Zimmerman Will Not Face Trial For Domestic Violence

ABC News has just reported that State Attorney Phil Archer in Seminole County said he will not prosecute George Zimmerman.  In a statement SA Archer stated that Samantha Scheibe’s decision not to cooperate and the lack of other corroborating evidence made a successful prosecution unlikely.

Zimmerman prison garb

George Zimmerman

Zimmerman was charged with aggravated assault, battery and criminal mischief following a Nov. 18 incident at the central Florida house he shared with Scheibe.

If he felt invincible after being acquitted for murdering Trayvon Martin, this should really make him take flight and commit more crimes without any consequences.  It should make Jayne Weintraub happy too, since her legal fees will not accumulate like those of Mark O’Mara and Don West.  Whatever money Frank Taaffe has collected from donations for Zimmerman, can now be used to feed him.


About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 12/11/2013, in George and Shellie Zimmerman and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 158 Comments.

  1. Like

  2. SOAFB!!! I’m investing in Teflon.


  3. towerflower

    And he gets his guns back……that is the scariest part.


    • towerflower, YEAH! Just in time for family Christmas gatherings. (snark)


    • He is dangerous.


    • Two sides to a story

      That’s the worst of it. Otherwise, no real surprise. Happens in domestic cases all the time and prosecutors can’t do much about it. The typical pattern is that the problems will escalate. We can only hope that no one else gets hurt or killed.


  4. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


    • Jueseppi, just what Zimmerman wanted to hear before he had to cough up legal fees for a January appearance by Weintraub.


      • roderick2012

        Xena, can you explain why you believe that George had money to pay Weintraub since he filed for indigency and claimed to be $2.5 million in debt owing most of that to O’Mara and West?

        I don’t have a clue why Weintraub took the case but it wasn’t because she was going to be paid by George. Maybe a third party but not our Piglet.


        • roderick2012. After bailing him out, Taaffe begged for George on his website and said the money would be given to Weintraub. Maybe he collected just enough to pay her to prepare and file a motion.


        • I suspect she wanted the notoriety and increased name recognition it would get her. High profile client… high profile case… possibly did it for the challenge as well.

          I agree that financial motives were probably not part of it.


          • I believe that Sam called 911 because she had reason to. She will now have to live with her decisions.


          • Two sides to a story

            I feel conflicted. I’ve been there and done that and on one hand, I feel for her, but on the other, there’s the experiences of many other women before her that point to how stupid she’s acting. Many of us have survived our stupidity – she might get lucky too, but then again, with all those firearms around, she may not survive.


          • or she was lying about a pregnancy and lying about him threatening her… surely that’s at least worth considering as a possibility? If that’s the case, it’s him who needs to get away from her as far and as fast as possible.


          • Unicron, Sam didn’t tell the cops that she was pregnant. That came out of Zimmerman’s mouth.

            For the sake of being the devil’s advocate by agreeing that Sam lied, why would George want to get back with a liar? If they get back together, then it conveys he used her as a get out of jail free card. That doesn’t make either of them nice people.


          • Two sides, I hear you about the mixed emotions. At this moment however, I’m beyond being concerned for Sam. She has her own gun. Let her and Georgie shoot it out wild west style.


          • towerflower

            ….and pray that the daughter doesn’t get caught in the cross-fire.


          • roderick2012

            Are you the troll Unitron from whonoze’s, Jeralyn’s and Frederick Leatherman’s blog?


          • Nope, no connection to that person at all. Coincidence in the similar names.


          • It is. I saw that name on The Outhouse some time ago.


          • It’s unicron from Nettle’s blog.

            Now brother, you know me. I’ll let a hungry stranger into my house and feed him, but I don’t dare leave out and give them free reign. His/her comments are in moderation until I read and if I approve. 🙂


          • roderick2012

            Weintraub is already fairly famous.

            IIRC Weintraub was part of the HLN panel during Piglet’s murder trial.

            So Weintraub is a mercenary like most defense lawyers.


          • I know she’s famous but is she a household name like Shapiro or Dershowitz were after OJ? She could always stand to be more famous, increase her profile more, and people who appear on HLN tend to be fond of publicity anyway. Point is, there are motivations she could have had that didn’t involve payment from GZ.


          • roderick2012

            Yes, Weintraub could be smittened with Piglet like all the other women who have crossed his path.



        • well i don’t think Xena thinks he’s got money, other than the drips and drops from the begsite that trickles in, i think other ppl think he’s going to get money in the future. and i think this stems from zimmerman’s & frances’ delusions of a million dollar windfall from an NBC lawsuit and just recently discussed multimillion dollar book&movie deal for the killer of an unarmed boy that upset the whole world so much that a petition was made and signed by millions, 100s of thousands of ppl worldwide took to the streets and protested before and after the killer’s kangaroo court farce of a trial. and even though since the acquittal, the killer is in and out of jail for more aggression towards others, these idiots still think he’s got some sort of money,fame & fortune coming to him, at least enough to keep a private atty on staff! LOLOL


          • roderick2012

            Shannon, I don’t understand why anyone would waste money making a movie about Piglet since anyone who is interested is following it in real time.

