Michael Dunn Trial – Day 6, Wed, February 12, 2014

Jordan Davis parents 2 Closing arguments are scheduled for today, along with the reading of jury instructions.

Here is a link to the live stream.  http://new.livestream.com/wildabouttrial/events/2749073

Court starts at 9 a.m. EST.


Day 6 – Part 1


Day 6 – Part 2 – Prosecution’s Closing

Day 6 – Part 3 – Defense’s Closing


Day 6 – Part 4 – Prosecution’s Rebuttal Closing



About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 02/12/2014, in Jordan Davis and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 149 Comments.

  1. I wont hire Strolla to dismiss a parking ticket,in what world SOB is living.


    • japonito,
      Welcome to Blackbutterfly7!

      So, I take it that you don’t think Strolla is an effective attorney? LOL!!


  2. Good afternoon caterpillars, moths, butterflies, wolves, eagles, and all creatures great and small.

    I’m just getting here — see that Strolla’s arguing closing, distracting to the elusive gun that if it existed, Dunn should have stayed there or called the police to tell them about it, rather than waiting for the police to find him.


  3. Dunn assumed that LE would treat the kids in the SUV as suspects. Strolla’s closing is argued on the basis that victims should have been suspects. The real suspect left the scene, didn’t call 911, and didn’t bother to give a story until he was captured and taken into custody.


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  5. Strolla’s trying to discredit the medical examiner’s testimony. He now goes to the child locks on the SUV.


  6. Strolla did not call any professional witnesses for the defense, such as a medical examiner or ballistics expert to refute the State’s witnesses. Now, he’s trying to discredit State witnesses by raising arguments that he could have raised during cross but didn’t.


  7. Strolla has been talking an hour now and now approaches jury instructions but telling jurors that Judge Healy will explain it to them.


  8. He has put me to sleep 3 times!


  9. The court is taking a 15 minute break. I was distracted during Strolla’s ending because it can be summarized as “yada, yada, yada.”


  10. Jury was not taking notes during Strolla’s closing argument.


  11. Court is back in session.


  12. John Guy is presenting the State’s rebuttal closing argument.


  13. I just got the sick feeling that he’s going to walk. Either that or that bad fish sandwich my son brought me for lunch. 🙂

    Really, I did feel like I was going to pass out, am so stressed watching this trial..


    • It’s enough to make us nervous because we never know what the jury is thinking. At least this time there are 12 rather than 6 jurors.

      I can’t imagine what Lucia and Ron Davis are feeling. Let’s think and send out positive thoughts.


    • I hear ya…but Duhhnn has far more to overcome. He got out and knelt on one knee, took aim and and fired at a retreating vehicle. No threat at all anymore.

      I think the way the love of his life testified slams the door. I can’t fathom the jury not seeing his delay in the shotgun….or a stick line as being concocted since Rhonda was very clear that the 1 exonerating factor is never mentioned.

      I think blaming everyone else is a major mistake but the “it makes no sense” journey by John Guy seals it.

      If they were armed, Duuhnn would be missing both hands as a minimum. Why did they come back within 2 minutes ?? Why didn’t they leave the parking lot ?? Why didn’t Duuhhnnn call 911 ??

      I can understand how Fogen got off but this one is so different, I can’t see him getting off simply because he says one of them had a shotgun and nobody else can corroborate it.


  14. josephnorton

    Self denial ,so far I like that,big man with a gun got his feelings hurt,Rhonda cemented
    the state case. Guilty!


    • Good point Joseph. The “love” of Dunn’s life is credible. Although it hurt her to tell the truth, she did.


  15. “He didn’t have to shoot him. He decided to shoot him.” ASA John Guy.

    Dunn shot 10 times.


  16. Like

  17. Guy said “gangster” but “thug” is on the Powerpoint shown to the jury.


  18. josephnorton

    Powerful Closing!


    • Joseph, I agree. Strolla talked AT the jury. Guy talked TO them. Guy also made the jury aware that Strolla lied to them against the evidence about a purported cousin who appeared at the crime scene when it was actually the driver’s aunt who owned the SUV and had to sign a release.

      That along should have the jury question what else did Strolla misrepresent.


