Academy Award Sunday

Tonight is Hollywood’s night to announce winners of the 2015 Academy Awards.  If you’re like me, you probably don’t know what movies or actors are nominated.

Here’s the video of nominee announcement in all categories.  Get the popcorn ready.


Posted on 02/22/2015, in Potpourri and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. You’re right! I didn’t know most of the movies. I was hoping to hear 3 1/2 minutes in there though.

    Good Morning!!


    • Hey Mindyme! 3 1/2 minutes was presented at Sundance in hope of picking up a distributor. HBO did pick it up. Many movies end up in those type of festivals because they were not financed and backed by major studios who also promote and distribute them for theaters. After HBO runs it on their premium channel, I hope they release it on DVD.


  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Just like you …. don’t know about the nominees. Don’t know if I’ll watch!


    • Hey Horty! Thanks for the reblog. I don’t keep up with new releases and Academy Award nominations like I did in the past. A good thing about this year is that it seems that some actors who have worked for a long time are finally being recognized by their peers. I like Laura Dern — haven’t seen the movie that she worked in, but I’ve like her since seeing Jurassic Park.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi!! I don’t keep up that much either …. may record tonite. Makes me sad the Sniper was so recognized & Selma was ignored. Hope Selma wins the song … Hugs!!


        • Horty, I’ve seen lots of tweets about Sniper w/bad opinions. Also read some tweets about Selma being snubbed. I’ve not seen either movie and Sniper is not a theme that I would want to watch. I say, bring on the next installment of Twilight and Avatar! LOL!


  3. Let them have their fun if they want to. I do not watch these things anymore.


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    I love the song “Glory!”

    Hope it wins!


    • I do too, love this!


    • wow I love that song!! and I don’t like religious stuff, but this isn’t really religious at all. it’s good to hear Ferguson referenced too. ppl have done so much. they deserve so much more support than they’ve been given.

      a couple of twatter idiots want to mock& discredit the Ferguson protesters but they don’t stop &they keep on doing what they’re trying to do for everyone & they’re doing it the way they know how. and their way is the rightest way for them. they should all be getting an award!


      • The song won!! And did anyone see/hear Neil Patrick Harris comment about how the Oscars represented the “best and ‘whitest’ oops I mean brightest” ?

        Liked by 1 person

  5. If it’s not on VHS, I probably haven’t seen it……………..(hehehehehe !!!!)
    I don’t know any of them to be honest. Since they opened that MovieStop we buy movies we do know and love………..well, not on VHS, (anymore) but DVD.

    Our Fav……..Remember the Titans.


    • Racer, I’m like you. Now that On Demand is available and the price is reasonable, I prefer to wait until movies are available through that source where I can watch in the comfort of my own home. I can pause, rewind, turn up the volume, etc.,

      I love Remember the Titans. Have you seen Ladyhawke? A sleeper that I really like is Galaxy Quest.


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Yes! YES! YES!

    “Glory” won! Great acceptance words by Common and John Legend!!! Amen!


  7. Like

  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    Selma director Ava DuVernay tweeted out this clip from the making of Selma:


  9. I haven’t seen any of these movies yet. I normally wait until they are released on DVD or come on cable to view them. If my friends like them, then I will want to view them.


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