Faces of Racism Pt 3

Appeals, Requests for Sanctions & petitions ohh my… (Make the insanity stop)

Hi! Santiago here.

There hasn’t been much of a change in Mr. Stalkers behavior since losing his bid for a restraining order and having one issued against him. But we expected that.  I mean after all we are dealing with a mentally ill individual who in his own mind, seems to believe he is untouchable.

cyber-harassment-provocation-online-harassment-internet-harassment-ipredator-internet-safety-imageSince the final order was entered, his harassment hasn’t stopped.  In fact he has advanced his harassment to the point where there is currently an active investigation in the works for violations. So what has exactly happened since? Well in late August Mr. Stalker decided to ask the appellate court to re-instate his temporary restraining order that request was denied.

Shortly after having been denied his request to re-instate the temporary restraining order, Mr. Stalker motioned the court to sanction me.  The court denied his request.  As expected, not satisfied with the outcome of both orders, Mr. Stalker decided to petition the court for a restraining order, filing a new case claiming he is being harassed once again, and stating its continued harassment post our June 2nd hearing.

Fortunately, the judge denied his request immediately and stated that the case has already been heard and ruled on.  It’s currently in the 5th district court of appeals pending ruling. I initially had no idea he made a 2nd attempt through the court to obtain a restraining order.

I received a notice from the 5th district court of appeals stating there was an appeal filed, and as I researched the court docket wouldn’t you know that Mr. Stalker made an attempt on Sept 15th 2014 to file another restraining order. And yes he is appealing that ruling as well.

Again it’s the same old Wash, Rinse and Repeat pattern with this man. The disturbing part in all of this is you, the tax payer, are left to foot the expense as he has his court fees waived because his income is disability. He currently has 3 appeals on record, two of them in Fresno and one of them in Los Angeles.

Each appeal costs roughly around $775.00, so he has wasted over two thousand dollars of tax payer’s money playing this game and why should he really care ? What does he have to lose? In early November, I received a copy of his opening brief for his 1st appeal, and let me just say I am not surprised.   I knew after reading 56 pages of nonsense that his case isn’t going anywhere.

However to be safe, I forwarded a copy of it to my attorney so that it may be reviewed with the feeling in the back of my mind that maybe I shouldn’t have. I mean, I can tell based on this he hasn’t made any sound argument to show where and how the court ruled in error.

But to be safe I forwarded it anyways. I was advised not to file a response brief after my attorney read it.  He sent me a reply email that basically explains everything that is wrong with the appellants opening brief and why the court is likely not going to grant his request for a new trial and likely not even grant him an oral argument after they read this nonsense.

While Mr. Stalker is out there crying to the court claiming he is “Victim,” he has advanced his game to obtaining information and using it as a means to harass and defame me. Mr. Stalker sent this information to Ms. Filth who then posted this information on her blog in attempt to “expose” me.

We contacted the blog host to report the violation of the restraining order.  Mr. Stalker is not to use third-parties to harass.  Google Blogger  requested that I send in a copy of the court order.

Page no longer existsI sent a response email along with a copy of Miss Filth’s affidavit that she filed on behalf of Mr. Stalker, and a copy of the restraining order against Mr. Stalker. A few days later,  Google Blogger sent me confirmation that they  removed the libelous, harassing postings regarding me and regarding this blog as well.

I did the same thing with Gofundme, as he was using that donation site not only as a means to scam his friends for money for the appeal where the court waived his filing fee, but he also knows that the appeal is going nowhere.  Go Fund Me has permanently suspended him from using their site per the court order.

It is significant to have this information from both Google Blogger and from GoFundme, because at this stage I can now send in all of this to the 5th district court of appeal and show that Mr. Stalker is no victim and he is currently committing perjury before the court claiming he is a victim of harassment post the June 2nd hearing.

The strangest series of events took place during all of this. Out of the blue, all of the sudden, I had his own friends messaging me on Facebook, sending me screen shots etc. Before I knew it, they started to rat him out. A longtime friend of his actually took the extra step to contact my attorney with information about him and what he attempted do leading up to court.

She approached me stating that Mr. Stalker asked her and the entire group to sign a blank sworn affidavit so he can bring it with him to court. However, not trusting this group and not knowing exactly what the agenda was, I told the person that if there was any information she had she would have to contact my attorney and forward it to him.

A few days later, my attorney forwarded me a copy of the email she sent him which basically stated everything she told me on Facebook. Then another friend of his came to me with additional evidence to submit to my attorney and before I knew it one by one he was losing his own friends who eventually just got sick of his attitude and how he carries himself, with no regard for others, even if they are his own friends.  It is always about him.

So, here I have a few of his friends now reaching out stating they want to help any way they can.  They also state that they are concerned about him potentially becoming a paralegal because he is unfit for that type of career. That speaks volumes in itself when your own friends go behind your back and reach out to the other side like this.

The most disturbing part in all of this that I find is that each and every one of them have told me none of them believe him.  We know he is full of ish… that isn’t the point in my mind.  The point is I believe most of his friends encouraged him to bring it to this point.  They talked him up to the point where he actually believed what they were saying. That is what gave this man a false sense of confidence that led him to believing he could pull this off.  Some friends huh?

A sad thing is those friends do not even realize that in doing that, by talking Mr. Stalker up, they really did contribute to this. They know he has a mental illness and when you encourage his behavior, what do you expect is going to happen? He is going to feel that he has the support of his friends, feel like he really does have a claim because everybody is saying so and he is going to act which he did.

Please take note ; not one of them testified for him and out of all them racist buggers he runs with, only one of them was willing to sign a blank affidavit.  That was Ms. Filth.

Fast forward….
The latest appeal, which was his 2nd attempt to obtain a restraining order through Fresno Superior court, has left me baffled.  However, I have a clearer understanding what he is attempting to do here. He now has motioned the court to consolidate the first case with this case. Why would he do that? Well, the answer is obvious.  He motioned to augment the record on the first case.  The court denied that motion.  He has not motioned to augment the record on the second appeal, hoping to circumvent the court’s previous order.
When a person augments the record, or requests to, they are asking the lower court to add  evidence that was not entered at trial.  He is now attempting to merge both cases to add new evidence.
The intent is quite obvious.  Mr. Stalker has now fabricated new evidence and really wants to use it hoping this will do the trick. But he has to trick the court of appeals so he can sneak that evidence in. We will not allow this either, as we have been preparing our opposition regarding consolidating the two cases and we will point this out.