            These people are all going DOWN with a bang,


          • The minute he opens his stupid mouth every single utterance will be used against him in a civil suit & civil rights suit. He can’t make any money besides begging & that dog is already dead!


          • Yep.


          • roderick2012

            But if the lawsuit against NBC goes forward then George will have to be deposed, but O’Mara is convinced that NBC will eventually settle for a couple of million to get rid of George, but I doubt it.

            My guess is that NBC has been aware of George’s behavior since the acquittal and are waiting for him to die.


          • Think about it. what motive wld NBC have to just “give” zimmerman one penny in some settlement? the fake lawsuit says they, NBC, ruined the killer’s reputation by editing his NEN call.
            first of all, what reputation? NBC knows all about his reputation that we know and more!
            the killer claims those edited tapes sound like he’s racists, as if without the editing they make him sound what? like a regular concerned citizen?
            nothing’s normal about a grown man calling a 17yo he’s getting ready to chase with a gun and eventually murder, a fucking asshole who always get away and a fucking coon, is up to no good and looks like he’s on drugs,etc.makes him a child-killing liar setting up an alibi since none of that was true.. everything he said about Trayvon was racist. especially the other shit about “you got a problem homie”?

            i just woke up so i’m jumping all over the place, ( that’s my excuse, and i’m sticking to it)
            but also consider the backlash NBC would get if they gave that pig one penny? they really have no reason to settle anything and have a much better reason to force him to make a move. they could make millions on taking it to trial themselves, imagine how many ppl would watch a trial on TV? they could massacre that pig in ways he could only dream of in a criminal trial!

            besides, everything he’s done and done on his behalf since trial will further NBC’s case. and he’d end up owing NBC all their lawyer fees! LOL

            omara can fuck off too, he’s not getting one more cent.


          • Shannon, that lawsuit against NBC is a damn if Zimmerman wins, damn if he doesn’t situation. This is what I mean. O’Mara is an attorney and knows that in order to prevail on a defamation claim, the plaintiff must suffer damages. Zimmerman was not found guilty and even if he had, the State did not include any allegations of Zimmerman being racist. Then look at Zimmerman’s life before and after his arrest.

            He voluntarily moved out of his residence.
            He voluntarily quit his job.
            His wife was unemployed.
            He was already at least $35,000 behind in bills.

            Zimmerman’s lifestyle after his arrest actually benefited him because with the donations, he got out of past-due debts and had money for his living expenses. Zimmerman has no damages.

            Now, we wait on the DOJ. If the DOJ should find that Zimmerman violated Trayvon’s civil rights, Zimmerman’s lawsuit against NBC can be dismissed on res judicata. In other words, he will not be able to re-litigate the matter in a civil case to recover (cough) damages for what the DOJ found.

            Now, IF the DOJ does not find that he violated Trayvon’s civil rights, Zimmerman can proceed on the NBC lawsuit, but still has that matter of proving damages, which will be difficult to do since he was not acquitted, and not charged by the feds.

            It is my impression that the suit against NBC cannot go anywhere anyway, until after the DOJ makes its decision. For Zimmerman to be deposed in that action is not to his benefit.


          • roderick2012

            Shannon, I agree with you on all points.

            Add to that fact that every single media outlet ( including Faux News) would side with NBC to defend their right to edit documents and interviews to fit their time formats.

            I would love to watch NBC’s lawyers make George sweat for days on end.


      • Jueseppi B.

        Yeah, I hate Zimmerman. Soon he will cross the right person because he believes himself to be invincible.


  5. funny that you post the announcement of the latest incident of dereliction of duty of the Florida justice system, since i was just watching for the 1st time, Jr’s interview w. piers morgan minutes after the verdict.
    if you want & have the stomach, try to check it out about the 12:40 mark. to 12:50. this little tidbit makes me wanna slam my fist straight down this fucker’s throat!
    and i know we’ve discussed how the morons like to believe this dumbass idea, at nausea, but i don’t believe i’ve heard anyone stupid enough to actually say it on TV like this.

    whhoo hooo, i figured out how to post a video and make it start at a certain time!
    and only after several years of practice!


    • Shannon, Junior has that classic ideology that Blacks have no rights on the streets of America. He affirms that Florida has a “sundown” law. Trayvon ran. George followed. That is something that Junior and White Supremacists, Trayvon haters, do not want to talk about, or deny. They don’t support George. He was so broke that he was living with and off the mother of a child. They hate Blacks, which is very evident in their arguments and name-calling.


