NY Cop Daniel Pantaleo Who Killed Eric Garner Has Been Fired

In a nutshell, the decision is based on the finding that while Eric Garner was wrong to resist arrest, Pantaleo was wrong to use a prohibitive chokehold on Garner.

From WhoTV.com

The New York police officer accused of fatally choking Eric Garner in 2014 has been dismissed and will not receive his NYPD pension, Commissioner James O’Neill said Monday.

“It is clear that Daniel Pantaleo can no longer effectively serve as a New York police officer,” he said.

Officer Daniel Pantaleo was found guilty in a disciplinary trial earlier this month of using a chokehold on Garner, the New York man whose final words were, “I can’t breathe”.

The departmental administrative judge officially recommended Pantaleo be fired. O’Neill, an officer for 34 years, cited that recommendation repeatedly in his announcement on Monday, but he said it was still not an “easy decision.”

O’Neill said contributions Pantaleo has already made toward his pension will be returned to him.

The decision comes more than five years after police tried to arrest the 43-year-old who was allegedly selling loose cigarettes illegally on Staten Island. In video of the arrest, Pantaleo can be seen wrapping one arm around Garner’s shoulder and the other around his neck before jerking him back and pulling him to the ground.

The departmental disciplinary trial focused on whether Pantaleo used a department-banned chokehold in the arrest.

The city medical examiner’s office ruled Garner’s death a homicide in the days after his death, and the medical examiner testified that Pantaleo’s alleged chokehold caused an asthma attack and was “part of the lethal cascade of events.”

Pantaleo denied that he used the maneuver, but Deputy Commissioner of Trials Rosemarie Maldonado ruled that a chokehold triggered a series of events that culminated with Garner’s death, according to the report, which CNN obtained from a source familiar with the matter.

“Here, (Pantaleo’s) use of a chokehold fell so far short of objective reasonableness that this tribunal found it to be reckless — a gross deviation from the standard of conduct established for a New York City police officer,” Maldonado wrote. “Moreover, (Pantaleo’s) glaring dereliction of responsibility precipitated a tragic outcome.”

Despite the disciplinary trial, Pantaleo has avoided criminal charges in the death. A grand jury in New York declined to indict the officer in 2014, and the city of New York settled with Garner’s estate for $5.9 million in 2015. The Justice Department declined to bring federal civil rights charges last month.




Posted on 08/19/2019, in Eric Garner and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. I can’t believe t took this long, but it’s not enough. There needs to be murder charges and for Pantaleo to not just transfer to another police department as so many other race soldiers do.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Ospreyshire,
      I agree. Five years is a very long time to wait where the only end result is that the cop loses his job and pension. The state failed to indict, and the DOJ closed the investigation without indictment, so there won’t be murder charges against Pantaleo.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I believe that the Commissioner made the right decision. That being said, I, too, believe this dragged too long.

    I also think that the response of the police union’s president was shameful. The NYPD has a suicide problem, and I fear that talk of the NYPD being “rudderless and frozen” will make that tragedy worse.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Brendan,
      You make a good point about the police union’s president’s statement. The only time police might feel “rudderless and frozen” is when they are being video taped killing the “suspect”. Even then, they have the authority to make-up whatever they want to dehumanize victims, and more often than not, do not face criminal charges.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yep, and in this case, Pantaleo did not go to jail for what he did.

        He also may yet end up with his job. Pantaleo is suing, and if he wins the suit then he may have his job back.


  3. Hi sweet friend!! Hope you are well … 🙏🏽 … long time coming: fired. Think still not enough!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. butterflydreamer2

    5 Years is too long, and as his mom said, he lost his job, but she lost a son.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good seeing you, butterflydreamer2.
      Regarding your comment, PREACH IT!

      The administrative hearing, which started in May, exposed Eric’s family to hearing Pantaleo’s defense attorney blame Eric for his own death. It looked as if this was another hearing victimizing the victim, and then Pantaleo’s partner that day testified. Vox reported:

      And on May 21, Pantaleo’s partner on July 17, 2014, NYPD officer Justin Damico, admitted to filing arrest paperwork exaggerating the charges against Garner. The Associated Press reports that Damico — who was one of the officers on the scene when Pantaleo restrained Garner — also said that he initially believed that Garner was “playing possum” as he laid unresponsive on the ground.

      Liked by 1 person

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