I believe at this stage, the courts are on to him.  He has requested a 60 day extension of time to file his opening brief on the court order denying his second attempt to obtain a restraining order.  The court denied his request and gave him 30 days.  This puts him in a very tough spot because if that motion to consolidate is denied, he has to write another opening brief. Well, he choose the war.  He should have used better sense  choosing the battles.

What makes this even that much more difficult is his opening brief in Los Angeles is due 10 days after his opening brief is due in Fresno. In other words, I have no idea how he is going to find the time to write and submit both.  Keep in mind he claims to be a full time student.
Along with the madness and throughout this process, I have learned a bit more about Ms. Filth. This is an individual who likes to bash people on social media.  She does not hesitate to talk trash about how others are living. She is very quick to claim others are broke, don’t work,and live off either the system or their loved ones.
Upon a bit of research on my own, it turns out Ms. Filth is everything and a biscuit when it comes to talking about the way others live. She is no different than Mr. Stalker himself. She has absolutely nothing in this world; no job, no asset’s no home, Nada, which likely explains why she is so miserable in her own life.
This should also indicate to you the reader, why these type of people do what they do to others online. Has anybody ever noticed they always attack people who tend to have more success in their lives than they do? There is a reason for that. Obviously they hate because they are envious of what you have and believe they are or should be entitled to it as well.
Since they do not have that kind of life to live, they’d rather bash everyone else just so they can feel better about their own.  This is exactly how they get by on a day to day basis.

Back in October, my wife and I attended a seminar at her place of work regarding stalking.  What we learned has been a big help in trying to understand these individuals.  They basically broke these individuals into three groups;
Stalker type #1: the delusional type, that is self-explanatory
Stalker type #2: the rejected type, meaning a person who just can’t accept no for an answer.
Stalker type #3: the Delusional & Rejected. This is exactly what I am faced with.  We know there is a mental illness.  We know this man lives in his own little, self-created world, but what makes him a bit more unpredictable is he is rejected.

I don’t think many of you are unaware of how he was rejected and I don’t need to go into depth here.  Most of you already know his ex-wife left him and had a baby with another man. That’s the ultimate rejection, and it appears that is what  set him off in the last few years.

What they basically mean when they describe these groups is that they become fixated. They have to have or attempt to have some sort of established relationship. I know at 1st glance it sounds insane but think about who we are dealing with here.

What they mean in saying that is even if it’s hostile, it’s still a relationship. In other words, he can taunt taunt and taunt but the more you respond the more he will continue. And being that I have cut off all communications since this process started, he has still used the legal system and his donation pages as a means to try and get a response from me.

If he gets a response from me or out of me, he achieves the desired result. To him, even an abusive relationship is still a relationship right? And the delusional rejected are out to seek a relationship even if it’s not on great terms. I refuse to play that game with him.

Don’t take my word for it.  If you want to see how he stalks and communicates with others, take a look at his Google+ page.  “Retard” is his favorite word to use for name-calling and “delusional” is his favorite accusation. https://plus.google.com/116089065219384609170/posts

At this stage, its all downhill for him.  His time with the court of appeal is limited and after everything is denied, which it will be, I hope this man finds some sort of new hobby. But something tells me this won’t be the last I hear from him. We are prepared for anything he attempts at this stage. Sooner or later it will all catch up to him should he choose to continue.

As for our plans, the wife and I will continue to do what is necessary to protect ourselves from this idiot and his minions. We are going to be moving soon. That’s been a goal for a little over a year. We have started the process, and have our sights on a few houses closer to the family. Once we move, we are having our mail forwarded to a PO Box and we are opting out of those people finder sites so that Mr. Stalker and his friends can NOT locate us to continue their stalking and harassment.

I still have a hard time wrapping my head around all of this, but then again we are dealing with crazy and trying to find logic in crazy, is Crazy in itself…

About scrodriguez2

Former writer for We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident

Posted on 01/08/2015, in Cyber Abuse, Cyberharassment, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 73 Comments.

  1. Two sides to a story

    Goodness, still a busy boy. Glad you’ve evaded him. I had two interesting phone calls over the weekend, made solely to fish for info about my family, and I think the caller may have been from the Fresno area. A new round of spam to my website just started up this week as well. I’d hardly notice because I don’t actually receive the e-mails, which are tagged as spam and my ISP spam report showed these. Doesn’t really achieve anything except to waste the time of the sender. Oh, someone managed to hack into my e-mail in December as well, and not sure what that achieved. Pffft. Strange hobby. Bring it on. I have some surprises. : P


    • Hey Two sides. Good for you having surprises. The moment they find a way to communicate with you, they start like stink on a skunk. Miss Filth actually lurked on a blog where I anticipated months before this blog was opened. She was the first to submit a comment — 3 in one day. She used different handles and fake email addresses, but her IP address was the same. Like classic bullies, they like to make their targets think they are outnumbered. They don’t understand that we don’t care about their numbers.


  2. Jueseppi B.

    Amazing how similar your stalker is to my stalker except your stalker may have 5 brain cells working and my stalker is brainless. With Twitter’s new block policy, which actually prevents accounts you block in Twitter from seeing your followers, who you follow, your tweets and who tweets to you, my stalker has started lying and photoshopping fabricated tweets from me saying some vile things. Stalker can’t see what my Twitter activity is so stalker makes up garbage. I blocked stalker over 3 years ago but I added stalker’s twitter to my twitter widgets in my blogs sidebar to keep track of her lunacy.

    Whenever I check her twitter activity I see my twitter handle is the only person she tweets to, I am the sole content of stalker’s tweets. All that attention has got to be driving her and her followers mad. My name is mentioned in every tweet…..now thats what I call mind control.

    I hope your case works to your complete satisfaction. Good luck.