      • x2


      • the problem with jr&gz is they’ve never seen a mirror or their mother apparently! when i think of that kind of mindset i can totally see papaZ, but i sure don’t see gz or jr!LOL
        they’ve spent their whole life in denial of their own ethnicity. i know this because i’ve lived it!
        when i was growing up everyone ignored what my father was, even to this day no one has the same story!! my mom told family and her friends different things!!!
        in my case the denial worked because it just so happened that my sister and i were both brown haired with darker skin and my two brothers were blond- but they were by the white step-father who has a darker complexion and my mom was blond and pale. so basically it did look like the girls took after the father and the two boys after mom. and really the most obvious thing that was odd was my curly hair cuz no one else had it.

        i know my stepfather is a bigot now, but he hid it back then (or i just never picked up on it) because in his stupid mind, it was much more important to that the church community think i was just one of his kids except for a very few that knew us before the “commune” was built.

        now i see this mentality in JR and GZ but for different reasons than in my family. because as adults, those two are reaping the white privilege that their mother wanted! i think my family did it because they wanted everyone to think they were perfect and didn’t want ppl to know my mom had sex, much less a child with another person before she was married, or at least my stepfather didn’t want to believe that!
        i wish she was here to ask her about it. i don’t speak to the killer of my mother so i can’t ask my stepfather. but he can’t tell the truth anyway.


        • *caring hugs* for what you have been through, shannon.

          Thank you for sharing to illustrate the Zimmerman family’s disfunction for us.


        • Shannon.

          they’ve spent their whole life in denial of their own ethnicity.

          Junior and George should thank God for Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Jackson, attorney Ben Crump, attorney Natalie Jackson, Tracy Martin, and Sybrina Fulton. Had they not organized and protested against George not being arrested, the White Supremacists and sovereign citizens would not have spent one minute hiding behind their computers typing out their racial garbage.

          They did not do it for George. They did it because they hate Blacks.

          Even today, the moment that the news reports about an unarmed Black person being killed by an armed White person, they resort back to denigrating Trayvon and the Black race.

          Junior and George need a wake-up call.

          Those they term “supporters” do not support them as people. Rather, they support the killing of Blacks without consequences for their killers.

          Remember what one wrote:
          “However I will remain and will concentrate on the larger aspects that drew me to the case to begin with.”

          What drew him to the case to begin with? His opinion about the “BGI.” I, along with others, had no clue what that acronym means. It’s White Supremacist speak. And, while the subject person is not one who is outright rude, there are others who put some White Supremacists to shame. Even those Whites who thought they were supporting self-defense and were drawn to forums, blogs and comment sections, found themselves embarrassed by those who cannot write a sentence without nicknaming, stereotyping, and using racial slurs. In other words, they soon discovered that it wasn’t about self-defense. It wasn’t about gun control or the lack thereof. It was about racial superiority and inferiority.

          Junior and George need a wake-up call.

          Had Trayvon not been Black, there would be no George Zimmerman “supporters.” George would have been another “Mexican” who should be sent back to Mexico. They really don’t care that his mom has roots in Peru — for them, that’s simply an extension of Mexico.

          Junior and George need a wake-up call.

          Why do they think that after he made his first bail in the murder case, that his “supporters” were willing to let him starve and be homeless? The money dried up. The only thing George had to offer was a signed thank you card. Even then, O’Mara begged on a monthly basis.

          Even someone offered Maddy, Juror B29 a job in an outbound call center. The same person didn’t open that door to George Zimmerman who has been unemployed since February 2012.

          Mark Osterman testified at trial that proceeds from the sale of his book were being placed in a Trust to give to George after he was set free. Apparently, not many copies of the book were sold. “Supporters” are not buying.

          Then we have Donnelly who testified at trial that he gave George money, brought him food, and bought him clothes. After White Supremacists got the verdict they wanted, even Donnelly defended Shellie against the best interests of George.

          Junior and George need a wake-up call.

          They are Hispanic, even White Hispanic, but according to White Supremacist ideology, they are not as superior, and equal to White Europeans.


        • Obviously we should’ve just called the psychic hotline and talked to this guy!
          and note what he says about gz not acknowledging the “afro peruvian” side of his family. and we know for sure every single one of gz’s documents where he checks the white box and not the hispanic.
          he knows what he’s talking about!

          and this is the thing Xena is saying too; that zimmerman is not a hero to the white [non]supremacist at all, and he knows it! but that’s why he and omara and co & especially jr are constantly whining about being helpless victims of “black aggression” and the modern day “white oppression”. and why it helped this punkass get such a pos racist jury- not to mention the total participation of the state attys office to allow that jury to sit in the 1st place!

          samatha also knows what she’s talking about. zimmerman knows the game and knows how its played.
          i wish the media would’ve pointed this out a long time ago!


