Premio Dardas Award


Barbara of Idealisticrebel has nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the Premio Dardos Award.

I am humbled and appreciative for this nomination because Blackbutterfly7 was nominated by a blogger who runs a very incredible blog. As a “prize dart” it means that I get to “hit” 15 other blogs with recognition.


In accepting this award, I would like to thank Barbara, our followers, visitors, and participants.  There was a time when I visited bloggers who came by for the first time and said “Hi” by clicking like, and also went to blogs of new followers to thank them. Time does not provide for me to visit each individual blog now, so please receive my collective, appreciative “Thank You”.

butterfly thank you 2

The Premio Dardos Award exists to acknowledge the values that every blogger shows in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.

To accept the award:

Post it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his or her blog.

Include the image of the “Premios Dardos” in the post.

Pass the award to 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement.


  1. Glenn of Mixed American Life.
  2. Dominic of Black and Write
  3. Sheri of Dear Human – Letters to Humanity
  4. Sue of Sue Dream Walker
  5. Valentine of Valentine Logar
  6. Ashish of Compassion Kindness
  7. Paulette of Totally Inspired
  8. Rick of RCooley123
  9. Jueseppi of TheObamaCrat
  10. Curi of Coloured Justice
  11. Caleb of US Hypocrisy
  12. Eric of Hunt4truth
  13. Carol of Carolahand
  14. Kira of Kira Moores Closet
  15. Lady of Let Our Voices Echo

We all put an effort into making this world a better place.


Posted on 06/07/2015, in Awards and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 25 Comments.

  1. Very cool!


  2. crustyolemothman

    A well deserved award! Congrats!!


  3. yahtzeebutterfly

    Xena, I congratulate you on your award and admire your personal ethics.


  4. Linda Andersen

    Congratulations, Xena! You deserve it!


  5. Congrats Xena and thank you for the shout out / award 😀


  6. chuquestaquenumber1

    Congrats to another well deserved award. More awards will come.


  7. As usual Xena sweeps in the awards this season!
    May the force be with X 🙂

    xoxo S


  8. Xena,,Thank you for the great honour which you do me in thinking of me for this award dear Xena… I have since January of this year though gone an Award Free zone,..But Blog awards are so essential in encouraging and appreciating bloggers.. And I am especially thrilled you thought of Dreamwalke’s Sanctuary.

    I do have one for you though, which I created when I went award free.. Please feel free to pass along to any deserving blog.. the rules are Very simple.. and self explanatory

    Awards ~Hearts As One Drumbeat Award

    Love and Blessings And MANY many thanks dear Xena.. Keep on Keeping on bringing awareness.. Love and Peace.. Sue ❤


  9. Two sides to a story

    Congrats, Xena! You deserve it!


  10. That is so cool. Very well-deserved. 🙂


  11. Reblogged this on Let Our Voices Echo and commented:
    Thank you Xena of Blackbutterfly7 for the nomination!


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