How Long Will Covid-19 Vaccines Be Effective?

Just wondering out loud …

Thursday, I received my first dose of the Moderna vaccine.  None of the vaccines are 100 percent effective.  That is one reason why we still need to wear masks until everyone is vaccinated — but I don’t see that happening.

Because I’m prone to allergies, I had the vaccination in a Prompt Care facility and had to wait a half hour after the vaccination before I could leave.  While waiting, I wondered if America is doing the right thing by sending vaccinations to other countries now.

According to the CDC, no one knows how long the vaccinations will protect us.  Three months?  Six months?  Twelve months? More than a year?  No one knows.  We’ve not had and tested Covid-19 vaccinations long enough to know.  So, what happens if we find that vaccinations only protect us for 6 months, and we don’t have a supply to re-vaccinate all Americans who want to be vaccinated?  

Your thoughts?



About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 03/20/2021, in covid-19, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Two sides to a story

    As far as I know, we’re only sending AstraZeneca vaccines outside the US because they’re not approved here and 45 administration bought a bunch of them.

    Also, the second vaccination for Moderna and Pfizer in the US is something like a 20% boost, so it’s not the end of the world if people don’t get a second shot or get it late.

    In fact, in EU and the UK, where the AstraZeneca is popular, there’s a different strategy – many countries aim to get everyone vaccinated once before anyone gets a second shot. Only time will tell if one strategy is better than the other.

    It’s my understanding that people can still get covid after being vaccinated but that the vaccinations prevent severe illness. And sadly, so far, the vaccinations may only protect us temporarily too. Some scientists say as little as four months, but there are variations and no one knows for sure yet how much this varies in individuals.

    Sounds to me that it’s possible that we’ll live with covid for quite a long time, maybe forever, similar to how we deal with different strains of influenza annually. I hope that’s not the case.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Two sides,
      Thanks for the info. I did not know that 45’s admin bought a bunch of AstraZeneca. I have to research, but I think there are folks still in the test group being monitored and that might/should include how long the vaccines last. I can’t imagine having those vaccinated let their guard down and become infected.

      Regarding no one knowing for sure and it varies in individuals, as I wrote in a previous post, the mRNA technology is the same science that resulted in cancer immunology drugs that I was treated with. The mRNA drugs use the body’s immune system. According to my oncologist, some patients do not respond well.

      I’ve put off visiting the dentist and eye doctor until after I’m fully vaccinated and the period of time expires when I should be as fully protected as possible. This does not mean I will stop wearing a mask when in public places because as you say, the vaccine only helps us avoid severe illness.

      I agree — Covid-19 will be around a long time. People who refuse to wear masks in public are the viruses best friends, giving it hosts so it can continue to live.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmm, that is a tough question, but I suspect that even if the vaccination only lasted for a few months, which is highly unlikely, given the normal behavior of vaccines and the study of viral behavior over the last century, we need as much of the world to be vaccinated as quickly as possible to prevent the development of new variants, because as long as this virus is out there in the wild, it will continue to mutate happily, and the more folks get it, the more mutations have time to develop into deadly variants and spread back into the vaccinated population as just-differnt-enoug-to be a problem.
    So, I think sharing with others is also actually caring for ourselves, sorry to be cynical about it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Shira,
      You’re not being cynical at all. A big dose of reality about Covid-19 is what the world needs. It’s been circulating over a year now. Some countries and states that think they have a handle on it open up businesses and a month later, they are back in bad shape with more cases and deaths. I’m hoping that those vaccinated will have at least a year of protection. People want to get back to work, and businesses that serve the public want to open up, but it doesn’t help if employees and customers are sick, or in quarantine, with some dying.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Exactly: and since the most vulnerable (the older) also tend to be a part of our population with more available time and money to spend into the economy, opening up just to sicken and kill people will kill many of the very ones who are creating more of that economic turnover some seen to value so much…

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting question, and I will be intrigued to know the outcome. One wonders if different Healthcare providers will give out the same answers in the effectiveness of one jag, and how long before the 2nd is required.
    I guess it depends on what country you receive your vaccination too. If supplies get low, I suggest that the relevant Govt spokespersons will state whatever timescale suits them, but that is me wondering out loud now 🙂

    Hope everyone stays safe

    Liked by 1 person

    • The issue I’m having is not knowing if immunity lasts 3, 6, 12 months, longer or lesser. Imagine getting fully vaccinated to find that the immunity only lasts 3 months. Then the world is right back to the beginning with shut-downs and ICU’s filled to capacity. I truly hope that’s not the case, but there’s no way to know until people have been vaccinated for 6 months, then 12 months, etc. Right now, I think the longest anyone was vaccinated was back in December, so it’s been less than 4 months. Uggg.


  4. It’s better to get vaccinated than nothing. That’s my logic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Tikno. Nice meeting you. Thanks for your comment. Your logic makes good sense to me. I go for my second shot next week. Even if the vaccination is only good fora year, it still relieves some of my anxiety.


      • Hello Xena, nice to meet you too. I will get my second shot of Sinovac vaccine in five days later. I felt a little sore in my arm and a little tired after got the first shot. How was your experience after getting the first shot of Moderna vaccine?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tikno,
          After my first Moderna shot, I was sleepy. I didn’t blame that all on the vaccination, however. I didn’t sleep well the night before — never do when I have a medical appointment the next day. My throat was sore off and on all night and about an hour after I awoke the next day. That was it. The nurse told me that after the second shot, some people experience fever and muscle pains. Those go away in 24 hours.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Really relateble I just started my own travel blog and then covid hit and I could not travel anymore from my country. No travel planning for me at all 😦


    • Sorry to hear that. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to travel now or in the future unless it’s for business or emergencies. Covid-19 has taught us that the Earth is a small planet. All it takes is one person infected by a contagious virus, to infect others, who infect others, resulting in a pandemic. Good luck with your blog.


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