Gone too soon. Another senseless killing.

Social Action 2014


REMEMBER JORDAN ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATH: One year ago today, 17-year-old Jordan Davis was shot to death in Florida by a stranger who felt he was playing his music too loud. His killer will use Stand Your Ground laws to defend himself in court next year. Jordan’s mother, Lucy McBath, is on a mission to roll back Stand Your Ground laws in honor of her son:

Help Lucy get these laws off the books. Sign the petition against Stand Your Ground laws now:

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About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 11/23/2013, in Jordan Davis and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. The months have flown by. One good thing is that Michael Dunn is still in jail.


  2. has it really been a year already? let’s remember and never forget.


    • Two sides to a story

      It doesn’t seem possible. Trayvon and Jordan are forever in my heart.

      Hopefully, the fact that Dunn has been held all this time speaks to the probability that he will continue to do time for his crime.


      • Sorry that your comment was held in moderation. It happened to two others as well. Word Press must have indigestion.


  3. What a beautiful child. The hopes and dreams of him and his parents that will never be realized as they have their first Thanksgiving without him. Jordan was slain by a self proclaimed sovereign citizen who felt insulted when Jordan reached up to the front of the car and turned the volume back up after the driver, Tommie Stornes has complied with Michael Dunn’s request to turn it down. While sitting peacefully at a gas station in a very ‘good’ part of town shortly before 7 pm on the biggest shopping day of the year, the day after Thanksgiving.

    Michael Dunn will not walk away from this here in Jacksonville. He was denied bail and sits in a protected (ugh) status in the Duval County Jail.

    This man fired between 8 and 10 shots, at least 7 while the kids were attempting to flee the gunfire. Our fire department created a water arch the plane carrying Jordan’s body home taxied through on take off.

    Please remember Jordan by turning your music up on Fridays One local DJ committed the song Strawberry Letter 22 by the Brothers Johnson as ‘Jordan’s song’ My heart cries out for all the parents of murdered children who seek justice for their children’s deaths. And for the love and hugs and kissed they will never share with these children again, here on this earth. RIP Jordan Davis and Thank You to everyone who remembers Jordan.


    • Thank you for your beautiful post, mindyme2.

      Here is a youtube posting of “Jordan Davis – Attorney Joins Nationwide Turn The Music Up Tribute”–


  4. This guy is never getting out of jail. This case is very different from Trayvon’s. First, cameras at Gate Station captured shooting! witnesses wrote down Dunn’s tag number, there was no gun found, killer left scene, returned to hotel, ordered pizza and left next morning to return home. Swat surrounded his home next morning. Bullet holes in car as kids were fleeing away from Dunn! There is no SYG. Dunn’s attorney just kind of threw that out to try anything. He even tried ” well, Mr. Dunn up holstered his gun ” as any responsible gun owner would do”. Even the gun nuts on the jax. Blog went ” wait..what.?”

    The Kendrick killing is much murkier..the Dunn case is done ( kind of a play on words there)


    • News4jax here allows the most horrible comments on their comment board. We still have our share of neanderthals who see this as a matter of ‘respect’. The driver of the car the kids were in was on probation for, ironically, having stolen a set of speakers. The haters blame Tommie Stornes for Jordan’s death. “he shouldn’t have been out with a convicted felon’ even though adjudication has been with held for Tommie’s charges. Anything, blame anything except the White guy, for this child’s death.

      When the swat team/police picked up up Dunn the next day at his home, they found numchucks (sp) and a silencer in his vehicle.

      I can’t help but be reminded of the letter Emmitt Till’s Mother had written to him, begging him to ‘keep his head down’ when dealing with Southern Racist.


      • The haters blame Tommie Stornes for Jordan’s death. “he shouldn’t have been out with a convicted felon’ even though adjudication has been with held for Tommie’s charges.

        It’s the logic of rapists. Their dysfunctional minds say that the girl in shorts walking to the store minding her own business is responsible for leading the man on, resulting in rape. Just as rape is not about sex, neither is firing a gun at an unarmed person about fearing great bodily harm or death. It’s the same psychological dysfunction that abusers use to excuse their lack of self-discipline.

        Ultimately, in the scheme of White Supremacists and sovereign citizens, it’s their method of attempting mind control to oppress others by using fear as the qualitative means to violate the civil rights of others.


    • the Dunn case is done ( kind of a play on words there)

      I like that. 🙂


    • roderick2012

      2dogsonly: The Kendrick killing is much murkier..the Dunn case is done ( kind of a play on words there)

      I disagree. I don’t believe that it will be easy to get a jury of 12 to return a unanomous guilty verdict on first degree murder charges and maybe they will settle on something like manslaughter and three counts of attempted manslaughter if the jury isn’t outright deadlocked.

      Of Angela Corey has decided to replace John Guy as the lead prosecutor so who knows what type of schemes are going on behind the scenes especially since 2014 is an election year for statewide offices including governor.


  5. I don’t see the FB link icons


  6. This is what Dunn’s first lawyer had to say about any relation to the Zimmerman case.

    “But Dunn’s attorney said her client’s action should not be compared to George Zimmerman, the volunteer neighborhood watchman who is charged with second-degree murder in the February 26 shooting death of Martin in Sanford, Florida.

    “That’s ridiculous. Michael is not a vigilante,” the attorney said. “He’s a brilliant software developer. It was never his intention to kill anyone.”