      • josephnorton

        Xena exactly,Strolla was speaking to clouds attempting to deflect his client actions.
        I think he will enjoy a forever vacation courtesy of Department of Correction free of charge,


  19. Court is taking a 10 minute break and when jurors return, the judge will read jury instructions to them.


  20. Just returned home and now will catch up.


  21. josephnorton

    Jurors are back for jury instruction .


  22. Court back in session. The judge is reading jury instructions.


  23. Okay, jury members….this should be a slam-dunk.

    Do the RIGHT thing!!


    • How do you like MY jury instructions 🙂


      • josephnorton

        Beautiful,no room for the jury to maneuver in favor of the defendant ,manure for DunnDone.


      • Clear and precise.

        Did the defendant have a gun Yep
        Did the bullets come out real fast Yep
        Did he need to shoot anybody Nope


        • Outstanding! Yeah, those bullet came out fast!
          Nope, he did not need to shoot anybody.

          Great summation, Racer!


          • That’s the problem with virtually all of these murders. They either wanted to, or decided to.

            I believe most of these racists are looking for a target much of the time. Fogen for sure and his post acquittal behavior shows it. he had his hand on his gun when he was taunting his wife !!

            If there is such a need for shooting in self defense, why don’t we hear about any legitimate attack and self defense “good shoot”???? Probably because there are none.


        • josephnorton

          Hello Racer ,still full of passion ,same here ,,,waiting for the outcome of you know who.,,,The crappy painter wannabe,,,and DunnDone is toasted


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  25. Had Dunn not taken off, and had not called the cops before they apprehended him, the jury might have an option to consider manslaughter, but I think manslaughter is moot based on his post-action of running.


    • If Atkins had not gotten Duuhhhnnn’s tag # he probably would have gotten away with this unless Rhonda went to the cops without telling him. 50/50 on that.

      Funny…that’s how serial killers all get started…..they got away once and feel empowered.


  26. I hope that all 4 alternates are not minorities.


  27. Alternate jurors are 13, 14, 15, 16. They are not the numbers given to them during voir dire.


  28. Thanks for posting the videos from today, Xena.

    I am going to listen now.


  29. Judge Healey asks the alternates to stick around just in case he needs to replace a juror. He is going to keep them separate from other jurors but still sequestered.


  30. On Twitter – 2 black women and 1 Latina woman were alternative jurors.


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    • White males from the Westside of Jacksonville aren’t going to vote not guilty easily… that’s where I’m from… just saying…. 😦


  32. Verdict watch is on — and so is my dinner. Gotta go rattle the pots and pans.



  33. Sending out sparkles of truth, justice, honor, integrity, common sense, and wisdom to fill the atmosphere while the jury deliberates.


  34. towerflower

    Z countersues for divorce: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/trayvon-martin/os-george-zimmerman-divorce-countersuit-20140212,0,6831442.story

    SANFORD – George Zimmerman this week countersued his estranged wife, Shellie, for divorce.

    What they’ll be fighting over: Their two dogs, who pays the divorce lawyers and who pays for the $2.5 million or more in debt they’ve racked up.

    The overwhelming majority of that debt is what George Zimmerman owes criminal defense attorneys Mark O’Mara and Don West.

    Zimmerman’s divorce countersuit, filed Monday, says that Shellie should be required “to pay all debts incurred by the parties prior to the dissolution of marriage.”

    It also alleges that Zimmerman doesn’t have enough money to pay his divorce lawyer, Erin Duncan of Orlando, but that Shellie does, so she should have to.

    Z wants to stick his wife with all bills resulting from his own actions, what a tool!


    • towerflower,
      Thanks for the update.

      Zimmerman’s divorce countersuit, filed Monday, says that Shellie should be required “to pay all debts incurred by the parties prior to the dissolution of marriage.”

      I wonder if that’s the actual language in the counter-complaint because if it is, the answer is simple — Shellie did not incur the legal fees for George’s criminal defense and thus, is not a party to that. I’m pretty sure that Shellie did not sign any agreement with O’Mara, nor West, for them to represent George. That debt was acquired by contract and if Shellie is not a party to the contract, then she’s not a party to incurring the debt.


      • towerflower

        She never mentioned the $2.5 Million on her complaint but just listed the other debt that they had accumulated to the tune of $100K.

        I guess we can add the name of his divorce attorney to the list of people that he will refuse to pay. I bet we’ll see a bankruptcy in his near future also to get out from everything.


