This Sunday – Potpourri

Caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small,

Here’s a shout-out an appreciation to our new subscribed followers.  Here’s another shout-out to those on Twitter who tweet out links of our blog posts.  Your support is greatly appreciated.   If you’re not following me on Twitter, my handle is @XenaBb7.


Those of you familiar with our writers and comment participants may have noticed that Towerflower has been absent.  She gave me her approval to share this.  Whatever your path, whether prayers, positive thoughts or good wishes, she needs them.  Her sister and her mom both had strokes on the same day.  Her sister is now out of the hospital, but her 89 year-old mother is having problems.  Her mom had been taken off blood-thinners in preparation for a surgery, and that is when she had the stroke.  She has days of speaking clearly, and days of slurring her speech.  There are days when she just sleeps.   Please keep towerflower in your thoughts.

1BA320I’m not one who talks much about politics.  However, I did watch the Democratic debates.  In my opinion, it was not a debate as much as an introduction of the candidates.  My mind was made-up long ago that I will not vote for Hillary Clinton in the primaries.  In 2007-2008, she went dirty against Barack Obama and Sarah Palin used some of that dirt when she campaigned.   There is not one Republican candidate I want in the White House.  If by chance that Clinton should win the nomination, it will force me to vote for her.  Truly, I would prefer looking closely at the Independents, but am afraid that a vote for them will take a vote away from the Democratic candidate.

Well, why should I worry?  I’m in Illinois and Illinois always carries the Democratic candidate for president.


You might have noticed that on the right border of the blog is a video.  It took me some looking, but I finally found information by Word Press on how to embed a video on the border.  It will change maybe once a week and is intended for uplifting, and mainly music you can listen to while reading the blog.


Remember Dylann Roof, the guy who thought he would start a race war by killing 9 innocent people in a Bible study at Emanuel AME Church?  Attorney Michael O’Connell has been appointed as his a defense lawyer in the federal case against.  The federal indictment includes hate crime charges that carry the death penalty.  The New York Times reports that Roof wanted to plead guilty but attorney O’Connell would not let him because he does not yet know if the government will seek the death penalty.  The State of South Carolina is seeking the death penalty, against the wishes of the victims’ family members.


In November 2013, we reported on the case of David Castellani.   He is the young man who was put out of an Atlantic City casino for under-aged drinking.  Trying to find where to wait to meet his friends, he spoke with several law enforcement officers, then walked away crossing the street.  The surveillance video does not have sound, and it appears that words were exchanged.  David was rushed by officers, kicked, beaten, and while handcuffed behind his back, a K-9 was allowed to maul him, causing damage to his head and neck.

We can fast forward to January 2015.  A grand jury did not indict the officers, but they did indict David for aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest with threats or use of force or violence, and inflicting harm on the K-9.  Sterling Wheaten, the a K-9 handler, who has been an officer for about 7 years, has been named in at least 5 cases alleging excessive force or assault, and has been the subject of more than a dozen internal affairs investigations and 21 citizen complaints of misconduct.  The internal investigations found that the allegations were unsubstantiated.

In June, against the prosecutor’s wishes, a judge granted David entrance into a diversion program.  As of June, the civil suit filed by Castellani was still pending.


Feel free to share whatever is on your mind.



Posted on 10/18/2015, in Cases, David Castellani, Emmanuel 9, Potpourri and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. God has answered our Prayers for our sweet Breanna. She is now doing much better today. We gratefully pass our blessings and prayers on to those who need them. God bless both of them.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. scrodriguez

    Thoughts and Prayers stay Strong Tower_Flower we are with you in spirit call if you need anything.

    I agree in regards to Hillary I like Sanders but America will look at Democratic socialism as if its Communism. The truth in the matter is it was Democratic Socialism that saved America during the great depression how quickly people tend to forget.

    Had a great weekend friends over visiting us for the weekend lots of food and drinks Boxing on Friday and Saturday now its time for a little Football before the walking dead comes on tonight….

    Things have been good for us I hope you all are doing well as well… 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. yahtzeebutterfly


    I am sending you waves of strength energy and am saying prayers for your sister and your mom.

    I am sorry that you are going through this sad and difficult time seeing both of them struggling to recover. Please know that I will be thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Sending love, prayers and positive healing thoughts.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    I believe that strength of goodhearted people coming together in community for the common good will ALWAYS overcome. Haters, racists, white supremacists will ultimately become impotent in the face of such a force of goodness.

