Not a Blue Wave, but Dems win control of U.S. House of Representatives and gain some Governorships

The Secular Jurist

By Robert A. Vella

The hoped for “blue wave” didn’t materialize in the 2018 midterm elections held yesterday, but it still was a good night for the Democratic opposition to President Trump.  Dems won control of the U.S. House of Representatives and gained some governorships and in some state legislatures across the nation by about the middle margins that were expected while Republicans added to their majority in the U.S. Senate by the high-side margins that were projected (see the full results here).

Voter turnout was high for a midterm, and the U.S. Elections Project currently puts the number at just over 47% – precisely where my pre-election assessment report had anticipated.  However, it did not uniformly favor one party over the other.  Democratic candidates did very well in the suburban areas I cited in the report, but Republican candidates for statewide offices excelled in the red states won…

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Posted on 11/07/2018, in politics, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. A tidal wave begins as a ripple.


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