  6. Like

    • “He’s got his whole life ahead of him,” Ms. Weintraub??

      Don’t you get it?? That’s exactly what frightens so many of us!


    • “…he’s smart…” Define “smart” Oh I’m sorry…he’s cunning, manipulative, a liar, a murderer, a deadbeat, a woman beater, a racist, habitually un / underemployed, has no “normal” friends and probably has bad breath and body odor.

      I guess that’s text book smart in some circles, because in most there’s a 98% chance he’d have been capped by now.


  7. Hmmm, Anyone want to tell me again how wrong I was when I said he would not go to trial and if he did he would not be convicted? The Papa Zimmerman “get out of jail free card” still had some punches left, wonder how many more… I still don’t think George will make it thru the holiday season in one piece…


    • crazy1946

      I still don’t think George will make it thru the holiday season in one piece…

      By his hands or someone else? My guess is by his own hands.


      • Xena, I predicted earlier that it would possibly be suicide via cop…. I just hope he does not take anyone with him, such as SS or worse her child…. This individual (I can’t bring myself to call him a man) is like a rat caught in a trap, one that would chew off his own arm to get free, and at this point he has no where to run and hide…. He is the one that painted the bulls eye on his own back, no one did it for him….


        • crazy1946.

          Xena, I predicted earlier that it would possibly be suicide via cop….

          And, you might be right.


          • Xena, I hope that I am not right, I would much rather see George Zimmerman sent to prison to suffer for his crimes. Death would be too easy on him, prison would be a long lingering daily reminder to him that crime does not (normally) pay…


          • I want gz to turn 100 in prison…..in prison for life!


          • Yahtzee, Yes, a long life! Lot’s of time to think about the error of his ways… The bad thing is he is not stupid, yes he does stupid things, but he is simply mentally lazy and always looks for the easy way out…


          • crazy1946,

            I just want him to be STUCK in prison for the rest of his life.

            I do not think he will ever engage in reflection. I personally believe he is only capable of blackmail and pay back.


          • roderick2012

            crazy, I agree with everything you have posted here.

            George is going flip out, maybe take some hostages or go on a shooting spree and end up dead at the hands of law enforcement.


          • towerflower

            I think he is too much of a narcissist and would never “off” himself, he believes that he is always right.


          • towerflower, based on two women now, it appears that Zimmerman threatens suicide when he is unable to control them and get his way. Maybe, just maybe if the next time the woman doesn’t give in, he might just pull the trigger to teach her a lesson.

            A man who will get out of his truck and follow a person he has reported as suspicious, having his hand in his waistband and something in his hand, is suicidal anyway — unless he has an automatic pistol loaded with hollow-point bullets, that is.


      • Sooooooo, what you’re saying is the next time he’s in the paper it’s an obituary ??

        I can deal with that.


    • @Crazy1946: Gloating isn’t attractive. But I’ll offer you an opportunity to gloat again in the future, should you wish to do so after being proven correct.

      Specifically, I hereby pronounce you wrong about this:

      I still don’t think George will make it thru the holiday season in one piece…”

      So, the gauntlet has been thrown down! (Though I wouldn’t challenge you if you had said “Samantha Sheibe” instead of “George.”)



      • groans,

        ” Gloating isn’t attractive. But I’ll offer you an opportunity to gloat again in the future, should you wish to do so after being proven correct.”

        Not gloating, simply remarking that unfortunately I was correct when I predicted he would walk away from this episode using his daddy’s mysterious “get out of jail free card”, trust me, I really wish that I had not been right and all those who said I was wrong had been right instead… to be quite honest and open with you, I did not mention Samantha S because I am scared that he will take her and her daughter down with him… I hope that does not occur…. and if it does not happen, I would be thrilled to hear you gloat that I was wrong… and I would be willing to host a gloating party for you… psst. it won’t be the first time I was wrong, and odds are high that I will be wrong many more times in the future…


  8. from LLMPapa


  9. Not surprised. Remember he got away with 2 crimes before getting away with killing Trayvon Martin. As for these females that keep getting involved with him,I see another Jared Remy/ Jennifer Martel on the horizon.


  10. Before Christmas, may it come to pass that George Zimmerman will be charged with a hate crime and with violating Trayvon Martin’s civil rights!


  11. OMG!! I really don’t know what more can be said about this IDIOT! Maybe he WILL do as he said & come to Texas,since Florida is NOT going to touch him.Our Logo is “Don’t Mess With Texas” & that includes our KIDS & WOMEN!! I’m sure he thinks since there are plenty of gun owners here,that everyone here loves him….WRONG!! Its really sad that Florida didn’t grow a pair with no resisting arrest,no charges for false reporting.This is the same state that threw the book at Casey Anthony for lying to police.I am speechless with the justice system in Florida right now.