    • Well I am several thousand dollars in the red dealing with this man I mean its one thing to have someone stalk its another to have them actually try and attack you through the court system so they can obtain some sort of court order that they can then use to file false police reports and try to put you in jail behind lies.

      So in a way I really wish I had a stalker that didnt have these two or three working brain cells but this is what I have. Delusional is correct, I have never in my life ever witnessed an individual who walks around believing every single lie he tells.


      • Two sides to a story

        Yes, the court thing really sucks, but it sounds as if that’s winding down. He surely can’t keep it up. The state would eventually have to charge him with something.


    • Jueseppi,
      Shortly after I was asked to write for that blog, the complaints came about you “stealing.” She didn’t like you reblogging and called it “stealing.” I sent her links from Word Press regarding reblogging. There’s nothing “stealing” about it. Then she said that you don’t write anything, when it is she who copies and pastes from Wiki and other online sources without attribution. She was determined to have me write and file complaints against you — for what, she could not say. Then she advanced to the “he disrespects women” argument. Her final argument was that you purchase Twitter followers. My response to her was, “Who cares?”

      She became very angry with me because she could not influence me to harass you on her behalf. I understand that a few others have written for them who did not remain with them for long and wondered if she harassed them in the same fashion to harass you, and that is why they left.

      What your stalker looks for is for others to do her dirty work. Only, since you have not violated any terms of service on Word Press nor Twitter, there is nothing to complain about.

      When I saw TheObamaCat accuse you of “stealing” and being disrespect of women, and purchasing Twitter followers, I put two and two together. I can always tell when she is going to go on a Twitter tangent about you — it’s during her off-weeks from posting open threads on their blog.

      The last when I checked TheObamaCat’s timeline, people were telling her to get over it. One person said in so many words that he didn’t care if you were tweeting out what he tweeted. That’s what happens on social media. People are getting tired of her focusing on you, but she thinks that maybe she can influence enough people to get in trouble doing her dirty work. Her goal is to have you removed from the internet. There is something about her sense of competitiveness that isn’t right.


      • scrodriguez

        Which one is this?


        • TheObamaCat is SouthernGirl2 of 3chicspolitico. It does not involve the other ones on that blog.

          Like in most cases of harassment, there’s a history. I’ve been silent about it and when we parted ways, I only informed the other two of a portion of the history. I thought that SG2 would let things rest. She hasn’t.

          Liked by 1 person

    • scrodriguez

      id like to touch base with you if possible about this issue please DM me on twitter


  3. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Xena, this is an incredible story and would make for great reading OR as a how-to that shows step-by-step details what to do when faced with a stalker/harasser. I give you a lot of credit for being proactive in dealing with these harassing, hurtful stalkers. It would make sense to penalize them for frivolous court actions, though, that wastes tax-payer dollars. Either way, you should be awarded damages and expenses at the very least.

    It was odd that even his friends turned on him like that and even sent things to help your case. You are right to be suspicious of their motives, especially since they are probably like-minded people.

    I wish you only the best and hope this case is dispatched in a timely manner. You deserve better than this. Best of luck. ❤


    • Jackie,
      This is actually SCRodriguez’s experience. The court did order Mr. Stalker to pay Santiago’s legal fees from the first case, but Mr. Stalker has that issue on appeal.

      Mr. Stalker threatened me with a restraining order, but the closest he could come to alleging harassment is because I would not approve his comments that he submitted to this blog. He filed 4 malicious copyright infringement complaints against the blog. Word Press found 3 of the complaints to be without merit. One of my attorneys submitted counter-challenges, and Mr. Stalker had 28 days to file suit against me. He didn’t file suit and Word Press restored the photo to the blog.

      Mr. Stalker has a serious problem trying to identify me. He and his minions have claimed several names for me, including that I’m attorney Natalie Jackson’s mom. They can’t seem to come to agreement on my true name.

      Another thing — because they demean and lie, they really don’t know me, what nor who I know. They deceive themselves. Miss Filth had a page removed from an internet source due to copyright infringement by the same attorney who spanked Mr. Stalker. (He probably didn’t tell her and his friends how he lost that effort.)

      The minions did not start with Piercy on their team. They brought him in to help them try to stay anonymous when sending filthy comments to blogs. Then they got him to do some of their dirty work and he was more than happy to have their attention, pity, and high-fives. But, he crossed the line. When he did, all they could do was give him a few dollars.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There were a few things I did not mention when writting this, he is lying to the court of appeal claiming that his wife is being harassed he has attempted to conceal the truth by only putting part of her last name and not the full hyphened last name.

    The reason he is doing his is so that the court of appeal does not pick up on his blatant perjury because he has two appeals that went through the same court regarding their divorce. The courts have been informed of this though.

    The following link is his opening brief, the man has even gone as far as to lie to the court and claim my attorney at one point represented a wife he doesnt have.


    • I would like to point out several things about Mr. Stalker’s opening brief, because most people are not familiar with legal procedure.

      First, an appeal is to show the higher court that the judge in the lower court erred. It’s not re-litigating the case. When he re-alleges his complaint in his brief to the appellate court, he is wasting their time.

      Second, when arguing matters on appeal, the appellant must show the court binding legal principle. That generally involves citing cases like the same cause of action that was decided by that court. Mr. Stalker makes huge mistakes when citing cases decided in other states and even bankruptcy cases. The California court of appeals does not acknowledge cases decided outside of their jurisdiction, and particularly when the causes of action were different.

      Third, he is mistaken about “stays” pending appeal. A stay in the lower case pertains to things such as paying a judgment, selling property, or hearings on the same matters. It does not apply to final restraining orders. He simply does not have the right to continue harassment because he filed a notice of appeal.

      I could go on and on, but ultimately, Mr. Stalker’s brief fails. He fails to show the Appellate Court HOW the judge in the lower court decided.

      I was not able to find an Appellant’s Opening Brief on point; that is for a restraining order. But I did find one in a defamation case. Although filed in the federal court, this is what an opening brief looks like — very different from the one filed by Mr. Stalker.

