Hostile Police – Death Threats Upon America

The below video is intentionally absent of the sound in the majority of the clips. I realize that some will say that without sound, we won’t know the context. However, without sound, it’s easier to concentrate on body movements. I learned something very important. What I learned is that when humans are placed in situations of being helpless by people who can kill them, we resist surrendering to death.

I also learned that some police officers need no provocation to use excessive force and even kill.  When putting the clips together I asked myself, what if it were me?  What would I do?  Would any action change the actions of the police?

The clips in the video involve police from various states. I think they all attended the same training where it has now become common-place for them to use choke holds, and place all of their weight on the faces and necks of people thereby giving them the impression that they are smothering the life from them.  It is a death threat. It is a death threat made by people authorized to use weapons of death.

When police present a hostile environment by using such physical force, the common human reaction is to survive by kicking and screaming. People do not know if the force used on them is intended to kill, and too many police in America have conveyed to citizens that they will kill, blame the victim for failure to cooperate, and get away with murder.

Why do the police feel so free to touch civilians?

People are not robots. If members of law enforcement are so afraid for their own safety that they must treat people like animals going to the slaughter, then they are in the wrong career.




About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 09/02/2014, in Cases, Cops Gone Wild, Kelly Thomas and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 71 Comments.

  1. agent provocateur

    Reblogged this on Nevada State Personnel Watch.


  2. *tears falling *


    • Same here. I must have viewed 50 videos of some of the most disturbing police brutality. It actually took me 4 days to put together what turned out to be 14 minutes of clips because of the emotional drain.


      • Sometimes I just can’t watch anymore. I appreciate you doing this for us, for everyone.


      • “When police present a hostile environment by using such physical force, the common human reaction is to survive by kicking and screaming” –

        I was screaming inside, watching. Those 14 minutes truly are emotionally draining. I was thinking, what particular word would describe individual officers who exert their “will” with physical brutality, even when unprovoked. But then, are words reason enough? And when “kicking and screaming” while being kneed, hit with a club, punched and tased, the feeling must be excruciating. The natural reaction from the physical pain is to flail and cry out.

        And here again, I feel the order given to “stop resisting” is nothing more than part of an act to justify the abuse. So, I searched for a word, and this is what I found under “Sociology” through Wikipedia. I chose this word because one, I cannot see a reason for the actions of some police nor can I entertain any form of ‘satisfaction’ that one must feel at the expense of another human being. The word is: Deviant (Neutralization Theory)

        “Gresham Sykes and David Matza’s neutralization theory explains how deviants justify their deviant behaviors by providing alternative definitions of their actions and by providing explanations, to themselves and others, for the lack of guilt for actions in particular situations.”

        There are five major types of neutralization:

        Denial of responsibility: the deviant believes s/he was helplessly propelled into the deviance, and that under the same circumstances, any other person would resort to similar actions
        Denial of injury: the deviant believes that the action caused no harm to other individuals or to the society, and thus the deviance is not morally wrong
        Denial of the victim: the deviant believes that individuals on the receiving end of the deviance were deserving of the results due to the victim’s lack of virtue or morals
        Condemnation of the condemners: the deviant believes enforcement figures or victims have the tendency to be equally deviant or otherwise corrupt, and as a result, are hypocrites to stand against
        Appeal to higher loyalties: the deviant believes that there are loyalties and values that go beyond the confines of the law; morality, friendships, income, or traditions may be more important to the deviant than legal boundaries.[8]


        • Pilcher,
          I am so happy that you provided that information. As I was putting the clips together, I wondered what people would think if adults did that to children under any circumstance. Also, I thought that there must be a professional name for that type of behavior. “Deviant (Neutralization Theory)” I must remember that.

          While researching, I also found that a hospital with a mental health unit was reprimanded by a state agency for allowing their security guards to lay on the necks of patients and they demanded that the practice be stopped. I have to go back and get the finding because the reasons given to the hospital also apply to people who are confronted by the police.


