George Zimmerman Pleads No Contest And Gets Probation On Stalking Charge

According to WFTV

George Zimmerman entered a no contest plea to resolve a misdemeanor charge of stalking a private investigator in the latest run-in with the law for the neighborhood watch leader who killed Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman will be placed on 12-month probation, during which time he is not allowed to possess a firearm.

Zimmerman entered the no contest plea in absentia, meaning he did not have to be present at the courthouse. Under such a plea, a defendant doesn’t admit guilt, and a conviction is withheld if the conditions of the plea are met.


Posted on 11/16/2018, in Cases, Trayvon Martin and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. If you don’t mind my asking, I’m curious as to the reason you posted this? I haven’t heard nor seen his name in several years. Genuinely curious. Thanks


    • Hello Ray. There might not be a short answer to your question. I came to the internet in April 2012 after George Zimmerman was arrested. It was the first time I heard about “stand your ground”. As I visited blogs, I found that the case involved much more, not on the legal level, but socially. As state prosecutors released discovery, I went over it. I listened to Zimmerman’s interviews. Then I began participating on blogs that supported justice for Trayvon Martin. In August 2012, I opened this blog. We followed the trial. (You might notice in the top menu that there is a section for the trial videos.) This blog is one of a few that remained active after trial, and I continue to follow other cases and attempt to heal the racial divide along with discussion of other issues.

      Also, on the “About” page is the history.

      I can’t say that I’ve blogged about all of Zimmerman’s actions, but when he was arrested for stalking, I published a blog post about it. Also, I published a post about the documentary that was the reason why Zimmerman threatened the private investigator resulting in the stalking charges. Those who have followed this blog since it opened would anticipate that I keep up with news about Zimmerman.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Thanks for the well thought out answer. I read most of my blogs on mi iPhone, so I don’t always see all the buttons on a blog. Thanks for keeping the conversation going.


        • Ray,
          Some years ago I was told that some people access the internet using cell phones and devices other than laptop or desktop computers. I’m still stuck in the dark ages. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

  2. In the end, after the final sentence is written, the universal rule of Karmic law will have accomplished for Trayvon what America’s dubious application of the rule of law failed to: Justice

    Liked by 2 people

    • xmatman,
      There are times when I think that Zimmerman is living in Karmic law. That’s because he has failed at gaining the popularity he sought, and for all intents and purposes, it appears that he has lived as a free-loafer since March 2012.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Two sides to a story

    Like watching a train wreck in slow motion. And living proof that jail isn’t the only way to serve justice. I doubt he has a fulfilling life and likely never will(in this incarnation) unless he seeks forgiveness and transformation.


  4. Zimmerman should have been in prison long ago. Why he is still allowed to walk among us is beyond me. 😥

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Zimmerman has all the risk factors of a future mass shooter. He already got away with murder and continues to have violent encounters that appear to be downplayed by law enforcement. Here is a person who should not own a gun. But his gun right was stripped for a mere year as punishment instead of permanently. He also has mental health issues where violence is his default solution. Tick tock….he’s a time-bomb!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Angela,
      I agree. Zimmerman is also cunning. He’s more likely to try to provoke someone else to do his dirty work for him than to take a chance doing it himself unless he is sure there are no witnesses to his own actions. Did you happen to watch the documentary series about Trayvon and Zimmerman’s trial? Some of Zimmerman’s previous friends were interviewed. They told of meeting one person who changed to someone else.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Xena, I’m not sure if I watched the documentary but I’ll check it out. What do you mean one person who changed to another?


        • Angela,
          There were two former friends I distinctly remember being interviewed. One was Zimmerman’s former friend and bodyguard who spoke about Zimmerman changing. The other was a man who Zimmerman befriended and if I remember correctly, he owned a gun shop. He spoke about how Zimmerman changed once he got his attention and time and revealed his bigotry against others. Both were people who did not think that Zimmerman was bigoted at first.

          Paramount released the documentary, and they have the series on Youtube but it is with a charge.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Well that certainly was a soft sentence he got. While him not having a gun would be severe punishment in his mind, the courts were too easy on him.


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