Candidate Insults School Shooting Survivor Calling Her A “Skinhead lesbian”

LEWISTON, Maine — A Republican Maine House candidate has used Twitter to attack two students who survived a shooting at a Florida high school, calling one of them a “skinhead lesbian” and the other a “bald-faced liar.”

Leslie Gibson is the only declared candidate for the 57th District and told the Sun Journal it was “not appropriate to single out the Parkland students.” But he says he stands firm in his defense of “our constitutional rights.” He says he served in the military and took an oath “to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

A Democratic organizer in Greene says, “That sort of stupidity really turns people off.” Organizer Pat Fogg says she wishes she knew someone who could jump into the race.

The newspaper says Gibson has since made his Twitter account private.

via GOP candidate calls Parkland student ‘skinhead lesbian’ — Chicago Sun-Times

I had to read this article twice.  Is Leslie Gibson an adult?  Did Gibson forget that the oath he took to uphold and defend the Constitution includes the rights of every citizenship, regardless of their physical appearance and sexual preference?