Open Discussion – Sunday March 9, 2014

Did everyone remember to set their clocks up one hour?


butterfly2Recent news includes the mom who drove her minivan into the ocean in Florida has been charged with 3 counts of 1st degree murder and child endangerment.  It’s now being reported that Ebony Wilkerson is pregnant.


butterfly1I’ve tried keeping up with news about the plane that disappeared.  The news has reported rescue boats but other than that, they haven’t said much.  My heart goes out to those on the plane and their families and friends waiting some word on what happened.

At least two passengers had stolen passports.


South Park GZGeorge Zimmerman appeared at a gun shop attended by about 200 people.  Fox News who interviewed him did not say how many people stopped by his table.  George had photographs of himself and his Rottweiler that he autographed.  I saw a plastic bucket on the table — guess that was for people to leave money.

Zimmerman did acknowledge that he is still under DOJ investigation.


Peace signs

What’s on your mind?



Posted on 03/09/2014, in open discussion and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 75 Comments.

  1. Over the course of six hours, fewer than 20 people at the New Orlando Gun Show asked for a free autograph or photo with Trayvon Martin’s reclusive killer, who was hanging out in a rear office of The Arms Room gun store in Orlando….

    Check out the first photo at the link. There’s a mirror in back of Trayvon Martin’s reclusive killer. A little boy is shaking his hand while the man and woman are looking back at the photographer. Yeah — like the kid is old enough and mature enough to know what the man did who is shaking his hand. Heh!

    Read more:


    • “the line starts here” as if there were going to be throngs of people wanting to meet him. What parent in their right mind would have their child shake this monster’s hand? Wish I would have been there. I would have told him about himself. And what a big fat ZERO I think he is.


      • And, monster he is!


        • What I meant to post comes up as the third video in the above video.

          Here it is if you wish to get to it directly:


      • Way to go Georgie, look at all your supporters lined up to meet you….LOL. Nice of you to bring one of your OLD pictures of yourself to sign, instead of a current one that reflects the fat ass you are now. At least you’ll have plenty of pictures for your next celebrity event, that is if they will have you, since your presence backfired on them, IMO. Read the comments section, one angry customer who was going to make a purchase, isn’t making it there now. You should have plenty of time to reflect on that since it looks like not to many of your supports could make it to your meet and greet table. Wonder who you’re going to blame for that.

        Oh one more question for you George. I don’t know if your one token white friend was able to make it, just wondering if any of the hundreds or was it thousands of your black friends made it there to support you? Perhaps in your spare time your should twitter them a shout out from the ZIM ZAM, so they don’t feel FLIM FLAMMED.


        • Good job telling him off, dreamer!


        • It’s NBC ‘ S fault LMAO. yeah, just where ARE those throngs of black friends. I haven’t seen a one. of course I haven’t seen many white friends either but…what an azzhle


      • mindyme,
        I wonder why parents would bring children to a gun show.

        Just to think — 20 people out of 200 and over 6 hours. They must have included the child in that number too.


    • You know, during the year when I was commenting under NBC Newsvine articles, the RESPONSIBLE gun owners did NOT support GZ… was only the wacky gun nuts that did.


  2. I don’t even know why media still report on this creature’s whereabouts.


  3. This video shows a new postmortem photo of Kendrick Johnson in color before the funeral home photo.

    If you click on the link below, you will arrive at a Google listing page with the Kendrick Johnson video that IS a workable video but cannot be posted as a video here.;+Majority+White+Jury+Vs.+An+UNHEARD+of+Majo&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8


  4. /large


    • ( – The Rev. Al Sharpton, radio host Tom Joyner and the parents of slain teenagers Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis are coming to Tallahassee on Monday to take part in a march and rally against Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

      Also participating are family members of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old boy whose killing in 1955 helped spark the civil rights movement, and Tallahassee attorneys Ben Crump and Daryl Parks, who represent Trayvon’s family.

      Sharpton, president of the National Action Network, will lead the march starting at 9:30 a.m. from the Civic Center to the Capitol, where the rally will be held.