      Click to access Adelson_brief.pdf


  5. scrodriguez

    Appellants Opening brief if you have time to read http://freepdfhosting.com/7dc9c513a8.pdf


  6. I need to clarify another thing. There are 3 Miss Filth’s. We refer to each one as Miss Filth because they are all nasty, filthy, harassing liars. There is one who attacks me on Twitter and is the same person that sent threatening and harassing comments to this blog. There is the one on Google Blogger who Blogger removed pages from her blog for violating the restraining order. The third Miss Filth is a peanut gallery for the first two.


  7. peni4yothot

    Slightly off topic but similar. This is what’s happening to several protesters/activist.

    Charles Wade retweeted
    STLCopTalk @STLCopTalk
    · Jan 7

    Be advised: a group of lawyers have been gathering info on a large # of LEO supporters that have been threatening protesters via Twitter.

    · 2h 2 hours ago

    “@STLCopTalk: and we’re not just talking sued. We’re talking criminal charges. Not fun.”

    “@STLCopTalk: threatening to disclose private info can lead to charges. Sharing info w/ others that in turn use it 4 bad deeds can cost YOU”

    · 2h 2 hours ago
    “@STLCopTalk: Threatening: suggesting violence & attempts to disclose private info incl: name, address, place of work, etc. USE RESTRAINT!”


    • Wow!

      Liked by 1 person

      • peni4yothot

        Sad, huh?


        • yahtzeebutterfly


          Reminds me of how Southern newspapers in some places in the 1960’s would publish the names of Black citizens who attempted to register to vote. Often their employers would see their names in the paper and then would fire them or throw them off the land that they were sharecropping.


          • peni4yothot

            Wow, the stories I’ve heard and just think how certain parties are hijacking voting rights now.

            As a youngster, one of our summer vacations was in the south. Arkansas to be exact. Late 60’s. My grandfather told my parents that they (people who lived in that town) better not vote and if so, they’d get beat.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            It was horrible how so many were beaten.

            Remember Fanny Lou Hamer?

            From Wikipedia’s page on Fanny Lou Hamer:

            “On June 9, 1963, Hamer was on her way back from Charleston, South Carolina with other activists from a literacy workshop. Stopping in Winona, Mississippi, the group was arrested on a false charge and jailed. Once in jail, Hamer and her colleagues were beaten savagely by the police, almost to the point of death.

            “Released on June 12, she needed more than a month to recover. Though the incident had profound physical and psychological effects, Hamer returned to Mississippi to organize voter registration drives”


          • peni4yothot

            Wow Yahtzee, thanks for this bit of history. All we ever hear about is MLK or Medger Evers but nothing about the women who fought for civil rights.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            You are very welcome, Peni.

            Here is a 3 minute video of her testimony at the 1964 Democratic Convention:

            “Fannie Lou Hamer’s Powerful Testimony”

            Description of video:

            “Former sharecropper Fannie Lou Hamer’s Congressional testimony is so powerful that President Johnson calls an impromptu press conference to get her off the air. But his plan backfires.”


          • peni4yothot

            Yet Johnson’s former aide raised a ruckus regarding history of “Selma”.

            Thanks so much for sharing Fannie Lou Hamer’s


    • Peni,
      It’s not off topic at all. It is those type of tactics that the cyber-extortionists use. If their threats against the individual don’t work, they look for family members. One Miss Filth has a pattern of revealing the names of family members to intimidate protesters on Twitter.

      They also use lies in effort to get their targets to raise a defense to correct them, hoping that in the correction, information will be provided to get them on track of identities, family members, etc. For example, why do you think that one of their patterns is to allege that most protesters are not from the area of the protests? That’s to get people to defend themselves and reveal where they do live.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Two sides to a story

        Exactly what my caller / harasser was inferring – figuring out who my kids are. Totally underestimating what kinda mess they could get into. They’d best not go beyond words.


        • Two sides,
          You were contacted by a harasser who tried to figure out who your kids are? Hope that you filed a police report. For awhile, they sent comments here that asked questions about my son, but they were geared to falsely represent him hoping I would engage them with the truth. They can go kick sand.


    • peni4yothot

      The info posted above is what warned the attackers to delete their threats. Fortunately the activist kept the evidence.

      Keith Rose @KWRose
      · 1h 1 hour ago
      3. An officer with @STLCopTalk apparently leaked info about our cases in an attempt to warn our attackers to start destroying evidence.

      · 1h 1 hour ago

      4. Our attackers tried to destroy evidence. But by then we had already documented plenty for our cases. And we find more constantly.

      · 1h 1 hour ago
      I can confirm what @stackizshort just said to be completely true. The trolls have evolved into obsessive, violent stalkers. We are unsafe.


  8. scrodriquez, It’s unbelievable you’re still having to deal with this. He’s not going to quit. He can’t. That will mean you won and his ego will never accept this. He’s too vested in this. Wow, what a fuctnut.


  9. No one should have to experience what scrodiquez, xena, and others have experienced. It just keeps going on and on and on……I’m waiting on the day that the courts finally say enough and lock up this nut case.


    • scrodriguez

      I believe that day is fast approaching I really do


    • Towerflower, you know that they tried doxing you when you started writing for this blog. That is one reason I call them extortionists. It’s not simply trolling and harassment, but harassment with intent to silent others by using intimidation tactics.

      We are survivors.


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        You all are an inspiration. I support and admire how all of you stand up against their intimidation.

        No one should have his/her right to free speech threatened. You all are seekers of legal and social justice and should be praised for that…not harassed for that.


        • Yahtzeebutterfly,
          Thank you for your kind words. They targeted me when I was posting comments on other blogs, months before this blog was opened. However, until this blog was opened, they had no way of communicating with me. It was by their threatening comments submitted here that I learned they had stalked me for months.

          I think hmmm, September 2012. All those threats, denigration and defamation when we had about 20 followers, and now, January 2015, we’re still here with over 400 followers.

          We are like good seed producing a good crop.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            “We are like good seed producing a good crop.”



          • yahtzeebutterfly


            I am singing the lyrics to Pete Seeger’s “Garden Song” to honor the beautiful crop you have produced with your blog and our great community.


