Blogging Buddy Award

Blogging Buddy Award

The appreciation of being honored by peers cannot be expressed in words. I am humbled, and decided that rather than spend time today complying with rules to accept additional award nominations, I’d spend time thanking and awarding others.

The Award design isn’t perfect, (I’m no artist), but it’s from my heart.

Truly, I wish that I had more time to post comments and contribute to discussions on other blogs.  When I visit and read other blogs, I do leave behind that I was present by clicking “like.”  Standing in those shoes, I have appreciation for other blog administrators who take out time to do the same.

There are no rules other than to place the award on your blog and present it to others at your convenience.

Not wanting to leave out those who do not have blogs, if you have Facebook or Twitter, please feel free to put the Award on your page or background.

It’s going to take me some time to visit and present the Award, and I’m always afraid of leaving someone out, so here’s an alternative.  When you visit here, feel free to copy the Award and leave a comment that you’re accepting and posting it on your blog.

Peace signs

  1. Awesome!! Love the design!!! Of course I accept!! You are my “buddy”.

    Thank you!!! I’m so glad our paths crossed!! And glad that you accepted the Humanitarian award!! 🙂


    • Thanks Horty. That means a lot to me. Please do pass “Blogging Buddy” along. I’ll work with complying with the rules for the Humanitarian award. Words cannot express my appreciation.


  2. I understand the feeling …. Guess they must be similar to mine when I received the message about the nomination. I was on the phone yesterday, for the 1st time, with the Idealistic Rebel and she didn’t mention a thing.
    I love this blogging .. and the connections we are making.

    You are one of my favorites!! 🙂


    • I am glad you liked it. I wanted to create something special from me to homor Nelson Mandela. It makes me so happy that people like the award. I wonder if I can give it to myself? LOL Barbara


  3. Thank you sooo much Xena! I think you did a great job at creating this award and it’s extra special since you created it yourself my blogging buddy. I’ll be sure to post it on my blog section as soon as I get to a PC.


  4. Barbara, I plan on paying the Humanitarian Award forward to you. You deserve it.

    Please also accept the Blogging Buddy Award. I’ve not quite finished making the rounds. 🙂


  5. Hi… Eric here.

    I want to share a special award today
    with you. This one is dear to me and so
    are you.

    The Love and Kindness Award

    Please click:

    I hope that you will accept this award and then
    take some time to share it with others.

    Thanks for your consideration.
    ~ Eric


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