    • Tough luck, georgie, you are too late according to the law….you have already defaulted….bye bye georgie bye bye

      Oh, Georgie, don’t forget to open the door when he DOJ knocks.


      • towerflower

        They still have to have a hearing in which his side will try to overturn the default. I don’t know the date for the hearing but it will be justice if the judge says that to Z.


    • Two sides to a story

      Oso is probably more of a man than he is!


  35. Any guesses as to when the jury will return the verdict?

    My guess is 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.


    • Good Call Yahtzee, I think so too. I don’t see this going through the week-end. I hope no one ‘gives in’ the way they did in the Zimmerman fiasco.


    • The jury wants to see the video from Gate. My guess? They want to compare the time that the driver left out, to when the shots took place. I have not studied any of the evidence in this case but now that I think about it, the time in which the driver left the store to the time when Dunn started shooting might shed some light on if Jordan had time to do what Dunn claims and also, whether witnesses would have seen Jordan out of the SUV.

      My guess is there will be a verdict before lunch tomorrow.


      • towerflower

        There is no outside video from the store only inside and the inside 6 cameras don’t show the vehicles or shooting.


  36. OMG! I left the live stream up and when the sound came on, it through me for a loop! Court is in session with a question from the jury. They want the video from the Gate gas station.


    • Two sides to a story

      Which livestream did you leave up? Mine seems dead. But thanks for the heads up!
      Ooo, I just saw that come up on Twitter – Jax4 news. Now they’re asking if they can view it tonight or should they wait until tomorrow?


    • Two sides to a story

      This livestream at Jax4 is going – judge is talking with STrolla and Dun – 8:55? Says they’re going to watch tape tomorrow. Dang. How will I sleep?


      • My take is that they want to see the angles that the witnesses were at who claim they saw something. There is no denying when he opened fire and from where. Does the video show him get out of his car ?

        Unless they go down the…..”oh, we think we say a shotgun barrel….or a stick” road.


        • The video is not outside, so nothing shows what happens in the parking lot. It does show the SUV’s driver leaving the cash register, another customer (a witness) pay for his purchase and leave the cash register, then Rhonda walking up, the gun shots, and how she walks out leaving the wine, chips and her change.


          • towerflower

            The Gate had no outside cameras, only inside. There is no video of the cars or the shooting. It came up on HLN also, that while the entire 6 camera videos were not shown they were submitted into evidence and they could view everything but once again it’s only from inside the store.


    • Wow…good going, Xena!

      Thanks for the update!


  37. Two sides to a story

    NOw they’re saying the judge went to jury room to discuss with jury? I thought he couldn’t do that – thought they had to go back into courtroom or just send question.


    • Two sides,

      I thought he couldn’t do that – thought they had to go back into courtroom or just send question.

      It’s no problem. The question came before the court and attorneys. The attorneys were asked if they wanted to call the jury in or go to the room, or have the judge go in with a court reporter. It’s only forbidden ex parte communications if the judge went into the jury room with an attorney only from from side and not the other.


      • Two sides to a story

        Thanks, Xena. You’re a wonderful source of accurate info.


        • Two sides,
          Glad to be of help. Procedures and Rules are things I learned while working for attorneys so they could concentrate on the litigation. My role model when growing up was Della Street. 🙂 Am I dating myself? LOL!


  38. Two sides to a story

    They must be listening – or will listen to – the gaps between the gunshots.


  39. The jury has decided to break for the evening.


    • Two sides to a story

      So . . . good dreams, Xena, thanks for your hard work.

      Why is that they don’t let juries stay late as they used to?


      • Two sides,
        It’s up to the jury. Most judges give sequestered juries special consideration because continued deliberations means continued sequestration.

        Judge Healey is very wise it seems, because he’s keeping 2 alternatives just in case a juror has an emergency. It avoids the situation in the Zimmerman case. Remember, there was word that a juror needed to leave and didn’t want to be there? They had a question out to the judge that Nelson wanted a more specific question but instead, got a verdict without getting clarification on manslaughter.

        With the Dunn jury, if 1 or 2 jurors want to leave, Judge Healey can say “See ya. We will replace you.”


        • Two sides to a story

          Yes, I recall when they asked that question, got no answer, and then announced a verdict. *shockwave*

          I’m guessing they might have gone further tonight if they were closer to a verdict. I’m guessing they’ll have a longish day tomorrow.


