Pittsburgh Detective, Jack Mook, Took Matters Into His Own Hands. “I Had Enough’

This brought tears to my eyes. I bet when he became a detective that he had no clue that in the greater scheme of things, it was for a purpose other than detective work.

Kindness Blog

Jack Mook, a detective and boxing instructor in Pittsburgh, got curious when two of his students stopped showing up.

He went searching for them and found them at an abusive foster home. Then he took matters into his own hands. This is a classic tale of a by-the-books detective with a soft heart.

What a truly wonderful man! 🙂

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Posted on 10/21/2014, in Good Cops, Happy Place, Potpourri and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 22 Comments.

  1. The world needs more people like Jack.


  2. Yup the tears are flowing. I fell in love with Jack Mook! WOW!


  3. “for fun he hits people” 🙂 I love the narration. What a Wonderful ending to this story. We need so many more people like this!! This is what you call ‘walking the walk’ !!


  4. scrodriguez

    You would be surprised how often Amateur boxing coaches do get involved in stuff like this in fact research the Peterson Brothers, Lamont and Anthony…. Allot of the kids that come to our gym come from environments just like this parents send them to the gym as a way to get out of their own responsibilities as parents and more often then not we usually learn with in a few months what they are going through at home.

    Makes me proud of my sport our community in boxing and the good they actually do for these kids and for other causes.


  5. kindheart101

    It is said that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets their wings.

    Jack Mook…………step forward please………..”Ding”…………………..


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    What a beautiful uplifting story!

    Jack Mook has a great caring heart. Shining and giving those two safety, security and most of all, family!


  7. “Jack has been their foster parent for almost 2 years now……”

    The perfect ending and a nightmare ends.

    Now………all kidding aside, THIS is mentoring !!!!!!!!!!


  8. The majority of my research focuses on bad cop’s, so it’s refreshing to see there really are some good, I should say *great* one out there. I recently started keeping a list of *Good Cops* and Jack Mook is #2 on the list!


    • Lady2soothe,
      Great! Can’t wait until you publish the list.

      The thing about cops who harm and kill is just that — they do things that have a permanent impact that extends beyond the individual harmed or killed. Even those things done by cops that constitute corruption is done because they have the badge and the opportunity.

      Jack Mook “called in favors”, using his position to help and not harm, in what LE would generally tell the public is a “civil matter” and tell them to get an attorney. That is what makes him special to me.


  9. a person never stands taller then when they bend over to help a child or an animal.


  10. Yeah — it’s alright


  11. What a wonderful hero and role model. Great video. Hugs, Barbara


  12. peni4yothot

    Awe……..so glad to hear some positive news about our LE. They do exist. Heart warming.

    There are two officers on the west coast who bought bunk beds for under privileged little girls. Now they’ve created a fund to buy beds for children.

    Good story.


  13. kindheart101


    Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize.

    What a brave, and extremely brilliant young lady she is.


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