    I think back to the memorial service for the Emanuel 9 and the words of President Obama:

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks for sharing that Yahtzee. You know, the only reason that White Supremacists are not impotent now is because they ambush those unaware of their presence. They have always used methods of terrorism, from going to houses in the middle of the night to kidnap victims to lynch them, to setting houses and churches on fire, etc. Dylann Roof committed an ambush. Those like him are quick to call Black people racist, yet he was welcomed in that church where everyone present was Black. He sat through Bible study with them and waited until they closed their eyes to pray before taking out his gun. Cowards do such things.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. When will the bigotry end?

    Liked by 2 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly


      The article you linked stated:

      Triceten Bickford, 19, allegedly shouted “white power” and “kill them all.”

      Triceten Bickford is the type of individual who should never be allowed to acquire a gun license.

      In my opinion, LE needs to check out his social media to discover who/what specific group had an influence upon his ideology.

      No way should Bickford be allowed to remain as a student at Indiana University. He poses a real threat to the safety of the student body of the college.


      • Yahtzee

        “In my opinion, LE needs to check out his social media to discover who/what specific group had an influence upon his ideology.”

        Interesting that you say that because this morning, I received notice that a certain individual liked a video that encourages White Supremacist “keyboard warriors” to take action and kill others.


  7. Towerflower, Sending positive thoughts of healing to mom and sister. Also sending love and much peace to you. Namaste’

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Tower Flower, I believe in the power of prayer and I will be praying for you, your Mom and Sister and for the rest of your family. These are tough times!

    I am hesitant to vote for Hillary Clinton. I not only did not approve of how she handled herself in the 2008 campaign, but I do not like how she dealt with the email debacle. I do NOT for one instance believe she did anything to compromise US security, she still resisted taking responsibility for a long…long time about having made a foolish decision. Then her changing her mind about TPP bothers me because it was not nuanced. It seems to be simply politically motivated. A nuanced consideration would be her having read the agreement and finding specific sections which need addressing, especially those portions effecting Americans earning less than $88,000 per yr.


    • Hey Gronda!
      There must be something in the water in the midwest. Today, I talked to 10 people and asked them what they thought about the “TPP” and none of them knew what I was asking about. Heck! I don’t even know what the acronym stands for. LOL! I know it has something to do with a pipeline — I think.

      Back in the days when people paid for internet service by the minute, it became important to use short-cuts for words. That changed for the better until phone text messaging came about.

      What’s important, I think, is that we both feel the same way about Clinton. I will not vote for a candidate that goes beneath the belt making personal attacks and tells half-truths. McCain may have been more successful had Palin not done that.


  9. I’m so sorry to read about Towerflower’s mother and sister. What a day and what are the odds of that happening? I just returned from an unplanned visit out of state to see my Dad who is 2 years past his stroke. We never imagined he would recover to the point of where he is now. I am sending healing thoughts your way.


  10. Thank you everyone for the well wishes and prayers.

    My sister is out of the hospital and they feel her TIAs may have been stress related but she will be undergoing more testing.

    My mother has had her worst fears realized….being disabled by a stroke. We now have her in a rehab nursing home but she has good days and bad days. She doesn’t talk to me but perks up with the grandkids. She will hold my hand and squeeze it. She is starting to get pneumonia again, running a fever and cough.

    Before she was released from the hospital they had to install a feeding tube since she had failed all her swallow tests. We are hoping that the therapists can help her achieve this again since she will point to drinks, wishing for a sip. Without that ability to swallow any liquid taken in by mouth has a great chance of going directly into the lungs.

    Right now she is at a very high risk of another stroke. She was on blood thinners and taken off for an upcoming procedure. While in the beginning the doctors thought she suffered from a clot she actually had a bleeding stroke…where a blood vessels fails (not the same as an aneurism). About 1/3 of the left side of her brain was affected, this includes vision and speech not to mention the weakening of her right side.

    We knew our mother’s wishes when it comes to care and I can’t emphasize how important it is to discuss your wishes with family, friends, and a living will.

    Keep my family and I in your prayers as we are still facing an uphill battle.

    Once again, thank your for your good thoughts.



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