          • Two sides, would you consider going to the Kelly Thomas page and updating us there as to what is happening in California as far as rallies, etc.?


          • Two sides

            I’m guessing they might have gone further tonight if they were closer to a verdict. I’m guessing they’ll have a longish day tomorrow.

            They don’t have to be back until 10 a.m. tomorrow.

            Since they want to see the video, my guess is that they are tearing down Dunn’s self-defense story. Once they rule out self-defense, then they have to decide the degree of murder.


  40. The portion of the video that shows the driver and Rhonda is on Day 1, Part 2. I’m unable to see the timing, but counted and estimate it was about 40 seconds from the time that the driver LEFT THE REGISTER until the shots are heard.

    It starts at 34:31 into the video.

    The witness is the man who was waited on between the time that the driver left the register, and Rhonda came to it.


    • Thanks for this, Xena.

      You are hard at work!


    • Two sides to a story

      That sick grin of Dunn’s gets me every time. : / What’s up with that? Neither self-defense nor murder is grin material.


  41. Yahtzee,
    Now you know me. 🙂 I’ve been interested in this case since first hearing about it in November 2012. I follow attorney Phillips’ blog. When he first released evidence photos, the Zimmerman trial was taking place and we were involved in keeping up with that.

    I find this case very interesting because we didn’t know how the defense was planning to proceed, unlike O’Mara who tried the case in the media and via his website.


    • Yes, I sure do know you. You are an amazing multi-tasker the way you keep track of so many cases….some that I would never have heard of had you not brought them to us here on your blog. I so appreciate your helping understand so much about the legal system and situations in each.

      Yes, this case came to us “fresh” in that it indeed, was not tainted in the manner that O’Mara had tried the gz case in public media.


      • Yahtzee,
        Bless your heart. (whispering) Don’t tell her, but I blame Mindyme62 for this blog. 🙂

        She was my inspiration, like water and sunshine.

        Yes, this case came to us “fresh” in that it indeed, was not tainted in the manner that O’Mara had tried the gz case in public media.

        Yes, and WS weren’t that interested because attorney Crump does not represent Jordan’s parents. That in fact, they had no interest in Kendrick Johnson until they learned that Crump joined the legal team that represents Kendrick’s parents.


        • Wow, Mindyme62…thank you for inspiring Xena!

          Big hug to you, Mindy!


          • josephnorton

            Yahtzee Thank You! The best time of my whole life ,,,I was young and enjoying my self I played my music real loud ,I give thank to life,god and everyone that never
            anyone threatened me for being young listening The Fifth Dimension…..LOUD!


          • YW 🙂


          • Yes…..our generation DID play it loud!


          • Yahtzee,
            My transistor radio wasn’t that loud, but being the first type of device that could be taken outside of the home, the older generation then saw it as intrusive.

            Then came boom-boxes, and they were louder and more intrusive.

            A car pulled up next to me at a red light that was blasting rap music. I looked over, smiled, and did the John Travolta disco arm move. The kids laughed and turned the music down. Then the light changed. I went about my business and they went about their business.


          • As IF! She’s the one who inspired ME! I had never taken an interest in social issues as I had been very busy with raising 5 children, living safe and sound in my own little cocoon! Now as an ’empty nester’ I see, through Xena’s work and inspiration that one can, in one’s own way, facilitate change! Bless all of us!! Thanks Yahtzee!!


          • mindyme62

            Now as an ‘empty nester’ I see, through Xena’s work and inspiration that one can, in one’s own way, facilitate change!

            And sister, you did that when advocating for, and being successful at, changing the name of a school. You are so humble but I’m putting you on blast. 🙂 You serve as an excellent role model that we can make changes.

            Florida School Named After KKK Grand Wizard Gets A New Name


          • Well, this calls for another hug for you, Mindyme62 🙂


          • While sitting at a traffic light, I was beside a car that was blasting a song with xxx-rated lyrics, after making a motion for the young white guy in the vehicle to roll down his window, I laughingly said “thank goodness my grand kids aren’t with me today” his face turned red and he turned the music down. Normally I would just roll my window up or turn my own music up. ( which may be just as if not more offensive to some than what is being played by them ) lol

            I wish I had done more to help bring about the name change of Westside High School, writing a few letters was all I managed to do , but these guys are the true brains and brawn behind the change!!

