What Did I Ever Do To You

By Kindheart101

What did I ever do to you,
for you to have such a skewed view?

You don’t know me, or who I am,
you hide behind your badge again!

I may be young, I may be old,
but if I’m dark, the stories told …..

It doesn’t matter, hands held high,
shoot him now, and watch him die!

A 12 year old, with a toy gun,
just shoot him now, who cares, it’s done.

I can’t breathe, please let me move,
just hold him down, we DO NOT soothe.

We took him down, and now he’s dead,
he’s black, he’s dead, we’re one ahead.

And now our car is being chased,
we have no guns, how is this based?

Hundreds of shots rang out, and why?
because UNARMED Blacks have to die!


Posted on 05/24/2015, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. And that graphic is only a small fraction of the unarmed people murdered by the police.

    The numbers are staggering http://oppressionmonitor.us/the-numbers/

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s so true, Glenn. Non-minority elderly and mentally ill are also vulnerable. It’s as if there is a planned extermination of people who are deemed as no value to society. I think that Hitler started with extermination and imprisoning of Jews, then moved on to the mentally ill, physically deformed, Blacks, gypsies, and then other groups. So, we don’t think that Neo-Nazi ideologies have infiltrated into law enforcement agencies in this country? HA!

      Liked by 2 people

    • We need a law that demands drug testing for any officer who kills under suspicious circumstances.

      Liked by 2 people

      • “It is at my discretion as to what I consider as being unarmed. If the person has a weapon but is unable to use it because it’s under a seat, knocked to the side, fallen to the ground, in someone else’s possession etc. I consider that person unarmed. If someone is shot in the back, I consider that person unarmed. If there appears to be questionable circumstances surrounding the death, I consider that person unarmed. If the person is mentally ill and can be contained without using deadly force, I consider that person unarmed. If ANYONE can be contained without using deadly force, I consider that person unarmed.”

        I agree, those definitions do constitute, unarmed.


  2. It all makes me so sad, so angry.


  3. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  4. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Very good question …. what did I ever to do you?


  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    Thank you for sharing your gift of poetry with us once again, Kindheart.

    You always capture the spirit and pain of the victims.

    Bless you.


  6. Beautiful poem Kindheart101. Thank you.


  7. I’ve been thinking about Kindheart, she’s blessed us throughout Trayvon Martin trial with thoughtful poetry. Keep us going Kindheart!

    Link to threat towards an activist/organizer and the subject; What Did I Ever Do To You is fitting.


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Reblogged this on Blissfully Single and commented:
    Heartbreakingly relevant.


  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    The Associated Press @AP · 3h 3 hours ago
    2 more cases loom for Cleveland after patrolman’s acquittal in shooting deaths of 2 unarmed black suspects:


  10. yahtzeebutterfly


  11. Beautiful piece, Kindheart! Thank you for posting this.


  12. peni4yothot


  13. peni4yothot

    ⭐MissTea⭐ ‏@MimiThatzMe · 6h6 hours ago
    @Nettles18 nope…they are all cohorts…its coordinated

    Robert_C ‏@Robert9056 · 5h5 hours ago
    @Nettles18 @search4swag It’s unseemly. Almost like cnn supports him or wants sympathy for that troll.

    Yankee_Diva ‏@aemdee · 4h4 hours ago
    @Nettles18 @search4swag Apparently Soros has friends in high places. Or Deray’s buddy Jack. But they won’t suspend those who threaten cops.

    Annette ‏@Nettles18 · 4h4 hours ago
    @aemdee I suspect this move by twitter has helped Mr. Johnson out with this fund-raiser. More so than ignoring him. @search4swag

    Search4Swag ‏@search4swag · 4h4 hours ago
    @Nettles18 @aemdee probably so.

    Yankee_Diva ‏@aemdee · 3h3 hours ago
    @Nettles18 @search4swag YepTalk about backfiring.Now everyone knows about it since Deray advertised it.People probably would have ignored it

    Search4Swag ‏@search4swag · 56m56 minutes ago
    @Nettles18 @aemdee I getting info that this https://twitter.com/DNAProteinn/status/602979050332663808 … may be an account from Chuck Johnson

    Annette ‏@Nettles18 · 51m51 minutes ago
    @search4swag No Thief has a funding campaign named “Wake Up America” – not sure if related. @aemdee

    Yankee_Diva ‏@aemdee · 48m48 minutes ago
    @search4swag @Nettles18 Not sure why you would think that. But it is death threats and still there. #twitterdoublestandard

    Yankee_Diva ‏@aemdee · 47m47 minutes ago
    @Nettles18 @search4swag No thief would not do that. Guarantee.


    • Peni,
      First, I want to apologize to everyone for my absence today. Secondly, I am going to ask that no one posts tweets or comments of those who we know are opposed to our goals. I mind my own business and do not engage them directly nor indirectly unless it’s a posted article that reports on their harassment. Even then, it’s to inform others of the methods they use so they will be prepared if attacked.

      I don’t know if you have a Twitter account Peni. I do have a Twitter account and don’t want my time taken up with tweets in my mentions in retaliation for what they read here, and they do read here, consistently. They do that enough without any reason.


      • Thanks.


      • Oh my, Xena now that I’ve had my coffee and reread your reply; I owe you an apology. After all the cyberbullying blogs; my post would open the door to uninvited responses. (what was I thinking )
        Again, apologies for any inconvenience and will refrain from using names/tweets. Thanks


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