    • Marilyn C.

      It sounds as if Texas LE will handle him the way we think he should be handled!

      Florida gets an “F” grade.


  12. Wish LLMPapa would do another video on all of this GZ saga!

    I liked this one of his:


  13. This is from July last year, but honestly funny.


    • This is an outstanding, fantastic video.

      Thank you so much for posting it, Xena!!!


      • Yahtzee. someone tweeted it and that’s how I became aware of it. Wish I had known about it last year. There were so many other blogs active then that it could have been posted to.


  14. Remember what his ex-fiancee said? Too bad they did not call on her to testify.

    from LLMPapa:


    • Yahtzee. That is why I was disappointed that the State did not put on a rebuttal case. The financee, the former co-worker, and the guy who worked with George as a bouncer when he was fired — they all needed to testify about the real George Zimmerman.


      • Hopefully the DOJ has absorbed all of this about GZ. And, don’t forget his cousin who insisted there was racism in the family.

        GZ definitely said the c word:


  15. Even admitted White Supremacists think George should “go off the grid.”



    • Yep, the White Supremacists are seeing it.




        • JJ has something against “Freedom Fighters.” Probably has something against “Afro-Peruvians” too, unless they kill unarmed Black youth. Based on his other comments, he supports that.


        • Well, well. It looks as if you are quite upset, JJ, that I am such a great advocate for Trayvon.

          HIGH FIVE to Me! I am PROUD that I have done such a great job standing up for JUSTICE for Trayvon.

          As Sybrina Fulton said,

          “this is not about a black and white thing. This is about a wrong and right thing”.

          I am very proud to be a part of the Trayvon Team which is made up of people with diverse ethnicities, races, and backgrounds.

          You should be ASHAMED of yourself, JJ. Shame! Shame!


          • Get him, Yahtzee. Gethimgethimgethim!

            Do we need any more proof that George Zimmerman’s supporters do not support Zimmerman but rather, hate Trayvon and hate him because of his race? Since Zimmerman, neither his brother, nor Taaffe speak up denouncing the hate-speech by those claiming they support Zimmerman, it can be a default understanding that they approve of it. If they truly do, then that provides evidence that Zimmerman did profile, followed, and killed Trayvon because of his race.

            Because I blacklist the IP addresses, and this person continues searching for proxy IP address websites that have not blocked him to continue sending comments filled with hate-speech, I turn those over to the proper authorities. There is some online evidence that he communicates with lawyers about Zimmerman has also communicated with people working for Mark O’Mara. He also gives the names of his friends in the hate-comments. Those he name have racial hate-speech on their blogs. This person may just end up being the one providing proof that Zimmerman violated Trayvon’s civil rights.


          • Do we need any more proof that George Zimmerman’s supporters do not support Zimmerman but rather, hate Trayvon and hate him because of his race? Since Zimmerman, neither his brother, nor Taaffe speak up denouncing the hate-speech by those claiming they support Zimmerman, it can be a default understanding that they approve of it. If they truly do, then that provides evidence that Zimmerman did profile, followed, and killed Trayvon because of his race.

            Well said, Xena.

            I totally agree with you!!!


          • Oh heck, even MO’M didn’t denounce the hate speech – and, in fact, perpetuated and encouraged it. It makes me sick. He could have been a “world leader” in stopping this kind of thing, but no, he sunk to the common denominator – his client and his client’s family and friend (Taaffe). Disgusting!!!!!


          • Rachael

            Oh heck, even MO’M didn’t denounce the hate speech – and, in fact, perpetuated and encouraged it.

            He sure did, and added a couple of dog whistles along the way.


          • Yahtzee — 12 high-fives to you and all others who support equal justice for all.


          • and thousands of HIGH FIVES to you, Xena!

            HIGH FIVE TRAYVON TEAM!!!!!


          • *Big Hug to you, Xena*

            Heading for bed now.


          • Have a High 5 from me as well…..in fact from the entire Team Trayvon !!


        • JJ, I think it’s past your bedtime. Don’t forget to go potty, so you don’t wet the bed again tonite.


        • Hey there little racist troll…….you’re house has a flat tire……..and a burned out tail light !!!!!!


      • Yahtzee, as I commented to Shannon upthread, they never supported George Zimmerman. Rather, they support the killing of unarmed Black youth without consequences for the killer.


        • Yep, they are depraved haters.