            Opio Lumumba Sokoni

            Omotayo Richmond


        • Xena was born to do this!! Yes, we ‘met’ on Yahoo comment boards and had to deal with so many low life trolls there. I’m so happy she made this place where like minded folks can discuss these issues!


  42. Praying for JUSTICE for you Jordan.


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  44. The below is a good example for why reading comprehension is very important.

    We talked here about GZ getting a divorce attorney in effort to have the court set-aside the default judgment. We talked about the possibility that GZ may not meet the requirements for a set-aside; I gave the link to those requirements. We also mentioned that if the judge did set-aside the default, that GZ would probably only address marital debts.

    The least that Piercy could do is include a link to support his opinion. Since he doesn’t, here it is so anyone can read for themselves. https://blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com/2014/02/03/george-zimmerman-hires-divorce-lawyer/



    • Dave really is a warped individual. At no time did the site ever say he couldn’t overturn the default and we never mentioned a countersuit excerpt for what he might fight for.


      • Hee, hee. He probably didn’t like my “bye bye georgie” comment.


      • George is probably feeling his money problems all the more this week because Damon dropped him. GZ’s high hopes for money pouring in were DASHED. Quite the money problems mentioned in his papers countersuing for divorce.

        George’s pie in the sky hopes just are NOT going to materialize. He is probably listening too much to this song:


      • towerflower,
        WE know that and Piercy does too. He makes spurious allegations that he never supports. Even some on the blogs that he participates on have told him about misrepresenting facts.


  45. Had to work all night last night all day today, just now catching up. Thanks everyone. I’ll be praying for justice tonight.


  46. Hi Everyone,
    Thanks for keeping up with the trial, Xena. I missed it. I can’t stand to hear one more reason why someone had to shoot and kill someone, another teenager, another family grieving is just too much. I was watching a neighbor talk on You Tube that had been a neihbor of this Dunn. It’s one of those people that you meet in life that you KNOW one day he is going to kill someone JUST BECAUSE HE WANTS TO. In fact Stand Your Ground should be dropped and Just Because I Wantd To should take that place.
    I hope they throw his ass in for life and have him wear head phones with loud music.
    That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
    It shook his SUV???? Well, give me a break. Why didn’t he move it? Was he sleeping in his
    That’s all BS, he feared for his life, total BS.
    He deserves nothing but life in prison and I hope and pray that he gets it.


    • Hey Lolypop!
      Hendrix, Dunn’s former neighbor, is on Jane Velez-Mitchell’s now, along with John Phillips.

      Hendrix has verified what we witnessed of Dunn during his testimony, which is that he is arrogant and if you don’t agree with him, he will take over the conversation and make personal attacks.


  47. Hi Xena,
    I had it pn there as much as I hate HLN, but I don’t hear about it anywhere else except here and JB’s.

    His neighbor had him nailed, didn’t he? What part that I saw of Dunn, he was arrogant and just a phony. He couldn’t wait to use his gun!!!
    He is not one bit sorry!
    I really do believe he was trying to kill everyone in the car. 10 shots?
    We had a neighbor like that where we used to live and we always said he would end up killing someone just because he was the same type.
    Grown man throwing tantrums!
    Dunn wasn’t in fear for his life.
    He was in his car, as soon as his girlfriend got back he could have simply left and went on and minded his own business.

    He’s a miserable person and wants everyone else to join in his misery.
    I hope he joins the other prisoners. That’s where he belongs.
    That’s just total BS, he feared or paniced for his life.


  48. I am so grateful to Hendrix for having the courage to call the state! Dunn has a horrible history and I would love to see LE see if any of Dunn’s bullet fragments match to any unsolved crimes. Beats wives, abuses children, steals from parents, tries to hire a hit, insurance scam for 30k, writes to a daughter saying her mother earned her living on her back.( letter to daughter on John Phillips site)

    Just terrifying man.

    Thank you, Xena, mindy me, Yahtzee and everyone who tries to bring justice. We light a candle and I am so proud to be a small part.


  49. Dunn trial started tomorrow. He will never get out of prison but the re-trial on the murder charge begins tomorrow.
    Judge has already ruled against his now public defender to presenting inaccurate evidence saying juries tend to think what is presented in court is accurate. Of course, we know that’s not true but good for judge to understand fallibility of human thinking.