      Sharpton said he wants to inform lawmakers about the national ramifications of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

      “Florida was the first state to have (such) a law, signed by Gov. Jeb Bush in 2005, and it spread out to over 20 states,” Sharpton said. “So now we must repeal it in Florida to change it all over the country.”


  5. Good one!!! Good day, gf!!


  6. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Open indeed!! Good one ….


  7. Officers Jose Flores, Ryan Reyes, Brian Perez Win $3.5 mil Discrimination Suit Against WPD


  8. Yep 😦 now I gotta wait until the Fall to get that hour of sleep back…lol


  9. /large


  10. Colleges Straining to Restore Diversity:
    Bans on Race-Conscious Admissions Upend Racial Makeup at California Schools


  11. Photo:

    “Mix-up Keeps Family Waiting”


    A mix-up between the District Attorney’s Office, State Police and the family of an African-American man shot and killed by his neighbor almost a year ago resulted in a four-month delay for a decision about whether to press charges against the neighbor, according to State Police and District Attorney Kari Brandenburg.

    The mix-up was discovered Friday, the same day as a protest by the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and other groups on the sidewalk in front of the Bernalillo County DA’s office in Albuquerque. Protesters criticized the DA for what they said is her failure to bring charges against Donnie Pearson, who shot and killed his neighbor and Iraq War veteran Jonathan Mitchell in March 2013. Pearson claimed self defense.

    Earlier this week, Brandenburg said her office was holding off on making a decision about whether to press charges until State Police and the FBI finished their own independent reviews of the case. However, State Police declined to do such a review in November, Brandenburg said, unbeknownst to the DA’s office.

    That means that the DA has been waiting for the State Police review for four months, stalling prosecutors’ progress in making a ruling about whether charges will be filed.


  12. Gunning for God: Troy, N.Y. pastor to hold church raffle for AR-15-type rifle
    The Rev. John Koletas, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Troy, said he wanted to show support for Second Amendment rights. Along with a Bible verse — ‘My peace I give unto you’ — a flyer for the giveaway shows a photo of the weapon.


  13. Oh my! Look at this salad photo 🙂

    Here is the link to the recipe:

    Farmers’ Market Roast Vegetable & Pepita Salad


  14. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Maybe the bucket was to throw up in?


  15. Good afternoon caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small.

    Happy Butterfly


  16. towerflower

    “Come on out and meet George Z! He’s here a few more hours. And no matter what you read, there are no protesters, lunatics or other varieties of a– clowns,” the store posted on Facebook.

    Beg to differ, you accepted and promoted the visit of an a..clown and a lunatic. Nothing about this person, I will not call him a man, says he is a responsible gun owner or citizen…regardless of the verdict.


    • towerflower

      Also found another interesting fact on the Arms Room FB site:

      “We did not initiate the process or ask Mr. Zimmerman to be a part of the show originally. Mr. Zimmerman reached out and inquired about being able to have a table and a presence”

      Z is seeking out these people as if he is some sort of celebrity. Hopefully after his 20 “fans” out of the 3.3 million people in the Central Florida area appeared and left, he’ll realize that no one cares about him and just disappear.


      • In his small mind that 20 is 200. This with only further his ego. In 2 weeks we’ll see what is next then 2 weeks after that. But it is coming.


        • I think the JAWS of the U.S. Department of Justice will finally get GZ and drag him permanently into the pit of prison:


      • Somebody wanted the know on that same site who the next celebrity to appear was going to be, Charles Manson.


        • dreamer,
          How about Ramos and Cicenelli, since they were acquitted for beating Kelly Thomas to death. The Arms Room should run a special, but instead of “Meet and Greet” it should be titled, “Ask People Who Killed How They Got Away With It.”


          • And GZ’s answer would go something like this….Yes certainly, ummmm I haven’t had the time to really reflect on that……….and ummmmm as you know the doj is currently investigating and ummmmm I’m not free to discuss this right now.


          • LOL@dreamer.
            You mean like this?


          • Xena,

            LOL, just like that…..Here’s another one that made me just shake my head.

            “I walk around armed; I walk around with a bulletproof vest,” he added. “It’s not so much for my safety as it is so much for those around me.”