      • Oh I know, in fact Mr. Stalker posted a map of where he thinks I live and sent it to the lemmings.


        • Towerflower, I don’t know what the “lemmings” are, but it goes to show that he and his minions like sending what they think is the personal info of others, out to others. They have nothing to chance losing — no jobs, no real estate, no families. Their only reputations are those they have established on the internet as White Supremacists.


  10. peni4yothot

    Does this look like someone anyone may know?


  11. HA! Hat tip to Rick Cooley. Someone else dug into the history of the creation of police departments. My assessment is not alone. The following link is to an article written by Sam Mitrani, an Associate Professor of History at the College of DuPage. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2009 and is the author of The Rise of the Chicago Police Department: Class and Conflict, 1850-1894.



  12. THIS>>> Delusional & Rejected Stalker
    LMAO!! that’s david douche’s criminal profile! lmao!!


    • Shannon,
      Mr. Stalker is VERY strange.
      Since he and his gang can no longer harass Santiago through this blog due to the court’s restraining order, they took to sending comments to other bloggers alleging that Santiago is TheRealHoodReport with the accusation that he hates homosexuals. The suggestion was that they should stop associating with this blog because I allow a gay basher to write and participate.

      Of course, since Santiago’s Twitter is protected, they have to allege that he is someone else. Also, any of the bloggers who participate here can request to follow Santiago on Twitter to see what he actually tweets. They are not subjected to believe the cyber-extortionists’ accusations.

      Scrodridquez’s Twitter is @Knock0utArtist

      Liked by 1 person

      • My god they’re pathetic! I just sent that new website the other day abt that other freak of nature to my friend (who’s a lil busy dealing w/a new relationship at the moment) but LOVES the website & will be going buck crazy on that #HateHag icki soon! I cant wait for the periodic updates that person promises!

        i’m guessing most of those losers have me blocked becuz I haven’t been seeing them on twitter at all. course I’ve been a lil distracted too but i’m setting up my systems so I can start at least writing that one post about the child murderer I’ve been wanting to post for a long time. I cant stand that he’s been arrested again becuz I know it’s hard for the Martins to see his fat slovenly ass on TV knowing he’s out there terrorizing more ppl and likely going to kill someone again before he’s stopped either by the DOJ or someone like himself. personally i’m fine with either one and I know i’m not the only one wishing it wld be sooner rather than later.


        • Shannon, I do hope that you return to writing for your blog.

          I wish that there was a stronger word than “pathetic.” One of the things they don’t realize is that their game of attempting division in the name of race or sexual preference has only resulted in bringing bloggers closer together. No one likes a bully. No matter how Miss Filth peppers her passive-aggressive behavior, it is ALWAYS discerned. That she sends that filth via proxy IP addresses doesn’t help her credibility either.

          Liked by 1 person

  13. Case Summary

    Case Number: GS015518
    Filing Date: 06/13/2014
    Case Type: Civil Harassment (General Jurisdiction)
    Status: Judgment by Court-Petition Granted 07/24/2014

    Future Hearings

    Documents Filed | Proceeding Information


    PIERCY DAVID – Respondent in Pro Per

    RODRIGUEZ SANTIAGO – Petitioner in Pro Per
    Case Information | Party Information | Proceeding Information

    Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)

    10/07/2014 Ntc to Prty re fee Clk’s Transcpt
    Filed by Clerk

    08/26/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    08/01/2014 Ntc to Atty re Notice of Appeal
    Filed by Clerk

    07/31/2014 Request-Waive Court Fees
    Filed by Appellant

    07/31/2014 Notice of Designation of Record
    Filed by Appellant

    07/31/2014 Notice of Appeal
    Filed by Appellant

    07/28/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    07/23/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    07/23/2014 Memorandum-Points and Authorities (IN SUPPORT OF SPECIAL MTN TO STRIKE )
    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    07/18/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    07/16/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    07/07/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    07/03/2014 Notice of Hearing (REISSUANCE TRO )
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    07/03/2014 Request for Continuance (REISSUANCE TRO )
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    06/30/2014 Proof of Service Filed (re Motion of quash and strike declaration of Santiago Rodriguez and non parties )
    Filed by Defendant/Respondent

    06/30/2014 Motion to Quash (and or Strike Responsive Declaration of Santiago Rodriguez and Non Parties )
    Filed by Defendant/Respondent

    06/30/2014 Proof of Service Filed (re Notice of Motion and Motion for Criminal Perjury Charges Against Plaintiff )
    Filed by Defendant/Respondent

    06/30/2014 Motion (for Criminal Perjury Charges Against Plaintiff Santiago Rodriguez or in the Alternative Referral to Los Angeles D.A. for Perjury Investigation )
    Filed by Defendant/Respondent

    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    06/23/2014 Motion for Continuance (of Hearing on Civil Harassment Restraining Order )
    Filed by Defendant/Respondent in Pro Per

    06/23/2014 Motion to Quash (and Dismiss Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Order )
    Filed by Defendant/Respondent

    06/23/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    06/23/2014 Proof of Service Filed
    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    Filed by Respondent in Pro Per

    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    06/13/2014 Notice of Hearing
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    06/13/2014 Petition
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per

    06/13/2014 Order to Show Cause
    Filed by Petitioner in Pro Per
    Case Information | Party Information | Documents Filed

    Proceedings Held (Proceeding dates listed in descending order)

    07/24/2014 at 08:30 am in Department A, MARY THORNTON HOUSE, Presiding
    CV HARASSMENT TEMP RESTRAINING ORD (and Dismiss Request for CivilHarassment Restraining Order) – Petition granted

    07/03/2014 at 08:30 am in Department A, MARY THORNTON HOUSE, Presiding
    CV HARASSMENT TEMP RESTRAINING ORD – Reissuance signed by the Court


    • Report Selection Criteria

      Case ID: 14CECG02704
      Docket Start Date:
      Docket Ending Date:

      Case Description

      Case ID: 14CECG02704 – David Piercy vs Santiago Rodriguez – -NON JURY-
      Filing Date: Monday , September 15th, 2014
      Type: 43 – Other petition
      Status: 5NCT – Notice completion of transcrpt

      Related Cases

      No related cases were found.