  7. For those of you who might not have clicked onto the article that Xena reblogged, there is a link under that post to a petition. (“Jordan’s mother, Lucy McBath, is on a mission to roll back Stand Your Ground laws in honor of her son.”)

    I just signed it.

    I will bring the petition link here with the words of the petition:


    It is time for the 80 million mothers of America to stand our ground and demand the repeal of all Stand Your Ground Laws in more than 20 states across America. Collectively, we can use our votes and our voices to change policies and laws that will help keep American children out of the line of fire. We call on all governors in affected states to work to repeal this needless and dangerous law.
    Why is this important?

    Stand Your Ground laws do not promote healthy conflict resolution. Too often they foster an “attack” response or even worse, vigilante “justice”. And because easy access to guns and concealed carry laws make lethal weapons immediately available to most anyone – including the untrained and irresponsible – that attack response becomes deadly.

    A recent Texas A&M study analyzed 20 states with Stand Your Ground laws, including Florida, and found that the laws do not deter violent crime. In fact, there is a clear increase in homicides in those states, resulting in hundreds more shooting deaths nationwide each year. Stand Your Ground laws also disproportionately affect communities of color. According to an Urban Institute study, when white shooters kill black victims, 34 percent of the resulting homicides are deemed justifiable, while only 3 percent of deaths are ruled justifiable when the shooter is black and the victim is white.

    It is time to repeal Stand Your Ground laws.

    Protect our Children

    Lucy McBath, spokesperson for Moms Demand Action and mother of Jordan Davis, a 17-year-old who was shot and killed in Florida last year by a man who will likely use Stand Your Ground laws as his defense at trial next year, said, “Kill first, explain later is not justice – I know this first-hand. Children and adults who may simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time are now more likely to die at the hands of the armed and angry. This is unacceptable. Shooting to kill then asking questions later is not acceptable in any community, ever.”

    Help us protect our children today by signing this petition.

    Thank you,

    Lucia McBath and Shannon Watts
    Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

    Lucia McBath is a national spokesperson for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Shannon Watts is the founder.

    Link to petition:


    • Yahtzee, Petition signed! Too bad we can only sign it once… Thanks for posting the link..


      • You are wonderful to sign it, crazy1946!


        • My four legged child wanted to sign it as well, but I wouldn’t allow him to! He’s laying on the couch glaring at me… 🙂

          Now on a serious note, the stand your ground aka feel free to murder a black child law needs to go!!!! We can only get it overturned if we stand together…


          • You are too funny, crazy1946! Have you seen that talking dog video?

            We can only get it overturned if we stand together…

            Yes, we CAN!

            Here is a youtube video I just found that was posted by the author of the poem he recites, FromMewithAmor, on October 7, 2011.

            Here is his poem about standing together to bring about change:

            Tell me if you bein’ the victim of hate
            Tell me if you tired of working and see no success
            Tell me if you see the world coming to an ends
            Cause I’m just going through the same

            Tell me if you see the sadness on people faces
            Tell me if you feel this government doesn’t care
            Tell me if you afraid of the future that is waiting ahead
            Cause I’m just going through the same
            Oh I’m just going through the same

            We need to believe that
            The union will make us strong
            United we can make of
            this world a better world
            It’s time to stand up
            And fight for our rights
            It’s time for a revolution
            Where things can get right

            It’s time to let them know
            what they’re doing wrong
            Come on and take hand
            The union will make us strong

            In the 60s Hippies fought against wars
            Doctor King fought for civil rights before he was gone
            The truth will set us free and the fight will make us strong
            No political conflicts and discrimination will tear me down
            Cause with you by my side I will be rising from the ground

            We need to believe that
            The union will makes us strong
            United we can make of
            this world a better world
            It’s time to stand up
            And for fight our rights
            It’s time for a revolution
            Where things can get right

            It’s time to let them know
            what they’re doing wrong
            Come on and take hand
            The union will makes us strong


          • Yahtzee, Once again you post some thing full of inspirational words that keep us moving forward in the quest to change this nation to benefit all or our fellow citizens… Thank you… Your soul is like a beautiful yellow rose blooming in garden full of hope and love for your fellow traveler thru these stressful times… We are indeed lucky to be able to follow in your steps…


          • Crazy1946,

            You and everyone here who are involved in the cause of justice and equality have the same quality you have attributed to me.


          • Yahtzee, You young lady are far too modest…. You are truly a blessing for all you come into contact with. Keep the faith, we will prevail and bring change to this nation because it is the correct thing to do…


  8. To ALL sisters AND brothers HERE and on ALL other blogs who stand up for the cause of justice and equality as we advocate for Trayvon, Jordan, Renisha, Kendrick, and all who need our support:

    It IS because we stick together as FAMILY that we CAN be strong in standing up to the hateful racists and the Zidiot-type people.


  9. “Terry Mak-Mutual Friend(RIP Jordan Davis)”

    Published on Feb 1, 2013 by Terry Mak with the following words:

    Jordan Davis was a mutual friend to many, his memory will always continue to live on as his friends, and loved ones strive to maintain the essence of his spirit in their lives. Rest In Power Jordan you are truly missed.


  10. Let’s listen to Melissa Harris Perry again:

    Melissa Harris-Perry ‘This Country Is No Place For Young Black Men”

    Published 2012