            And just how is that bulletproof vest your wearing going to help those around you? Does he friggen really believe he is a superhero and is faster than a speeding bullet, and he’ll be able to shield those around him. And as for walking around armed for the safety of others, just who was around he was trying to save when he aimed and pulled the trigger and killed Trayvon?


          • dreamer,
            I think you have GZ’s attitude correct. He thinks he’s suppose to protect others. The hypocrisy is, those others might not need protection if they weren’t with him. He is the threat to others.

            Oh — and when he profiled, followed and killed Trayvon? He thought he was protecting the neighborhood. He needs a huge dose of reality — GZ is not a deputized anything.


          • Oh that’s right, protecting the neighborhood. Most burglars case houses at night in the rain and wear light colored pants and white tennis shoes. They will usually hang out close to the street and prefer to case houses walking on the sidewalk or street. It’s easier to see in the windows especially when it’s dark and raining. If you’re parked on the street they will approach your vehicle and circle it just so you will have a better description of them.


          • dreamer,
            Right — very suspicious uh? And, they also carry 7-Eleven bags showing where they were coming from.

            They also stand under the mail kiosk to get out of the rain.


  17. LLMPapa’s video to Tracy Martin:


  18. A 6.9 earthquake struck Northern California,and was centered 50 miles west of Eureka, but there were no immediate reports of injury or damage.

    Dr. Turi predicted earthquakes in California and Japan this month.


  19. The killer of Trayvon Martin was a paying vendor at the gun show, renting space for a meet and greet. He wasn’t charging for autographs, so why the investment? GZ told Fox news that he goes from hotel to hotel — he is homeless. However, he apparently has enough money to rent space at the gun show.

    When contacted by MailOnline, Piwowarski clarified that Zimmerman was to be a paying vendor who wanted to attend for a meet and greet – he would not have charged for any autographs.

    Read more:


    • He paid to be there? Did he think he would get more donations than what he paid to be there? “The line starts here.” Did you see that one? OMG. What an azz.

      I have yet to see on of his ” oh so many” black friends. Why didn’t any of them show up?

      I just don’t understand how he can live with himself. He HAS to be a sociopath, he just has to. What normal person, even if they had killed someone in self-defense, not feel bad about it? I mean it is one thing to say it was kill or be killed, but wouldn’t you still feel devastated by the thought that you actually took the life of another human being? Even if “justified,” other than being glad you aren’t dead, how could anyone feel good about that? And even if by some weird thing you did feel good about it, who would go out and try to make money off of it?

      He is one very sick individual. I really hope he is being watched at all times, because well like I said, it will be soon. Very soon.


      • Rachael,

        He paid to be there? Did he think he would get more donations than what he paid to be there?

        Uh — it’s called buying supporters.

        We have to read between the lines to understand how GZ’s mind ticks. When he talked about doing things for “charity,” he was actually saying that being a paying vendor was to raise money for himself, because he now thinks he’s a charity.

        He’s also a praying man, but doesn’t seem to think his prayers that God will protect him will be answered, and that’s why his gun is his god.


  20. Where the heck is that plane?


    • They will find it eventually. Remember the Air France plane that disappeared? It took 5 days to find any floating debris and 2 years to find the black boxes but they finally found the final resting place. It’s a little different when over water. All transponder equipped planes are fitted with an ELT (emergency locator transmitter) which will go off in a crash, the sites are then found by satellite. But being under water changes the picture.

      I do find it interesting that no trace/floating debris has been found yet. The plane would have surely broken apart hitting the water. It will now take time to get sonar equipment and maybe mini subs out there to find the plane…..remember there is a lot of space under water that now needs to be covered.


      • towerflower,
        I was just watching the news and they talked about the Air France plane. When they said “2 years” my mouth dropped. Also, the news has reported that the searchers have expanded the search area. The families of those on the plane must be very traumatized. How on earth do they go on with their lives not knowing? I hurt for them.


