Donald Trump’s Personal Reason for the Government Shutdown; To Delay Emoluments Case

Department of Justice lawyers representing Donald Trump have asked a federal appeals court to indefinitely postpone all filings in an appeal related to a suit that the governments of Maryland and Washington, D.C. filed over Trump’s alleged violation of profiting from business his Washington hotel does with foreign countries.

Their argument?  Because they cannot work during a government shutdown.  Politico reports;

“The Department does not know when funding will be restored by Congress,” Justice lawyers wrote. “Absent an appropriation, Department of Justice attorneys and employees are prohibited from working, even on a voluntary basis, except in very limited circumstances, including ‘emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property’. … Undersigned counsel for the Department of Justice therefore requests a stay of briefing on the President’s mandamus petition until Congress has restored appropriations to the Department.”

The court of appeals granted the motion.

Similar motions were filed Wednesday in a variety of civil cases the federal government is involved in, including some litigation related to Trump’s policy limiting grants of asylum.

This puts a personal perspective on Trump’s reason to cause a government shutdown.  To continue the case is to continue discovery, and that discovery includes his financial records.  It’s not about the wall.


Posted on 12/26/2018, in politics and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on The Secular Jurist and commented:
    Intriguing premise to this story, although it ignores the effect that right-wing media (e.g. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News) had on Trump’s initial indication to accept the short-term ccntinuing budget resolution as passed by the U.S. Senate.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Robert,
      Thanks for the reblog, dear friend. I too thought about the Limbaugh criticism and reports that it influenced Trump to back away from his agreement. My first speculation is that maybe, just maybe, the Limbaugh thing was planned to give Trump an excuse.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow, it all makes sense now!!! Thank you so much for this information and insight.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Suddenly, it all makes so much sense. Shared on Twitter.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Had I been the deciding judge on the Court of Appeals, I would have said, with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, “Sorry ’bout your luck, bucko! Go cry in somebody else’s pool. MOTION DENIED! Next …” Does anybody with even one single brain cell left still think this ‘man’ is acting on our behalf??? NO … he is a wuss who has only his own interests in mind. Somebody, please, send this man where he can no longer harm the people of the world!

    Hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Jill! I haven’t seen a written decision by the court yet, and my first thought is that the judges would want to comply with federal rules regarding DOJ employees. I do hope that’s the case. The reprieve will most likely end in January with the swearing in of the new House.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Let us hope so, but I hope the House does NOT give in to his ‘demand’ for $5 billion of our money to build a useless wall. I loved your post and have linked to it on my morning post … hope you don’t mind! Huge Hugs to you, dear friend!!!

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Two sides to a story

    Everything that man does lately reeks of desperation. Tick tock.


  6. chuquestaquenumber1

    Things like this used to be rare. Now we’ve had 3 in 5 yrs.


  7. Dear Xena,

    Thanks for this input. He would be mighty motivated to delay the emoluments lawsuit against him.

    I automatically think that whatever President Trump does, is suspect. There is nothing that he says where I feel comfortable to take him at his word. Everything he utters has to be fact checked.

    Tomorrow night, I refuse to watch him on TV as he addresses the country with the reasons for his government shutdown as related to his wall because, i know that he will be lying as he has been doing for past couple of weeks.

    Hugs, Gronda


    • Gronda,
      I missed his oval office speech. Trump cannot be trusted. A good leader is always willing to compromise and/or negotiate for the good of the organization. In this case, the organization is the U.S. government and it consists of the people of the United States. He’s instituted modern slavery by requiring federal workers to continue working without pay.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Gronda,
      I missed his oval office speech. Trump cannot be trusted. A good leader is always willing to compromise and/or negotiate for the good of the organization. In this case, the organization is the U.S. government and it consists of the people of the United States. He’s instituted modern slavery by requiring federal workers to continue working without pay.

      Liked by 1 person

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