        • Xena, Sorry that I am late to the party, I suppose that leaving this computer on longer in the evening should happen, I seem to miss out on all the good stuff because I shut it off early so I can take care of things I can’t seem to get done during the day… Please add me to the long list of people that support you and your quest for equality for all people regardless of skin color or heritage… JJ seems not to realize that it is people like him that causes this movement to continue to grow and advance.. In the end, despite all their crying and whining the racist fools amongst our society will diminish and fall by the wayside and into the trash can of discarded rhetoric designed to promote hatred…

          It’s amusing to think that those members of the (alleged) “pure white race” would support a mongrel such as George Zimmerman, who is far from qualifying for their racist fraternity.. To think that they have actually supported a self proclaimed “non-white” as a hero shows the world that they can’t even find a person of their own race to support… Poor little bigots, don’t even have one of their own to place on the pedestal of racism, they have to find a self proclaimed non white to worship…. I bet their leaders of the past are flipping in their graves over their present leadership placing this Afro-Peruvian on their list of hero’s!!!


          • crazy1946 ((((((((((APPLAUSE))))))))))

            It’s amusing to think that those members of the (alleged) “pure white race” would support a mongrel such as George Zimmerman, who is far from qualifying for their racist fraternity..

            Yes. That is why I say they do not support George Zimmerman the person. Rather, they support that he killed an unarmed 17 year-old Black kid.

            I did a drive-through on Twitter and failed to find one that said they were happy for George not being prosecuted for DV. Not one gave him any words of encouragement. Most disparaged Sam and Shellie. They attacked Christie O’Connor misrepresenting what she has reported.

            JJ (DP) was re-litigating evidence from the murder trial and directed racial slurs towards attorney Natalie Jackson. He is interested in the Kendrick Johnson situation, but only because attorney Crump is on the legal team representing the parents. He is attacking Jordan Davis’ parents for filing suit against Michael Dunn before Dunn’s criminal trial.

            But not one word of happiness and best wishes for George Zimmerman.


          • I add my applause to what you wrote, crazy1946!


    • Hey Xena,

      Have these guys ever written anything about me?


  16. Sharon Burney

    What fascinates me the most about these self proclaimed racists is the utter cowardice with which they pick and choose their venues to promote hatred. The amount of racial slurs, utterances and diatribes on websites, blogs, twitter is amazing. If they truly believe that what they are speaking is their value system and beliefs based on TRUTH, they would stand up for it even if they were the only one in a crowd of millions for their perceived righteousness. As a black woman I have never seen a racist go outside of their comfort zones, and spur their racial rhetoric. Go to the people you detest and say it face to face, come to me and have this conversation to my face, come to the minority conferences, neighborhoods, events and proclaim your truth. I will as a woman defend and proclaim my truths any day any place and any time in any crowd because it is the truth and it is of love and peace and what is RIGHT. I do not need a crowd, computer screen, blacked out face, hooded cloak, group of drunk embiciles, liquor, 9mm gun, or anything else to proclaim my values and character. Stop being cowards and start being men and women. I dare you


    • I will as a woman defend and proclaim my truths any day any place and any time in any crowd because it is the truth and it is of love and peace and what is RIGHT.

      Bless you, Sharon!

      Love and peace and hugs to you!


    • Sharon

      I do not need a crowd, computer screen, blacked out face, hooded cloak, group of drunk embiciles, liquor, 9mm gun, or anything else to proclaim my values and character. Stop

      Absolutely! I hear you. Excellent comment. Preach it!

      You are self-confident and do not let others define you. That is why self proclaimed racists hide behind computer screens, cyber-stalk and cyber-harass in effort to define their target victims to silence us.

      It’s that self-confidence and commitment in love and peace that scares them.


    • Sharon Burney,

      “Go to the people you detest and say it face to face”

      If you look at history of this type of individual that from the very beginning of this country’s racist history, they have chosen to hide their faces! The KKK is a good example, with their cute little white sheet uniforms and the pointy white hats they wore only to hide their faces in the crowds of like minded fools. He who lacks courage feels the need to hide their identity, as most people who are cowards do… If one wishes to express their opinion, then so be it, but they should have enough integrity to do it openly and with conviction. Too bad our society does not have more Sharon Burney’s and fewer Zimmerman’s and Taaffe’s and their comrades…


  17. Sharon Burney

    same to you Yahtzee 🙂


  18. Amazing, this guy keeps escaping justice. Karma is definitely not being enough of a bitch in this case.


    • eurobrat, it seems that way. But, just imagine; 30 yrs old, haven’t worked in almost 2 years, unemployed, no future aspirations, having to totally depend on others for everything other than loading guns. Wife has filed for divorce; girlfriends exposing him as a married cheater, and the feds still investigating. Not being able to make a phone call without fear that it’s being overheard and/or recorded; having a face recognized worldwide known for deliberately following and killing an unarmed 17 year old on a rainy night and telling inconsistent stories about what and how it happened.

      That’s a living hell.


  19. I guess Jr doesn’t think much of his might be next SIL. I thought he’d be exited about becomming an uncle.


    • dreamer. HA! The Zimmermans’ would bury their heads in shame if an illegitimate child was born to George. That’s how those “other” people live, in their opinion.


