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Happy Resurrection Day! Are We Resurrecting Life?

Growing up, my parents bought a house in a predominately Jewish neighborhood. We lived just around the corner from a Jewish synagogue. The Star of David on the building served as a landmark on the corner of Independence Blvd. and Polk Street. Mrs. Issacson, who owned a drug store, lived a few blocks away. She was also the proud owner of a German Shepherd dog and a Boxer. When they had puppies, she asked my dad if I could have one. I brought home my first puppy when I was 8 years old, and he was 6 weeks old. He lived for 15 years.

Now that I think back, I didn’t know the people were Jewish. They were simply our neighbors, shop owners, my classmates, the milkman, the man who came by with a horse drawn wagon selling fresh fruits and vegetables. Read the rest of this entry

Confirmed : Jews told to register with pro-Russian forces in the East Ukraine or face deportation. America reacts first

The Jews need to get out of the Ukraine as soon as possible. Israel and the U.S. should arrange for that. It will be hard leaving their country and starting over, but we cannot have another Holocaust.