Potpourri and Open Discussion

Caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small, 

There is a person who today, subscribed to follow Blackbutterfly7.  I was recently informed that she wants me to acknowledge her.  So, in the spirit of treating everyone equally, here’s a heartfelt welcome to all new subscribers, and a heartfelt thank you to all who subscribed before this week.

The person who wants to be individually acknowledged is opposed to what this blog is about.    She has a Word Press blog of her own but has not engaged the “My Community” widget on her blog.  In fact, she hasn’t engaged the number of followers widget, either.  I’m not going to disengage that widget here just because she apparently thinks that her gravatar under “My Community” is an act of vandalism.

I have no fight with her and welcome her to the land of butterflies, where love leads to transformation, and transformation leads to a joyous life and strength, and strength leads to wisdom.

blue butterflies

Rachael, who is a regular participant here and who I love like a sister, sent me this gorgeous photo.

Black butterfly


Since Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared, I’ve been on an emotional  roller coaster ride.  Here’s sending out good thoughts to the family and friends of passengers and crew so that they may be comforted.

I’m in the midst of reading Lisa Bloom’s book, Suspicion Nation, and plan on writing about it.

What’s new in your neck of the woods?  What’s on your mind?




Posted on 03/21/2014, in open discussion, Potpourri and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 89 Comments.

  1. I have no fight with her and welcome her to the land of butterflies, where love leads to transformation, and transformation leads to a joyous life and strength, and strength leads to wisdom.


    Ahh…the potential for transformation!


  2. Very nice Xena!!


  3. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Somebody has “issues.” You be you!


    • Jackie,
      Preach it! I am pretty sure that in your highly educated and intelligent head is a seminar on how important it is for people to define, and be themselves.


      • Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

        Ha ha ha! I have little formal education, especially with things like that and certainly not enough to give a seminar! I am a veteran of about 20+ years in and facilitating support groups and on our NJ Family Helpline – that is where my know-how came from. 🙂

        Seriously, though, how dare someone come to your blog and try to make you change it? The nerve!

        By the way, I am not too technical and I know little about WordPress widgets so I had to go and read to see what a “My Community” actually was. 🙂 Mine is engaged but I have no clue how I did it. I piddle around and try to learn WordPress as I have done other things. When I was a volunteer on our state’s Citizens Review Panel I listened at meetings and said little. I took notes like crazy to go home and look up what all the acronyms so I would know at the next meeting. That went on for about 7 years. 🙂 I was the state’s token parent/community member and Hispanic – even though I am not Hispanic (husband is).

        There is a quote:
        Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. ~Abraham Lincoln

        I am a very quiet person. 😉

        You be you… who else would you be?



        • Jackie,
          Your background, commitment and experience is amazing.

          Seriously, though, how dare someone come to your blog and try to make you change it? The nerve!

          There’s a history that goes back to September 2012 that started with threats to defame me unless I deleted this blog, and it grew from there as they saw they were not succeeding. The reasons why I blog may change from day to day, or even hour to hour, but it has never been to compete and certainly, not to compete with anyone who has opposing views. I’ve never submitted a comment to any of their blogs and I won’t.

          By the way, I am not too technical and I know little about WordPress widgets so I had to go and read to see what a “My Community” actually was. 🙂

          LOL! I had to find the widget after seeing it on other Word Press blogs. It wasn’t there when I first setup this blog. Word Press makes changes, and unless you follow their blogs or see something on another Word Press blog, you don’t know what they’ve added or changed until you see it on the Admin side.

          I took notes like crazy to go home and look up what all the acronyms so I would know at the next meeting. That went on for about 7 years. 🙂

          Acronyms drive me nuts at times. When I first came to the blogs around June 2012, it took me time to know what people were saying because of their using acronyms.

          There is a quote:
          Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. ~Abraham Lincoln

          Can’t get wiser than that. 🙂


  4. Rachel,

    Your butterfly photograph is absolutely beautiful!

    It looks so lovely in Xena’s article.


  5. I’m glad you like the black butterfly I sent you! I love how you begin all the time with “Caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small.” It reminds me of a local radio gardening personality – Ciscoe Morris. He is a master gardener but quite an entertaining radio personality as well. I LOVE to listen to his show. I thought he was the weirdest person for the longest time, but I adore him now. Anyway, he always starts his show with “Welcome all you cats and gators.” I have no idea what the heck it is supposed to mean – I should ask him – but oh, I love the guy. And I love you, and I love how you start out the blog.

