A Test – Guns Are For …

A person who is a committed advocate for equal justice for all, tweeted out the article posted here about Hunter Pedersen, the 11-year old who was killed. Shannon was attacked on Twitter by gun activists. They completely miss the point. This is not about anyone’s right to own guns.

I highly admire those able to debate in 140 characters or less on Twitter. I don’t.  The “activists” who deflected from the point of the article have not come here to debate their position because what they are tweeting to Shannon has absolutely nothing to do with what happened to Hunter Pedersen.

In that situation, we have a dead child and a hurting family. Hunter is no longer with them, but the devastation of his family lives on. The situation calls for compassion, and for justice.

So the detractors can see that articles and comments we post here about innocent people killed with guns, is not about taking everyone’s guns, here is a test.

Guns are protection against;

1. tornadoes

2. hurricanes

3. earthquakes

4. unemployment

5. poverty

6. popcorn

7. a stranger who breaks into your home

Guns are used to make people;

1. love you

2. fear you

3. obey you

Guns only kill;

1. criminals

2. anyone that the bullet hits

I hope that those gun activists debating Shannon on Twitter see the point. It’s not about their guns. It’s about caring for hurting people.Peace quote




Posted on 05/08/2014, in Bloggers for Peace, Conceal Carry & SYG, Potpourri and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 29 Comments.

  1. How many children have to die? This killing of our children seems to be acceptable to those who so fervently oppose any kind of gun control. It boggles the mind.

    I’ve spoken to a friend who views any kind of registration or permitting or limits on clips and even background checks as an affront to the 2nd Amendment. “the criminals don’t have those things so why should we” is his response. My response is “we’re not criminals”

    To do nothing at all, to me, says, “we don’t care” to the rest of the world, who surely must see us all as barbarians when it comes to our ‘cowboy culture.


    • the criminals don’t have those things so why should we” is his response. My response is “we’re not criminals”

      YES!! You hit the proverbial nail on the head!


  2. oh and twitter, yeah 140 characters, no.. I can’t do that either..

    poor Shannon 😦


  3. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


    • Jueseppi,
      Thanks for the reblog. How are you today, dear friend?


      • Jueseppi B.

        I’m good, dealing with WP messing up my post by not spacing them as I space them. I hate WP.


        • Jueseppi,
          I’ve taken to not writing anything from scratch on the Admin side, but first typing it in Word then pasting. Even then, formatting does not always come out the way I want. I use “text” rather than “visual” to see the html coding and if necessary, add line returns from that view.

          Then too, we could just write and not care about formatting, adding pictures, etc. and publish articles in less than 2 minutes. LOL!


          • Jueseppi B.

            I never thought of using word, but to my lazy ass, thats double the work. WordPress just oughta stop messing with the formatting script and leave the site alone. Things work perfectly one month then work like the 113th CongrASS the next month.


          • LOL@ 113th CongrASS.

            They changed the way to format photos too. I don’t follow them on Twitter. Maybe I need to so I won’t be surprised when seeing changes.


  4. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    The only use of a gun is to kill a living being.


  5. Bingo on all counts here. My dad. a cop for about 30 years, said it best with “….check your guns at the door……………..on the way out”

    Of course he meant “on the way out your own door before you leave”

    To be honest, the Gun NutZZ have no common sense at all when it comes to guns. How on God’s Green Earth can anyone with a double digit IQ even think that more guns are the solution. More guns simply = more victims. The stats above may even be on the low side.

    Lets face this head on as to morons. How many of those treepers made this comment,
    “….well if Trayvon was armed, he wouldn’t be dead” I swear these clowns have no clue as to how moronic they are. It’s never the shooters fault.

    I’ll go back to this. I never read about an armed criminal breaking into a house and a lawfully armed homeowner expending all legal means to avoid a shot being fired. Never.

    (did i go over my 140 limit ?)