        • I think to some extent that also describes domestic abusers.


      • Thank you for taking the time to do this. I know that delving into such dark subject matter must have been quite traumatic. Take care of yourself!


        • BREAKING | Justice Dept. Just announced they have opened a civil rights investigation into whether Ferguson Police Dept. has a pattern of civil rights violations! Per MSNBC news just now!!!

          Thank you to Mr. Crump, Alderman Antonio and everyone who brought the world’s attention to Ferguson.

          Here’s hoping Tubs is next.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Excellent job – although it’s appalling that there are so many egregious examples of police brutality. Having been a lawyer myself, I know that many law enforcement officers live on the dark side, and how easy it is for them to brutalize the disenfranchised. It’s even sadder to read YouTube comments by people who defend the police behavior that’s way out of bounds.


        • XenaZon,
          Welcome to Blackbutterfly7. When I saw your comment awaiting moderation, I had to take a second look because of your handle. LOL!

          Thanks for the comment.


  3. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on MrMilitantNegro™.


    Another potential police murder. White Family has hired Mr. Crump! Channel 4 just had Mr. Crump reporting he has been hired to represent the family of Michele ( sorry didn’t catch her last name) whom was the girlfriend of a St. Augustine Deputy whose death was reported a suicide but the family questioned this. Her death happened in 2010 and I remember it being on the news as she wasn’t depressed and the investigation was so poorly done. By the way, she is white. Case was ruled suicide but her deputy boyfriend had abused her previously and when told she had been found dead, responded :””the bitch had it coming” ( per Jax.,channel news just now).

    It’s wonderful to see white people feeling comfortable hiring an AA attorney to take their case. He is becoming very well respected by everyone of every race!!

    My evil self is thrilled at how uncomfortable this must make tubs,O’Mara,Canadian lady and Hoft. Wonder how they will trash this,,seeing as family he is representing is white. 😉


    • The woman was Michele O’Connell, the deputy, Jeremy Banks. I recall the story well and in fact, had watched the story on Youtube. What I found chilling, was the interview with Banks. There are more questions than answers to Michele’s death. And as of late, more questions than answers surrounding a lot of officers and their conduct.


      • It smells of a cover up.


        • Indeed it does Mindyme.The following is a review by Frontline which goes into greater detail with the investigations. My senses tell me that what has developed within law enforcement agencies from the top, sideways and down, is a lack of guilt by association and to whom the benefits are given by remaining silent.


          • Yes, you’re right! It was Frontline where I first heard of this. I try to never miss their shows as they are such high quality. This show was in 2013.
            I am thrilled for her family.


      • Frontline does very in depth unbiased shows.,and I feel Michelle’s family felt no further inquiry would happen until Ferguson which gave them hope.,also
        Trayvon’s but that was much more subtle as tubs wasn’t a real cop, just thought he was and the coverup was more subtle.

        Not in your face like Ferguson.

        If I were Banks and I knew Mr. Crump had taken on his investigation, I would be a wee bit nervous. Even with the number of years, the light will at least shine on this cop.,and murder has no statue of limitations. Heh heh;-)


        • You know what the hillbilly brigade here in Jacksonville thinks of this 2 dogsonly, even if they support Michelle’s family, even if they doubt her killer’s story, they will turn on the fact that B.Crump is involved.


          • Well, we have an AA mayor and a Muslim owns our football team and we have a Muslim heading up the human rights commission. There was a few ignorant protestors to his nominations ( human rights comm.) who were quickly shot down. Duval coumty also voted for President Obama. However, this investigation is in St. Augustine and I hope they are as progressive as Jax.


          • It was local channel that reported it. How St.Augustine people feel, I don’t know but we have an AA major, a Muslim owns our football team and is highly respected, and a Muslim heads up our Human Rights Commisiion. He was elected with the rednecks quickly overcome.


