Black History Month – History of Black Police Officers in St. Louis MO

US-CRIME-RACE-POLICE-SHOOTING-FUNERALThe video is a bit over 20 minutes, and is jam-packed with history and information, including interviews and photographs.  After watching it, it brought revelation as to why the St. Louis police department made changes in who it appointed to oversee law enforcement during the Ferguson, MO protests after the police came out as a militarized occupying force..  That attitude goes back in history.


Posted on 02/04/2015, in Michael Brown - Ferguson, Potpourri, research and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. It is sad isn’t it how the force to protect has become a force of its own..

    Many thanks for all your informative postings Xena..


  2. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  3. yahtzeebutterfly

    Thanks so much, Xena, for this video.

    These Black officers connected with the community by walking the beat, talking with people and getting to know the residents from the young ones to the adults.

    Today, it is this connection with the community that is missing in Ferguson.

    Yes, Xena, the Ferguson police department had to call in Highway Patrol Officer Johnson because their White officers seem to have never had an interest in connecting with the Black community whom they were sworn to serve and protect. In fact, the Ferguson PD’s oppressive military-style approach to the protesters, their “them vs us” approach was very telling.


    • Yahtzeebutterfly,
      “Them vs us.” That’s it in a nutshell.

      One of the things I’ve wondered all along is why would anyone want to work in a community where they would not want to live?


  4. scrodriguez

    Right on Point Xena, good work 🙂


  5. That was so interesting!


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