Happy Valentine’s Day

Please share in a box of cyber-chocolates from Blackbutterfly7 to you.



Posted on 02/14/2014, in Holiday, Potpourri and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Happy Valentines Day to all of you! To all of us!!


  2. Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


  3. Two sides to a story

    Have a loverly day, Xena, Justice Warrior Goddess!


  4. Happy Valentines Day to Everyone.Hopefully the jurors will give us a GUILTY verdict for our broken hearts.It would at least be a start.
    I know ALL on here are fighting for the same things!I agree with Two sides,Xena you are our Justice Warrior Goddess & damn PROUD of You & all of your hard work!! Have a Special Valentines Day b/c you had back to back trials with major battles for our children!Thank You for keeping us going when some days seem impossible.


    • Marilyn,
      I am humbled by your words. No Goddess here — just a person who wants equal justice for all, just like you and everyone else who supports this blog. I love you guys.
      Big Hug smiley face


  5. Happy Valentines Day everyone. May today be the day our hearts are filled with justice!!!


  6. Joseph Norton

    Xena and to all of you Happy Valentines too ,Thank You!


  7. Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!


  8. blushedbrown

    Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!


  9. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Thank you!!! Back at you my dearest!!


  10. This is great all the beauty and love and none of the calories! Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well!


  11. Can we just pray that these jurors want to go HOME for Valentines Day!!! If they vote RIGHT,that would be a GREAT gift to ALL!!!
