Trump Tells Widow of Fallen Soldier ‘he knew what he signed up for’

Source: Trump finally calls widow of fallen Army soldier — only to tell her ‘he knew what he signed up for’

Sgt. La David Johnson

Donald Trump on Tuesday finally called the families of four U.S. soldiers who were killed during an ambush in Niger earlier this month, only to tell the widow of U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson, “he knew what he signed up for.”

“Yes, he said it,” Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Miami Gardens) told ABC. “It’s so insensitive. He should have not have said that. He shouldn’t have said it.”


Trump called Tuesday afternoon and spoke to Johnson’s widow, who’s pregnant with her third child to the deceased Army soldier. Johnson is also survived by a 2-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter. CBS Chicago producer Ginger Maddox posted this photo of Johnson’s widow and young daughter:

According to Wilson, Trump later added, “But when it happens it hurts anyway.”

The report comes amid growing controversy over Trump’s delayed acknowledgment of the deaths of four servicemen, as well as his deflection of any criticism aimed at said delay. The president on Monday inaccurately claimed his predecessors, including former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush “did not call” the families of fallen soldiers and sometimes “didn’t do anything” to acknowledge those killed in the line of duty.

When Johnson’s body was returned to Dover Air Force Base on Saturday, Trump was golfing.

Posted on 10/17/2017, in politics, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 29 Comments.

  1. Are we surprised by anything this man says or does anymore…? Good grief.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Eurobrat,
      I am, but I know why and my expectancy to see him presidential is dwindling. When Reagan ran for president, I saw him only as an actor, and not a very good one. But, he had been governor of California so at least he had some experience. When he was elected, whether it was his natural character or acting, he did behave presidential. Now, that is not addressing their standing on issues but just their behavior.

      Liked by 5 people

  2. The level of insensitivity is outstanding. Sad part is someone will make an excuse for his behavior.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I am wondering why Trump didn’t tell the police force he met with that they knew what they signed up for and to stop killing unarmed people then claiming they feared for their lives.

      Liked by 8 people

      • Facts, I like this point

        Liked by 4 people

      • I don’t see why they make excuses for him. Trump knows what he’s doing, he’s just STUPID and whoever makes excuses for him share his views and values!

        Liked by 3 people

        • Ladylove,
          Just think of all that talk about respecting the military and trying to associate it with not standing for the national anthem. Yet, our president just said words to a widow indicating that her husband’s service and life is not worth his time to truly respect. A Commander in Chief should have more respect for the men and women who “sign up” to serve our country rather than being on a golf course.

          Liked by 2 people

          • So true Donald Dump is the worst President ever. He runs the White House like a daycare! I can’t believe how immature he is at his age. I thought when people grow old they gain wisdom not stupidity.

            Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t see why they make excuses for him. Trump knows what he’s doing, he’s just STUPID and whoever makes excuses for him share his views and values!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. A level of insensitivity hard to match. I’m quite sure the poor lady was distressed by it.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Liked by 3 people

  5. I really think that Trump is the most ignorant president of the US. I can’t see what people saw in him to believe that he was fit to be President. He has a problem with NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, but he don’t see what he has said to this widow whom has lost her husband is the ultimate disrespect for the Flag and this man’s family! This man is sick and very insensitive, he’s rude, and a big OLD ASSHO××!

    Liked by 6 people

  6. I can’t remember hating Zimmerslime as much as I hate chump. Thank goodness for those in his administration who appear sane, like Kelly and Tillerson.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. What an ass. It is the most undignified and callous president in my lifetime, at least. I still can’t believe It is our so-called leader. Pathetic display by It….yet again. 😣

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Liked by 1 person

  9. I weary of the “sensitivity” inherent in calling him “insensitive”. He is innately cruel, callus, and unfeeling. He is incapable of empathy. He is a psychopath.

    That there is no indication of him being a serial killer is chiefly due to the fact that his utter lack of human feeling is tempered by a personal physical cowardice perhaps unmatched in American Presidency.


  10. Dear Xena and Friends,

    Benghazi anyone? The president is rather predictable. He didn’t refer to this 10/4 tragedy/ fubar in Niger for a difference for 12 days but only after he was questioned about this by a reporter.He has a tell. Whenever he has done something really that is embarrassing, he deflects by pushing fault or by blaming others for the same behaviors.

    After almost 2 weeks, the condolence letters hadn’t gone out until he was confronted about this after he told the fib about President Barack Obama.

    He finally mailed a gold star Dad the $25,000 that the president had promised him back in June 2017.

    Inquiring minds want to know, what really happened in Niger.Senator McCain is ordering an investigation and the Pentagon has sent investigators to the area.

    Hugs, Gronda

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Dear Xena and Friends,

    There is something wrong with this picture. After 10/4 the president never tweeted about the 4 fallen heroes or mentioned them. It turns out the NSA wrote a press release for him dated 10/6 but it was never made public:

    “Melania and I are heartbroken at the news that three U.S. service members were killed in Niger on October 4 while providing guidance and assistance to Nigerien security force counter-terror operations,” the statement reads in part. “We offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of these brave American soldiers and patriots. They will remain in our thoughts and prayers.”

    The president has a tell. Whenever he has done something really wrong, he deflects by pushing fault or by blaming others for the same behaviors.That is what happened when he told the “big lie” about President Obama when he was confronted by the reporter around 10/16.

    The condolence letters hadn’t gone out until after he was questioned about the Niger tragedy around 10/16.

    Incidentally, the president finally mailed a $25,000 check this week that he had promised to a Gold Star Dad around June 2017 after the Washington Post wrote about this story.

    Sen McCain smells a rat and he has ordered an investigation. The Pentagon has already sent investigators.

    Benghazi anyone?

    Hugs, Gronda.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gronda,
      Thanks for the comment. I saw something briefly yesterday about Senator McCain wanting an investigation. It has come to a point where I do not expect Trump so voice neither show any empathy nor compassion. He is beyond admitting his errors.

      Liked by 3 people

  12. Liked by 1 person

  13. This is all he can say? When people joined the military, they all know and understand what they are signing up for and the dangers. I don’t think anyone should tell a family that they knew what they signed up for. What a compassionate man… not.


  14. Callous!


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