Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin Retain Agency

Sybrina and Tracy 2

(The following is a copy of the press release. We wish Sybrina and Tracy the best in their endeavors. )

Trayvon Martin’s Parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, Retain American Program Bureau as Their Exclusive Speakers’ Agency.

NEWTON, Mass., Nov. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire

American Program Bureau (APB) is proud to be named the exclusive speaking agency for Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, the parents of Trayvon Martin. Since the death of their son, Fulton and Martin have committed their lives to transforming tragedy into change, working to ensure the survival of every child through education and thoughtful conversations about conflict resolution.

The publicity surrounding Trayvon’s death and the ensuing trial catapulted the country into national debate.Facing increasing demands to speak publicly, Fulton and Martin are retaining the services of APB to schedule and manage their speaking engagements. Both Fulton and Martin are available to speak individually, or as a combined program. In addition, the couple’s legal team of Benjamin Crump and Daryl Parks also are available to accompany Fulton and Martin – or can appear individually – pending schedule availability.

A Miami native, Sybrina Fulton has become an inspiring spokesperson for parents and concerned citizens across the country, lending her voice to speak against violence towards children and the need to build safer communities. An honest and relatable speaker, her message not only appeals to people’s hearts, but is also one of hope and change, exemplified by her personal experiences and endeavors. As a mother, she inspires audiences to continuously educate their children about civil rights and to help them feel accepted as part of an ever changing society.

Much like Fulton, Tracy Martin has taken his role as proud parent and channeled his efforts to promote the broad societal shift required to ensure that a similar incident never claims the life of another child. Martin’s message of change extends to families from all walks of life, encouraging parents, relatives, caregivers and teachers to let their sons, daughters, and other loved ones know that their lives are valuable and to stress that they are loved no matter how society views them. Although his son is gone, Martin hopes Trayvon’s death helps to heal the country and acts as motivation for parents and caregivers to keep fighting for the safety of all children

American Program Bureau is honored to manage and host these honest and influential conversations, which can be customized to meet the needs of diverse audiences from colleges and legal professionals to community and business organizations. Through their inspiring and thought provoking presentations, Fulton and Martin are hoping to encourage the positive changes that can help keep every family safe.

Organizations wishing to book Fulton and Martin should contact American Program Bureau at 1-617-614-1600 for information on available dates and program topics. For more information on American Program Bureau, please visit For a profile on Sybrina Fulton, please visit For a profile on Tracy Martin, please visit

About American Program Bureau

Throughout its 50 year history, American Program Bureau has provided a platform for the world’s foremost speakers on civil liberties and social justice. Beginning life as the first collegiate programming agency, APB has long represented the pantheon of civil liberties activists including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Julian Bond, Jesse Jackson, Michael Eric Dyson, Clarence Jones and others. Today, APB stands as the leader in the professional speaking industry, representing hundreds of speakers and serving thousands of clients worldwide. APB speakers delineate the pinnacle of inspiring voices in the areas of business, technology, science, health and entertainment, including Mikhail Gorbachev, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dan Rather, Michael Douglas and many others.

Contact: Jack Freeman, 1-617-614-1646

SOURCE American Program Bureau


About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 11/16/2013, in Heroes, Justice For Trayvon, Trayvon Martin and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 36 Comments.

  1. Truly they are the epitome of class……..without question !!!!!!


    • Yes, they are. And, of courage, endurance, and professionalism.


      • I agree, and look at what they have had to deal with, the loss of a child. They sat through the pain of having their son looked at as though he was a criminal and watch the Zimmerman fans celebrate the aquittal of the man that killed their son. A killer with no regrets.

        I would say to the Zimmermans and their fans, “A picture paints a thousand words.” Sabrina and Tracy lost their son and they have held their heads up high with dignity and grace. When the Zimmermans appear in front of the media, all we hear is about the death threats they say they recieve, and their loss is money. They can’t even talk to George, because they are afraid the phones are tapped. Their son they raised to be the man he is today, who took the life of a young man walking home in the rain, who has no regrets, is alive. Sorry.

        Kudo’s, It takes alot to raise not only one loser, but two.


  2. Making lemonade from lemons!! How jealous do you think Jr. Is as that is what he so desperately wanted and although an educated speaker, chose the wrong issue. This is sweet revenge.;-)
    I think papa zi is feeling a little why not me? Tubby is too stupid and classless to ever entertain the hope anyone would want him as a speaker; even the racist nutters felt he was an idiot on the Hannity show.


  3. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


    • Jueseppi. I have a question for you. Do you have a “Recent Post” column that I’m missing? I would really like to read your blog, but can only find pages that are in the top menu and not posts. Am I doing something wrong? How do I navigate TheObamaCrat?


  4. Two sides to a story

    More power to them.


  5. @2dogsonly, you really do see these “great” in everything!! You are so right about poor pathetic Jr and his dreams of stardom from the murder of a 17y/o kid his own brother killed. he really did think this was his ticket to the big time! i would be funny if it wasn’t so discusting.
    i remember complaining about why Bill Mare was encouraging him by telling him he may have a future in show business. but i felt better once i got online and saw ppl laughing at Jr for not realizing Bill was just using him as the “freak show” for his real quests!