    Anyway, today is the first day of spring – spring is the perfect time for transformation. Hibernate all winter, come out fresh and new for spring.


    • Rachael,
      I added in “moths” because that is how crazy1946 refers to himself. Actually, he refers to himself as a “crusty old moth.” 🙂

      Ciscoe Morris sounds like an interesting person. Now you have me curious about “cats and gators.” LOL!

      Yes, Spring and transformation — and yard work. Lots of yard work. We still have patches of snow, but some geese flew over so I know that Spring is here.

      I love the butterfly photo and just had to share it here!!!


      • Xena, Hey, I resemble that remark! 😉


        • crazy1946. Hey there “crusty old moth.” 🙂 Good to see ya!!


          • Xena, Just had to break my silence (even if temporary) when you remembered the “moth”…. I was thinking about changing my screen name to “crusty ole Moth” and Yahtzee provided the perfect aviator for the name… I really wish we could discuss picket fences and the coating that is used on them in the spring time, and perhaps in a time in the future we can… until then all I can do is continue to hang in and hang on… I must confess, I do miss all of you here on this site and hope to be able to spend more time here in the future, until then it is silence on my end… You and Yahtzee (shh don’t tell her I said that!) are often on my mind and here’s wishing you young ladies all the best…. 🙂


          • crazy1946,
            Keep in mind that there is more to life than the bad things. That in fact, bad is overcome by good. Let the good in you overcome the bad that’s been done to you.


          • Xena,

            “Keep in mind that there is more to life than the bad things. That in fact, bad is overcome by good.”

            The clipping of my proverbial wings is not the end of the world, just a little speed bump on the highway of life! It has me disgusted, but not down and out and I will figure out a way to over come the obstacle that has been thrown in front of me… I am a lot of things, but have never been known as a quitter. Nor have I ever been a fan of picket fences or the white wash that is used on them… Have a wonderful day, enjoy the spring weather and the birds and animals both large and small that we share this world with…


          • crazy1946,

            The clipping of my proverbial wings is not the end of the world, just a little speed bump on the highway of life! It has me disgusted, but not down and out and I will figure out a way to over come the obstacle that has been thrown in front of me

            Sounds like something a butterfly says.


          • Xena, Even a “Crusty Ole Moth” can manage to stay the course when he has such a beautiful butterfly for inspiration…


          • crazy1946,
            I cherish your words, friend. Crusty old moths, moths in general, caterpillars and butterflies inspire me. In other words, it’s the positive energy that flows from yourself and others that is fuel for inspiration.


      • crazy,

        With a beard?


  6. Like

  7. I have been here reading, never commented till now. But you are AWESOME!!! I guess I love it here because I have two tattoos with butterflies…. Well not just that, I love your posts and the people who reply. Everyone is informative. Keep up the awesome job you do.

    “The greatest desertion, I from myself.” shyloh


    • Shyloh,
      Thank you for your wonderful words. I’ve seen your “likes” and have wanted to thank you for your visits and support. With blogs, I generally get around to thanking bloggers by posting it on their blog, but your site is an actual website (beautifully organized) and I didn’t see anywhere to leave a comment.

      “The greatest desertion, I from myself.” shyloh

      I like that, because when we remove self, all that is left is the substance of our being — our Creator.

      It comes as no surprise that with that “saying” you have a passion concerning missing and abused children.

      Welcome to Blackbutterfly7!


    • Hi shyloh…I am glad you joined us here! 🙂

      I love your gravatar.


  8. “Sounding a warning shot about ‘stand your ground’ bill”


  9. In Ohio:
    “Concealed carry bill with ‘stand your ground’ provision”



    • Yahtzee,
      Thanks for the link.

      So, big bad Joseph Firek decided to taunt a teen-age girl walking home from school with her father, and in connection with taunting, also humiliate her father. Joseph Firek used a racial slur with each punch he made on Michael Tingling.

      The Rogers Park area of Chicago is very diverse. Firek will find out when he goes to prison that Illinois prisons are also diverse.


  10. I want to be acknowledge too!!! Lol … 😄


    • Horty,
      Dear friend, acknowledgement voluntarily, and lovingly given.