        • You know it is extremely traumatizing for those with love ones and friends on board the airplane and it doesn’t help with passing stories…..oil slick, life raft, etc. only to hear that they were wrong when further looked at. They can tell a lot from the oil. In fact when oil slicks are found the Coast Guard can actually trace the oil to a specific boat by analyzing the oil…..I know I’ve read several stories where the Coast Guard was able to trace a slick back to a boat that dumped it/cleared out their bilge tanks and fine them for the dump. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to determine that the oil slick did not come from the airplane.

          It might take some time to find the plane, a lot could come into play about the radar tapes……did the radar system track primary targets or only transponder targets (think 911 planes, when the hijackers shut off the transponders the centers controlling the airplanes lost them on their scopes while terminal facilities could still track the primary target.

          Water is their biggest enemy in the search. Visibility underneath the water might play into it, if they get a good idea. Depth of the water is also a factor on what they can reach the wreckage with when they do find it. There is also the possibility they may never find it, people have been searching for Flight 19 for many years–the 5 Navy TBMs that disappeared off the Florida coast–and they still haven’t found them. It also took 38 years before people found the Liberty 7 capsule that Gus Grissom was in when it sunk and they knew the area it went down in and they never found the capsule hatch.


  21. NewsOne is carrying live coverage of the March against SYG in Tallahassee, starting at 9:30 a.m. EST.


  22. /large


  23. Mothers of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis protest “Stand Your Ground” in Florida”
    Video at the following link.


  24. Re: Michael Dunn.
    He had a hearing today. His family is out of money.

    On Monday, attorney Cory Strolla withdrew because Dunn is broke and can no longer pay him.

    Waffa Hanania, with the Office of Regional Conflict Counsel, was appointed as Dunn’s new lawyer.

    Hanania was one of the lawyers who defended accused serial killer and rapist Paul Durousseau. He ended up being sent to Death Row.

    Strolla will remain Dunn’s lawyer while he is sentenced for the four other charges. But Hanania will represent him in the murder retrial.

    Under Florida’s speedy trial law, Dunn must be retried by May 12. Today, he did not waive his right to a speedy trial.

    Judge Healey declined to rule on Dunn’s motion to sentence on the 4 charges he is convicted for until after retrial of the murder case. Healey said he needed more time to study the issue. Healey also rejected a motion filed by Strolla for a new trial.


    • Thanks for this update, Xena.

      I remember people thinking the prosecution would have an advantage during the retrial because they would know all that Strolla had put forth in the first trial and be able to study and have stronger come backs.

      Do they lose this advantage now with a new defense lawyer being assigned to represent Dunn?


      • Yahtzee,

        Do they lose this advantage now with a new defense lawyer being assigned to represent Dunn?

        I doubt it. The advantage that the prosecution has at retrial is knowing what hung the jury. Since 3 jurors believed it was self-defense, the prosecution has to present its case in a manner that drives-in why it was not self-defense.

        IMHO, they really should also concentrate more on the fact that Dunn blames LE for not looking for the gun. He left the scene, did not call LE, and that became his story only after LE apprehended him.

        Dunn’s interpretation of the law that it was self-defense no matter when the cops found him, should be challenged. No — until the cops found him, it was an unsolved murder.


        • Do you think they should emphasize the fact that the witness standing next to the door saw Dunn’s gun on his seat to the right of Dunn BEFORE Dunn fired at Jordan?

          Would that at all prove premeditation? ….as well as showing he had time to just back up and leave? I mean, if he had time to get his gun out with no problem, why would he not have had time to back out?


          • And, you are so right. It was an unsolved murder until LE found Dunn.


          • (Above, I was referring to the witness who had just exited the store and was in front of the store door.)


          • You can start at Timestamp 21:26

            What I am referring to is at Timestamp 24:46. (pistol on seat)


          • Yahtzee,
            You’re not thinking like Dunn, who is a liar. He didn’t back out but went for his gun because he was protecting his girlfriend who was still in the store.

            What the state might need to do is get a person of Jordan’s height, and have a structure, such as a step that aligns to that of the SUV, and using the door to the SUV, demonstrate where Jordan would have to be in order to be hit with those bullets. They need to bring in the door to the SUV and put them right before the jury.

            Then, the prosecution would need to argue that firing through a closed door indicates premeditation.