  20. Hey David, if you want to tell Frederick Leatherman anything, be man enough to do it yourself. By the way, if you do, remember to ask him to donate to your request for $300 to buy a camera.

    Because of your racial derogatory hate-speech, demeaning, defamation and threats to defame, one IP proxy address website that you used yesterday was dropped by their hosting company today. You are toxic to businesses that do not allow your type of conduct. Your conduct is illegal. You have damaged their business. They have your REAL IP address. They know who you are.

    How many proxy IP address websites is that now that have blocked you from accessing this blog? You must be on number 20 by now. At least you’re determined to continue violating law.

    If you had that type of determination for your blogs, they wouldn’t have ZERO subscribers and ZERO comments. Better yet, do something to promote your Youtube channel. With all your BFFs, you can’t get more than 4 subscribers? Then too, you’re probably embarrassed that your Youtube channels continue being terminated by Youtube. Can’t blame Trent Sawyer for the last time. You were wrong to blame him for the second termination too. You didn’t even tell your buddies about the third Youtube termination, did you?

    All your videos on Twitter and the one blog that still allows you to post, and they are blank now. Still can’t seem to get more than a few views? https://www.youtube.com/user/southernCali1970/videos

    How’s that Justice for Ted Wafer Facebook page coming? Still less than 200 “likes”? Still only two people commenting there?

    By the way (whispering), I saw you denigrate Nettles’ blog on Twitter, then come back there and started posting again after saying you weren’t. Anyone respond to you yet or are they still ignoring you?

    Look, they tried schooling you in having some manners but you rejected their advice. They don’t want to take part in, neither agree with your hate-speech and personal attacks on others. Learn to be nicer and maybe you can gain some friends and won’t have to spend time harassing and spewing hate-speech. Anyone can repent and change their ways if they really want to.

    Lay your burdens down.


    • Xena, Wow….


        • Xena, you took him to church!


          • I hope he prays and repents!


          • Oh and for your excellent post to him:


          • He’s a god-hater posing as an atheist. Atheists don’t hate what they don’t believe exists. Or, he’s a Christian who hates that God created a certain race of people. It all depends on who he wants to offend on any particular day. White Supremacist ideology is weird like that.


          • Yes, White Supremacist ideology is WEIRD…so weird that they are crushingly outnumbered by Whites who do not like and do not support them. They are a small percentage of the White population and they dare to speak for Whites. They are disturbed and soulless and depraved individuals and isolated to the only “club” that will accept them.


  21. Was watching Nancy Grace tonight shut Frank Taaffe up.


  22. I wonder what CHEEZ-IT would think about Creepy-ass-Cracka using their product as a gravatar? It could be very damaging to their business.


    • I get it, dreamer 🙂

      What is AMUSING is that this man (DP) defines himself with HONESTY.

      According to the Urban Dictionary:



      Annoyingly unpleasant;


      repulsive in such a way as to excite nausea or loathing.


      • incidentally, that definition was published on August 19, 2005


      • I still think CAC can redeem himself by repenting.

        Can’t figure out why he wants to be known as a “Creepy-Ass-Cracka”. Why does he want to say he is a “Creepy-Ass”?


        • Yahtzee. D.P. uses “Creepy-Ass-Cracka” because Rachel Jeantel said that is what Trayvon called Zimmerman. D.P. is not original neither satisfied with himself because he always wants to take on the identity of someone else. By taking on CAC, he wants to take credit for killing Trayvon. He’s proud of that.

          Often, he submits filthy comments to bloggers using the handles and/or names of others, even names that he purports are real names of others. Miss Filth follows his example too. While they might think it is to lead people off their trail, it really conveys their need to portray those they admire. They admire Zimmerman for reasons different than they admires me, but it’s still admiration.


    • dreamer. Ooooooh. You make an excellent point.


      • Trademark and Copyright Information

        The brand names, slogans, characters and other trademarks, as well as the package designs of all Kellogg’s® products and promotions belong exclusively to Kellogg Company and /or its subsidiary companies, and are protected from copying and simulation under national and international trademark and copyright laws and treaties throughout the world.

        The contents of the Kellogg Company web site are protected from copying and distribution under national and international copyright laws and treaties throughout the world. Copyright © 2006 Kellogg Company. All rights reserved.


        • Whoo hoo.

          You got him, dreamer!

          Great one!

          High Five!


        • dreamer, maybe D.P. will take notice. He lurks here and on Leatherman’s. His latest agenda is to send comments to other blogs about me, filled with lies and racial derogatory terms as he also attacks those blog administrators. In other words, while he thinks he is convincing people who got to know me by this blog that I’m a “vicious Black racist,” he is actually giving us more evidence of his intentional, malicious, harassment, identity theft, and emotional extortion attempts.