          • Rockford, IL had a Black mayor when the school district was sued for segregation and race discrimination. The federal magistrate judge said that the school district turned discrimination into an “art form.” They had been ordered to integrate. So, they made all Black and Latino kids remain on the school bus until the bell ranged. Inside, the classrooms were still segregated. This was not 1950, 1960, but in the late 1990 ‘s and the case was under the court’s supervision until about 2005.

            As I talked to some people about how that happened under a Black mayor, they responded that Mayor Box was “window dressing.”


          • Mindyme,
            HA! Well, it’s too bad that the likes of Don West, Mark O’Mara, or Jose Baez, didn’t come forth to help Michelle’s family. Oh-oh, I forgot. They concentrate on defending accused murderers.


    • 2dogsonly,
      I’m happy to hear this. When challenging corruption, it takes an attorney who is unafraid of the media, who knows how to work with PR and producers, and who also knows the law. I’ve read people ask why main stream media doesn’t report on Whites killed by police. They do, but their is little to none continuation of the stories. That’s not because of race. People must first have the fortitude to stand under defamation, criticism, and judgment.


  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    Your video, a concentrated dose of the horrific nightmares we have witnessed over the past months and that certain unfairly targeted communities witness all the time. is frightening, heartbreaking and “causes me to tremble.” *tears*

    No wonder members of the Ferguson community (and others around the country) have risen up to protest so strongly against the brutal, execution-style killing of Michael Brown demanding that Darren Wilson be arrested! The Ferguson community has witnessed and experienced police brutality way, way too often.

    Xena, you have nailed the dire situation of today:

    I also learned that some police officers need no provocation to use excessive force and even kill….

    People do not know if the force used on them is intended to kill, and too many police in America have conveyed to citizens that they will kill, blame the victim for failure to cooperate, and get away with murder.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Xena, I have to tell you that it took me a long time to settle down before I wrote the above.

      I experienced a roller coaster of emotions when I finally watched your video. At the same time that I was crying, I was filled with anger to the point of wanting to SCREAM and filled with fear praying for police brutality to stop and with filled the desire to walk right into those videos and lasso those policemen, tie them up, make a citizen’s arrest and march them right into court, bypassing the police station.

      And, I have to admit, I was questioning whether you really had to give us that concentrated concoction of filmed police brutality. I thought to myself, “Xena, you know how emotionally disturbing it was us?/me to witness those examples, didn’t you know the effect of a concentrated dose would be for me?”

      Of course, you were right to put it out there as you did….concentrated in that one video. The situation is DIRE. I do NEED to be shaken, shattered, scared and angry to understand how much more horrific it can become if I/we do nothing, if I/we remain silent.

      And, what’s more, I can’t answer the questions you asked yourself:

      When putting the clips together I asked myself, what if it were me? What would I do? Would any action change the actions of the police?


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        And, you are so correct in the insight you came away with from observing the videos you used:

        What I learned is that when humans are placed in situations of being helpless by people who can kill them, we resist surrendering to death.

        And those depraved police officers use that instinct for survival against their victims as an excuse (labeling it as “resisting” an officer) to continue to beat their victims or to shoot dead their victims.


        • Yahtzeebutterfly,
          Another thing about the video is that I hope it is watched by those who write procedures for cops, for legislatures, and decision makers so they can see that law enforcement is traumatizing Americans because of excessive force, abuse, and murder under color and claim of official right. How do we know good cops from bad cops? They all have the same weapons, the same authority, and the same excuses when injuring or killing citizens.

          While there is a disproportionate number of Black men murdered by cops, they are not exclusive. People of all races whose only crime was speaking words to cops are being brutalized and killed by them.

          I could have made the video an hour long, including clips such as a handcuffed woman (White) being choked unconscious by a cop; an elderly Asian man beaten by cops for jay walking; a child tazed by cops; people ran over by cop cars; and hundreds of situations where people are placed in choke holds and told “stop resisting.” What the people are doing is instinctively resist being choked to death.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Yes, great idea if legislators and decision makers could see your video and take actions to remedy the problem. Hopefully, they will.

