Ted Wafer Trial – July 28, 2014

Unless the judge changed her mind this weekend, the trial will not be live streamed.

We shall try to keep up and report in the comment section below.

Here’s the latest video from Sanford Watch about the first 2 days of the trial.


About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 07/28/2014, in Cases, Renisha McBride and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 103 Comments.

  1. yahtzeebutterfly

    Court reconvenes at 9:00 a.m. this morning.

    Here are 4 Twitter sites with people reporting from the courtroom:

    Mandi Wright, a photographer for the Detroit Free Press, tweets photos from the courtroom:

    Gus Burns Twitter page:


  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    There probably will be no live streaming today, but just for your information, these were two sites that had been live streaming at the very beginning, before live streaming was cut off:




  3. he shot her through a LOCKED Door, this is outrageous.


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    I can’t tell from this tweet just now if the trial has been delayed an hour or not?? – – ->

    The Trial File @TheTrialFile · 2m
    Will be back in an hour. Will update on #TheodoreWafer trial then.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      oralandar brand-wms @oralandar_DN · 29s
      awaiting start of court in in the theodore wafer trial..defense team says his older brother is in courtroom watching the trial


  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    This is the gun that Ted Wafer used to kill Renisha McBride:

    Here are notes I took during the live streaming of the preliminary hearing on Dec.18, 2013:

    Mossburg Coweapon has standard between4 and 9 pounds trigger pull

    Wafer’s shotgun has 6pounds 5 oz trigger pull

    Pistol grip doesn’t change force only your ability to manage force

    shotshell designed to have 27 pellets

    Buffer, wadding, and pellets go out when shotgun fired

    Shooter would then have to slide again to load chamber after each shot

    Shot cup containing pellets + plastic disc which holds powder all go out in firing

    Average—all spreads out one inch for every yard from barrel affected by weather, powder charge, length of barrel when fired

    Pistol grip does not require gun to be shot from shoulder

    Shoulder shooting allows for aiming with gun sight

    Pistol grip doesn’t change force only your ability to manage force

    This gun would not go off accidentally according toDet. Sgt. Shawn Kolonich (firearms investigator for Michigan State Police) Based on his testing it would not go off without pulling trigger

    1300 feet per second

    so it would damage screen (hole)

    Medical Examiner:

    ME recovered 11 to 14 from her brain

    20 pieces of wadding found in her according to ME


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Court in session now.


  7. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    def asking if the med exams, theirs and pros, 9 a.m. wednesday but pros objects saying “their conven. not dictated to everyone else’s”

    prosecutor says their expert might be called tuesday so defense atty needs to respect pros schedule. judge admon.court spectator 2bequiet

    that she realizes some of the evid is graphic but that they have to maintain composure. judge refer. to gasps at crime scene fotos ofmcbride


  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    judge asking jury again if they talked about the case (no hands) or saw, read media reports on case (no hands


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    first witness is devontae bines (spelling??) who worked with mcbride and became friends with her.

    Devontae says mcbride was planning to come to his home nov 1 for small gathering, “a kick back” of friends. lived inarea of warren/evergreen


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      pros shows devontae transcripts of txt msgs between devontae and mcbride

      devontae at work when mcbride’s txted him. he talked to her when he got off work around 10 p.m. to 11 p.m/. he said she was slurring words.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      sounded like she was having a good time. “she might have been drinking” says devontae..he said he sent txt to her to tell her his address

      devontae told mcbride he was home in his txts to her..mcbride event.stood himup like he did her before. last comm. w/her was thru txt

      he said he tried to contact her the next morn but no response from mcbride

      pros. done. defense up now to cross exam


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      co-counsel cheryl carpenter doing questioning: under ques. devontae says he didn’t know mcbride’s last name

      defense showing phone records and communication btwn devontae and mcbride

      devontae, under cross, says he sent first txt msg to mcbride at 6 p.m. asking if she cld give him a lift home.

      mcbride was picking devontae up from romulus..he was getting off work then at 6:13 p.m., not 10 p.m.,


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        he said mcbride told him she was on eastside def asking if mcbride lied to devontae..pros objects..now judge called both sides up


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        defense asking devontae to recall cell phone conver and txts he had with mcbride..showing those conver/txts to jury

        devontae says mcbride didn’t show up and he was thinking that she gave him the “okey doke”

        the first conversation devontae had with mcbride was on oct. 31 and then those convers picked up again on nov. 1

        def. shows devontae a map of his neighborhood near faut/evergreen and warren area..