    My friend and i were just talking a few hours ago about this too!
    before the trial Jr apparently bought a couple of those follower packages.
    my friend would keep track of that, she also found out how many followers were fake. and a few weeks ago i noticed that he was also paying for Twitter to advertise his profile! so today i was pointing out that since then he’s lost well over 1000 followers on twitter and so even more than a 3rd he still has are fake!!



    • Xena, thank you for your sweet compliment! I think Sabrina and Tracy were coached as to the necessity of remaining calm and dignified (as the trial was going to be in Sanford). I think we will now see some of her mother’s rage. Not a lot because she and Tracy understand they must appeal to a broad audience in order to be heard and anger is a real buzzkill for almost everyone,probably even more so coming from an AA. They are intelligent and quick learner and they will know they can get their message out if they deliver it so it is heard, aka MLK.
      But we will see some flashes of her true feelings.
      However, I also believed Judge Corrupt and BDLR were putting on a real trial so take above with a huge grain of salt.;-)


  6. and i am happy to see the family is doing this and i like the company’s statement. Sometimes Sybrina would be a little too diplomatic, like when she said that she though it was an accident. but it just proves how peaceful that family is. Sybrina was so naive at first she couldn’t fathom that the killer was just a plain old cowardly lying child killer.


    • Hey Shannon!

      Sybrina was so naive at first she couldn’t fathom that the killer was just a plain old cowardly lying child killer.

      It is hard for me to believe that since the 1970’s, there are people like George Zimmerman walking the streets of America — and walking with a gun.

      I mean, look at the hurricanes that came through Florida in one year. The wind and water, devastation, did not discriminate. All human life is so fragile. If natural disasters do not teach mankind that there is no superior race, then what will?


  7. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    As an America I could not be more proud of these two people; I’m only sad that it came to be at the loss of their son Trayvon.


  8. What courage, purpose, character, and commitment!

    I admire Sabrina and Tracy so much! Amidst their heartbreak, they are doing amazing work to bring about change so that other youth will never endure the fate of their precious son.

    I think it was very wise of them to choose American Program Bureau to assist them in their cause.


  9. I just went to the speaker’s site. BOY oh BOY!!! They do not contract with just anyone. You have to already have a name before they will sign with you! Really big time agency.

    I bought the domaine name but never could get a response from Mr. Crump so I told go daddy to release it just three days ago. I wanted to donate it to them, of course. Tried to buy zimmerman is, to keep it off the web, but it was already

    I’ll call their agency rep. to tell him. Could not believe the dot com name was available and neither could the ” go daddy” registrar. I had just listed my personal info as owner and he called back suggesting I put it under private due to the hateful emotions. So I did. I would feel so proud to be able to present this to them. His death and legacy are standing for so much more than what anyone imagined.( dream defenders!!)


    • @2dogsonly. Why not do the site yourself? I don’t think there’s a site that presents the scholarships, tribute songs, and other good things that honor Trayvon’s legacy. That could be such a site.


  10. Oh, the nutters, both of them lol, are going to go berserk over this..let’s see what original hate they can spew…just the usual ” oh those people are just wanting money”. Meanwhile, forgetting that’s what their boy wonder wanted and his darling parents. Lol


    • @2dogsonly.

      Oh, the nutters, both of them lol, are going to go berserk over this..let’s see what original hate they can spew…just the usual ” oh those people are just wanting money”.

      Yep. More of their double-standards. It’s okay for Zimmerman to kill an unarmed kid and beg for strangers to pay his bills, but not okay for the parents of that unarmed kid to speak before groups who want to hear them speak and are willing to compensate them.

      At least Sybrina and Tracy are earning their speaking fees.


  11. Like

  12. George Zimmerman was just arrested again in Apoka, FL.


  13. BREAKING: #GeorgeZimmerman arrested at or near home of his girlfriend. Charges haven’t been confirmed but some say DV,0,1837318.story


    • Early details saying domestic violence against the girlfriend. Guess he couldn’t put the blame on her and talk his way out of it—since that is his mode of operation.


    • Can we please wait until tubby is found not guilty before rushing to judgment!! Lol


    • Ok nutters, open up your wallet. Your Jorge boy needs your help again! Come on Morons, please pretty please. Whittle ole me would be so itty bitty grateful. I’ll even name my itty bitty baby after one of you. I promise womise!! Hugs!!!
      Here is my new money site:
      Help whittle Jorgie porgie pudding pie.this is last time, promise til I die .com

      Like NOW goddammit.

      Oh, right. HUGS


      • LOL!

        Great post 2dogsonly!


        • Thanks Yahtzee. You have got to listen to his 911 call. He refuses to open door to police saying” I don’t have anything to say to them”. Dear god, he is a stupid man. He calls 911 while police are outside. When operator says why are you calling me if police are outside? He says I don’t have anything to say to them. Like when police are banging on your door in response to a 911 DV call, you can refuse to open door. He sounds drunk and floundering his answers.


  14. At least this time the cops (sheriff’s department) put him in handcuffs and hauled him off to jail.


  15. tmz is also reporting that his girlfriend is pregnant.


  16. That image just made me throw up in my mouth, Happy tower? Lol


  17. from LLMPAPA:


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