            Scary that there are so many examples of police brutality that you could have made your video so much longer.


          • Waldo Florida has long been known as a speed trap, decades. Now, the police chief is being investigated! It’s a tiny town with one stop light, 7 police,em but writes 22k tickets /year. Just made national news.


          • Yahtzeebutterfly,
            What is truly disturbing is knowing that police brutality occurred long before camcorders and cell phones that record, and that it continues to happen when there’s no one around with a recording device. Then, in spite of having these things recorded, cops still get off. Remember Kelly Thomas and Rodney King?


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            It is terribly disturbing to me also, Xena.

            Praying for things to change….

            At least today the DOJ announced today that they are going to investigate the WHOLE police department.

            Many people have been tweeting and posting this.


      • Yahtzee,

        And, what’s more, I can’t answer the questions you asked yourself:

        When putting the clips together I asked myself, what if it were me? What would I do? Would any action change the actions of the police?

        Here’s something else that I thought about when putting the clips together. What if the cops were parents and the victims children? What would the public think hearing them shout commands while inflicting physical pain (or shooting bullets) while giving those commands. What would the public think seeing a parent with his/her arm around a child’s neck while shouting commands? Also, in such a situation, would the child most likely have its mind on the choking and not even hear the commands?

        In both situations, we have people with authority commanding obedience while inflicting harm. A child would feel helpless, and so does those who cops feel so free to touch, physically restrain and inflict with pain and death just because they have the authority and weapons to do so.

        Why do cops feel the need to push and hold people’s faces in the ground and place the weight of their body on their necks with their knees? Why do cops feel the need to throw “suspects” to the ground now? In all the years when this was unnecessary, why has that become the new way of restraining “suspects”?


        • yahtzeebutterfly


          Yep…it is a no-brainer if the public or police see a parent doing that to a child.

          It is almost as if some cops today, because they feel immune and are protected from prosecution, let their emotions flare and allow their rage and hatred to be acted out on a target. Some, I think, are just sadists.


  6. Pilcherije, thanks for the frontline link. Hope everyone watches it!


    • You are very welcome 2dogsonly. I too hope that the family will find a measure of hope in justice for Michele. There isn’t any doubt, at least in my mind, that further outside investigations brought out reasonable doubts as to the manner of her death. It certainly shined the light on domestic abuse by officers and just as importantly, how an agency can both divide and form a circle of protection while leaving a community and the family with questions about entrenched police misconduct on all levels.


  7. Xena, I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to see a video end. Horrible. How did we become like the most brutal 3rd world countries or even close to Nazi Germamy.(-(


  8. I admire you for doing this video. It has to have been difficult. This is very tough to watch as it should be. Hugs, Barbara


  9. WATCH LIVE: Ted Wafer to be sentenced for Renisha McBride’s shooting death

    Please if you know other streams share, this site playing to many adds.


  10. # too many adds,fixed news never cease to amazing with their programing
    and add choices ,a terrible choice!

    Is Ms Carpenter in her sane mind?


  11. Mr Roorba is a true thug! Look at this shit!!!!!!!!!


    • Roorda should not be in any position in the MO legislature. He no doubt was elected because he ran as a Democrat. Those Dems in the MO House should look into his conflicts of interest in raising money for Wilson to see if he can be impeached. He is not representing the interests of citizens.


