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Senate Confirms First-Ever Native American Woman As Federal Judge

Congratulations to the Honorable Diane Humetewa!

The Fifth Column

The Senate confirmed Diane Humetewa to the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, making her the first-ever Native American woman to serve on the federal bench. | Arizona State University

Am I happy the Senate finally confirmed a Native American  Judge?  Indeed I am.  I just have one more thing to say: It’s about damn time…

The Huffington Post

The Senate quietly made history on Wednesday night when it confirmed Diane Humetewa as a federal judge — the first Native American woman to ever hold such a post.

Humetewa was confirmed 96-0 to serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona. She is a former U.S. attorney in Arizona and a member of the Hopi tribe. She is now the first active member of a Native American tribe to serve on the federal bench and only the third Native American in history to do so.

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