        devontae given pointer to show where his house is on overhead

        devontae points to his neighbhord what route a person wld take to get to his home..

        devontae testifies that he’s seen her buzzed but not drunk. he says on nov. 1 she sounded pretty drunk . def done ques detonate


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Here are my notes from the <preliminary hearing on Dec. 18, 2013</strong of Mr. Bines testimony on the witness stand:

      Defense Witness: Mr. Bines

      He worked together since July with Renisha July 2013

      Good friends

      Well spoken girl, great person

      Did not date

      Once drank with Renisha

      Her demeanor was just laid back when drinking

      Evening on November 1 around 6 and7 or so they were on phone

      She was on East Side when he needed a ride

      She sounded fine. He could hear people in background

      Last time he talked to her at 9 he told her to be careful on the Eastside

      Around 9 she sounded drunk…not like herself.

      She was slurring.

      He was worried that someone might have slipped something in her drink.

      He was concerned…she was a good girl.

      The one time he had drinking with her she was nice and cracking jokes

      I have no way of know from tweets today if any of this was brought out in trial questioning today.


  11. yahtzeebutterfly

    next witness up is a neighbor of wafer..ray maraud(spelling?) being questioned by asst wayne county pros. terry anderson.

    this neighbor lives across street from wafer.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      wafer neighbor says he was in his office i back of his home that morning..he said the office faces dolphin street. heard “just a gun shot”

      that morning..”heard some noise” prior to gunshot and went out and checked and didn’t see anything..

      wafer neigh. says he didn’t see anyone..he first looked out window, then checked on his car outside and went back into his home.

      heard gun shot 10-15 minutes later


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        wafer neigh. says he looked outside on dolphin street which faces his side door and didn’t see anything..he later saw police show up


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        anderson shows wafer neigh. pic of his wafer home.
        courtroom security tight today..noone being allowed to leave out during testimony

        wafer neigh says “the street was empty” when he stepped outside nov. 2 morning and he noticed nothing at wafer’s backdoor area

        Wafer neighbor says he could see better from house towards front door of wafer home. he says it was rainy that morning.

        neighor. says he thought he heard something tamp.w/hishis car. thats why he went out on dolphin street tochk car. says treeshanging over car

        pros. done. co-counsel mack carpenter cross examinging mr. morad(the neighbor)


      • this is just so sad. Thanks for keeping us updated!


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      under cross morad said he did not hear voice of people. says the noise were trees hanging over car. matt carpenter done in his cross exam

      jury taking bathroom break


  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    Davonta Bynes on stand :


  13. yahtzeebutterfly

    ct back in session..next witness kevin lucidi..Michigan State Police traffic crash reconstructionist..being ques. by pros. terry anderson


  14. yahtzeebutterfly

    jury back in

    next witness is dbrn hghts detective: pros asking judge to not let def ask about cell phone pics. judge complies


  15. yahtzeebutterfly

    Stan Brue, ATF special agent, assign to DPD homicide section, on stand now


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Brue is an expert on cell phone records analysis

      brue is expert in historical cell phone records

      brue talking about howl phone towers can determine where person is when they placed cell call

      brue has cell phone records, page of them, for mcbride’s cell phone. records of calls, where they went, who got them, what time, how long…


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        brue also has records of mcbride’s txt msg.hesays Metro PCS, mcbride’s cell provider, keeps records in central time. hourbehind det time.

        metro pcs records only show phone calls location and not locations for txt msgs..looking at mcbride’s phone records

        brue says he is able to put together cell phone calls and txt messages received and made during a certain period

        brue going over 7 page phone and txt message report for mcbride’s phone

        Mandi Wright@DetroitMandi:

        Brue looking at raw records:



      • yahtzeebutterfly

        brue also has records of mcbride’s txt msg.hesays Metro PCS, mcbride’s cell provider, keeps records in central time. hourbehind det time.

        metro pcs records only show phone calls location and not locations for txt msgs..looking at mcbride’s phone records

        brue says he is able to put together cell phone calls and txt messages received and made during a certain period

        brue going over 7 page phone and txt message report for mcbride’s phone

        mcbride’s calls made mostly made from home/ near home until around 12:30 a.m. on Nov. 2 from location near Faust and Warren)

        that last incoming phone call showed coming from an area near where friend davonta lived. mcbride’s phone also showed her in area of crash

        another call came into mcbride around the time she had the crash. no way to tell if she had conver. with caller. call lasted 6 seconds


