Petitions Against Stand Your Ground Reach Over 500,000 Names



Thanks for the list of petitions. It’s important that those interested know the resources so their signatures become their voice.

End Stand Your Ground

UPDATED June 26, 2016

Since the Trayvon Martin shooting over 500,000 names have been added to online petitions calling for a review, change, or end to stand your ground laws, and over 80% of that number come from a petition started by Martin’s parents.

Although activism against the law has dropped dramatically, public sentiment against stand your ground law appears steady, sometimes refueled by news of homicides involving the possibility of stand your ground laws being invoked.

sign petitions against stand your ground laws

Popular internet petition sites like, credoaction, and MoveOn contain most of the requests, which call for change or repeal of stand your ground law or Florida boycotts.

Change For Trayvon“, a petition on, calls for the Governors of 21 states to review and amend stand your ground laws. This petition was started in 2012 by Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin (parents of Trayvon Martin) and appeared to have…

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Posted on 02/09/2014, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Good to know. I wish more people would sign though – I have no doubt that millions of people have been impacted or are concerned by these laws.


    • Two sides,

      I wish more people would sign though – I have no doubt that millions of people have been impacted or are concerned by these laws.

      I agree. Many people do not think of things such as this until or unless it effects someone close to them.

      I am so happy that EaSyG posted the petitions because I was not aware of the majority of them. We need to get the word out. This is a start.


  2. All I can say is vote early and vote often…..the tell everyone to vote….then vote some more.

    We got Fogen investigated and arrested, we took money from Fogens mouth and with Gods guidance who knows where we can go.

    Evidently there is no petition, nor prayer and rally for Fogen for his well being….ya know, getting a job,and such. It’s not looking good for the future, what with Frank “The Racist Tank” Taaffe clearing the way with all racist rhetoric.


    • racerrodig

      Evidently there is no petition, nor prayer and rally for Fogen for his well being….ya know, getting a job,and such

      HA! His supporters are too busy denigrating Trayvon, his parents, and attorney Crump to be interested in how GZ is getting along. They’re hoping that NBC will settle the case, probably because they know if it goes to trial, NBC prevails.

      I got a good laugh watching Nancy Grace the other night. She cut-off Taaffe’s mic. LOL!


      • She cuts him off pretty regularly. For the life of me I can’t see she would have him on so much. The producer needs to make a neon sign over Taaffe’s head that flashes “Race Baiting Hate Monger” & “Victim of Short Term Vision”


      • I got a good laugh watching Nancy Grace the other night. She cut-off Taaffe’s mic. LOL!

        That’s the best way to slap a guy down who just won’t stop. Good slap in the face.