      Case Event Schedule

      No case events were found.

      Case Parties

      Seq # Assoc Expn Date Type ID Name
      1 2 Plaintiff @3496555 Piercy, David N
      Address: 851 Van Ness #802
      Fresno CA 93721
      (559)917-3569 Aliases: none

      2 Pro Per @3496555 Piercy, David N
      Address: 851 Van Ness #802
      Fresno CA 93721 Aliases: none

      3 Defendant @3496556 Rodriguez, Santiago
      Address: unavailable Aliases: none

      Docket Entries

      Filing Date Description Name Monetary
      09:26 AM New Civil Case Filed
      Entry: none.

      09:26 AM Request Orders to Stop Harass Piercy, David N
      Entry: Request for Orders to Stop Harassment filed. le

      09:27 AM Pltf/Ptnr in Propria Persona
      Entry: Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) in propria persona le

      09:27 AM Order Received for Signature
      Entry: Order: Temporary Restraining Order Forwarded to: Dept 404 le

      09:28 AM App for waiver of court fees Piercy, David N
      Entry: Application for waiver of court fees and costs filed. le

      09:28 AM Order granting waiver of fees Piercy, David N
      Entry: Order granting waiver of court fees and costs signed by Clerk filed. le

      04:18 PM TRO petition Denied
      Entry: Temporary Restraining Order filed and Denied by Judge Cabrera Same case was filed under #14CECG01235.. Petition was denied. Petitioner has filed an appeal with the 5th District Court. That appeal has not yet been decided. lp .

      09:40 AM File forwarded
      Entry: File forwarded to: Appeals, MCH 4th floor cs

      03:40 PM App for waiver of court fees Piercy, David N
      Entry: Application for waiver of court fees and costs filed. {JL}

      03:41 PM Not of appeal filed no fee Piercy, David N
      Entry: Notice of appeal to 5th District Court of Appeal of Judgment / Order filed. {JL}

      03:41 PM Ntc Des Record on Appeal Piercy, David N
      Entry: Notice designating record on Appeal. Clerk’s Transcript Only; no Reporter’s Transcript {JL}

      03:42 PM Proof of service filed Piercy, David N
      Entry: Proof of service of Designation of Record on Appeal APP-003, Civil Case Info Sheet App-004, MC-031 declaration attached to APP-004 filed. Served on Defendant by Cheri Lehre on 9/17/14 {JL}

      03:44 PM Order granting waiver of fees Piercy, David N
      Entry: Order granting waiver of court fees and costs signed by Deputy Clerk filed. {JL}

      03:45 PM Notice filing ntc of Appeal CV
      Entry: Civil Notice of Appeal Notice of filing notice of appeal with clerk’s certificate of service mailed on 9/23/14 Notice of Appeal filed by: Pltf Notice of Appeal filed on: 9/22/14 Date of Judgment/Order: 9/15/14 Judicial Officer: Cabrera {JL}

      11:37 AM Notice of estimate on appeal
      Entry: Notice of estimate for preparation of Clerk’s Transcript on appeal filed. Appellant – $0 – Fee Waiver Respondent – $48 {JL}

      08:32 AM Notice completion of transcrpt
      Entry: No DCA # sent to David N. Piercy,Santiago Rodriguez, 5th DCA kc

      02:40 PM File forwarded
      Entry: File forwarded from Appeals to Civil Dept. {JL}

      11:29 AM Filed receipt Piercy, David N
      Entry: for Transcripts on Appeal {JL}


      • Why, on God’s green earth, would he appeal an order denying his petition because the case is already on appeal? How is he going to argue that the court erred when he was the litigant who gave jurisdiction of the matter to the Appellate Court?

        He gave jurisdiction to the Appellate Court, then decided to re-file the same case in the Superior Court. That seems to be reason for an automatic dismissal of the appeal by the Appellate Court.


        • scrodriguez

          Exactly what the courts are going to see, watch both get thrown out next week, his motion to merge both cases is what is going to get both kicked out. They will see that Cabrera stated in his ruling for the 2nd attempt on Sept 15th that this case was already ruled on and is being appealed and is still waiting on decision from the 5th District.

          The boy is desperate at this stage I just copied and pasted the superior court log so you can see his motions and have a up close look at the insanity we have been dealing with.


          • scrodriguez,
            Oh yes — I see, and agree. He fits the pattern of what the courts describe as a sovereign citizen who uses “paper terrorism” in the courts.

            He makes serious mistakes in his appellant’s brief by re-litigating the case. For one, unless the court found you to be any of Piercy’s descriptive adjectives, his claims of such to the appeal court will be deemed as re-litigating the case. (Understand descriptive adjectives as name-calling.) Appellate courts do not re-litigate cases. The Justices have one job only, which is to review the decisions of the lower courts. They do not consider any evidence that was not before the lower court during the proceedings, nor arguments on issues not argued in the lower court proceeding.

            California either operates differently than most other states, or Piercy does not know proper procedure. It has always been my understanding that declarations, (also called affidavits in other jurisdictions), support motions or petitions. Filed alone, when the contents are additions to the allegations in the petition, does not amend the petition.

            I laughed at his assumption that REAL courts operate like court tv and accepts declarations by non-parties in causes of action where there is no discovery for parties to exchange witness lists.


          • scrodriguez

            I know and thats what Mr Stalker just dont get, this is not a retrial of the case this is an appeal to the court to show where the lower court ruled in error he has not provided one sound argument as to how the lower court ruled in error all of his filings he is simply trying to re argue his case.


            He simply states the court ruled in error because they did not grant me my motions did not allow hearsay evidence etc…. its over for ol boy he knows it


          • When I read the descriptive adjectives in his opening brief, I thought “It’s over. The appeal is going to be kicked to the curve.”

            Judges do not like mudslinging.


          • scrodriguez

            After speaking to my attorney, and knowing how much time you put in to help me with the opposition he advised me to not file the opposition in his appeal. The reason he advised that is because the courts are already on to him.

            The court of appeal will notice Judge Cabreras foot notes on the docket and will see that this case is already in appeal. in other words we are not going to oppose his merging the two cases, this is simply going to show the court that this latest appeal along with his 1st appeal is frivolous I expect them to be dismissed this week.