      Big Hug smiley face


      • TY ….. I knew it!!! LOL … I was kidding ya!!!

        Now … I send a message on the SR …. have a question. How to make the font on the blog smaller? I think I hit a combination of keys and made it bigger. I would like to have it like I did. Could you spare some of your time and help a “ditz” like me???


        • Hmmm. The only way that I can change fonts with this theme is to use the options on the Admin side in the box for posting. I’ll see if I can find info on the theme you use.


          • It’s not only the font on the post .. it’s everything. ALL got bigger …. the post, the pictures of the blogs I follow. Everything … I’m trying to google and find out how to …. but I’m at a bit of a loss here … 😦


          • I may get used to it … but I didn’t intend to. This is one of my pet peeves. Not knowing what I did and how to change it!! Jeez ……



          • Horty, go to the “View” at the top of your computer screen (outside the window that you are on)

            Click on “View” and then choose and click on “actual size”


          • If you hold down the control key and hit the – key, does it get smaller? You can make it smaller and larger by holding down control and hitting – or +


  11. Awesome comment Yahtzee!! Lol


  12. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    A nice touch!!


  13. I love listening to the birds in the background of this video. 🙂


  14. The Butterfly Dance, a traditional social dance of the Hopi, is held in August after the gathering of the harvest. It is a thanksgiving dance for the harvest, chiefly for the corn crop and features dancing by young Hopi maidens wearing elaborate headdresses.

    from Stone Canyon Records

    Hopi Butterfly Dance 9/6/09 Kykotsmovi, Az


  15. This really touched my heart:

    Giraffe kisses dying zoo worker goodbye



  16. LOL! This is what a Zimmerman supporter really thinks of him.



  17. Morning Coffee Talk with Einstein the Talking


  18. /large


  19. “CESAR CHAVEZ” Movie Trailer (2014)

    CESAR CHAVEZ Movie Trailer. In theaters April 4th, 2014
    Join us on Facebook http://facebook.com/FreshMovieTrailers

    Directed by Diego Luna, Chávez chronicles the birth of a modern American movement led by famed civil rights leaderand labor organizer, Cesar Chavez.

    Torn between his duties as a husband and father and his commitment to bringing dignity and justice to others, Chavez embraced non-violence as he battled greed and prejudice in his struggle for the rights of farm workers. His triumphant journey is a remarkable testament to the power of one individual’s ability to change the system.


  20. http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/local/2014/03/21/johnni-mae-chappell-justice/6717635/
    This is headlined in the Fl. times Union. There is a memorial today at 7pm at the site of Ms. Chapman’s murder. The detective is now 84 and bless him, he kept all the records. I remember when there was press in 1996 to further investigate but it lead no where. But this white Det. was on the side of justice back in 1994 in Jax. Fl. where there was massive corruption. Really, almost to the point of I am surprised the all white jury returned any guilty plea at all.

    It perfectly expresses the story Bob Dylan made famous…the time for tears is when corruption extends to the police and prosecutor’s office. Sadly, it was again witnessed in Jax. Fl. In the massive coverup of the murder of Trayvon Martin by the Gov. and his helper the 4 DC of Fl and Angela Corey, the prosecutors and Judge Corrupt.


    • Thanks for this, 2dogsonly!


    • 2dogsonly,
      Thanks for this info. Other than Rosewood, it was not until the death of Trayvon that I heard about the racial history and corruption in Florida. Previously, I thought of Florida as a vacation and retirement state, but not anymore.


  21. Wanted to thank you Yahtzee. For the very sweet comment.


  22. Days will soon be warming up and then, oh my, think of all of the outdoor possibilities!


    • Yahtzee,
      The video you embedded has changed my entire concept of what it means to tell someone to go fly a kite. 🙂


  23. I send my prayers and condolences to the loved ones.



    • I am so saddened my this news and send my prayers and sympathy to the passengers’ families, loved ones, and friends.

      This is heartbreaking tragedy that kept their loved ones in the dark on a roller coaster of emotions as they waited to hear the fate of the flight.


      • Yahtzee, I think we already knew. What I hoped for is that they found some evidence — some plane debris.

        I join you in sending prayers and sympathy.


  24. Looking forward to the return of robins and plant life, especially those plants that can be used to create great culinary dishes:

