Missouri Governor Vetoes Stand Your Ground Bill

Stand Your Ground should be titled “Shoot first and claim self-defense later.”

End Stand Your Ground

SB656, a bill designed to change Missouri’s laws on self-defense laws, and make Missouri the first state since the Trayvon Martin incident to pass a stand your ground law, was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon today (June 27). After sailing through the state’s Senate and the House, the bill had been awaiting approval or veto by Nixon since May 13.

SEE: Missouri (Almost) Becomes A Stand Your Ground State

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (official state portrait)

Nixon, a Democrat, faced enormous pressure from the Republican-led Missouri legislature to enact the law. The bill has been widely considered “veto-proof”; however, a bill which faces opposition by the Governor after passing through the legislature can be challenged with a veto override in the next legislative session, and still become law in the future.

Missouri’s current self-defense laws state that only the property owner or someone leasing it are allowed to use deadly force against an intruder.


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Posted on 06/27/2016, in Conceal Carry & SYG, politics, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. It is great to see a politician being a profile in courage. His state has had enough issues with St. Louis/ Ferguson, Michael Brown case. He does not need to add fuel to his state’s problems..

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I could get lost in the links on this site. Thanks so much .

    “Whether it’s trick-or-treaters or kids playing in the yard of someone who doesn’t want them there or some drunk guy stumbling into the wrong house, you’re encouraging people to possibly use deadly physical force where it shouldn’t be used.”

    10 Infamous Quotes About Stand Your Ground Laws

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Two sides to a story

    I don’t understand MIssouri law. Stand your ground usually refers to defending oneself outside the home, not defending oneself in one’s home against an intruder . . .


    • Two sides to a story

      Oh, never mind. I realize now that in Missouri that they only have the right to defend oneself against someone intruding into a home, which is where defense laws need to stay. In fact, we should probably have laws that prevent using deadly force unless someone is threatening you with deadly force. The state legislators are trying to ADD stand your ground defense, which only encourages more heroic Zimmermans, etc.

      Liked by 2 people

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