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        brue says mcbride’s stayed in the area of the accident, wafer’s home and the tow yard where her damaged car was taken after the crash

        brue says mcbride received a txt that read “call me now” at 8:46 a.m. Nov.2 about four hours after she was shot to death.

        but lack of txt records by cell provider leaves no info on who sent it. pros done..defense cross examining brue now


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          def atty cheryl carpenter asks brue if invest. ever called the peo who called/txt mcbride

          brue tells def atty you can’t say for sure if mcbride had a phone conver following the crash. def atty asks why not. brue says thecall 6 sec

          mcbride aslo rec. a phone call recorded at 3:13 a.m. and it was forwarded to voice mail. there was no conversation from the call

          brue says he didn’t listen to the voicemail from the 3:30 a.m. phone call mcbride rec’d on cell phone at 3:30 a.m.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Mandi Wright @DetroitMandi
          Brue identifies sector of incoming call going to #RenishaMcBride phone at tow yard.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          mcbride’s dad txted her 4 times the night of Nov. 1

          def done..pros re-directing now


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            brue says mcbride didn’t return her dad’s txts but says there were phone calls but no way to deter. if mcbride answered..brue checking

            brue says mcbride calls her dad back..

            brue says no phone conver for mcbride after crash

            jury going on lunch break


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            ct back at 1;30


          • thanks’ Yahtzee for transcripts.

            that’s heartbreaking. her dad texting her, someone texting her to call them “NOW” no one could ever know they’d never speak to her again.

            my mom called me abt 20mins before she was pronounced dead. her last words to me were ‘you know I love you don’t you?’
            I wish I had said I loved her back instead of being a smartass teenager ‘of course you do, how could you not’

            I can imagine Renisha was crying about getting in trouble after the wreck, I imagine while she was wondering around she was dying to get someone to come pick her up before the cops got there and arrested her for DUI. she didn’t have anyone’s number. no one knows anyone’s number anymore because of cellphones. once you plug someone’s number in your phone you never think of it again.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            YW, Shannon.

            Yes, that was so very sad for Renisha not to have that last moment with her dad on a phone call. He must have been frantic calling her 4 times.

            I am glad you were able to talk to your mom on the phone…I am sure she smiled to herself when you teased her with “How could you not love me.”


          • Annie Cabani

            @ Shannon – That’s heartbreaking about your mom dying when you were a teenager. I was that clueless when I was a teenager, too – all I wanted was to hurry up and be “on my own” and not have to answer to my parents – I just wanted out of there … OUT of there! I didn’t grow up enough to truly appreciate and value my parents until probably my mid 20’s.

            But, fortunately, Yahtzee’s right: Parents can see through their teenagers, and they understand what the deal – or, rather, ordeal – is with teenagers. And though it’s hard for kids to imagine, their parents really WERE teens themselves once upon a time. They’re way ahead of their teenagers and know that their kids are so clueless but don’t even know it – and they’re just trying to hold it together until maturity, just like their teens are doing.

            So Yahtzee’s right – your mom probably smiled … and prayed that you wouldn’t torment yourself about it in later years. And if you had said back to her, “I love you, too, Mom,” she might have died immediately – of shock – rather than 20 minutes later! 😉


          • Annie,
            Your comment went to moderation. Since you were approved to post without first going to moderation, I took a look at the info and think you used another email address. It should be okay now and future comments should not go to moderation first.


          • Annie Cabani

            Hi, Xena. Thanks for your concern. I think what happened was I added a space between the two names in my account, and that made your blog site not recognize me. I didn’t know it would make a difference until I saw the “moderation” notice. And then I knew it would just mean more work for you! Augh!

            So sorry! (But I also knew you’d be gracious, as always.) 🙂


          • Annie, I didn’t want you to think that I placed your comments in moderation intentionally. Work? Work? The work was previous to changing options. LOL!


  16. yahtzeebutterfly

    jury coming back in


  17. yahtzeebutterfly

    There has been a request for personal information of witnesses and victim’s family members in exhibits to be redacted. #RenishaMcBride


  18. yahtzeebutterfly

    Next witness:

    dborn heights p.o. cindi maxwell..fingerprints expert


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      maxwell being shown three latest lift: 1. impression..no ridge details..palm or finger??? 2.5 semi circular smudge..


