“News: There Will Be A Second Murder Trial For Michael Slager In 2017, As Well As A Federal Trial” 

I have a bit more confidence of the federal trial because they are going to argue the charge of lying to investigators. Once Slager’s lie is proven, the verdict of guilty should come easy. But, we know that all jurors don’t “see” the same. The month of May cannot come soon enough.


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Posted on 12/31/2016, in Cases, Trial Videos, Walter Scott and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. yahtzeebutterfly

    Thanks for the update, Xena.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Zero honor this man has, Slager. I hope the incoming administration doesn’t prevent this 2nd and the Federal trial from happening.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The new administration would cause a war if they try to step on states’ rights. Trump will have to repeal portions of this nation’s constitution to do that.

      With the indictment of a federal grand jury, I can only imagine that if Trump’s administration tries to stop the trial, that there will be a boat load of pleadings filed in the federal district court and if necessary, before the Supreme Court. Slager can sit behind bars until the courts settle the matter.

      Liked by 2 people

      • almost certain Trump called this one a murder after seeing the video…..he wants law and order and that includes arresting and putting on trial the criminal acts done under cover of the blue uniform.


        • Hi Bill! Happy new year.
          I didn’t pay much attention to what Trump said before the election. I did go on Google to search for what, if anything, he had to say about Slager. What I found was an article quoting VP elect Pence. They reported him saying;

          “I think that will be a decision that the attorney general will review and make after Jan. 20,” the day of Trump’s inauguration, Pence said.


          I truly hope that the incoming administration does not try to undermine the work of federal prosecutors that have brought people to trial.

          Liked by 2 people

          • I heard every word Trump said before the election. What a lot of folks heard was ‘I hate the same people you do’ and never heard the rest. He promised to shred our Constitution by limiting and violating our rights.

            1st Amendment. Free speech, freedom of religion.
            Promising to ban or profile people of a certain religion. Making it legal to sue people who print lies or negative stories about him. Limiting our right to protest.

            Illegal search and seizure 4th Amendment.
            Stop and Frisk. Forcing tech companies to provide the government with codes to unlock citizens private electronic devices.

            Due Process 5th Amendment
            Again, Stop and Frisk and threatening to detain people indefinitely without charging them with crimes. Not prosecuting civil rights cases on a Federal Level

            Cruel and unusual punishment 8th Amendment.
            Threatening to kill the families of suspected terrorist. Threatening to use torture worse than water boarding.

            14th Amendment. Promising to deport citizens who were born here.

            1st Amendment: He says he will limit what the press can publish. He will ban those of a certain religion. He will allow states to enact their own discriminatory laws based on ‘religious freedom’. Limiting our right to free speech and freedom of religion.

            4th Amendment
            Illegal search and seizure
            Stop and Frisk.
            Forcing tech companies to provide the government with codes to unlock citizens private electronic devices.

            5th Amendment
            Due Process. Denying us Due Process when police are allowed to kill us for no reason.
            Again, Stop and Frisk and threatening to detain people indefinitely without charging them with crimes.

            8th Amendment.

            Cruel and unusual punishment
            Threatening to kill the families of suspected terrorist. Threatening to use torture worse than water boarding.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Xena, can you fix that for me? D’oh


          • Mindyme,
            Fixed it — I think. 🙂 Let me know if I missed anything.


      • Would Slager be in jail to await Federal Trial? Isn’t he out on bond now?


  3. chuquestaquenumber1

    I support these decision

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Xena,

    If any police officer is the poster example for an officer who belongs in jail, it is Officer Slager.

    VP Pence better stay out of this. He is the one to watch as he will be the conduit between the White House and the U.S. congress.

    Happy New Year and hugs, Gronda

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gronda,
      I’ve wondered about VP elect Pence. It looks like the incoming press secretary is doing all the talking. And, rather than talking like a press secretary, he is talking like a deflector and critic of President Obama. Geez! The election is over. He should be talking about what the incoming president plans to do rather than criticizing Obama for sanctioning Russia.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Attorneys argue Michael Slager requests including indictment dismissal”
    Friday, April 21st 2017, 6:56 pm EDT


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