Sunshine Award

What better way to start the year than to offer a gift of good cheer?


Second nomination 1/2017

StudioTJ/Roach59, has nominated blackbutterfly7/We Hold These Truth To Be Self Evident,  for the Sunshine Award.  Roach has a very inspirational blog and also posts some current news and human interest stories.

This is our second nomination for the Sunshine Award, and I humbly accept it because it gives me the chance to pay it forward again.

“The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who inspire and bring sunshine into the lives of their readers and fellow bloggers.”

The only rule that Roach has is that I answer one question.  His question is:

“Without using your name or your occupation, tell us about yourself.”

I told him I would answer his question in one sentence, and in fun, he kinda dared me to do that.  So, here is my answer;

I once was young, and now am old; yet I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.  Psalm 37:25

As always, it takes me time to accept award nominations because I’m always afraid of leaving out a blogger that deserves it.   This time, I visited the blog of each nominee and looked to see if they have not received the award.  So, I made some rules for myself.  I looked for bloggers that I’m becoming familiar with.  It’s always good to meet other  bloggers and make new friends.  (Waving) Hello new friends!

I also looked at the blog theme they use to see if it allows for the posting of awards, or if they have a menu to place them under.

Next, I wanted to nominate bloggers that I’ve not previously nominated for any awards.

My nominees are:

The following video is a song I knew from the 70’s by LaBelle.  It’s titled Sunshine Woke Me Up.  It was written by Nona Hendryx who was a member of LaBelle.  The song was released before their Lady Marmalade hit.   Nona Hendryx is in the following video.  I was happy to see her and hear her still sounding strong.  Her song “Sunshine Woke Me Up” was an inspiration to me in the 70’s, especially as I prepared for job interviews.  It’s still inspiring today.



Posted on 01/02/2017, in Awards and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Great job Xena. One possible correction to your answer. You are not “old”, just “older”. 😞😁

    Liked by 4 people

  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    Congratulations, Xena, on a well deserved award! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Nice response, Xena. May 2017 shine for you. 😎

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Dear Xena,

    You are a most deserving blogger because you have a way of bringing out the best in others.Congratulations!!!

    Becoming older is not for the “faint- of- heart.”

    Happy New Year and hugs, Gronda

    Liked by 4 people

    • Gronda,
      Re: “Becoming older is not for the “faint- of- heart.”

      You got that right! We’ve seen things and walked paths that some younger folks have yet to approach.

      Liked by 5 people

  5. How fun! Happy New Year everyone!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Finding your way

    Thank you so much!


  7. Congratulations!😄


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