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      2.consist with size of joint of finger..cld have been made by finger..very smudgy.can’t say it’s a fingerprint.3not made by finger.

      pros done. under cross exam: maxwell (reading from report) says fingerprint from side door right side panel


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        cheryl carp. points out there is no indication whose property the latent lifts (from print dusting) came from. maxwell says dept doesn’t do

        jurors are passing around plastic encassed latent lifts..maxwell says prints cld have been made by a palm or “anything else”

        carpenter showing maxwell lift #2: taken from side door above door knob. maxwell says the impress. is consist.w/ size of last joint on finger

        lift #3: taken from front door right side pane. not made from palm or fingr..human hand or foot. it’s a woven pattern.

        def. rests. pros. redirecting

        jurors still passing around lifts

        under re-direct Maxwell said about lifts
        1. Not a print. 2. Not sure. 3. Not a print.. maxwell done testifying


  19. yahtzeebutterfly

    Next Witness:

    Jennifer rizk..msp forensic scie/crime scene response team


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      MSP is Michigan State Police..she is being questioned by prosecutor terry anderson

      Anderson shows Rizk the report she wrote in connec. with Wafer case


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      rizk analyzed 3 print lifts from door. A screen door insert. Black in color..also a compact disc contain 18 digital images.

      rizk is talking about whether there were impression derived from screen doors on the three prints she studied

      rizk on 3 fingerprints from screen door insert: 1. No similarities. 2. Elim. As having been produc.by door insert. 3. inconclusive

      pros done..def atty up for cross exam

      def atty tells rizk she is the one who asked for analysis of the fingerprints on the screen door insert

      rizk says she even went to home depot caused she never had a case examining screen doors before so went to the store as part of invest.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        rizk says “contact was made” with the screen door in the case of the third print lift she examined. she is footware and tire track exam. too

        def atty cheryl carpenter asking rizk how prints for foot ware done

        rizk says “when in doubt” she collects other prints as well if a tread design she cld not account for in the investigation

        def atty done..anderson asks isn’t it possible any agencies may have tried to collect footprints but if that happens, says rizk you take pics

        anderson showing what is digital image of questioned impression..on life number 3..it was assigned as a level 4..one above inconclusive

        prosecution done.another witness on way


  20. yahtzeebutterfly

    Witness #8: alison riviera-papillo MSP crime lab..body fluid and DNA analysis


  21. yahtzeebutterfly

    New Witness:

    Heather Vita, MSP forensic science


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      vitta did same analysis of riviera-papillo

      blood stains on door postof car, car dash, front storm door at Wafer’s home, door’s hinge side all matched mcbride’s dna

      Mandi Wright@DetroitMandi</strong
      Heather Vitta, MSP forensic scientist and supervisor in crime lab in biology takes stand.


  22. yahtzeebutterfly

    testimony done for today


  23. if i can tell by tweets — the prosecution has pretty much eliminated the knocking on side door via forensics and an eye witness (neighbor). this is looking good, so far, it makes wafer out to be a desperate, lying murderer. i never did believe the knocking on side door — i know that fear of the unknown can play some serious tricks on the mind, especially where sound is coming from. they have previously eliminated damage to the peep hole and any signs that the security of the home was breached. one thing from today’s tweets piqued my interest and that was the neighbor’s testimony of the 10-15 minute delay between the door pounding sounds and the gunshot. leads me to wonder what wafer was doing. should have been looking harder for his damn cell phone.

    thank you again to yahtzee — i just cannot seem to wake up in time for this. but since it is nothing but tweets, i have little incentive.


    • don’t think i hit notify button — aren’t you folks getting tired of this? i sure am. 😛


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        I know what you mean faux. If they don’t want us to have the video of the trial, why can’t they at least broadcast the audio?

        Tweets are good to a degree, but they are like having a table of contents with the body of the book missing.


        • crustyolemothman

          yahtzee, One of the main reasons this “twit” don’t “tweet” is that to often it takes more words to accurately describe events as they occur than they allow… The other problem is it allows the “twit” that “tweets” to possibly not be entirely accurate in what they write… and besides all that, I often get to thermal overload just trying to make my point is a somewhat coherent manner when I get to use as many words as I want, so this “twit” refuses to “tweet” I’ll leave that to some other “twit”… Ok, now that I’m “twit(ed) out”, I’ll just “twitter” away… 😉


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Me, too, crustyoldmothman.

            I am not up to being a rockin’ robin tweet, tweet, tweeting.


  24. yahtzeebutterfly

    I just found some miscellaneous tweets with extra information:

    Ryan Zuke:
    11 hours ago

    [Neighbor] Says he was at his house on Nov. 2. on corner of Dolphin street and w. Outer Dr. pointing his house out on google maps with laser pointer. 