          • I was happy to proof the opposition for typos and such.

            If the Appellate Court merges the two cases, it will make it more confusing for Piercy. He was plaintiff in one and defendant in the other. There are also two different judges involved. The standard for review for restraining orders is abuse of discretion. If merging the cases, Piercy is saying that both judges abused discretion on the same issues. Think about that as an Appellate Court judge. Such as argument confirms that two judges in two different jurisdictions were not incorrect on deciding the same issues.

            Additionally, once the Appellate Court judges see that Piercy cites federal rules of civil procedure for a state case, they might sit back, take a deep sigh, and realize that they are dealing with a litigant that only wants to argue in effort to get what he wants. Their written decision will not be a lesson for him but might consist solely of “affirmed.” Now, I wonder if he realizes the difference between “affirmed” and “reversed and remanded”?


          • Xena,

            He was the plaintiff in both cases, this appeal is appealing the June 2nd ruling and the appeal he is now trying to merge with that is his Sept 15th attempted when he petitioned for an RO and was denied from the start.


          • Okay. Sorry. I was confused because he is also appealing the granting of the restraining order against him. So let me see if I understand now — he wants to combine the two cases that denied him restraining orders but still keep the other appeal separate?


        • Since he is stalking this page lets make this clear he can pretend I do not have an attorney thats fine and dandy if that makes him feel better if that helps him sleep better at night I could care less. But in the end once you realize that you have lost all the way around the board then know you got beat 3 times by someone who has not spent one hour studying law which should indicate clearly just exactly how much you know about the law.
          its over Mr Stalker we are not even replying to any more of your frivolous appeal filings basically what we are going to do at this stage is sit back and watch you beat yourself because your pretty darn good at it.


          • Since he is stalking this page…

            He and his minions lurk on this blog consistently, and they lurk to have something to complain about and misrepresent.

            lets make this clear he can pretend I do not have an attorney thats fine and dandy if that makes him feel better if that helps him sleep better at night I could care less.

            Attorneys who represent in proceedings in the lower court do not have to represent on appeal. They can still advise. It’s my feeling that DP wants you to have an attorney to challenge his appeals because he knows that will take money from your pocket.

            But in the end once you realize that you have lost all the way around the board then know you got beat 3 times by someone who has not spent one hour studying law which should indicate clearly just exactly how much you know about the law.

            There are people who think that they can take a class and suddenly know everything there is about the subject. If putting search terms in Westlaw produced all cases appropriate on issues, then attorneys would not need paralegals. It takes time digging, and reading, and Shepherdizing, to know what case decisions are appropriate.

            Oh — and include another lost for DP. He lost in his copyright infringement claims against this blog also.


          • scrodriguez


            This is the part he doesnt understand, he believes if there is no attorney on record then there is no attorney, well I am not participating in the appeal process with him. Thats on him and if by any chance he should somehow pull off the impossible he will be re introduced to my attorney up close and personal once again.

            The reality is he has no case therefor no attorney on record is needed, I have already won if he convinces the court of appeal that the lower court ruled in error he has another shot at another trial of the facts.

            He cant merge the case he lost down here that appeal is in which he was the defendant and is in another county. the 2 rulings he is appealing was his failed attempt on June 2nd to lie his way to a win and his 2nd failed attempt lying his way through court on Sept 15th


          • scrodriguez,

            I have already won if he convinces the court of appeal that the lower court ruled in error he has another shot at another trial of the facts.



          • Xena,

            it has come to my attention that Ms Filth (VP) has been noticed by an attorney, I have reached out to that law firm offering my assistance in the matter waiting on a return call I will provide the attorney with all information I have and if I am asked to testify against her and share my experiences regarding Ms Filth I will do so.


          • scrodriguez,
            Looks like VP is in for lots of trouble. I read the attorney’s letter to retract sent on behalf of his client. The attorney laid it out to her. When a blogger purportedly conducts their own research by going into court records and purportedly interviewing people, and also interjects their personal opinions, they are representing themselves as an independent editorial journalist and are subject to defamation claims. I’m including the link to the website where the letter is posted.


          • Xena,

            Exactly, and being that Ms Filth continues to harass and defame people and will not stop doing this to people I will be more than happy to forward my experiences and information over to her attorney.
            I have already made contact with the Victim in the matter, im proud of her for standing up for herself and will do what ever is asked of me to assist


          • What I don’t understand is why VP interjected herself in the Ted Wafer case by attacking someone he dated 20 years ago?

            By the way, you might want to contact Blogger and have them remove the menu titles for those pages that they took down because of the restraining order. Just having your name on the menu of her blog conveys that something was there in the spirit of that blog which is defamatory.


          • scrodriguez

            Leaving it there for evidence


          • Ahhh. I understand. Great strategy.


  14. Report Selection Criteria

    Case ID: 14CECG01235
    Docket Start Date:
    Docket Ending Date:

    Case Description

    Case ID: 14CECG01235 – David Piercy vs Santiago Rodriguez – -NON JURY-
    Filing Date: Friday , May 02nd, 2014
    Type: 43 – Other petition
    Status: 5NCT – Notice completion of transcrpt

    Related Cases

    No related cases were found.

    Case Event Schedule

    Event Date/Time Room Location Judge
    Show Cause Regard Harassment 02-JUN-2014
    09:00 AM Central Division Dept 404, 1130 O Street Cabrera, Carlos A

    Case Parties

    Seq # Assoc Expn Date Type ID Name
    1 2 Plaintiff @3461945 Piercy, David
    Address: unavailable Aliases: none

    2 Pro Per @3461947 Piercy, David
    Address: 851 Van Ness #802
    Fresno CA 93821 Aliases: none

    3 5 Defendant @3461952 Rodriguez, Santiago
    Address: unavailable Aliases: none

    5 Defendant’s Attorney 264608 Rusca, Christopher M
    Address: 1327 N. Street
    Fresno CA 93721 Aliases: none

    Docket Entries

    Filing Date Description Name Monetary
    01:33 PM New Civil Case Filed
    Entry: none.

