Robin Williams Dead: Beloved Actor Dies In Apparent Suicide

R.I.P. Robin.

The Fifth Column

Robin Williams | (Photo by Paul A. Hebert/Getty Images)

This is a shock.   I knew he had issues with drugs and that he was in and out of rehab, but this is a shock.  There were so many movies I loved watching him in:  Good Will Hunting; Bicentennial Man; Good Morning Viet Nam; and of course Mrs. Doubtfire, just to name a few  He will be missed.

What’s your favorite Robin Williams film?

The Huffington Post

Beloved actor Robin Williams was found dead on Monday, police reported.

He was 63.

The apparent cause of death was suicide by asphyxiation, authorities said. According to his publicist, Williams had been battling severe depression.

Williams was best known for his starring roles in classic comedies like Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Morning, Vietnam and Jumanji, but also in dramas like Dead Poets Society. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting…

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Posted on 08/11/2014, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Two sides to a story

    Hard to pick a favorite because he was so good in all his films. While I loved his comedic roles, I think I treasure most some of the more serious and poignant roles like “Good Will Hunting,” “What Dreams May Come,” and “One-Hour Photo.”


    • Two sides,
      I remember Mrs. Doubtfire. It’s one of my favorites.

      I wonder if we’re hear from Whoopi soon. I understand that they had a fantastic friendship.


  2. What a shock. I had heard that he had some demons but always thought he had gotten help for it and was doing fine. But we have lost a great comedic mind with his passing. He always said that Jonathan Winters was his inspiration and watching the two of them together making up stuff as they went was hilarious. I’ve never seen such a quick witted mind and he would challenge the audience on topics in which he would create a joke and he could do it even with the most “touchy” subjects at the time and keep it real in his delivery. I don’t think we’ll ever see another like him in our lifetime. He also donated his time and money to various charities and was one of the 3 to create Comic Relief. RIP Mr. Williams and thanks for the laughs.

    No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.- Robin Williams


  3. butterflydreamer2

    It’s hard to choose one, but I would say my two favorites are “What Dreams May Come,” and “Mrs. Doubtfire.” He will be missed.


    • butterflydreamer,
      I have What Dreams May Come on VHS. (Don’t laugh. I still have vinyl records too.) LOL! When I purchased it, I hadn’t seen the movie. After I did, I haven’t watched it again. The acting is great but the thought of losing an entire family is a bit too depressing for me. But hey! I felt the same way at the end of Dusk to Dawn. 🙂


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    Robin Williams gave so much to the world, lifting people’s spirits through his humor. I saw his caring and compassion through his choice film roles. His quick ad libs in films and in his live performances revealed his understanding of human nature and everyday people.

    I will miss him.

    Rest in peace, Robin.

    Thank you for all that you gave us!

    You used your talent well and brightened the world.


  5. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    I am stunned at his death and almost angry; a comedic genius has been snuffed out too soon, probably the victim of a mental illness. 😦 ❤


  6. Such a shock. He will be missed by those who loved his work, all over the world.


  7. My favorite quote is from Dead Poets Society:

    “So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.”


    • Rachael,
      Thanks for sharing that quote. There’s a truth to it. A movie that I have with Robin Williams that slipped my mind until today, is Jumanji. I love it.


  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    Tributes to Robin Williams:

    Chris Columbus (director of “Mrs. Doubtfire”)
    We have lost one of our most inspired and gifted comic minds, as well as one of this generation’s greatest actors. To watch Robin work, was a magical and special privilege. His performances were unlike anything any of us had ever seen, they came from some spiritual and otherworldly place. He truly was one of the few people who deserved the title of ‘genius.’

    John Travolta:
    I’ve never known a sweeter, brighter, more considerate person than Robin. Robin’s commitment as an artist to lifting our mood and making us happy is compared to none. He loved us all and we loved him back.

    Lee Daniels
    A big tenacious overflowing hyperkinetic eruption of compassion would be (the) best tribute to Williams.


  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Robin Williams – Good Morning Vietnam Humorous clips”

    Video really takes off at 1:21 with Robin Williams’ amazing talent!


    • He was an amazing talent, most producers would just let him go and deviate from the script.


      • towerflower,
        It has been said that people who commit suicide don’t want to take their life but rather, end the pain. I find that my heart hurts because someone hurt so much that they ended the pain by taking their own life.


        • I’ve heard that all addicts go to heaven because they’ve already been to hell.


          • Mindyme,
            That’s a deep statement that is true. News recently reported that Robin’s wife said he was in the first stages of Parkinson’s.


  10. MurphysSpork

    Sometimes the funniest of people are the most saddest of people. Sometimes not the healthiest either.
    The first time I ever encountered Robin Williams was on Mork and Mindy….” Mork calling Orson…..Nanu Nanu.” Lol.
    From there, he was everywhere for me anyway. Just thinking about his roles….from stand–up to all of his movies. My kids knew him well from Jumanji & Ms. DoubtFire. He shocked generations with his death. Wow!


  11. MurphysSpork

    The Ferguson thread keeps locking up on me. So I will post it here.

    As someone who is just catching up on the news it sure seems to me the media is paying more attention to the looting than the actual shooting and peaceful protests that are going on.
    I heard that even the air space over the area was restricted even for news crews. Who does that? Ferguson PD has a responsibility to the residents not their PD!


    • Hey Murphy. I just opened a new thread about Michael. When I did, I saw that it did not appear under “Recent Posts” and I tinkled around with the categories until it finally appeared under that heading. Word Press might be having burps.

      Anyway, it is interesting that the Ferguson powers that be don’t want outsiders. The last I checked, Missouri is a state in the union.


  12. MurphysSpork

    Well now the Feds are involved. That may have been the initial cause of the airspace issue.

    In the end here is a great result


  13. Xena,
    Hard for me to pick my favorite, but I loved Patch Adams.
    I also loved his stand up work.
    Any show he appeared on, he made me laugh.
    He, like Richard Pryor, just walking on stage made me laugh.
    That humor is a wonderful gift. : )


    • Lolypop,
      I haven’t seen Patch Adams but think that is going on my list now as movies to watch. Robin did have that spontaneity much like Jonathan Winters and Richard Pryor. I agree — their type of humor is a wonderful gift.


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