  12. My my my. the judge in Ted Wafer’s case seemed TOO sympathetic towards poor ol ted! I don’t know if that’s just my own perception because of my own contempt for him but she turned me off during her spiel.
    good thing she couldn’t go below the guidelines or I think she would have.

    teds statement was pretty lame too, exactly like his fake crying on the stand. I don’t think he’ll win an appeal because I don’t think his defense[s] are believable. but I hope nothing happens to his sentencing! he deserves to spend the rest of his miserable life locked up like the murdering pig he is. poor Renisha! she didn’t bring this on herself, she’s allowed to knock on someone’s door for help. being in a crash due to drunk driving or not doesn’t make her any less of a victim of murder and it shouldn’t be held against her by anyone since she didn’t hurt anyone and she WAS NOT ON TRIAL!
    Cause I’m sure if she had gone in front of the court for drunk driving they wouldn’t had mercy on her! it’s pretty clear that regardless of why she was knocking on his door, he was looking for an opportunity to ‘show them he wasn’t gonna cower in his own home’ and those ‘paint ballers’ weren’t gonna get away with being paint ballers as far as macho Ted was concerned.


    • Shannon,
      Yes. Ted’s plea was lame. A person truly sorry for killing another doesn’t plea not guilty and take up the time of the courts with a trial. They try to bargain for a minimum sentence that at times, could be served and over with by the time their trial is concluded.


  13. You are not going to believe this but it was the LOSD ( law of self defense) on another blog who explained why he should be found guilty and what he did to implicate himself. Also, what to do if someone is banging on your door.
    Yell you are calling 911 and the call 911
    Yell you have a gun.
    Get the fuk out of the way in case they are bad people and shoot thru your front door
    Do not open the door
    The person who calls 911 is assumed until proven otherwise, that they are the innocent one.

    He felt wafer was guilty and should go to prison.
    Told you’ll you wouldn’t believe me 😉


  14. He also said if they say they are lost, tell them, without opening your door you will call 911 and they will come to help them
    If they say they’re out of gas or wrecked their car, say same thing.
    If they are legitimate and not using a ruse, they will wait until police show up to assist. If they’re meaning harm, they will hot foot it away but the LE will, maybe, come and prevent them hurting a well meaning person who opens their door and is murdered/ robbed.

    Happened to father of a Fb friend. Tied up and beat her father, left him for dead. He managed to crawl to a neighbor and describe the bad guys. He later died in hospital but they caught the horrible men. This was in Gainesville about two years ago

    Oh, and Xena if they say they’re 7th day Adventists needing to witness, go ahead and shoot them per 2 dogs only. 😉 JOKING, of course!


    • LOL@2dogsonly,

      Oh, and Xena if they say they’re 7th day Adventists needing to witness, go ahead and shoot them per 2 dogs only. 😉 JOKING, of course!

      Seventh Day Adventists don’t conduct “field service” at least not where I live. It’s the Jehovah’s Witnesses who I’ve found to be disrespectful by continually ringing the bell AND knocking on the door AND refusing to leave once told I’m not interested.


  15. Shannon In Miami, ok, Mr. Rooba is union head so expect him to defend cops but cameras defend cops as well as indict them. Tech is here, old men. Get used to it.
    No explanation for the judge except judge’s work w/ prosecutors and often are tied at the hip. Per Lisa Blooms book, Suspicious Nation

    At least St. Louie fired this poss cop.


  16. Oh, I get those cult religion mixed up. Either way, just joking but do not open the door because they may actually using that to do harm.;-)


    • On a serious and historical note, Seventh Day Adventists are not a cult. In fact, Charles Russell was originally a Seventh Day Adventist and because he disagreed with some of their doctrines, he started the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society which is more commonly known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, which includes its own Bible interpretation to agree with Russell’s theories, and strict rules that its members do not read any material that is not written by the Watchtower Society.


      • That is way over my head and was just joking. Feel free to open your door to whatever religious group is knocking? 😉


    Waldo Florida a decades long know tiny city for being a speed trap. One traffic light, 7 cops, but writes 22k tickets/ yr.

    Now, making major news with police chief being investigated.
    Thanks you Ferguson. People are becoming more comfortable reporting bad police!


  18. From Bill Moyers and I trust him. He says Holder is still investigating tub’s


  19. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Black lawyers to challenge police brutality in 25 cities”


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