    01:33 PM Request Orders to Stop Harass Piercy, David
    Entry: Request for Orders to Stop Harassment filed. sg

    11:41 AM Notice of Hearing and TRO Piercy, David
    Entry: Notice of hearing and temporary restraining order (CLETS) re: harassment signed by Judge Cabrera filed. Temporary restraining order granted. Date: 6-2-14 Time: 9:00 am Dept.: 404 sg

    11:42 AM Notice of hearing filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Notice of hearing of TRO filed. Hearing set on 6-2-14 at 9:00 am in 404. sg

    04:00 PM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration of Plaintiff filed. le

    04:00 PM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration of Plaintiff filed. le

    12:43 PM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration of Plaintiff filed. le

    01:04 PM App for waiver of court fees Piercy, David
    Entry: Application for waiver of court fees and costs filed. gs

    01:04 PM Order granting waiver of fees Piercy, David
    Entry: Order granting waiver of court fees and costs signed by clerk filed. gs

    01:09 PM Court Fees Waived
    Entry: $10.50 (21 pages) (Amount of fees waived for documents filed or services provided) Specify: Entire copy of the file + a seal copy of CH-109 Notice of Court Hearing provided to the Plaintiff on 5/8/2014 lmi

    10:32 AM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration of David Pierce filed. le

    02:16 PM Request filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Request to continue court hearing and to reissue temporary restraining order filed. le

    01:49 PM Order denied Piercy, David
    Entry: Application for Harassment temporary restraining order/order to show cause re-issued denied by Judge Cabrera. There is still time to serve the summons and TROs. If law enforcement will not do it because a different jurisidiction, consider hiring a private process server. The code does require personal service-does not allow service service by mail. sg

    10:58 AM Motion in Limine filed Piercy, David
    Entry: to exclude screenshot evidence. le

    07:59 AM Declaration filed
    Entry: Declaration filed.

    08:06 AM Declaration filed
    Entry: Declaration filed.

    08:12 AM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration filed. gs (sent to dept. #404)

    08:12 AM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration filed. gs (sent to dept. #404)

    08:04 AM Request filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Request to Continue hearing and reissue TRO filed. gs

    09:13 AM Reissue TRO: Harassment
    Entry: Reissuance of harassment temporary restraining order/order to show cause denied by Judge Cabrera. Reason: Case is on calendar for 6/2/14 and the defendant has already contacted the court and stated he will be present. There is no need to extend the temporary order lp

    02:26 PM Response filed Rodriguez, Santiago
    Entry: Response tp Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders filed. gs (placed in #404’s tray)

    02:28 PM Proof of service filed Rodriguez, Santiago
    Entry: Proof of service of Response to Request for TRO filed. Served on David N. Piercy by mail on 5-28-14. gs

    01:52 PM Supplemental document filed Rodriguez, Santiago
    Entry: Supplemental Declaration of Santiago Rodriguez filed. lp

    09:03 AM Declaration filed Piercy, David
    Entry: Declaration filed. le

    09:03 AM Motion filed Piercy, David
    Entry: and notice of motion for vicarious disqualification of opposing counsel. le

    12:22 PM Minute order printed
    Entry: Docket entry for the letter produced from CDAEVNT on 02-JUN-2014 by DWARNSHUIS.

    04:01 PM Minute order Judge Cabrera
    Entry: Minute order from Dept 404: Clerk: J Yang/D Warnshuis Reporter: NR Nature of Hearing: Show Cause re Harassment The court denies civil harassment restraining order. Any orders previously issued are dissolved/lifted. Request for attorney fees denied. dhouston

    12:38 PM App for waiver of court fees Piercy, David
    Entry: Application for waiver of court fees and costs filed. {JL}

    12:39 PM Order granting waiver of fees Piercy, David
    Entry: Order granting waiver of court fees and costs signed by Deputy Clerk filed. {JL}

    12:40 PM Not of appeal filed no fee Piercy, David
    Entry: Notice of appeal to 5th District Court of Appeal of Judgment / Order filed. {JL}

    12:42 PM Notice filed Rodriguez, Santiago
    Entry: Notice of withdrawal of Attorney of record filed. le

    12:40 PM Ntc Des Record on Appeal Piercy, David
    Entry: Notice designating record on Appeal. Clerk’s Transcript Only; no Reporter’s Transcript

    12:40 PM Notice filing ntc of Appeal CV
    Entry: Civil Notice of Appeal Notice of filing notice of appeal with clerk’s certificate of service mailed on 6/12/14 Notice of Appeal filed by: Pltf Notice of Appeal filed on: 6/4/14 Date of Judgment/Order: 6/2/14 Judicial Officer: Cabrera {JL}

    09:48 AM Notice of estimate on appeal
    Entry: Notice of estimate for preparation of Clerk’s Transcript on appeal filed. Appellant Clerk’s Transcript Fee $ Respondent’s Fee $ Mailing Fee $20.00 Mailing Fee $20.00 SUBTOTAL TOTAL $ TOTAL DUE $ 213 Less Deposit $ TOTAL DUE $0 – FEE WAIVER Mailing Fee $ 20.00 TOTAL $ Less Deposit $ 100.00 Amount Due: $

    12:32 PM Notice completion of transcrpt
    Entry: DCA F069752, sent to 5th DCA, David Piercy, Santiago Rodriguez kc

    10:21 AM Filed receipt
    Entry: From Ptnr Piercy. Received Transcript on Appeal {JL}

    03:52 PM Decision from DCA
    Entry: BY THE COURT: Appellant’s “MOTION TO AUGMENT THE RECORD ON APPEAL, ” filed July 29, 2014, is denied without prejudice. The motion fails to establish that the attached documents were lodged with the super ior court. Appellant must point to the page(s) of the record which establish he lodged the documents in the case in superior court and/or the page(s) of the record which establish appellant moved to admit the documents in superior court and superior court denied his motion(s). Appellant’s opening brief remains due on or before November 10, 2014. (W4) SGJ

    09:21 AM File forwarded
    Entry: File forwarded to:Civil Department msr


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