June 15 – Wordless Wednesday



Posted on 06/15/2016, in Wordless Wednesday and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. Wordless is the only thing I can come up with. All the shootings. Killings of innocent people. My thoughts are rampant at this time. This is AMERICA? Our poor children and grandchildren growing up in a world that is so violent. I know there are good things. But more seems to be bad than good these days. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.. Namaste’

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  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Wordless …. indeed!!

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  3. Liked by 3 people

  4. How true! There are no words to describe this horror to its fullest; the culmination of so much hate against others; the lack of courage of our legislators to confront the NRA to pass common sense gun laws; the press sensationalizing this tragedy because of the ISIS/ Muslim connection when I suspect that this is mostly a hate crime; dealing with conservative religious folks including Christians and Muslims who demonize the LGBT community…and the list goes on…How much do peoples have to endure in the name of hate in all its forms?

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  5. We need no words, only prayers.. I hope our hearts join in unity of peace to show we are united and that those who deal in death to divide us only bring us closer together.. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Published on Jun 13, 2016
    “Heaven’s Song”

    Written & Produced By: Alton Eugene
    Sung By: Alton Eugene

    “Sunday morning while I was at church my heart was heavy for those who were affected by the horrific shooting that claimed the lives of so many innocent and helpless people. In the wake of all of it I could only find lyrics & a melody to express what I was feeling and wanted to share with the city of Orlando & The LGBT Community. I went home and to write began weeping as I was just a few lines in.

    “Orlando & The LGBT Community, I’m praying that you would have comfort and peace in this time and to know that Love & Grace surround you. Know that through this song, Heaven & I are hugging you with every melody & every lyric.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve noticed how emotional this story has made the LGBTQ news hosts…Anderson, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow…this really hits home for them. Very sad to see 😦

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      • Eurobrat, I think what we are seeing is how people relate to victims. The people at Pulse were murdered because of their sexual preferences. Anderson, Lemon, Maddow stand in the shoes of thinking it could have been them.

        In like manner, when Trayvon was killed, Rev. Sharpton and other Black television hosts and personalities were deeply affected. It could have been them, or their child, or brother The saying was, “Trayvon could have been my son.” “Trayvon could have been your son.”

        What we are seeing is that mass killings target people who could be any of us. It can be in school, or on a plane or in an airport, or at a concert or movie theater, or going to the store, a club, or in church.

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    • Heartbreaking 😥

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  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    Holding the light
    Feeling the glow
    Love. It is Love.

    Love. It is Love.

    Reaching out
    Bringing in
    All as one
    Love. It is Love.

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  8. butterflydreamer2

    Poem written by one of the victims

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  9. Sadness and beauty mixed together in the photo.

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  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    Imran Yousuf, a Hindu who is a former Marine, saved more than 60 lives during the Orlando shooting by unlatching the back door to the club:

    He is interviewed in this video:

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I am inviting you to the 3 Quotes 3 Days challenge!

    3 Quote 3 Day Challenge


    • Thank you so much for this. I’ve turned it down twice previously and sadly, must do so again. There are days when I don’t write a blog and I don’t want to commit and then not be able to fulfill the commitment. Hope you understand and forgive me. (((((Hugs)))))


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