A Racerrodig Thanksgiving

A Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.  The following is a reblog from last year.  I won’t have much time for blogging until after the holiday.  Please be safe, enjoy yourself and the love of your family and friends, and whatever path you walk, I hope you enjoy Racer’s songs.

blue butterflies

Racerrodig is a precious, consistent supporter of Blackbutterfly7. I call him “Racer.” Through the years, he has shared his profound wisdom and great humor with us. Racer has often spoken about playing music, and several months ago he informed us that he started a praise and worship band with his son. They have been invited to perform in other countries.

Racer entrusted me with three of his band’s original songs to see if I could present them in a format so others can listen to them. So, I put them on video. The first video has some glitches, and I ask that you don’t allow that to distract from the beauty and talent of Racer’s song.

It wasn’t feeling like Thanksgiving to me this year. With so much trouble in America, I had gotten down. Racer’s songs picked me up and I hope they do the same for you.  As well, it is such a pleasure to hear his voice.

Blessed Be The Lord

I’m Nothing Without You

Up To The Sky

Posted on 11/25/2015, in Happy Place, Holiday, Potpourri and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. What a gracious gift you and Racerrodig have given us including me. This is a great way to transform into the right frame of mind to celebrate Thanksgiving. Every now and then, we need to be reminded what is truly important and of value.

    Everyone, have a joyous Thanksgiving Day!!.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    Racer, I love your song “Blessed Be The Lord” 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very humbly…….I have a few from back in the late 80’s that flat out boogie. I have one from about 2005 “Let Your Voice be Heard” that cooks with gas as well. I’ll have to get that one to Xena. I think “Blessed Be The Lord” and “Let Your Voice be Heard” are my fav’s.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Xena love and Hugs to you and Yours

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Xena………………..I just turned my little box on that has all these wires and diodes, resistors, chips and keys and what do I see !!!!

    I can’t tell you how much you and yours mean to me.

    Just to demonstrate how the Lord works in my life, my business usually slows down after the kids go back in school as parents are paying off the vacation credit cards, then it picks back up until about now. I have a few long term projects in the shop, but the daily cash flow slows.

    Just this Monday I had a talk (my version of prayer) about just letting the phone ring a little and viola’ !!! Yesterday the phone rang with 3 real good fast cash flow jobs. One of them, a 70 Chevy PU needed the carb rebuilt, which is done, and I noticed a wobble in the water pump. I called the owner and told him so he gave me a list of other things to take care of and that alone pays for Christmas this year.

    Yep…………….”I’m nothing without You” of that there is no doubt.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Racer,
      You walk the right path, and the blessings flow. When one is blessed, we all rejoice in the blessings. It makes my heart smile, and brings about words of praise, to know that your prayer was answered.

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      • I have a song that I wrote back in 1988, one of the 1st I wrote called “The Light” The only recorded version is on VHS tape, but I have a program in my computer that can turn it into a digital format. I think I’ll send that one to you, but it’s a live benefit concert my band “StoryTeller” played. I don’t know if I can separate the audio, but if you don’t mind seeing a song live, then it’s okay by me.

        The chorus goes…………….

        “There’s a Light that shining through the da – ark………delivering the hopeless, renewing broken hearts”

        Liked by 3 people

        • Racer,
          Whatever format you can send it in, I’d like to see/hear it.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I will get to it on Fri…………The Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.

            You know that musician / singer friend we talk about…….he and his wife are coming over for Thanksgiving dinner. I believe some more autographed items will arise and I’ll send them with the other things I have for you.

            God sure does have some cool plans up his sleeve.

            Liked by 2 people

          • Racer,
            Sorry I’m getting back here late. That’s great news and I hope you enjoyed dinner and the presence of great friends. Of course, I’ll take an autographed anything that any of them touched. LOL!


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Wishing all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    Liked by 2 people

    • I like that one……….

      Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Lets remember the less fortunate and the victims and their families of the violence and racism.

      I keep saying…………Why can’t we all just get along. It’s really not that hard. If we all take an interest in the history of our fellow man, it’s actually a great thing.

      Liked by 3 people

  8. Love, Joy and much peace to each and everyone of you. I have read each and every word from all the commenters and you are all so very intelligent. And so caring. I feel such pleasure to be a part of your lives in some small way. Happy Thanksgiving. And I am thankful for you and allowing me to be a part of this community!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE………. PEACE…………..HOPE

    Liked by 1 person

  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    Bet there are many today who have their feet up just relaxing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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