Blog Archives

Do Not Use Laser Pointers With Dogs. Part 9

Part 9: Medication and Hiring a Behavioral Modification Trainer


Since being informed that the laser pointer caused my precious puppy to develop OCD and why, I’ve watched numerous videos and read numerous articles regarding dogs with laser pointer syndrome/OCD.   There is only one trainer that I found on video that shows what they did to help the dog. That is Victoria Stillwell of the television program “It’s Me Or The Dog”.  

When a dog is having an OCD episode, the generic advice of “needing more exercise” is insufficient.  A good amount of written material by trainers gives nothing more than that generic advice. 

Before we can give a dog with laser pointer syndrome/OCD more exercise, we first have to get its attention.  We also need to identify triggers. 

According to Canine Behavioral Specialists in the Tampa Bay Area:

 “Behavioral Specialists focus on shaping behaviors in animals and tend to work with pets displaying behavior problems. They can recognize how and why your pet’s behavior is abnormal, and can effectively teach you how to understand and work with your pet. “

Gracie has two vets.  Both are aware of her behavior after the laser pointer.  Both recommended that I hire a behavioral modification trainer, but neither knows of one in our area that they could recommend. Read the rest of this entry