          Just the other week, he alleged that my real name is “Renee Ambrose.” I have screenshots of his Twitter and Facebook page where he posted that. That makes maybe the 5th “real name” that he and his minions have given to me. But, he actually thinks that by sending other blogs anything in any name and saying it’s me, that he is suppose to be believed.


  23. Here’s something for the DOJ:

    You know the thing I love most about watching football? I can keep my eyes on all the black people at once.— George Zimmerman (@GunTotinGeorge) December 13, 2013


  24. This from a person who has 3 blogs, without one comment on either.



  25. Like

  26. Did anyone catch the TMZ show tonight? They mentioned Z. Said it is official that he will be leaving the State of Florida. YES!!!!!!! Watch out Texas and I hope you do better when he screws up again.


    • towerflower. No, I missed TMZ. If Zimmerman is leaving Florida, I hope it’s close-by so he can return for hearings in the divorce case.


      • Xena, I think since he was served papers, and there are no child custody isssues, if he is a no show, the judge will decide any issues without him. If he wants to dispute any items she was going to ask for he needs to show, if not I believe the show goes on. In Ca your dv is final 6 months and 1 day after it is filed. My ex-huband didn’t show at the last hearing before it was final, and he asked me if I want child support or alimony, and I answered no, so he granted the divorce with the stippulation that I could come back in the future and ask for it if I changed my mind. I asked for full custody of my daughter, and since he didn’t show, he granted that as well


        • dreamer. Thanks for the info and I agree. The court can enter a order of dissolution of marriage by default. It cannot, however, divide property, including assets, without both parties appearing. What attorney Sims might do is ask that an injunction be placed on assets that George has access to if he knows where those assets, (if any) are.

          The court might order that George be responsible for paying debts as Shellie requested. It can also award her all marital property in her possession. However, Shellie wants the dog and IIRC, the dog was at Sam’s house when George was arrested.

          If Shellie is smart, she should realize that getting the divorce is the important thing. George had nothing when they married, so she should cut her losses now because he still doesn’t have anything.


          • You know, I don’t even recall the judge asking anything about property and assets at the hearing. I know I had to fill out papers with our earnings, and maybe it asked about property. We each took what we wanted when we split. The judge was surprised I didn’t want child support and told me I was intitled to a quarter of his earnings. I just told him I could support her on my own. He did then require that my ex be responsible for keeping her on his medical coverage. He made some comment about alimony, since i asked for none, if he goes aout tomorrow and hits the lottery, I wouldn’t be intitled to half, and I said well I guess it goes the other way around then too. I think I was on the stand maybe a whole five minutes and it was done. The only reason I had to show was because there was a minor child, otherwise they could have just sent the final papers in the mail. I didn’t have an attorney, I filed the papers myself and paid 200 buckaroos. They had a class at the courthouse where they went through all the papers and helped you fill them out.


          • dreamer. Divorces can be quick and easy when uncontested. Then too, they can start as uncontested and end up being mud-slinging, prolonged litigation.

            Based on George’s demonstrated behavior, he’s not going to be agreeable to anything in the divorce and might not even file an answer. Just think — he could have contacted attorney Sims and arranged to have the papers served, but he ducked and hid until he was in jail where he had no choice.

            One has to wonder why. What does George have to lose in the divorce? It’s not as if they have property, one car, a child. They have debts — lots of them, and a pending lawsuit that may result in nothing. And, if there is anything he wants, then negotiate or let the judge decide.


  27. Why did George have two cellphones on him?

    Here’s the entire list of items seized:

    • 3 Black Handgun Holsters
    • 1 Pack of Gum
    • 1 Religious Pendant
    • 1 Flashlight
    • 1 Pocket Knife
    • 1 Sanitizing Wipe
    • 2 cell phones
    • 2 .223 rounds
    • 8 9mm rounds
    • 2 .40 caliber magazines with 8 rounds each
    • 2 9mm magazines ( 1 with 14 rounds and 1 with 15 rounds )
    • 1 Interarms .380 Handgun
    • 2 Taurus 9mm Handgun
    • 1 Glock 19 handgun
    • 1 Kel-Tec 12 Gauge shotgun
    • 13 12 Gauge Shotgun rounds
    • 1 AR15 rifle
    • 1 Soft Sided gun case
    • 2 AR15 magazines
    • 59 AR15 Rounds
    • 1 Combination Lock



    • @Yahtzee.

      Why did George have two cellphones on him?

      That’s an excellent question. I could speculate on about three reasons off the top of my head. Unless he was using 1 for business, and one for personal calls, there’s no legitimate purpose for having 2 cell phones.


  28. The Roast of George Zimmerman, courtesy of Sanford Watch.


  29. Christie O’Connor’s exclusive video of Samantha’s police interview.