    Nope, we do hear about kids being shot everyday by shitheads with guns however. We read about those FogenPhooles and Duhhnnns of the world, but a dad actually defending his castle legally…….pretty rare occurrence.


    • racer,

      Nope, we do hear about kids being shot everyday by shitheads with guns however. We read about those FogenPhooles and Duhhnnns of the world, but a dad actually defending his castle legally…….pretty rare occurrence.

      Right, and here lately there have been dads in the news shooting their own stepchildren and daughters’ boyfriends under the “castle doctrine” defense. IMHO, they are cowards. They should shoot someone their own age and size who is also armed. Oops! That did happen in Michigan — road rage.


      • These gun nutzz are a serious issue, yet they are the last ones to see it.

        Yep………..about as bright as 2 watt bulbs…..or Robbie the Racist.


  6. Caught on video. Cop tackles a student who goes into seizure. He cuffs her and left her face down on the floor.



    • What is wrong with some of today’s police officers? It seems as if some are hyper. Are they on steroids or in withdrawal from steroids?

      We need all of the good, wonderful police officers in our country to speak up and get involved in censoring the bad apples.


      • Yahtzee,

        We need all of the good, wonderful police officers in our country to speak up and get involved in censoring the bad apples.

        I’ve asked the same thing about customer service reps — only, their actions don’t generally result in killing people, but the point is that there is a lack of training and lack of supervision these days that appears to be across the board with the majority of careers. People working with people should be people oriented.


  7. This is for one of the bloggers who has his gravatar up in the “like” section under the article. I post this photo to make you feel more comfortable in your surroundings 🙂



  8. Like

  9. So if guns are so bad then why does Shannon Watts keep armed bodyguards for herself?


    • GSP, Of all the comments I’ve read here, and what is also my position, is that the purpose of guns is to kill. Bullets do not discriminate, and once fired, they cannot be called back. In the wrong hands and/or with the wrong mind, they can harm and/or kill innocent people. That is what I report on and since you’re a subscriber, I’m sure you know those real-life stories. So, why is it that you’ve had no comment about hurting families and children killed with guns?

      If you want to know why Shannon Watts has armed body guards, ask her.

      By the way, I once owned a gun. The Chief of Police called it a pea shooter. Even with a serious threat on my life, I still could not bring myself to think that I could kill a human being. Wound and run was my plan. When the threat was resolved, I had no need for the pea shooter.


      • “So, why is it that you’ve had no comment about hurting families and children killed with guns?”


        “By the way, I once owned a gun. The Chief of Police called it a pea shooter.”

        Not even cops are immune from buying into caliber myths. Was it a 9mm or a .22?

        “Even with a serious threat on my life, I still could not bring myself to think that I could kill a human being.”

        You’d have been better served by the applying the material presented in the book “Street Smarts, Firearms, and Personal Security” than by the gun alone.

        (Adminstrator’s Note. Edited to remove sale’s pitch.)

        Security comes in layers and the gun is a last line of defense.

        “Wound and run was my plan. When the threat was resolved, I had no need for the pea shooter.”

        I’m glad you got the situation resolved.

        Shooting to wound (arm or leg as a target) is actually more dangerous than shooting center mass to stop the threat since misses are more likely.


        • GSP,
          I had training in self-defense and even carried military regulation mase on a keychain. According to the Chief of Police, I could have emptied the clip center mass and still not killed the stalker. The Chief didn’t consider it a gun but a “pea shooter.” 25 Remington.

          Actually, the perp caused his own demise. He felt so emboldened that one day he started calling just after my staff left for lunch. I figured that he saw them leave and knew I was in the office alone. That was the time before cell phones were affordable and common, so I knew he had to be in the area using a pay phone, and where the only pay phone was located. When I called the Chief, he dispatched two cars, and sure enough, the idiot was parked across the street from the pay phone and took off like a bat out of hell.

          He ran lights, went the wrong way down one-way streets, and ran into a public utility pole ending the chase, and landing him in jail.


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