    Said he was in his office in his home.  from about midnight to 3 or 4 a.m. 

    Can see the house where shooting occurred from that room. heard the gun shot — before gun shot, he heard some noise. Looked outside and did not see anything or anyone. 

    Said he could see Wafer’s side door from his home.  Saw Wafer talking to the police on the sidewalk after the shooting. From his office, he could not see the front porch of Wafer’s home, however.

    Ryan Zuke:
    10 hours ago
    Lucidi says the tree at the scene had fresh damage on it, caused from being struck by the Dodge Charger (parked car) that was hit by McBride’s Ford Taurus.

    Ryan Zuke:
    10 hours ago
    Higginson on examining McBride’s cell phone: Damaged when he received phone. top left hand corner damaged and cracked, broken glass. data port damaged, had to take battery out of phone for it to charge.  Thumbing through phone taking screenshots of the phone for evidence. 

    Ryan Zuke:
    9 hours ago
    Brue said locating McBride’s phone is only possible through phone log. Not able to determine location through text messages. 

    with this information, he is able to put together presentation based on the relevant times of phone calls and text messages. Created spread sheet of phone calls sent and received from 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 through Nov. 3 at 11:52 p.m. 

    Brue said it was highly unlikely any conversation occurred during 12:35 a.m. and 12:59 a.m. calls, but said it was a possibility. Said he never called those numbers during his investigation to find out more information. 

    Gus Burns:
    9 hours ago
    Someone called Renisha McBride at 3:13 a.m. and left an approximately 1:40 min. message. Call came from a Latasha Davis (sp?). Brue said he never interviewed or tried to contact the caller. McBride’s phone was left in her vehicle. DeAndre Spears (sp?) also called at 12:35 a.m. and 12:59 a.m. on Nov. 2nd. Both calls went to voicemail.

    Gus Burns:
    9 hours ago
    Brue says father texted Renisha multiple times and called her the day of her death. At one point, her father texted: “If you can’t pick up the (expletive) phone, then don’t call me any (expletive) more for all this (expletive)” The text came hour before McBride’s crash.

    Ryan Zuke:
    To sum up, none of the lifts can be classified as “fingerprints”, says Maxwell, who is now being questioned by pros.

    Ryan Zuke:
    Rizk received three print lifts from Dearborn heights PD, a screen door insert black in color and a compact disk with 18 digital images. Her job is analyzing impressions, distinguishing between known and questioned impression (not knowing what object made an impression). was asked if any of the lifts could have been made by the screen portion of door insert.


  25. Annie Cabani

    Thanks again, Yahtzee (even though you’ve got me singing Rockin’ Robin inside my head, now — “tweet, tweetely dee” — what a journey Michael J had on this Earth!!).

    And thanks Xena, for the video in your post. That, too, helped give me a sense of this case, which I hadn’t followed in any detail before trial.


  26. yahtzeebutterfly

    News articles on today’s court proceedings:

    “Neighbor heard gunshot the night Renisha McBride died on porch”

    “Focus Turns To Cell Phone Records On Day Three Of Porch Shooting Trial”


  27. yahtzeebutterfly

    I am looking at this tweet again:

    Ryan Zuke:
    10 hours ago
    Higginson on examining McBride’s cell phone: Damaged when he received phone. top left hand corner damaged and cracked, broken glass. data port damaged, had to take battery out of phone for it to charge. Thumbing through phone taking screenshots of the phone for evidence.

    So, what caused the damage to Renisha’s cellphone? Was it damaged during the car accident?


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      According to Stan Brue:

      another call came into mcbride around the time she had the crash. no way to tell if she had conver. with caller. call lasted 6 seconds

      So, could Renisha have been holding her cellphone to take that call just before she crashed? Could the impact of the car crash have caused the cellphone to leave her hand and fly forward hitting something and causing damage to the cellphone?


      • Yahtzee, sadly all we can do is speculate as to how her cellphone was damaged. Knowing it was damaged during the accident is a plus for the prosecution. The defense cannot allege the should-of, could-of, would-of’s to imply that if Renisha was badly hurt, she should have called 911.


      • butterflydreamer2


        And did she hear the phone ring, grab for the phone, and for a brief moment take her eyes off the road. Was that the cause of the crash?

        Here in Calif, you get citied if you get caught using your cell phone while driving, because it was causing to many accidents. Several years ago, a girl I worked with was either changing channels or a disk in her car stereo, took her eyes off the road for a moment, and ended up side swiping several parked cars going down a residential street.


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