As I understand it, each state has rights to legislate their own laws, and each of the states give municipalities the right to pass their own ordinances. This is going to be a most interesting case. May our constitution prevail.


By:Leon Kwasi Kuntuo-Asare

On Tuesday, the city of San Francisco became the first so-called “Sanctuary City”, to sue the Trump Administration, after his executive order to defund cities that he claims protects illegal immigrants.

Ed Lee, the mayor of San Francisco, said : ” the misguided executive order makes our cities less safe, and we believe is unconstitutional.”

Mayors from other major cities like New York and Chicago, promised to defy the president’s executive order, the ACLU, also plans to file a lawsuit against Trump’s administration.

For additional information use link below:

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Posted on 02/02/2017, in Cases, politics, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. ONLY people have rights, states nor feds have any “rights” they have powers granted by the citizens……

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Liked by 2 people

  3. Liked by 2 people

  4. Xena , I have a secret I cannot divulge. I live in Ca, and yesterday, Dad had an emergency meeting. That’s all.

    Okay, it’s really nothing, except California is getting ready to protect its citizens from that guy’s evil machinations.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. What the hell is going on? Surely Trump’s not going to war against individual states… You end up with another civil war if he keeps this up!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. We need a new button! The only thing to “like” here is that not everyone in the US plans to roll over and play dead! Thanks for posting.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Madelyn,
      It turns out that the federal judge who ordered an injunction this time, is one that was appointed by President Bush. But, now the Trump administration has found a way to circumvent the court orders by voiding all previously approved visas. (sigh)

      Liked by 1 person

      • I really try to recontext hate – not good for me and has no effect on them – but let me go on record saying I cannot STAND this man. And I like him less every single time he opens his mouth.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Madelyn,
          I understand and am going through the same thought process. I think the dislike comes when a person shows over and over again that there is no quality within them to respect. Couple that with characteristics that are intentionally aggravating.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Extreme narcissists are practically impossible to like – and this man’s behavior almost completely overlaps the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

            But man-o-man did he manage to bamboozle a whole lotta’ people!


          • Madelyn,
            People began by liking Trump’s promises and the way he delivered them.

            Do you know if it’s true that narcissists are very lonely people who feel the need to THINK they are competing with others (even when not competing) to fulfill a need that they win?

            There is something that I can’t explain in words, although I see it. Narcissists represent themselves as saviors while also representing themselves as needy — needing support. Once a door has been opened to them, they begin trying to force their will. Resistance to their will means being demeaned by them.

            Is it possible to get rid of a narcissist without them leaving a trail of blood behind?

            Liked by 1 person

          • Nobody knows, Xena. There are people who have core needs science doesn’t really understand – so their motivations are tough to figure. We can only look at behaviors, – sometimes (but not always), supplemented with what is seen on brain scans — not as illuminating as the popular press would lead you to believe, btw.

            The BEST way to disengage is to identify them early and “stay busy” until they go somewhere else to feed what is referred to as their “narcissistic supply.”

            Once they’ve got their claws into you, it’s much harder. The key is to refuse to “feed” them, while you back out the door as quickly as possible. Even then, “trails of blood” are sometimes unavoidable.

            The most important thing is to GET AWAY! Change is hard, even for those of us who are committed to do so – and narcissists rarely seem to believe that they are the ones who need to change.

            Don’t stick around, so they can’t do their dirty work on your self-image – and don’t take in *anything* they say.


          • Madelyn,
            Fortunately, I’m not in a situation where it’s personal. It’s online and I have no direct contact with him, but even more than a year, he’s still contacting others to deliver messages to me. People have caught on and that’s a good thing. If what I’ve observed is anything like Trump, then I can only imagine how he would have spent his every waking hour denigrating Hillary Clinton had he lost the election.

            Trump’s similarities, such as the turn-off for his inauguration. It was low, but he says it was the largest turn-out EVER.

            He won the electoral college vote, but failed to win the popular vote, so he blames that on illegals voting.

            He insults others, even leaders of other countries, then says he was joking.

            His disrespect of women was “locker room talk,” but then he calls Hillary a “nasty woman” because she factually debated with him.

            The federal district court judge appointed by President Bush is a “so-called” judge because he disagrees with the judge’s order, which indicates Trump’s disdain for others with authority.

            I could go on, but I know you already see these things.


          • Shame and blame to defend himself – always the Narcissist’s FIRST tactic.

            They move on to retribution when that doesn’t work as well as projected, which seems to be Agent Orange’s core value. I’m not sure if he even knows what the TRUTH actually is.

            When will the remainder of the country wake up and see having this man supposedly in charge is dangerous? BEFORE he destroys the country, I hope.


          • Madelyn,
            Oh yes — projection. Until his supporters wake up to see he has exploited them, they won’t see the danger.

            Liked by 1 person

          • And then? Scary thought.


          • Madelyn,
            Good question. I’m currently listening to the legal arguments made before the judge in Washington state. He asked very good questions of both sides.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I can’t listen – ties my stomach in knots – can’t even eat.

            Must read , even if means I’m a beat behind. I’m so grateful for your strength, your bravery, and your blog!


          • Madelyn,
            Thanks for your kind words. I enjoy listening to oral legal arguments. It’s also interesting to see judges allow both sides to present their arguments, but have a typed decision already prepared before the arguments start. LOL! I was told once that it’s to allow the parties to have a transcript in the event they want to appeal, which is what the DOJ did — and their motion for a stay of the injunction was denied today. They will still get a chance to file and argue the issue of the temporary injunction, but the order of the court is still in effect.


  7. yahtzeebutterfly

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